Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

Would is used to talk about the result or effect of a possible situation.

किसी situation के result को बताने के लिए हम would का प्रयोग करते हैं


present या future की  condition के result को बताने के लिए हम sentence में would का प्रयोग करते है |

अगर किसी ने हिलने की कोशिश की तो मैं उसे गोली मार दूंगा
If any one of you dares to move, I would shoot him dead.

इसमें condition है  किसी का हिलना और उसका रिजल्ट है गोली मार देना | इस लिए हम में उसे गोली मार दूंगावाले वाक्य को english में translate करते वक़्त would का प्रयोग करते हैं |

बस रोको वरना मेरी गोली तुम्हारे सर में छेद कर देगी |
Stop the bus or else my bullet would penetrate your head.

मेरी जगह कोई भी होता तो उसकी भी यही हालत होती |
In my shoes anybody would be in this state.

जल्दी करो नहीं तो हमें सीट नहीं मिलेगी|
Make haste or we would not get a seat.

Unreal और unlikely condition वाले sentences में हम condition wale sentence को past tense में बनाते हैं और रिजल्ट वाले part में would के साथ verb की first form का प्रयोग करते हैं |

इस तरह के sentences में condition का पूरा होना बहुत unlikely होता है | जैसे नीचें दिए sentence में

अगर मैं आपकी जगह होता तो शायद मैं भी यही करता |
If I were you, I probably would do the same.

इस वाक्य में condition है कि अगर मैं आपकी जगह होता इस condition को पूरा होना बहुत मुश्किल और unlikely है | इसलिए इस sentence में हमने i के साथ were use किया है |

अगर वह जानता होता तो यह बात मुझसे कभी नहीं छुपाता |
If he knew it, he would never hide this fact from me.

past tense के conditional sentences में हम would have का प्रयोग करते हैं | would have के साथ हम verb की third form का प्रयोग करते हैं |

अगर मैं सही समय पर नहीं पहुँचता तो दीपक कमल को मार देता |
If I had not got there on time, Kamal would have killed Deepak.

इस तरह के वाक्यों को हम if हटा के भी बना सकते हैं |
if हटा के हम had लगा देते हैं और उसके बाद subject लिखते हैं उसके बात बाकी के sentence को लिखते हैं |

जैसे नीचे उदहारण दिए हैं |

अगर तुम इस कुर्सी पर बैठते तो तुम्हे बिच्छु काट लेता |
Had you sat on this chair, the scorpion would have stung you.

अगर मैं इन्हें ना पकड़ता तो ये पूरा घर साफ़ कर देते |
Had I not caught them, they would have wiped the house clean.

भगवान ने मुझे बचा लिया नहीं तो मैं मर गया होता |
God has saved me otherwise I would have been a dead man.

Would का प्रयोग विनम्रता से किसी को कुछ ऑफर करने के लिए भी करते है

क्या आज रात आप मेरे साथ movie चलेंगे ?
Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight?

क्या आप और चाय लेंगे ?
Would you like some more tea?
ऊपर दिए sentences का reply भी हम would के साथ ही देते हैं |

हाँ बोलने के लिए Yes, I would
और ना बोलने के लिए No, I wouldn't.

क्या आप मेरे साथ चाय पियेंगे ?
Would you like to have a coffee with me?

हाँ पीयूँगा |
Yes, I would.

ऊपर हमने इस lesson का overview दिया है ताकि आपको पता चल जाये कि इस lesson को पढके आप किस तरह के sentences English में बोलना सीख जायेंगे |
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Following are some verb phrase examples where the verb phrase is the predicate of a sentence. In this case, the verb phrase consists of the main verb plus any auxiliary, or helping, verbs. She was walking quickly to the mall. He should wait before going swimming. Those girls are trying very hard.

कृपया पुलिस को मत बुलाओ |
Please don't call the Police!
बोलो, मैं रास्ते में ही हूँ |
Tell me. I'm on my way .
मैं कुछ ज्यादा ही भावुक हो गया |
I got a little too sentimental.
हमें उसे उसकी ज़िंदगी जीने का मौका देना चाहिए |
We must give her the chance to live her life.

