May modal verb examples in Hindi

Daily use sentences of May modal verb with Hindi translation

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Daily use sentences of Modal verb may with Hindi translation

Daily use sentences of Modal verb may with Hindi translation

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Modal Verbs Definition. Model verbs are a kind of helping verbs. They show the mood of a verb such as ability, possibility, obligation, permission, advice, or some other mood. Some Model verbs are: Can; Could; May; Might; Shall; Should; Will; Would; Must; Formula of Modal Verbs Subject  Modal Verb  Main verb. Examples: I can win the race.  

यह आया कहाँ से ?
Where did it come from?
यह हमारे दिमाग में छप गया है | मैं उन्हें नींद में भी पहचान सकता हूँ |
It's imprinted in my mind! Even in my sleep I can recognise them!
में तुमसे शादी नहीं कर सकता |
I can't marry you.
और सब मान गये हैं |
Everyone else has agreed.

वह तेरी भाभी है |
She is your sister-in-law.
तुम्हें पता है आज client meeting में आज क्या हुआ ?
Do you know what happened in client meeting today?
हमने कमल को उसका नाम लेते कभी नहीं सुना |
We never heard Kamal taking her name!
कमल अगर तुम आधे घंटे में नहीं आये तो मैं अपनी जान दे दूंगी |
Kamal if you will not come here in half an hour then i will kill myself!

These five verbs are examples of modal verbs. can; could; be able to; may; might; Modal verbs are helping/auxiliary verbs that express ideas like ability, permission, possibility, and necessity. Many modal verbs have more than one meaning. They are always followed by the simple form of a verb. For example, Alan can swim well.

अगर मैंने यह अपने पापा को बताया तो उन्हें heart attack आ जायेगा |
If I tell it to my father he will have a heart attack.
लेकिन ये सच भी तो नहीं बता सकते थे |
But they couldn't also speak the truth.
तुम अभी कहाँ हो ?
Where are you right now?
क्या हम रूककर रास्ते में एक ले सकते हैं | क्या तुम्हारे पास time है ?
Can we stop and get one on the way? Do we have time?

Modals verbs are different from normal English verbs.We use modal verbs to express different meanings and reach different purposes. Modal verbs do not take an asa for the third person singular. She musts walk her home everyday. wrong She must walk her home everyday.  correct. After acana, acoulda, amaya, amighta, ashalla, ashoulda, aought toa, awilla, awoulda, amusthave toa, we use a bare infinitive 

मुझे याद नहीं | कई सालों पहले लखनऊ में कराई थी |
I don't remember. Many years ago in Lucknow.
मैं उनके साथ जा रहा हूँ |
I am going with them!
पता नहीं कहाँ चला गया वो |
l don't know where he has gone.
जल्दी कर, मैं क्लास के लिए late हो रहा हूँ |
Hurry up, I am getting late for class.

//nbsp;;;In essence, may implies that there is a better likelihood or possibility of something happening than might does maybe % vs. %. In some instances, there is no difference. Either modal verb can be used. If you are speaking about a situation that isnat real, it is better to use the word might.. To speak about possible actions or events in the past, use may have done or might have 

मुझे यकीन है बहुत मजा आएगा 
I am sure it will be fun.
क्या करूं मैं ? आंसू बहाऊं ?
What else should I do? Shed tears?
आप मुझे क्यों बता रही हैं ?
Why are you telling me this?
मैं ढूंड दूंगा तुम्हारे लिए जो तुम्हे प्यार करे तुम्हारा सम्मान करे तुम्हारा ख्याल रखे |
I'll find you someone who loves and respects you, cares for you.

//nbsp;;;Modal Verb May Examples There are examples of the use of modal verb MAY in proverbs, sayings and ations. Proverbs. I. Note the use of the verb 'may / might' in the following proverbs and sayings. Memorize them. A cat may look at a king. Cowards may die many times before their death. A fair face may hide a foul heart. Bitter pills may have blessed effects. Be careful what 

मैं आपको कोई तकलीफ नहीं देना चाहती थी | पर मुझे एक जरुरी काम आ गया है |
I didn't want to bother you. but I have an important work.
रीना ने कई बार तुम्हारा number try किया था |
Reena tried your number many times.
सोंच के ही दिमाग खराब हो जाता है मेरा |
Just the thought of it upsets me.
तुम्हें क्या लगता है क्या कर रहे हो तुम ?
What do you think you're doing?

