Should modal verb examples in Hindi

Daily use example of Should modal verb with Hindi translation

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Daily use example of Should modal verb with Hindi translation








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We also use the modal a should a to give advice to someone or to make a suggestion. This is probably the most common use of a should a. Examples: Mark: Iam exhausted. Jane: You should go to bed! Jane is advising Mark to go to bed. Sarah: I feel ill. David: You should go to the doctor. David is advising Sarah to go to the doctor.

फिर मिलोगें ना ?
You will meet me again, won't you?
एक बात बता |
tell me one thing.
वह आपसे बात करना चाहता है |
He wants to speak to you.
तुम्हे इंस्पेक्टर किसने बनाया ?
Who made you an inspector?

Modal verbs with examples. Modal verbs explained and more examples Print the lesson on modal verbs. To print the lesson on modal verbs right click on a white space and choose print. You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at the top of the page. Lessons that are related to modal verbs. To view any of the lessons below click on link. Modal verbs 

मैं अब घर जा रही हूँ | late मत होना |
I'm going home now. Don't be late.
आप बार बार पीछे मुड़कर क्या देख रहे हैं ?
What are you looking back for, all the time?
क्या समझे तुम ? बताओ मुझे |
What did you understand? Tell me.
प्लीज रीना से मुझे मिलने के लिए कहो |
Please ask Reena to meet me now.

A. ProbabilityB. AbilityC. ObligationD. PermissionE. OughtModal verbs like amusta and ashoulda can be used to give advice and express obligations or requirements. Example : You should tryto eat healthy food. . This sentence uses the modal verb ashould.a . aShoulda is used to give advice. In this case, the advice is about eating healthy. . The modal verb ashoulda is followed by the base verb atry.a Example : Students must completetheir homework. . In this example, we see the modal verb amust.a . aMusta is used to See more on englishsentences

तुम मेरे बिना ज्यादा खुश रहोगी |
You'll be happier without me.
लेकिन उसका एक ही जवाब होता था |
But his answer was always the same.
हम internet पर चैट किया करते थे |
We used to chat on the internet.
मैं बस practice कर रहा था |
I was just practicing!

This is because the modal verb ashoulda is being used to indicate that somebody is giving the advice to sing more to somebody else. aI should visit my mothera a interestingly, should can also be used to express the modality of obligation, but in a slightly weaker sense than amusta above. Here the speaker is stating that they ashoulda visit their mother, which hints at an obligation, but not whether or not they 

एयरपोर्ट जाओ और मेरा इंतिजार करो |
Go to the airport and wait for me.
मुझे नहीं पता क्योंकि तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं |
I don't know because you didn't tell me.
उस पर क्या बीत रही होगी ?
What must he be going through?
पूरा दिन किसी ने कुछ नहीं खाया |
No one has eaten the entire day. 

 examples of modals! Modal Verbs Definition. Model verbs are a kind of helping verbs. They show the mood of a verb such as ability, possibility, obligation, permission, advice, or some other mood. Some Model verbs are: Can; Could; May; Might; Shall; Should; Will; Would; Must; Formula of Modal Verbs Subject  Modal Verb  Main verb. Examples: I can win the race.  examples of modals; You 

बस कुछ दिनों की बात हो |
It's just a matter of few days.
मैं दौ दिन बाद पैसे लेने आऊंगा |
I'll come to take the money after 2 days.
उसका कुछ सामान मेरे पास है |
I had some of his belonging with me.
तुमने पी है, है ना ?
You're drunk, aren't you?

 rowsnbsp;;;Examples: When you go to Berlin, you should visit the palaces in Potsdam. recommendation; You 

तुमने ऐसा काम क्यों किया ?
Why did you do such a thing?
मेरा हाथ छोड़ो | दर्द हो रहा है |
Let go of my hand. It hurts.
पति पत्नी में यह सब होता रहता है |
These things happen between husbands and wives.
यह पब्लिक प्रॉपर्टी है और मैं जो चाहूँगा वो करूँगा |
This is a public property and I'll do as I wish.