Examples of verbs expressing physical action: run. talk. dance. shout. cook. Examples of verbs expressing mental action: think. believe. fear. want. wonder. Examples of linking verbs: am. is. are. was. feels She feels sick. seem They seem nice.

आओ मैं तुम्हें छोड़ दूँ |
Come I'll drop you.
तो तुम कमल हो ?
so you must be Kamal?
वह ठरकी है |
She's a pervert!
तीन दिन तक लाइट नहीं आएगी |
There will be no electricity for three days.

Modal verb Modal verbs are also sometimes called modals. They are used before ordinary verbs and are used to express meanings such as permission, possibility, certainty and necessity. Need and dare can be used like modal verbs Modal verbs with examples Modal verbs with examples. Modal verbs explained and more examples Print the lesson on modal 

उसे बुरी नीयत से मत देख | वो तेरी भाभी है |
Don't look at her with bad intentions. She is your bhabhi.
कुछ करो | बेचारा बहुत चिल्ला रहा है |
Do something. Poor guy is screaming a lot.
अमीर लोग गरीबो के मुंह नहीं लगते |
Rich people don't lock horns with poor people.
इतनी देर तक तूने बस यही सोंचा |
That's all you could think of, all this while.

Here you will find  common verbs list with example sentences and ESL printable worksheets in alphabetical order, by their grammatical functions, and by activity. One of the most important parts of a sentence when using the English language-or any language for that matter, is the verb. These words are used to tell the listener or reader what action is being performed by the subject of the sentence. There 

ठीक है, मेरा काम थे तुम्हे आगह करना तो मैंने कर दिया | 
All right, my job was to warn you and so I did.
यह सबसे मजाकिया बात है जो मैंने कभी सुनी है |
That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.
मुझे पता था | मुझे पता था कि तुम आओगे |
I knew it. I knew you'd come.
अन्दर जाइए | वहां सब कुछ है |
Go inside. Everything is there.

Action verbs, also called dynamic verbs, express an action whether it be physical or mental.An action verb explains what the subject of the sentence is doing or has done. Looking at action verb examples helps make it clear the function of action verbs in sentences and what purpose they serve.

क्या वह आपको स्टेशन लेने नहीं गया ?
Didn't he get you from the station?
भगवान का शुक्र है कि तुम ठीक हो |
thank god you're fine.
मैं आखरी बार पूंछता हूँ | बताओ मुझे |
I am asking for the last time. Tell me.
मैं तुम्हें बताऊंगा कब और कहाँ पैसे पहुँचाने हैं |
I wiII teII you when and where to deIiver the money

 Verb Tenses and Example Sentences Past Present Future SIMPLE I studied English yesterday. I study English. I will study English. CONTINUOUS I was studying English. I am studying English I will be studying English. PERFECT I had studied English. I have studied English. I will have studied English. PERFECT CONTINUOUS I had been studying English. I have been studying English. I will have been 

मैंने एक मोबाइल की shop खोली है |
I have opened a mobile shop!
उसने अपनी ख़ूबसूरती से कई लोगो को धोका दिया है |
She has cheated many people with her beauty.
यह तो मुझे भी नहीं पता |
Even I don't know that.
ऑफिस के अलावा और कहाँ जा सकता हूँ ?
Where else can I go except to office?

 Verb Tenses and Example Sentences Past Present Future SIMPLE I studied English yesterday. I study English. I will study English. CONTINUOUS I was studying English. I am studying English I will be studying English. PERFECT I had studied English. I have studied English. I will have studied English. PERFECT CONTINUOUS I had been studying English. I have been studying English. I will have been 

उसे होश आ रहा है |
she is regaining consciousness.
क्या तुम यही सब करना जानते हो ?
Is this all you know to do?
हम दोनों जानते है कि उन्हें खोना कैसा लगता है जिन्हें हम प्यार करते है |
we both know what it feels like to lose people we love.
बाद में आना, मैं नहा रहा हूँ |
Come later, I'm bathing.

Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with a phrase or clause between the subject and verb: A theory of physics ascertains that a body in motion stays in motion. A virus in all the companyas computers is a real threat to security. The causes of this prevalent disease are bad diet and lack of exercise. The couch and chair I got at the store look really nice in here.