 We can use May and Might a To express possibility. There is a chance of something being true or We can use May To ASK FOR permi ssion. Note: May sounds more polite than using Can or Could We can also use May a To GIVE permission. We do NOT use Might to give permission. You may To NOT give permission. We can use May not to NOT give permission or to PROHIBIT someone May: to talk about typical occurrences. May is used in academic or scientific language to refer to MAY and Might are used to Speculate about past actions. Here we are saying that something was We can use MAY To express wishes. When expressing wishes, only May is used. May you both See full list on woodwardenglish

तुम्हें शर्म आनी चाहिए इतना बड़ा फरेब करते हुए |
You should have been ashamed for doing such a big fraud!
क्या कुछ ज्यादा नहीं हो गया |
Wasn't that too much?
आप बस रुकिय और देखिये मैं आपके बैंक का क्या करता हूँ |
You just wait and see what I do to your bank.
इस time कौन कॉल कर रहा है ?
Who's calling at this hour?

The modal verb may is used to ask, grant, or describe permission; to politely offer to do something for someone; to express the possibility of something happening or occurring; or to express a wish or desire that something will be the case in the future. We can also use may as a rhetorical device to express or introduce an opinion about something.

तुम थके होगे जा के सो जाओ |
You must be tired, go to sleep.
किस तरह की लड़की चाहिए तुम्हे ?
What kind of a girl do you want?
मुझे ख़ुशी है कि तुम लोग ठीक हो |
I'm glad you guys are okay.
ऐसा लगेगा जैसे मैंने अपनी pant खुद गीली की है |
It will look as if I have wetted my pants.

मैंने यह भगवान पर छोड़ दिया है |
I've left it to God.
हमें काफी मुनाफ़ा कमायेंगे |
We will earn abundant profit!
यह सब कुछ ही दिन में खत्म हो जायेगा |
All this will be over in a couple of days. 
मैंने किताब यहाँ रख दी है |
I've left the book here.

//nbsp;;;Modal verbs always remain the same no matter the subject and cannot be conjugated. Moreover, they do not have present and past participles. I am may ing go./ I have may ed go. Step : Characteristics of MAY. We use MAY in the present tense. E.g. You may go now. A verb stem always follows MAY. E.g. He may perform this afternoon. The verb stem is also known as the base of a 

तो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what can I do?
तुम अपने पापा को सच क्यों नहीं बता देते ?
why don''t you just tell your father the truth?
उसे तो बहुत पहले ही घर से बाहर निकाल देना चाहिए था |
We should've thrown him out of the house long back.
मैंने कल एक सवाल पूंछा था तुमने अभी तक जवाब नहीं दिया |
l asked a question yesterday, you haven’t answered yet.

The Farlex Grammar Book gt; English Grammar gt; Parts of Speech gt; Verbs gt; Auxiliary Verbs gt; Modal Auxiliary Verbs gt; Modal Auxiliary Verbs - May Modal Auxiliary Verbs - May Definition The modal verb may is used to ask, grant, or describe permission; to politely offer to do something for someone; to express the possibility of something happening or occurring; or to express a wish or desire that 

मेरा तुमसे मिलने का दिल कर रहा था |
I just felt like meeting you.
अपनी fees लो और निकलो यहाँ से |
Just take your fees and get lost!
तुम्हे चोट कैसे लगी ?
How did you get hurt?
चूहें कि तरह मसल दो उसे |
Crush him like a rodent.

For example: The robbers may be caught soon. Your money may be found soon. I think this radio can be repaired. Check modal verbs list down below with exercises and free PDF. Can/Could. Ability: Birds can fly. I can swim. Permission: Yes, you can go to the cinema. He could ride my car, if he let me know earlier. May/Might. Permission: You may see your friends now. Possibility: It may snow tomorrow. 

आपने कभी अपना इलाज नहीं करवाया ?
you never got yourself treated?
मुझे सिर्फ बोलने में problem है |
I only have a problem with speaking.
क्या बताया आपने अपना नाम ?
What did you say your name was?
वो बात नहीं है यार |
it's not that.

//nbsp;;;Modal verbs present all kinds of moods in sentences. A modal verb comes before a verb and modifies its meaning and expresses modality i.e. asserting or denying possibility, likelihood, ability, permission, obligation, or future intention. There are nine atruea modal auxiliary verbs: will, shall, would, should, can, could, may, might, and must. The verbs dare, need, used to, and ought to can also be 

वो भी मैं ही ढूंडू |
I should search for that as well.
मैं सोंच रहा हूँ कि हमारे देश का क्या होगा ?
I'm thinking what will happen to our country.
ये कौन सा तरीका है भीख मांगने का ?
ls this a way to ask for alms?
मेरी ज़िंदगी जहन्नुम बन गई थी |
my life had become hell.