//nbsp;;;For example, consider the modal verb ;should go; and how it's used in the following two sentences: The bank closes in  minutes. We ;should; go there now. Joe ;should; go to the bank only if he needs to get cash. The first example expresses a definite degree of certainty: The bank closes in  minutes and, therefore, ;we; need to go right now and get there before closing time. The second 

अब जाओ और मुझे यहीं मिलना जब तुहारा काम हो जाये |
Now Go and meet me here when you're done.
तेरे बाप ने भी कभी किया है यह ?
Did your father even do this?
आज से हमारी रस्ते अलग अलग है |
From today our paths are different.
मैं कमल से मिलना चाहती हूँ |
I would like to see Kamal.

तुम यह अपने पास रखो | 
You keep this with you.
आपका काम हो सकता है पर एक condition पर |
Your work might be done. But on one condition.
मैं उसे जेब मैं लेके नहीं घूमता |
I don't roam around with him in my pocket, do I?"
कल हम घर का सामान खरीदने जाने वाले थे |
Tomorrow we were supposed to go and purchase the household items.

We will briefly go through what does each of Modal Verb expresses with the help of Example Sentences.  Auxiliary Verbs - Can/Could aAuxiliary Verb Cana Modal Auxiliary verb acana is used to express ability, request and possibility, as we will see in the following examples. a To Express Ability/Inability; I can drive safely. Oliver can perform two tasks at a time. She can climb the stairs. They can perform on 

मैं तुम्हे कुछ नहीं दे सकता |
I can't give you anything.
यह तुम दोनों की वजह से हुआ है |
This has happened because of you both.
कमल ने हमेशा हमारी मदद की है | अब हमारी बारी है |
Kamal has always helped us. Now it’s our turn.
मैं गिर गया तो ?
What if l fall down?

You should eat more fruits and vegetables.I think we should wait for her now.You should take a break and get some rest.

क्या तुम जानते हो उसका बाप कौन है ?
Do you know who her father is?
मैं आखरी बार पूंछता हूँ | बताओ मुझे |
I am asking for the last time. Tell me.
जैसा तुम कहोगे मैं वैसा करूँगा |
I'll do as you say.
अपना बैग pack करो और चलो मेरे साथ |
Pack your bags and come with me!

//nbsp;;;The principal modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should. They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on.Following is a list showing the most useful modals and their most common meanings.

तुम अपने आप को समझते क्या हो ?
What do you think of yourself?
तो कमल कब मरा ?
So when did Kamal die?
तुम सब यहीं इंतिजार करो तबतक मैं देख के आता हूँ |
All of you wait here while I will go and check it out.
कुछ गुंडे मेरे पीछे पड़े हैं |
Some goons are after me!

Modal Verbs list  examples. Modal verbs are a kind of auxiliary or helping verb. Auxiliary verbs cannot be used on their own and appear with a main verb. The most common modal verbs are: can could may might shall should will would must ought to. Modal verbs affect the main verb they are associated with by expressing the level of possibility, ability, permission 

अगर तुमने use बस से नहीं भेजा होता तो आज वह यहाँ होता |
If you had not send him by bus... ...then today he would have been here!
आपको यह idea कैसे आ गया |
How did come up with that idea?
वरना मैं उसे छोड़ता नहीं |
Otherwise l wouldn't have spared him.
चलो चलकर पूंछते हैं | हमें पता चल जायेगा यह सच है या नहीं |
Let's go and ask! We will find out whether it's true or not!

Modal Auxiliaries Examples: Modal Auxiliaries or helping verbs help in expressing possible, probable, certain actions, duties or obligations. They also express actions which are permissible to do. Can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, need, must, ought, used to are some important modal auxiliaries. We should remember some important points about the grammatical usage of modal auxiliaries. 

हम वहीँ जा रहे हैं |
That's where we're going.
तुम अभी भी उससे ग़ुस्सा हो ?
You are stiII angry with him?
उसे नहीं पता कि तुम सब जानते है |
he doesn't know that you know it all.
जब तक मैं जिंदा हूँ उसे यह जॉब नहीं मिलेगी |
As Iong as I'm aIive he won't get this job.

Examples of Modal aShoulda are given below:  We should go to school every day. Duty  You should not be late for work. Obligation/ Desirability  You should exercise more often. advisability  He should be at the office by now. Possibility  If he should see me there, he will be happy. Probable Condition  Leave on time, lest you should miss the train. should 

Actually कमल यहाँ अपने दोस्त की मदद करने आया है |
Actually Kamal has come here to help his friend.
मैंने यह तब सुना जब वह अपनी बीवी से फ़ोन पर बात कर रहा था |
We heard that when he was talking to his wife over the phone.
कोई तो रास्ता होगा |
There has to be a solution.
वह इसी बस से सफर कर रहा था |
He was travelling by this bus!