हम वापस आ गए |
We came back! 
वो दोनों एक साथ कैसे आ सकते हैं ?
How can both of them come together?
ऐसा है क्या ? इसलिए तुम दोनों यहाँ आ गए ?
Is that so? That's why you both came here?
तुम्हें कॉलेज से निकाले हुए कितना समय हो गया है ?
How long has it been since you all have been thrown out of college?

English Modal Verbs Would, Example Sentences. Refusal. I could play a guitar when I was a child; I could smell something burning. Request. Would you hand me the pencil? Would you help me? Offer. I would help you with Spanish. They would go to the movies if you are interested. Conditional. If I had a car, I would drive around the world.

तुम्हारी लाश ठीकाने लगाने में मुझे ज्यादा वक़्त नहीं लगेगा |
It won't take me too long to dispose your body.
मैं तुम्हें पुलिस के हवाले कर दूंगा | तुम्हारी सारी ज़िंदगी जेल में कटेगी |
l will hand you people over to the cops. All your life will be spent in prison.
मैं कामयाबी की बुलंदी पे था |
I was at the peak of my success!
तू चिंता मत कर |
Don’t you worry,

Example Sentences of Transitive Verb. Birds have feathers. The teacher praised the pupil. She is eating a pear. I like English. They are playing football. The potter has made a beautiful pot. Dennis bought a bicycle. She is writing an essay. Intransitive Verbs. A verb which does not need an object to make complete sense is called an intransitive verb. An intransitive verb expresses action or tells something 

तुम पीने कब से लगे ?
Since when do you drink?
Yes sir, यही थे वो लोग |
Yes, sir. It was them.
तुम जाओ मैं नहीं आ रहा |
You go, I'm not coming.
मेरी वजह से आपको जो परेशानी हुई है उसके लिए मुझे माफ़ कर देना |
Forgive me for aII the troubIe I have caused you.

Here you will find  common verbs list with example sentences and ESL printable worksheets in alphabetical order, by their grammatical functions, and by activity. One of the most important parts of a sentence when using the English language-or any language for that matter, is the verb. These words are used to tell the listener or reader what action is being performed by the subject of the sentence. There 

अगर तुम चले जाओगे तो मुझे हर वक़्त तुम्हारी फ़िक्र लगी रहेगी |
lf you leaνe, l'll be worried about you all the time.
क्या मुझे जाने दोगे ?
Will you let me go?
अब क्यों डर रहे हो ?
Why are you scared now?
तुमने उसकी कॉल मुझसे छुपाई |
You hid her calls from me.

Example Sentences of Transitive Verb. Birds have feathers. The teacher praised the pupil. She is eating a pear. I like English. They are playing football. The potter has made a beautiful pot. Dennis bought a bicycle. She is writing an essay. Intransitive Verbs. A verb which does not need an object to make complete sense is called an intransitive verb. An intransitive verb expresses action or tells something 

क्या हम एक बार कॉलेज घूम सकते हैं ?
can we walk around the college once?
तो तुम हो इसके भाई |
So, you're her brother!
उसके सपने कभी सच नहीं होंगे |
His dream will never come true.
मैं अपने दिल की सुनने की हिम्मत कभी नहीं कर पाया |
l never had the courage to follow my heart.

Following are some verb phrase examples where the verb phrase is the predicate of a sentence. In this case, the verb phrase consists of the main verb plus any auxiliary, or helping, verbs. She was walking quickly to the mall. He should wait before going swimming. Those girls are trying very hard.

यह सच नहीं है मैं सच में तुझे पसंद करता हूँ |
That's not true ! I really like you.
तू यह अब बता रहा है जब हम मुसीबत में फंस गए है |
You are saying it now, after we've fallen in this mess.
वह खुद मेरे पीछे आई थी गिडगिडाते हुए |
She herself had come pleading with me!
देखो | कैसे सो रहा है | जैसे यह बिस्तर इसे इसके बाप ने दिया है |
Look! How is he sleeping! As if his father has given him this bed!

