Daily use examples of Get causative verb with Hindi translation

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//nbsp;;;Causative verbs express the idea of somebody causing something to happen or causing another person to do something. make somebody do something make object infinitive without to: somebody requires another person to do something. The barking dog made the postman run away. The rain has made the tourists stay in the hotel this morning.
तुम कमल के साथ लखनऊ गए थे, है ना ?
You had gone to Lucknow with Kamal, isn't it?
वह तुमसे छोटा है |
He's younger to you.
मैं नहीं जानता कि वह कब आयेंगे ?
I don't know when he's coming back.
हमारी इज्ज़त तुम्हारे हाथ में है |
Our honour is in your hands
Some of the causative verbs are have, get, let and make. Following is the sentence structure for active causative. Subject causative verb agent action verb object: Following are five examples of active causative form. Ali had the carpenter fix the cupboard. He had the secretary call the customer. Her parents let her go to the party. My mother made me do the homework. The doctor got the patient to
तुम ऑफिस के फ़ोन से कॉल कर सकते थे |
You could have called from office phone...
boss ने तुम्हारा केस मेरे हवाले किया है |
Boss has handed over your case to me.
गली गलोच मत करने लगना नहीं तो हमें आना पड़ेगा पुलिस स्टेशन छुडाने के लिए |
Don't start abusing, Otherwise, I will have to come down to the police station again...to bail you out.
कहाँ गए थे तुम ?
Where did you go?
A. aLetaB. aMakeaC. aHaveaThe causative verb aleta is used to express that weave given someone permission to do something. Sentences using the causative verb aleta generally follow this pattern: . aLeta Person/thing Base form of verb The base form of a verb, also simply called a base verb, is the basic, plain version of a verb that you would find in the dictionary, such as play, jump, run, sing, drive, and kick. Example: Mom let my brother drivethe car. . In this sentence we see the causative verb let. . Let is followed by a person/thiSee more on englishsentences
देखना, भगवान तुझे कभी माफ़ नहीं करेगा !
You'll see it, God will never forgive you!
तुम्हे बस बिस्तर से उठना था और बाल्टी रखनी थी |
All you had to do was get out of bed and put the buckets out.
अगर हमें भागना होता तो क्या हम आपके पास आते ?
if we really had to run, would we come to you?
मैं किराया लेने के लिए आया हूँ |
I have come to take the rent.
We use a causative verb when we want to talk about something that someone else did for us or for another person. It means that the subject caused the action to happen, but didn't do it themselves. Maybe they paid, or asked, or persuaded the other person to do it. For example, we can say: I cleaned my house. This means I cleaned it myself.
मैं खुद भी यही चाहती हूँ |
I myself wish the same thing.
तुम अपने आप को समझते क्या हो ?
What do you think of yourself?
क्या तुम कभी कमल से मिले हो ?
Have you ever met kamal?
कमल ने मेरे लिए बहुत कुछ किया है |
Kamal has done a lot for me.
//nbsp;;;Finally, ageta used as a causative verb implies that someone is being persuaded to carry out a certain action. For example, I could say that I got the salesman to give me a discount on the car.
4 महीने के प्यार के लिए मरने चला था |
Was out to kill himself over a 4-month romance.
मैं जो कुछ कहूँगा तुम विश्वास नहीं करोगे |
No matter what I say, you won't believe it.
रुकों मुझे चेक करने दो |
Wait, let me check.
आगे मत बढ़ना |
don't come forward
कम से कम उसने कोशिस तो की |
At least he tried.
क्या हुआ ?
What happened?
अब जो होना था हो गया |
Now whatever had to happen has happened.
उम्मीद मत हारो |
Don't lose hope.
Causative construction is used when we have someone else do something for us. Elroy had his car washed. I had my dad carry my backpack. I had my horse carry the body. The teacher made me do extra work. Melisa got her hair cut. Elizabeth had her nails done. Subject Exercises: Causative Exercise Causative Worksheet PDF: Causative Verbs
उसे चैन से सांस तो लेने दो |
Let him atleast breath easy.
पता नहीं हमें पैसे कैसे मिलेंगे |
I don't know how we will get the money.
क्योंकि तुम अभी भी उससे प्यार करती हो | हैं ना ?
because you still love him. Don't you?
आपसे कोई मिलने आया है |
there's someone here to see you.
//nbsp;;;I had my students learn these patterns Causative verbs are just what they sound like: verbs where one person is acausinga another to do something. English has three true causative verbs: have, let, and make. This grammar target has a special pattern that often confuses students because it requires a base verb where an infinitive verb would normally go. Once we present the pattern to our
कैसा दोस्त है तू !
