English grammar lessons in Hindi - VAH BACHCHA JO VAHAAN RO RAHA HAI KAMAL KA BETA HAI
Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |
हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
If you have just started learning English in Hindi, then you
first have to know some basic rules of language in Hindi, for learning English
Grammar in Hindi. But here we will learn step by step English grammar within
your language Hindi from basic level. Developing a solid foundation in English
grammar will not only help you to make your sentences correctly, but it will
make it
मुझे सिर्फ बोलने में problem
है |
I only have a problem with speaking.
तुम चाहे कुछ भी मानो पर
मैं अपने पिता जी का दिला नहीं तोड़ सकता था |
Take it in whichever way... but I couldn't break my father's
मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे बुरा
दिन |
Worst day of my life.
लड्डू मिले तुम्हें मिठाई
के दुकान पर ?
did you get the ladoo from sweet shop?
Hindi medium English Grammar lessons in easy language
specially for Hindi Medium students. Learn all the topics step by step
explanation of basic English Grammar in Hindi with examples and translation.
शाम को किया कर रहे हो |
What are you doing this evening?
पीछे रहो |
Stay back!
उसने कभी शिकायत नहीं की |
He never complained.
मैं क्या पागल हूँ जो उसे
Αm l nuts to tell her that..
Hindi English grammar book app contains the English Grammar
that are explained in Hindi language for the ease of user use. You can find all
the grammar contents and are explained in simple and easy language.
तुम हंस रहे हो | तुम लोगो को लगता है कि मैं मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ |
You guys are laughing! You guys think that l am jesting!
विश्वास नहीं होता तुम
लोग इस तरह रहते हो |
I can't believe you guys live like this.
मैं तुमसे फ्री में करने
के लिए नहीं कह रहा |
I'm not asking you to do it for free.
जल्दी क्या है ?
What is the rush?
English Grammar Lessons in Hindi - Check out English
Learning videos with Step by Step guidance Active and Passive voice a
Definition, Examples, Exercises a in Hindi This article on active and passive
voice gives the definition of active and passive voice. There are examples of
each and rules to convert active voice into passive voice.
तुझको उससे क्या problem
है ?
What's your problem with her?
मैं पैसे लेकर भाग सकता
था |
I couId've run away with the money.
नीचे मत देखो |
Don't look down.
तुम जो चाहते हो कर सकते
हो |
you can do whatever you want.
This video provides step by step explanation of English
grammar tenses, verbs, and other parts of speech, with examples in Hindi. These
videos teach you to construct various types of sentences, including negative
and interrogative sentences. If you are looking for simple yet powerful lessons
to learn English, these videos are for you as a beginner.
मैं इस गोली को निगलूँगा
कैसे ?
how will i gulp the pill down?
पता नहीं कहाँ चला गया वो
l don't know where he has gone.
तुम उसे नहीं ले जा सकते |
You cannot take him away.
आज कमल नहीं दिख रहा ?
I can't see Kamal today.
//nbsp;;;Learn English in
Days in Hindi In this eBook you get a good chance to learn English
in Days in Hindi. Because this eBook
provides all the things you need for English Speaking, so you can learn to
speak English easily by reading this book. So if you want to learn to speak
English, then you must read or download this book.
आपको मेरे साथ एक कप कॉफ़ी
पीनी पड़ेगी |
You will have to come for a cup of coffee with me.
इसकी हिम्मत तो देखो,
यह मुझे नकली जेवर बेचना चाहता था |
Look at his courage, he wanted to sell fake jewels to me.
क्या तुम उसके साथ फ़्लर्ट
कर रहे थे ?
Were you flirting with her?
भाई तुम कहाँ थे ?
Where were you, Brother?
English Grammar Lessons in Hindi - Check out English
Learning videos with Step by Step guidance Active and Passive voice a
Definition, Examples, Exercises a in Hindi This article on active and passive
voice gives the definition of active and passive voice. There are examples of
each and rules to convert active voice into passive voice.