There are  modal verbs in English: Must, Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Shall and Should. Modal verbs are tools that help us to express modality. In fact, modals allow the speaker to express his or her point of view regarding an action, an event or a situation. Modal verbs always remain the same no matter the subject and cannot be conjugated. Moreover, they do not have present and past 

हमारे पास खाने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं |
We don't have money to eat.
क्या आप student को छूट देते है ?
Do you give discount to students?
तुम चिल्ला क्यों रहे हो | बहरा नहीं हूँ मैं |
Why are you screaming? I'm not deaf.
तुम मेरी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहे हो ?
Why are you ruining my life?

There are  modal verbs in English: Must, Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Shall and Should. Modal verbs are tools that help us to express modality. In fact, modals allow the speaker to express his or her point of view regarding an action, an event or a situation. Modal verbs always remain the same no matter the subject and cannot be conjugated. Moreover, 

उम्र लग जाती है इज्जत कमाने में |
lt takes a lifetime to earn respect.
तुम इस वक्त यहाँ ?
you are here at this hour?
मुझे पैसों के बारे में कुछ नहीं पता |
I know nothing about the money.
क्यों नहीं ?
Why not ?

Should For Advice, OpinionsShould For Obligation, Duty, CorrectnessShould For Probability, ExpectationShould For ConditionalsShould For If I Were You I shouldShould For Pseudo SubjunctiveShould For Why should..?We often use should when offering advice or opinions;similar to;ought to: . You should see the new James Bond movie. It's great! . You should try to lose weight. . John should get a haircut. . He shouldn't smoke. And he should stop drinking too. . What should I wear? . They should make that illegal. . There should be a law against that. . People should worry more about global warming.See more on englishclub

मैं तुम्हारे लिए एक बात साफ़ कर दूँ |
Let me make some things clear to you.
प्लीज शाम बर्बाद मत करो |
please don't ruin the evening.
तुमने किसी को बताया भी नहीं |
You didn't even inform anyone.
मुझे लगता है तुम्हें नींद आ रही है |
l think you are feeling sleepy.

Modal Auxiliaries Examples: Modal Auxiliaries or helping verbs help in expressing possible, probable, certain actions, duties or obligations. They also express actions which are permissible to do. Can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, need, must, ought, used to are some important modal auxiliaries. We should remember some important points about the 

तूने ही तो पूंछा था कि फ्रेंच kiss क्या होती है |
You were the one who asked what a French kiss was!
वह अपनी कार से एयरपोर्ट जा रहा था | रास्ते में उसका accident  हो गया |
He was driving to the airport in his car. He met with an accident on the way.
मुझे interview के लिए देर हो रही है |
I am getting late for the interview.
वो मैं नहीं होने दूंगा |
I will not let that happen.

Should is the past form of shall, and like all the other modal verbs does not conjugate. Should functions as an auxiliary verb to express the following ideas. Examples:

हमारी लड़की हो उसका राजकुमार मिल गया |
Our daughter has found her prince.
अब हम क्या करें ?
what should we do now?
लेले अपनी बीवी की मौत का बदला |
Avenge your wife's death. 
क्या कमल मुझसे कुछ छुपा रहा है ?
Is Kamal hiding something from me?

 To indicate that something is probable or possible, or not so. It is sunny today; it must be Cana and acoulda are used to refer to skills and abilities. He can cover a hundred metres in Musta is used to indicate that something is necessary or of extreme importance, and ashoulda Cana, acoulda and amaya are used to ask for, give and withhold permission. Can I try my hand Willa and awoulda are used to refer to habits and inclinations. When I was a child, I would See full list on

तुम बस जो मैं कह रहा हूँ उस पर ध्यान दो |
You just concentrate on what I say.
आप ही थे जिसने तब मुझे सहारा दिया और मेरी मदद की 
You were the one who supported and helped me then.
तुमने खानदान का नाम डूबा दिया |
You've disgraced the family name!
तुम क्लास में क्यों नहीं हो ?
Why aren’t you in class?