What a friend you are!
हमें आज सुबह रीना को लेने जाने था |
We had to go pick up Reena this morning.
क्या तुम शराब पी रहे हो ? मैंने तुझे पीने के लिए मन किया था ना ?
Αre you boozing? l told you not to drink, didn't l?
कार खराब हो गई है |
The car has broken down.
//nbsp;;;Examples of causative verbs include make, cause, allow, help, have, enable, keep, hold, let, force, and require, which can also be referred to as causal verbs or simply causatives. A causative verb, which can be in any tense, is generally followed by an object and another verb formaoften an infinitive or a
तू बहुत बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बोल रहा था | अब चूका कीमत |
You were exaggerating so much! Now pay the price!
बत्तमीज, तुझे शर्म नहीं आती ?
Mannerless, aren't you ashamed?
उसको दर्द हो रहा है |
She is in pain
मैं यहाँ माफ़ी मांगने नहीं आया हूँ | क्योंकि जो मैंने किया है वह माफी के लायक नहीं है |
I'm not here to apologise. Because what I did isn't pardonable.
Examples of Get causative verb
मुझे लगता है मैंने तुम्हें पहले कहीं देखा है |
I think I have seen you before.
मैं यह करूँगा अगर तुम चाहती हो कि मैं करूँ |
I'll do it, if you want me to.
मुझे यकीन है बहुत मजा आएगा
I am sure it will be fun.
कमल कहाँ है ?
Where is Kamal?
Causative verbs are verbs that show the reason why something took place. The causative verbs are: have, get, make and let.
उसकी आत्मा भटक रही है |
His spirit is roaming.
फिर मिलोगें ना ?
You will meet me again, won't you?
चुपचाप अपना popcorn खाओ |
Quietly eat your popcorn!
क्यों इसमें क्या गलत है ?
Why? What's wrong with this?
//nbsp;;;Causative Verbs, as the name implies, are the verbs that express the idea of somebody causing someone to happen or causing another person to do something. In English, there are three true causative verbs, and they are:
मैं कितनी गलत थी |
I was so wrong.
कहाँ से मिले तुझे यह पैसे ?
From where did you get this money?
अगर मैंने तुमसे शादी ना की होती तो यह सब ना होता |
If I hadn't married you all this wouldn't have happened.
लोग घूर रहे हैं | क्या कर रही हो तुम ?
People are staring. What are you up to?
See my explanation about the causative verbs 'let' and 'make' here. We use a causative verb when we want to talk about something that someone else did for us or for another person. It means that the subject caused the action to happen, but didn't do it themselves. Maybe they paid, or asked, or persuaded the other person to do it. For example, we can say: I cleaned my house. This means I cleaned it myself.
वह सुन्दर ही नहीं काबिल और समझदार भी है |
He is not only handsome, but able and sensible too.
मैं एक शरीफ आदमी को बदनाम नहीं होने दूंगा |
I won't let a decent man be defamed.
मैं चला जाऊंगा क्योंकि तुम्हे अब मेरी जरुरत नहीं है |
I'll go because you don't need me any more.
आओ मैं तुम्हें छोड़ दूँ |
Come, I'll drop you.
मुझे नहीं, लेकिन रीना को परेशानी हो सकती है |
Not I, but Priya might have a problem.
आपने तो भूतो की नाक कटवा दी |
You've made a mockery out of ghosts.
तू क्यों बेकार में परेशान हो रहा है ?
Why are you needlessly tensed?
मैं तेरी बहन के पीछे नहीं गया |
I didn't go after your sister!
//nbsp;;;Causative Verbs in English Grammar Causative Verbs Explained. Causative verbs express the idea of someone causing something to take place. Causative verbs Causative Verb Examples. Jack had his house painted brown and gray. The mother made her son do extra chores because of Make as a Causative
बोल कुछ वह जिंदा है या तुमने use मार दिया |
Say something is he alive or did you kill him.
तुम थके होगे जा के सो जाओ |
You must be tired, go to sleep.
लेकिन मुझे वह लड़का पसंद नहीं है | जरा सा भी नहीं |
But I don't like that boy. Not one bit.
तू हिम्मत दे रहा है या डरा रहा है मुझको ?
Are you encouraging me or scaring me?
The English verbs let, make, have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something else to happen. Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in English sentences. How to use causative verbs in English LET = permit something to happen. Grammatical structure: LET PERSON/THING VERB base form Examples:
मैं तेरी हड्डियां तोड़ दूंगा अगर तू मेरे पास आया तो |
I'll break your bones if you come near me!