Modal verb Modal verbs are also sometimes called modals. They are used before ordinary verbs and are used to express meanings such as permission, possibility, certainty and necessity. Need and dare can be used like modal verbs Modal verbs with examples Modal verbs with examples. Modal verbs explained and more examples Print the lesson on modal 

कौन सा business जो हमें नहीं पता ?
What's this business that I don't know of'?
तेरी मम्मी यहाँ क्या कर रही हैं ?
What is your mummy doing here?
कई बार मुझे भी ऐसा महसूस हुआ |
Many a times I too have felt so!
देखा मैंने वो कितना ख्याल रखता है तुम्हारा |
I saw how much he cares for you.

Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with a phrase or clause between the subject and verb: A theory of physics ascertains that a body in motion stays in motion. A virus in all the companyas computers is a real threat to security. The causes of this prevalent disease are bad diet and lack of exercise. The couch and chair I got at the store look really nice in here.

कमल अगर तुम आधे घंटे में नहीं आये तो मैं अपनी जान दे दूंगी |
Kamal if you will not come here in half an hour then i will kill myself!
अपनी बीवी के साथ भी यह discuss कर लेना |
you'll also discuss this with your wife...
तेरे कपड़े कौन देख रहा है ?
Who's going to pay attention to your clothes?
मुझे पता है अगर वो कुछ खा लेंगे तो ठीक हो जायेंगे |
l know if he eats something he’ll be fine.

Action verbs, also called dynamic verbs, express an action whether it be physical or mental.An action verb explains what the subject of the sentence is doing or has done. Looking at action verb examples helps make it clear the function of action verbs in sentences and what purpose they serve.

मैं इस मकान का मालिक हूँ |
I am owner of this house.
तुम सबने बहुत बड़ा पाप किया है |
You all have committed a grave sin.
मैंने सही से कपडे नहीं पहने है |
I am not dressed properly.
रखो यहाँ और दफा हो जाओ यहाँ से |
Put it here and get lost!

Check out the Verb Examples, Definition, Verb Example Sentences, Types, and List of Verb Example. Your No source for Latest Entrance Exams, Admission info . Toggle navigation. Entrance Exam Dates. Engineering Entrance Medical Entrance Exams PG Medical MBA Entrance Exam UPSC Exams Banking Exams Law Entrance MCA Entrance Exams PHD Entrance Exam BSc Nursing Entrance Exam 

कमल हमारे कब्जे में है |
Kamal is in our custody.
मैं तुम्हें कहीं देखा है |
I've seen you somewhere.
कमल कहाँ है ?
Where is Kamal?
उसे अब तक आ जाना चाहिए था |
He shouId have come by now.

Here you will find  common verbs list with example sentences and ESL printable worksheets in alphabetical order, by their grammatical functions, and by activity. One of the most important parts of a sentence when using the English language-or any language for that matter, is the verb. These words are used to tell the listener or reader what action is being performed by the subject of the sentence. There 

उस पर क्या बीत रही होगी ?
What must he be going through?
मुझे अभी अपने exam की तैयारी करनी है |
l’ve to prepare for my exam now.
मैं तुमसे बात कर रही हूँ ?
I am talking to you.
क्या तुम देख नहीं सकते कि तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो ?
Can't you watch where you are going?

Action verbs, also called dynamic verbs, express an action whether it be physical or mental.An action verb explains what the subject of the sentence is doing or has done. Looking at action verb examples helps make it clear the function of action verbs in sentences and what purpose they serve.

क्या समझे तुम ? बताओ मुझे |
What did you understand? Tell me.
अपने पापा के पास वापस जाओ और उनसे कहना कि तुम्हारा मन बदल गया है |
Go back to your father and, tell him that you've changed your mind.
जा नहीं तो तेरी वजह से हम सब पीटेंगे |
Go. Or else all of us would get beaten up because of you.
तुम्हारी पैसो में से यह नहीं काटूँगा क्या ?
Won't I take it out of your money?

Following are some verb phrase examples where the verb phrase is the predicate of a sentence. In this case, the verb phrase consists of the main verb plus any auxiliary, or helping, verbs. She was walking quickly to the mall. He should wait before going swimming. Those girls are trying very hard.