Modal verbs examples and meaning. Modal verbs add more meaning to the main verb. I might go to the cinema later. adds possibility There is no need to conjugate the third person of a modal verb. He might go to the cinema later. not mights Most common modal verbs Will. We use will in the following situations: Promise. I will do the washing later. I will marry you. Instant 

तुम्हारे पास मेरे साथ बिताने के लिए 2 मिनट नहीं थे |
You didn't have two minutes to spend with me.
अभी इसका बिल बन रहा है |
It's being billed right now.
वे तुम्हें क्यों मारना चाहते हैं ?
Why do they want to kill you?
मेरे मुहं मत लगना |
Don't lock horns with me.

Should modal verb examples

तुम क्यों तकलीफ लेती हो ? मैं देख लूँगा इसे |
why will you take the trouble? I will take care of it.
तुम तो कोशिस भी नहीं कर रहे थे |
You weren't even trying!
मेरे बैग में कुछ नहीं है |
There is nothing in my bag.
लोग घूर रहे हैं | क्या कर रही हो तुम ?
People are staring. What are you up to?

Grammar Point modal verbs modal verbs. The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will and would. Dare, need, have to and used to also share some of the features of modal verbs. Modal verbs have only one form. They have no -ing or -ed forms and do not add -s to the rd person singular form: He can speak three 

क्या मुझे थोडा पानी मिल सकता है ?
Can I have some water?
कमल भाई कहाँ है ?
Where is brother Prem?
तुम्हें कैसे पता कि कमल यहाँ था ?
how did you Know Kamal was here'?
तुमने उनका भविष्य दाँव पर लगा दिया ?
You staked their future?

इस ऑफिस में आज मेरा आखिरी दिन हैं |
Today is my last day in this office.
चलो रीना, हम रास्ते में बात कर लेंगे | आओ |
Let's go, Reena. We will talk on the way. Come.
मेरा आज तुम्हे किसी महंगी जगह ले जाने का मन कर रहा है |
I feel like taking you to an expensive place today.
मैं तुम्हारे साथ कितने सालो से हूँ पर मैंने तुम्हे कभी नहीं समझा |
I've been with you since so many years. But I've never understood you!

अच्छा हुआ मटका टूट गया |
lt's good that the pot broke.
मुझे सोने दो | सुबह आना |
Let me sleeep. Come back in the morning.
तुमने पैसे कहाँ छुपाये हैं ?
Where have you hidden the money ?
यह कमल की कार है | लेकिन यह यहाँ क्यों है ?
it's Kamal's car. But why is it here? 

Examples of Modal aShoulda are given below:  We should go to school every day. Duty  You should not be late for work. Obligation/ Desirability  You should exercise more often. advisability  He should be at the office by now. Possibility  If he should see me there, he will be happy. Probable Condition  Leave on time, lest you should miss the train. should after lest Uses of Modal aMaya 

तुम उसे खाने में क्या देती हो ?
What do you give him to eat?
तुम्हारी पैसो में से यह नहीं काटूँगा क्या ?
Won't I take it out of your money?
क्या मैं पूँछ सकता हूँ कि वह खुशनसीब लड़की कौन है ?
May l ask who this fortunate girl is?
वह मुझे खिलाने के लिए भूखी रही |
She remained hungry to feed me.

Should modal verb for advice, duty, obligation, recommendation and conditions; Would have Vs Should have modal verbs. Using of aMusta modal auxiliary verb. Detailed explanation of semi-modal auxiliary verbs . Use and examples of aDare and needa semi-modal verbs aDarea as main verb; Know the correct use of aNeeda modal verb; Exercise for practice on explanation of 

मुझे पेशाब करने जाना है |
I have to go pee.
मैं तुम्हारी माँ की तरह हूँ |
I am like a mother to you.
यहाँ आओ और खुद देख लो |
Come here and see for yourself.
अपनी मौत कोई कब तक भाग सकता है ?
How long can one run from death?

Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs also called helping verbs like can, will, could, shall, must, would, might, and should.After a modal verb, the root form of a verb is generally used. The word to should not appear after a modal verb. An exception is the phrase ought to, which is considered a modal verb.

तुमने मेरी पेंट फाड़ दी |
You tore my pant!
मैं अकेला ही अच्छा हूँ |
I'm better off alone
आज खाने में नमक नहीं है |
There's no saIt in the food today.
थोड़ी थोड़ी ठंड है ?
A little chilly.