मेरा ऐसा इरादा नहीं था |
I didn't have such intentions.
क्या तुम मुझसे दोस्ती करना चाहते हो ?
Do you want to make friendship with me?
यह मेरे लिए भी हैरानी की बात है |
It was shocking for me as well.
तुम सब भाग क्यों रहे हो ?
Where are you all running away?
I am really sorry मुझे जाना होगा कुछ काम आ गया है |
I'm really sorry, I've have to go, something's come up at work.
तुम्हे जो कुछ कहना है तेज आवाज में कहो |
whatever you have to say... say it aloud.
सब्र रखो |
Have patience!
The causatives are the verbs that are used to indicate that one person causes another person to do something for the first person. One can cause somebody to do something for him/her by asking, paying, requesting, or forcing the person. Causative Verbs: Have ; Get; Make; This kind of verbs constitutes different structures for their sentences. Have
किसी ने किडनैप तो नहीं कर लिया ?
Could someone haνe kidnapped him?
दिखाना कान की बाली |
show me the earrings.
मैं कहता हूँ चल बोरिया बिस्तर बांधकर निकल चलते हैं यहाँ से | नहीं तो पुलिस वाले पकड़ लेंगे हमें |
I am saying lets wrap everything and leave from here. Or else the police will catch us.
मैं recommend करूँगा | बाकी तुम्हारी किस्मत |
I'II recommend - rest is your Iuck.
//nbsp;;;Causative Verb Examples . Jack had his house painted brown and gray. The mother made her son do extra chores because of his behavior. She had Tom write up a report for the end of the week. The first sentence is similar in meaning to: Someone painted Jack's house OR Jack's house was painted by someone. The second sentence indicates that the mother caused the boy to take an action. In the
वह कमीना कमल जरुर उसके साथ भाग गया होगा |
That rascal Kamal must have eloped with her.
दिमाग खराब हो गया है तुम्हारा घर में बैठे बैठे |
You've lost your mind staying at home all the time.
ये टोस्ट खालो कम से कम |
Have this toast at least.
यह मेरी इज्जत का सवाल है |
It's the question of my honor.
//nbsp;;;Examples of causative verbs include make, cause, allow, help, have, enable, keep, hold, let, force, and require, which can also be referred to as causal verbs or simply causatives.
तुमपर हाथ उठाने के लिए मुझे दुःख है |
Sorry for raising my hand on you.
तुम्हारा सपना सच हो गया |
Your dream has come true.
बिलकुल फ़िक्र मत करो | इस बारे में किसी को कुछ पता नहीं चलेगा |
Don't worry at all. No one will learn about it.
तुमने मुझे बेवकूफ बना दिया |
You conned me!
The English verbs let, make, have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something else to happen.Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in English sentences. How To Use Causative Verbs In English LET = Permit Something To Happen Grammatical structure : LET PERSON / THING VERB base form Examples: I donat let my kids watch violent
तुम हर चीज इतनी seriously क्यों लेते हो ?
Why do you take everything so seriously?
नोजवानो को शर्म आनी चाहिए |
Youngsters ought to be ashamed!
मैं तुझे अपनी जायदात से बेदाखल कर दूंगा |
I'll abdicate you from my will.
इस नाटक को चलने दो |
let this charade go on.
The verbs let, help, have, make and get are causative verbs. The following examples show the usage and purpose of causative verbs in English sentences. How To Use Causative Verbs in English. LET = Allow something to happen . Structure: LET PERSON/THING base form of the VERB . Examples: I donat let my toddler play at the dining table. She doesnat let us go on a trip alone. They wonat let her
सॉरी मेरी वजह से आपको और आपकी family को परेशानी हुई |
Sorry because of me you and your family members have been troubled.
मैं चाहता हूँ आप मेरा साथ दें |
I want all of you to be with me.
उसने तुमसे भी पैसे लिए ? उसने मुझसे भी पैसे लिए |
She took money from you too? She took money from me as well.
किसी को शैतान बनने मैं ज्यादा time नहीं लगता |
It doesn't take long for one to turn into the devil.
Example - No Let's say you to want to have a new kitchen cupboard so call the carpenter and he does your work Means take all the measurements , Get s the cupboard - Everything he does for you so this is causative why because you are not doing this work but you are saying to something to do this for you.
तब तक आप चौकन्ने रहिएगा |
Till then you stay alert!
यह तो होना ही था |
This was bound to happen.
काश ये एक मज़ाक होता |
I wish it were a joke.
तुम्हे कैसे पता ?
How do you know?
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