यह गलती करता रहा और वह मेरे करीब आती गई |
Ηe kept making mistakes and she kept getting closer to me.
मैं बहुत पहले से planning कर रहा था |
I was planning since long.
कोई नहीं बचा |
Nobody survived.
क्या तूने रीना को कभी भाभी के बारे में बताया है ?
Have I ever spoken about Reena to your sister-in-law?

Examples of verbs expressing physical action: run. talk. dance. shout. cook. Examples of verbs expressing mental action: think. believe. fear. want. wonder. Examples of linking verbs: am. is. are. was. feels She feels sick. seem They seem nice.

तुमने अंकल को अन्दर भेज कर सही किया |
You did the right thing by sending uncle inside.
मैं तुम्हे रोज कॉल करूँगा |
I will call you everyday
मैंने भी सुबह एक सपना देखा |
Even I had a dream in the morning.
बाहर निकालो उन्हें |
bring them out.

 Verb Tenses and Example Sentences Past Present Future SIMPLE I studied English yesterday. I study English. I will study English. CONTINUOUS I was studying English. I am studying English I will be studying English. PERFECT I had studied English. I have studied English. I will have studied English. PERFECT CONTINUOUS I had been studying English. I have been studying English. I will have been 

मैं दिल्ली अपनी बहन से मिलने जा रही हूँ |
I am going to Delhi to see my sister.
मैंने यह पैसे सालों में इकट्ठे किये हैं |
I had gathered this money over the years..
मैंने उसे 9 बजे कॉल करने के लिए कहा था |
I have asked him to call 9 o'clock.
वह यह भी तो कह सकता था |
He could've just said that.

English Modal Verbs Would, Example Sentences. Refusal. I could play a guitar when I was a child; I could smell something burning. Request. Would you hand me the pencil? Would you help me? Offer. I would help you with Spanish. They would go to the movies if you are interested. Conditional. If I had a car, I would drive around the world.

रीना उसके पीछे गई है |
Reena has gone after him.
तू हर समय उसके बारे में क्यों पूंछता रहता है |
Why do you keep asking about him all the time.
मैं भी उस तरह का आदमी नहीं हूँ |
I too am not that kind of a man
मेरी छोड़ |
Forget about me.

आपने तो भूतो की नाक कटवा दी |
You've made a mockery out of ghosts.
वह डर के भाग गया |
He ran away in fright!
उसे पता नहीं चलेगा |
She won't come to know,
देखो कौन आया है |
look who's here.

Example Sentences of Transitive Verb. Birds have feathers. The teacher praised the pupil. She is eating a pear. I like English. They are playing football. The potter has made a beautiful pot. Dennis bought a bicycle. She is writing an essay. Intransitive Verbs. A verb which does not need an object to make complete sense is called an intransitive verb. An intransitive verb expresses action or tells something 

तुम खोई खोई सी लग रही हो |
You're looking lost.
लगता है हम किसी और के कमरे में आ गए |
seems like we have come in someone else's room.
अगर ऐसा ही चलता रहा तो हम एक दिन भिखारी बन जायेंगे |
If we go on like this, we'll become a beggar one day!
अपने जूते उतारो |
Take off your shoes.

चलो वहाँ चल कर बात करते हैं |
Let's go there and talk!
बहुत दर्द हो रहा है क्या ?
Does it hurt a lot?
कमल ने कॉल किया ?
Did Kamal call?
इसमें तुम्हारे सिर्फ 30 सेकंड्स लगते |
It would have taken you all of thirty seconds.

Check out the Verb Examples, Definition, Verb Example Sentences, Types, and List of Verb Example. Your No source for Latest Entrance Exams, Admission info . Toggle navigation. Entrance Exam Dates. Engineering Entrance Medical Entrance Exams PG Medical MBA Entrance Exam UPSC Exams Banking Exams Law Entrance MCA Entrance Exams PHD Entrance Exam BSc Nursing Entrance Exam 

क्या आपका नाम भी रीना है ?
Is your name Reena as well?
लगता है वे रास्ता भूल गये हैं |
Looks like they lost their way.
पूंछना गुनाह है क्या ?
Is it a crime to ask?
उस दिन मैं तुम्हें छोड़ दिया क्योंकि वह सिर्फ एक गलती थी |
The other day, l spared you because it was only a mistake. 