We also use the modal a should a to give advice to someone or to make a suggestion. This is probably the most common use of a should a. Examples: Mark: Iam exhausted. Jane: You should go to bed! Jane is advising Mark to go to bed. Sarah: I feel ill. David: You should go to the doctor. David is advising Sarah to go to the doctor.

जिस दिन वो तुझसे बोर हो जायेगी | हम उस दिन बात करेंगे |
The day when she'll get bored of you. we will talk that day.
सुना है कमल भी आया है |
I heard that kamal is hear too.
तुमने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं ?
Why didn't you tell me?
अभी हम बहुत बड़ी मुसीबत में है |
Right now we're in grave trouble.

Modal verb Modal verbs are also sometimes called modals. They are used before ordinary verbs and are used to express meanings such as permission, possibility, certainty and necessity. Need and dare can be used like modal verbs Modal verbs with examples Modal verbs with examples. Modal verbs explained and more examples Print the lesson on modal verbs

ये मत सोंचना कि मैं तुम्हे अकेला छोड़ दूंगा |
don't think that I'll leave you alone.
आपने कभी अपना इलाज नहीं करवाया ?
you never got yourself treated?
तू आएगा ना ?
You will come, won't you?
वह रीना की मौत का बदला लेना चाहता है |
he wants to avenge Reena's death.

//nbsp;;;How to Use the Modal Verb Should. The verb should is used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, often when criticizing someoneas actions. We can use it when expressing a personal opinion in plain language. In other words, we want to advise someone. Examples: You should call the police. She should see a doctor. Should is used to express a desire that something happened in the 

अपनी fees लो और निकलो यहाँ से |
Just take your fees and get lost!
काश रीना मेरे साथ होती |
l wish Reena was with me.
मेरा ऐसा इरादा नहीं था |
I didn't have such intentions.
नहीं मैं जैसा हूँ अच्छा हूँ |
No, I'm good as I am.

मैं आज के बाद तुमसे कभी नहीं मिलूंगी | और तुम मुझसे बात करने की कोशिस भी मत करना |
I will never meet you after this day! And don't you even try to talk to me!
वो कैसे हुआ ?
How did that happen?
कुछ मंगवाऊं ?
Can I get you something?
इतनी छोटी चीज के लिए तुम रीना को क्यों परेशान कर रहे हो |
Why are you troubling Reena for such a small thing.

//nbsp;;;Modal Auxiliary Verbs: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to. Marginal Auxiliary Verbs : used to, need, dare.  a For Example : He is writing a letter.

मैं तेरे से शादी करने के बजाये चुड़ैल से शादी कर लूँगा |
I would rather marry a witch than marry you.
यह मुझे दे दो |
Give it to me.
तुम नीचे क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing down there?
यह तुम्हारे सोने के लिए है |
lt’s not for you to sleep on.

//nbsp;;;Should gt;gt; Used for suggestions , advice , Instruction , Duty , Permission  Must gt;gt; Used for necessity , compulsion , emphatic adviceWould gt;gt; It is past of will. Used for showing liking, preferences, for past habits, for expression desire.

ऐसा नहीं है |
it is not like that.
लेकिन यह हुआ कैसे ?
But how did it happen?
एक औसत बच्चा बचपन मैं सोंचता है कि वह बड़ा होके इंजीनियर डॉक्टर या वैज्ञानिक बनेगा |
An average child in his childhood thinks that he will become an engineer, doctor or scientist when he grows up.
हमें और पैसे की जरुरत है |
we need more money...

//nbsp;;;  Auxiliary/Modal Verbs  : Is, was, were, am, are, will, would, shall, should, do, does, did, can, could, may, might, must, ought, has, have, had, need, dare, used, be, been, being. Auxiliary/Modal Verbs  Helping Verb

आपको कैसे पता ?
How did you know that?
क्या हो रहा है कमल ?
What is happening Kamal?
कमल, विमल को क्या हुआ है ?
Kamal, what's wrong with Vimal?
ये आप मुझपे छोड़ दिए |
Leave this to me.

