उसे जुए की लत है |
He is addicted to gambling.
उसे शराब की लत है |
He is addicted to alcohol.
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रिपोर्ट क्या कहती है ?
What does the report say?
ये opposition की चाल है मुझे बदनाम करने की |
This is a conspiracy of the opposition to defame me.
मैं तुम्हें क्या बताती ?
What should I have told you?
मुझसे गलती हो गई |
I made a mistake.
//nbsp;;;A definite article always has to match both the
gender and number of its noun. If the noun is feminine and singular like salsa,
then the article also has to be feminine and singular la salsa. If that same
noun is plural like salsas the article is also plural las salsas.
यह लड़की आज से तेरी बहन
है | समझा |
From today this girl is your sister. Got it
वैसे तुम्हारा आज रात का
क्या प्लान है ?
By the way, what are your plans for tonight?
मैं कब से कॉल कर रहा हूँ
लेकिन आपने अपना फ़ोन switched off कर रखा है |
l've been calling since long but you have switched off your
mobile phone.
तुम घर जाओ | यहाँ पर बहुत खतरा है |
You go to home. there
is a lot of danger over here.
Learn by Examples; Exercise; Contact Definite article or Indefinite article, each
of the articles has different uses in different situations. Using Indefinite
Article: a an . Rule : A common noun in
the singular number always requires an article before it. But a plural common noun
does not require an article always. A plural common noun can have the article
athea if we want to particularise that noun.
ये पैसे रखो |
keep this money.
तो क्या करूं मैं ?
What do i do then?
क्या लोगे ?
what will you have?
उसने आत्महत्या क्यों की ?
Why did he commit suicide?
Learn by Examples; Exercise; Contact Definite article or Indefinite article, each
of the articles has different uses in different situations. Using Indefinite
Article: a an . Rule : A common noun in
the singular number always requires an article before it. But a plural common
noun does not require an article always. A plural common noun can have the
article athea if we want to
वो भी किसी के बच्चे हैं |
They are somebody's children too.
उसे वही मिला जिसके वह
लायक था |
He got what he deserved.
वो पैसे लेके आता ही होगा
He must be on his way with the money.
तुमसे मतलब |
None of your business.
aaa, aana and athe a are the three articles used in English
language. aaa and aana are called indefinite Articles and athea is called the
definite article. aaa and aana are used in the sense of aonea. The indefinite
Article aaa is used before words beginning with consonants or consonantal
बदला जितना पुराना होता
है उतना है खतरनाक होता है |
The longer you wait for vengeance the deadlier it gets.
अगर आज तू उसे सच बता
देता तो शायद वह मर जाती |
If you wouId have toId her the truth today Then she wouId
have probabIy died.
यह रहा तुम्हारा पर्स |
Here's your wallet.
मुझे तुमसे कुछ पूंछना है
I need to ask you something...
Learn by Examples; Exercise; Contact Definite article or Indefinite article, each
of the articles has different uses in different situations. Using Indefinite
Article: a an . Rule : A common noun in
the singular number always requires an article before it. But a plural common
noun does not require an article always. A plural common noun can have the
article athea if we want to particularise that noun.
मुझे यहाँ दाल में कुछ
काला लग रहा है |
I smell something fishy here.
क्या दिखा रही थी तुम
उन्हें ?
What were you showing them?
तुमने जरूर कुछ किया होगा
You must have done something!
प्लीज शाम बर्बाद मत करो |
please don't ruin the evening.
aaa, aana and athe a are the three articles used in English
language. aaa and aana are called indefinite Articles and athea is called the
definite article. aaa and aana are used in the sense of aonea. The indefinite
Article aaa is used before words beginning with consonants or consonantal
हाँ, क्यों क्या हुआ ?
Yes, why what happened?
क्या यह भी उसी की गलती
है ?
Is this also his fault?
मामला बहुत बिगड़ गया है
यहाँ |
The matter has turned very serious here.
वो हमें नहीं पता |
That we don't know.
There could be many rules to remember and exceptions along
with it. But in this chapter, we assure you, thereas only one word to learn
about- one of the most commonly used words a the. Thatas right- the word the is
the only Definite Article that there is. The one true king of its kind.
यह देखो |
Look at this...
मेरा दोस्त |
my boyfriend.
वह कहाँ गया ?
Where did it go?
हम उन्हें अकेला नहीं छोड़
सकते |
We can't leave them alone.
//nbsp;;;A definite article always has to match both the
gender and number of its noun. If the noun is feminine and singular like salsa,
then the article also has to be feminine and singular la salsa. If that same
noun is plural like salsas the article is also plural las salsas.
क्या तेरा दिमाग ख़राब हो
गया है ?
Have you lost your mind?
वह जो कह रहा है कर दो |
Just do what he's saying.
क्या तुम ठीक हो ?
मैं ठीक हूँ | मैं ठीक हूँ |
Are you okay? - I am all right! I am fine!
कुछ जोड़ना मत | बिल्कुल वही कहना जो हमने सिखाया है |
Don't add anything! Just say what we have taught you!
Definite and Indefinite Articles A, an, the are the
articles, which are used before Nouns to show whether we are talking of general
nouns or specified ones. Therefore, they are divided into two categories: .
2 दिन से तेरे गिले
अंडरवियर बाथरूम में पड़े हैं |
Your wet underwear is lying in the bathroom for two days.
उसने सुबह सुबह मेरा मूड
खराब कर दिया |
She spoilt my mood early in the morning.
क्या कभी तुम्हारे देर
रात आने के लिए सवाल पूंछे ?
Have I ever questioned you for your late nights?
तुम्हारे बाल बहुत सुंदर
दिख रहे है |
your hair looks very pretty,
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