Here are some examples of subject verb agreement with a phrase or clause between the subject and verb: A theory of physics ascertains that a body in motion stays in motion. A virus in all the companyas computers is a real threat to security. The causes of this prevalent disease are bad diet and lack of exercise. The couch and chair I got at the store look really nice in here.

तुमपर हाथ उठाने के लिए मुझे दुःख है |
Sorry for raising my hand on you.
उनका क्या करना है |
what's to be done with them?
आपका business कैसा चल रहा है ?
how is your business doing?
इस समय कौन आया होगा ?
Who would have come at this hour?


कौन था फ़ोन पे ?
Who was on the phone?
तुमने इन्हें घर लाकर सही किया |
You did the right thing, dear by bringing them home.
मुझे अपने पिता का सपना पूरा करना है |
I have to fuIfiII my fathers dream.
छोड़ उसे | लखनऊ में एक से बढकर एक हैं  |
Forget her, Τhere's one better than the other in Lucknow.

मैं तुझे जिंदा दफना दूंगा |
I will bury you alive!
तुम मेरे अच्छे बेटे हो ना ?
You are my good son, aren't you?
पिता की मौत के बाद में बिलकुल अकेली हो गई हूँ |
After papa's death, I have become all alone.
अब बताओ मुझे, तुम्हें क्या काम था ?
Now tell me, what work did you have?

English Modal Verbs Would, Example Sentences. Refusal. I could play a guitar when I was a child; I could smell something burning. Request. Would you hand me the pencil? Would you help me? Offer. I would help you with Spanish. They would go to the movies if you are interested. Conditional. If I had a car, I would drive around the world.

ऐसा दुबारा नहीं होगा |
It won't happen again.
इनके चक्करों में मत पड़ो
Don't get into their mess.
दुबारा बोलो क्या क्या करना है |
Repeat what all things are to be done!
मैं तुम्हे दो घंटे से फ़ोन कर रही हूँ |
I've been calling you for two hours.

Modal verb Modal verbs are also sometimes called modals. They are used before ordinary verbs and are used to express meanings such as permission, possibility, certainty and necessity. Need and dare can be used like modal verbs Modal verbs with examples Modal verbs with examples. Modal verbs explained and more examples Print the lesson on modal 

सॉरी सर, अब ऐसा दुबारा नहीं होगा |
Sorry sir, it will not happen again.
मैं तुम्हे खतरे में नहीं डाल सकता |
i can't put you in danger.
अब मुझे किसी से उधार लेना पड़ेगा |
Now, I'll have to borrow from someone.
यह लखनऊ का best होटल है |
This is the best hotel of Lucknow.

Check out the Verb Examples, Definition, Verb Example Sentences, Types, and List of Verb Example. Your No source for Latest Entrance Exams, Admission info . Toggle navigation. Entrance Exam Dates. Engineering Entrance Medical Entrance Exams PG Medical MBA Entrance Exam UPSC Exams Banking Exams Law Entrance MCA Entrance Exams PHD Entrance Exam BSc Nursing Entrance Exam 

वह तेरी जान के पीछे पड़ा था |
He was after your life!
तो यह सब क्या legal है ?
So all this is legal?
और क्या क्या कहा तुमने उसे ?
What else did you say to her?
अपने पापा का बुरा मत मानना |
Don't mind your father.

Examples of verbs expressing physical action: run. talk. dance. shout. cook. Examples of verbs expressing mental action: think. believe. fear. want. wonder. Examples of linking verbs: am. is. are. was. feels She feels sick. seem They seem nice.

हमारी जरुरत ने हमसे यह करवाया |
It was our need that made us do this.
लोगो को चोरी करके क्या मिलता है ?
What do people get by stealing?
अभी हम बहुत बड़ी मुसीबत में है |
Right now we're in grave trouble.
छोड़ो नास्ता | मैं पहले ही late हूँ |
Forget the breakfast, I am already late.

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