Grammar Point modal verbs modal verbs. The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will and would. Dare, need, have to and used to also share some of the features of modal verbs. Modal verbs have only one form. They have no -ing or -ed forms and do not add -s to the rd person singular form: He can speak three 

वहां उसपे गुंडागर्दी के चार कैस दर्ज हैं |
There are four cases of vandalism against him.
सिर्फ तुम मुझे बचा सकते हो |
Only you can save me.
हेल्लो मेरे बेटे |
HeIIo, my son.
यह आखिरी मौका है तुम्हारे लिए |
This is the last chance for you.

Modals | Modal Verbs | Special Features of Modals in Hindi and English. Modals - May, Might, Can, Could, Shall, Will,Would, Should, Ought to, Must, Need, Dare  Used to. englishkitab. An easy Way to learn English  Were, He, She, It, They, This, That, etc. Audible Examples  Learn English Pronunciation Rules Described in simple English and Hindi.  Learn English 

Please आप बैठिये | वह आता ही होगा |
Please take a seat. He must be on his way here.
तुम उसकी दोस्ती में अंधे हो गए हो |
You’re blinded by his friendship.
मैंने तुमने अपनी बहन का ख्याल रखने के लिए कहा था ना |
Hadn't I asked you to take care of your sister?
मुझसे कभी किसी ने ऐसे बात नहीं की |
Nobody has ever spoken to me like this.

//nbsp;;;Examples:-Modals in Hindi  I say you shall do it. Command  They shall not touch my things again. Command  Ask for a reward and you shall have it.Assurance  You shall get a bicycle if you get an aAa grade. Promise  He shall be punished for his misbehavior. Threat Use of Ought to 

इस दीवाली पर क्या आप मुझपर एक अहसान करोगी ?
On this Diwali eve, will you do me a favour? 
पर किया क्या है इसने ?
But what has he done?
मैंने नहीं इसने कहा था |
Not me he had said.
पापा घर पर हैं ?
Is father at home?

Learn the use of modal auxiliary verbs in English grammar, with help of post you will learn how to use of modal auxiliary verbs in spoken written English..  Use of should in Hindi with examples in English grammar -; Should ;'  ',  ,

मुझे उसके पास जाना होगा |
I will have to go to her!
मुझे मक्खन देना |
Pass me the butter. 
मैंने यह जान बूझकर नहीं किया |
I didn't do it purposely.
क्या मैं प्रश्न दुबारा बोलूं ?
Should l repeat the question?

Should modal verb examples in Hindi

मैं कमरे से बहार कदम नहीं रखूंगी |
I won't step out of the room.
मैं उन्हें नहीं  छोडूंगा |
I won't spare them.
पहले fresh हो जाते है | उसके बाद हम यह सब करने की कोशिस करते हैं |
Let's freshen up first. After that we can try to do all this. 
मेरे बारे में सोंचने के अलावा, तुम कुछ और काम भी करते हो क्या ?
Besides thinking about me, do you do any other work?

//nbsp;;;Modals in English Grammar in Hindi Definition in English a Those helping verbs which refer to the ability, power, capacity, possibility e.t.c. are called the Modals.

लड़की फंसाना एक कला है और मैं इसमें expert हूँ |
It's an art to hook up a girl and I am an expert in it.
कोई नहीं बचा |
Nobody survived.
मायूस मत हो |
Don't get desperate.
कल अगर उसे कोई और ज्यादा अमीर मिल गया तो वह मुझे दुबारा छोड़ देगा |
Tomorrow if he finds someone richer, he'll leave me again.

//nbsp;;;Definition in Hindi a  helping verbs  , , ,,  Modals  . Examples a can, may, might, could, would, should, shall, will, must, dare, need, used to ought to.

कल रात मेरे दोस्त के जन्मदिन पार्टी है |
there's my friend's birthday party tomorrow night.
मैं अब तुमसे गुस्सा नहीं हूँ |
I am no longer angry with you.
तुमने बहुत बड़ा पाप किया है |
You have committed a grave sin!
मैं उसे भगाने की पूरी कोशिस की |
l tried my best to keep him off.

रीना कहाँ है ?
where's Reena?
तुम पागल हो गई हो |
You've gone crazy.
यह शर्ट आपने कहाँ से खरीदी ?
Where did you buy that shirt from?
हमने कमल को उसका नाम लेते कभी नहीं सुना |
We never heard Kamal taking her name!