मुझे सब पता है |
I know it all.
मैं तुम्हारे बारे में
सोंच रहा था |
I was thinking about you.
मैं नहीं मानता |
l don't believe this!
जैसे ही मुझे कुछ पता
चलता है में आपको बताता हूँ |
as soon as I find out anything I will let you know.
//nbsp;;;Learn English in
Days in Hindi In this eBook you get a good chance to learn English
in Days in Hindi. Because this eBook
provides all the things you need for English Speaking, so you can learn to
speak English easily by reading this book. So if you want to learn to speak
English, then you must read or download this book.
मैं यहाँ काम मांगने नहीं
आया हूँ |
I'm not here to ask for work.
अच्छे लोगो के साथ अच्छा
होता है |
good things happen to good people.
क्या आपको पूरा यकीन है
कि तुम मेरे लिए कुछ महसूस नहीं करती हो ?
are you certain you don’t feel a thing for me?
मैं तुम्हे रोज कॉल
करूँगा |
I will call you everyday
Hindi English grammar book app contains the English Grammar
that are explained in Hindi language for the ease of user use. You can find all
the grammar contents and are explained in simple and easy language.
आप बस रुकिय और देखिये
मैं आपके बैंक का क्या करता हूँ |
You just wait and see what I do to your bank.
फर्नीचर इन्ही का है या
किराए पर लिया है ?
The furniture belongs to them or have they rented it?
मैं उसकी वाट लगा दूंगा |
l will screw him.
तुम जैसे दिखते हो वैसे
नहीं हो |
You are not as you seem to be.
If you have just started learning English in Hindi, then you
first have to know some basic rules of language in Hindi, for learning English
Grammar in Hindi. But here we will learn step by step English grammar within
your language Hindi from basic level. Developing a solid foundation in English
grammar will not only help you to make your sentences correctly, but it will
make it
तुझे कबसे फर्क पड़ने लगा ?
since when it is making difference to you?
मैं तुम्हारी माँ की तरह
हूँ |
I am like a mother to you.
देखो दुल्हे का परिवार
यहाँ कभी भी आता होगा |
Look, the groom's family will be here any moment.
मैं भी उसी तरफ जा रहा
हूँ |
I'm heading in that direction as well.
This video provides step by step explanation of English
grammar tenses, verbs, and other parts of speech, with examples in Hindi. These
videos teach you to construct various types of sentences, including negative
and interrogative sentences. If you are looking for simple yet powerful lessons
to learn English, these videos are for you as a beginner.
क्या दुनिया में ऐसे लोग
भी है ?
Are there such people too in the world?
क्या तुमने इसे कोई तमीज
नहीं सिखाई ?
Have you taught him no manners?
बस तुम अपना फ़ोन on
रखना |
just keep your phone on.
वहाँ जाने तक का पेट्रोल
नहीं है बाइक में |
We don't have enough petrol in the bike to go there.
//nbsp;;;Basic Hindi Grammar Lessons. aThoua is currently not in use in English,
but Hindi formal talk involves use of this pronoun. This is the most basic grammar lesson, where
you have been
अभी मैं अपने result
का इंतिजार कर रही हूँ |
Right now l am awaiting my result.
तेरा इन पैसों से कभी भला
नहीं होगा देख लेना |
You'll never prosper with this money, mark my words.
क्या तुम्हें पता है तुम
किससे बात कर रहे हो ?
Do you know whom you are talking to?
वो मुझे कैसे पता होगा ?
How am I supposed to know that?
English Grammar in HindiEnglish English Grammar, ,
हम अभी भी वहीँ अटके हैं
जहाँ से शुरू किया था |
We're still stuck where we started.
क्या ज़िन्दगी देती मैं
तुझे ?
What life would l be able to offer you?
अगर तुम्हे देर हो गई तो ?
what if you get delayed?
इसमें सिर्फ एक मिनट
लगेगा |
This will take hardly one minute.
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how to learn english through hindi