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How to teach yourself English step-by-step Step : Find out
your English level.. Whether you know a lot of English, a little English or no
English at all, itas Step : Come up with a study plan.. A study plan is
basically a map of how youall learn the English language. In other Step :
क्या मैं कुछ कह सकता हूँ
Can I say something?
हंस लो जितना हंसना है |
Laugh as much as you want.
तूने ऐसा सोंचा भी कैसे ?
How could you even imagine!
हमें डर था कि कही तुम
मुझपर विश्वास ना करो |
we were afraid you wouldn't believe us.
Useful Tips to Teach
Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English
without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It
may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is
the perfect way . Listen to
अन्दर भेजो उसे
Send him in.
अभी के लिए इसे जाने दे |
Let it go for now.
तुमने स्कूल ना आकर बहुत
बड़ी गलती की है |
You made a big mistake not coming to school.
तुम अपने दोस्त के लिए
अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यों कुर्बान करना चाहते हो ?
Why do you want to sacrifice your life for your friend?
Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself:
How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day
without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every
single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language.
-Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the
sentence setting
तुम बस उसे भूल जाओ |
You should just forget her.
लेकिन मुझे थोड़ा सोंचना
पड़ेगा |
But I will have to think a bit.
वह यह भी तो कह सकता था |
He could've just said that.
कितनी बार कहा है तुम्हे
ड्यूटी पर मत पिया कर |
how many times have I told you not to drink on duty?
. SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a
teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English
language. See the table bellow: VERBS FORMAT. SN: SWAHILI:
लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं
कि तुम अपने पति को धोका दो |
but that doesn't mean you will deceive your husband.
तुम्हे पता है जो मैं कह
रहा हूँ |
You know what I'm saying.
अगर तुम नहीं निकलोगे तो
पुलिस तुम्हें निकालेगी |
lf you don’t leave then the police will escort you out.
डॉक्टर को बुलाऊं क्या ?
Should I call the doctor?
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कार क्यों रोक दी ?
Why have you stopped the car?
जिससे तुम प्यार करती हो
उसी से शादी कर रही हो |
You're marrying the one you love.
मुझे उन्हें अन्दर आने ही
नहीं देना चाहिए था |
I shouldn't have allowed them inside in the first place.
उसे कभी पता नहीं चलना
चाहिए कि तुम मेरी बेटी हो |
He should never know that you’re my daughter.
Useful Tips to Teach
Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English
without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It
may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is
the perfect way . Listen to
इसलिए मैंने रीना को
दूसरे घर में रखा है
That's why I have kept Reena in another house.
तुम दोनों से कुछ नहीं
होगा |
You both can't do a thing.
हम यह पुलिस को दे देंगे |
वो करेंगे जो कुछ करना है इसका |
we will give it to the police. They will do whatever has to
be done about it.
यह कैसे हुआ ?
How did this happen?
Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself:
How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day
without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every
single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language.
-Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the
sentence setting
जब तक तुम रीना को kiss
नहीं करोगे तुम्हारा चक्कर आगे नहीं पढ़ेगा |
Till the time you won't kiss Reena. your affair won't
हमें उसे fees नहीं देनी चाहिए थी |
We shouldn't have given him the fees.
आपकी इज्जत का बहुत ख्याल
है उसे |
She cares a great deal about your honour.
तुम्हारी आवाज इतनी अजीब
क्यों लग रही है
your voice sounds so different.
How to teach yourself English step-by-step Step : Find out
your English level.. Whether you know a lot of English, a little English or no
English at all, itas Step : Come up with a study plan.. A study plan is
basically a map of how youall learn the English language. In other Step :
वह कोई भी हो सकता है |
he can be anyone.
रीना ड्राइवर के साथ भाग
गई |
Jenny fled with the driver.
तुम्हें शर्म नहीं आती
ऐसा कमीना तुम्हारा रिश्तेदार है |
Aren't you ashamed. your relative is such a rascal?
लेकिन आज जो कुछ हुआ मुझे
बहुत अच्छा लगा |
But I surely liked what happened today.
Tips for Learning English by Yourself Music. One of the hobbies that you should
have while learning a language is to listen to music. Listening to
Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you
donat know where to start. If you are an
Apps. Nowadays
तुम्हे पता है उस दिन मैं
क्यों चुप रहा ?
You know why l kept quiet that day.
जल्दी कर, मैं क्लास के लिए late हो रहा हूँ |
Hurry up, I am getting late for class.
उस कमल ने मेरी ज़िंदगी
जहन्नुम बना दी है |
That Kamal's made my life hell.
यह सबसे मजाकिया बात है
जो मैंने कभी सुनी है |
That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.
Tips for Learning English by Yourself Music. One of the hobbies that you should
have while learning a language is to listen to music. Listening to
Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you
donat know where to start. If you are an
Apps. Nowadays
चुप हो मम्मी सुन लेंगी |
Shut up, Mummy will hear you.
क्योंकि कमल मुझसे
छुटकारा पाना चाहता है |
Because Kamal wants to get rid of me.
तुमने मुझे बेवकूफ बना
दिया |
You conned me!
मैं उस रात सो न सका |
That night, I couldn't sleep
How to teach yourself English step-by-step Step : Find out
your English level.. Whether you know a lot of English, a little English or no
English at all, itas Step : Come up with a study plan.. A study plan is
basically a map of how youall learn the English language. In other Step :
मेरी तबियत ठीक नहीं है |
I'm not feeling well.
रीना उसके पीछे गई है |
Reena has gone after him.
अभी इसका बिल बन रहा है |
It's being billed right now.
चलो इस बात को यहीं ख़त्म
करते हैं |
Lets end this matter right here.
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प्लीज पापा मेरे लिए |
Please, papa, for my sake.
अगर दम है तो आ लड़ |
If you have the courage! Then come and fight!
तुम इसे खरीद सकती हो |
मैं दूसरा ले लुंगी |
You can buy this one. I'll select another one.
तुमने इतनी देर क्यों लगा
दी ?
Why did you take so long?
. SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a
teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English
language. See the table bellow:
ताकि कोई हम पर शक ना करे
So that no one suspects us.
यह किस तरह का सवाल है ?
what kind of question is this?
क्या हो जाता इसे ?
What would happen to him?
मैं अपनी माँ से कुछ नहीं
छुपाता |
I don't hide anything from my mother.
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