Modal verbs of ability are used to express two different types of ability: . Open possibility, generally expressed by forms of the modal verb Can, ; Authority or potential ability, usuallly expressed by forms of the modal verb May.; These two verbs are followed by the infinitive without to.. Open possibility - can and be able to The verb can only exists in the simple present, simple past and present perfect forms.

तु मरेगा नहीं सड़ेगा |
You will not die, you will rot!
वह तेरी जान के पीछे पड़ा था |
He was after your life!
तुम्हे यह बाद में नहीं मिलेगी |
You will not get it later.
हमें अभी तक पैसे नहीं मिले हैं |
we haven't got the money yet.

//nbsp;;;Modal Verbs May, Example Sentences She may see him tomorrow before she leave. There may be other reasons that we donat know. This cream may produce a stinging sensation.

ऊपर खींचो उन्हें |
Pull them up.
डाका डाला क्या ?
Did you commit robbery?
वह मुझे कहाँ मिलेगा ?
Where will l find him?
तुम सबको परेशान क्यों करते हो ?
why do you bug everyone?

The modal verb amaya is followed by the base verb ago.a Example : Can we swim at Grandmaas house after school? In this example, we see the modal verb acan.a Can is used to ask for permission to swim at grandmotheras house. The modal verb acana is followed by the base verb aswim.a e. Ought One other modal verb that we didnat mention yet is the verb aought.a aOughta is different than other modal 

मैं तुम्हे कुछ नहीं दे सकता |
I can't give you anything.
लेकिन तुमने उसे जाने क्यों दिया ?
But why you let him go?
अभी तो बताया था 1 मिनट पहले |
I just told you a minute ago.
अगर वह पी लेती तो ?
What if she really consumed it?

May modal verb examples

शर्म नहीं आती तुम्हे ?
Don't you have any shame?
प्लीज पापा मेरे लिए |
Please, papa, for my sake.
क्या तुम सच सुनना चाहती हो ?
do you want to hear the truth?
यह उसकी गलती नहीं थी |
lt wasn’t her fault.

 rowsnbsp;;;Examples: Cheryl may be at home, or perhaps at work. possibility; Johnny, you may leave the 

तुम क्या मुझे बताओगे ? मैंने सब कुछ अपनी आँखों से देखा है |
What will you tell me? I've seen everything with my own eyes.
तुम सही हो और मैं गलत |
You are correct and I am wrong.
तुम्हारे साथ कौन है ?
Who is with you?
तू उन्हें वहाँ क्यों नहीं रखता ?
Why don't you keep them there?

Home ; English Grammar ; Verbs ; Modal verbs 'may' and 'might' Level: beginner. We use may: when we are not sure about something in the present or future: Jack may be coming to see us tomorrow. = Perhaps Jack will come to see us tomorrow. Oh dear! It's half past ten. We may be late for the meeting. = Perhaps we will be late for the meeting. She's had no sleep. She may be tired. = 

मैंने यह तुझसे पहले कभी नहीं सुना |
I never heard this from you earlier.
मुझे यहाँ दाल में कुछ काला लग रहा है |
I smell something fishy here.
कोई और सब्जी बना लो |
Cook some other vegetable.
music को क्या हुआ ?
What happened to the music?

मैंने सिर्फ उसके बारे में सुना है पर कभी देखा नहीं |
I have only heard about him, but never seen him.
भाई इस बारे में हम कल बात करते हैं |
Brother, lets talk about it tomorrow.
यही कहीं होगा |
Must be somewhere here only.
सिर्फ तुम मुझे बचा सकते हो |
Only you can save me.

English Modals Table and Example Sentences. . In sentences set with May, when asking for something from the other side, kindly asking, the subject in the sentence is always aIa. . When asking for permission or giving permission to the other party in a matter we use amaya. I may take you to work if you want.

तुम मुझे बहुत देर से कह रहे हो कुछ कहना है कुछ कहना है | तुम कहते क्यों नहीं |
You've been telling me for the long time that you want to say something. Why don't you tell me?
जो कुछ हुआ है इन चार दीवारों के बीच में हुआ है |
Whatever has happened... has happened within these 4 walls!
ये लो | 
Here take this... 
खा रहा हूँ |
I'm having right now.

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