//nbsp;;;Modal Auxiliary Verbs with Examples in Urdu and Hindi Translation Learn Modal Verbs such as May, Might, Can, Could, Should, Would, Must, Need, and Dare with examples in Hindi and Urdu translation. English grammar is an important part of learning English if you want to speak English you need to learn basic grammar first because without grammar you can not 

आप के अहसान चुकाने के लिए मैं अपनी जान भी दे सकता हूँ |
I can even lay down my life to repay the favours you have done to me.
यह कैसे हो सकता है ?
How is that possible?
अबे सो रुपये मांगे है तेरी लड़की का हाथ नहीं |
I asked for number five, not your daughter's hand in marriage.
जूता किसने फेका ?
Who threw the shoe?

English speaking course in Hindi, Daily use English sentences with Hindi translation. Present past future indefinite perfect continuous tense example sentences with Hindi meaning. learn English grammar through Hindi, Learn spoken English Passive voice, conditional sentences, modal verbs with exercise sentences in Hindi, English bolna kaise sikhe, words meaning in Hindi, Learn English grammar rules 

जब से मैं तुमसे मिला हूँ तुम झूठ बोल रही हो |
You have been lying to me since the day i met you!
मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?
How would l know?
उसके माँ बाप को उसके सामने मार दिया |
His parents were killed in front of him.
ये लोग मेरी तरफ क्यों आ रहे हैं ?
Why are they all coming towards me?

//nbsp;;;  Auxiliary/Modal Verbs  : Is, was, were, am, are, will, would, shall, should, do, does, did, can, could, may, might, must, ought, has, have, had, need, dare, used, be, been, being. Auxiliary/Modal Verbs  Helping Verb

जैसे ही वह आये मुझे inform करना |
Inform me as soon as he returns.
मुझे कहाँ जाना है |
Where do I have to go?
तुम उसे क्यों मार रहे हो |
Why are you beating him!
वह कभी नहीं सुधरेगा |
He'll never reform.

This is probably the most common use of a should a. Examples: Mark: Iam exhausted. Jane: You should go to bed! Jane is advising Mark to go to bed. Sarah: I feel ill. David: You should go to the doctor. David is advising Sarah to go to the doctor. Mark: I really donat like my boss. Jane: You should look for another job.

वो छोड़ो, solution क्या है ?
Forget that, what's the solution?
दुनिया क्या कहेगी ?
What's the world going to say?
सॉरी | मैं तुम्हें इनसे मिलवाना भूल गया |
Sorry! I forgot to introduce you to them!
यह इतनी सुबह तैयार होकर कहाँ जाता है ?
Where does he go early in the morning all decked up?

Modal Should in Hindi Should  Modals in Hindi Tense Chart in Hindi Verb in Hindi indirect speech in hindi narration rules in hindi articles in hindi idioms in hindi proverbs in hindi synonyms in hindi es in hindi, preposition in hindi, grammar in hindi Bill Gates Quotes in Hindi, Albert Einstein Quotes in Hindi Abraham Lincoln Quotes in Hindi, adverb in hind

तुम यहाँ की नहीं हो, है ना ?
You're not from around here, are you?
आप अपनी माँ से बहुत प्यार करते थे |
You loνed your mother dearly.
मैं तुम्हे दो घंटे से फ़ोन कर रही हूँ |
I've been calling you for two hours.
अब तुझे क्या हो गया ?
What has happened to you now?

भाड़ में जाये रीना |
To hell with Reena.
क्या अब मुझे मेरी सीट मिल सकती है |
Can I have my seat now?
यही ज़िन्दगी है मेरे दोस्त | कुछ खोना है कुछ पाना है |
That's life, pal You win some, lose some.
अगर जरुरत पडी तो वो भी |
If it's necessary, even that.

//nbsp;;;. Work hard lest you should fail.  Showing purpose Note - Lest if self is a negative word and does not take any negative word after it. . Anyone can tell a lie/ any can lie.  big possibility . We work hard so that we may pass.  showing purpose . She used to come here/ She would come here.  Routine of the past

फ़ोन उसे दो |
Give the phone to him.
हम और बड़े खतरे में होंगे |
We'll be in more grave danger.
कितने पैसे दे रहा है कमल तुम्हे ?
How much money is Kamal giving you?
हमारे साथ जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ |
It's good what happened with us.

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