Structure 57 - कोई गुलाब नहीं जिसमें कांटे ना हो


कोई गुलाब नहीं जिसमें कांटे ना हो |
There is no rose but has some thorns.

कोई हिन्दू नहीं जो रामायण न जानता हो |
There is no Hindu but knows the story of Ramayan.

ऐसी कोई समस्या नहीं जिसका हल ना हो |
There is no problem but has a solution.

ऐसा कोई इंसान नहीं जो जीना ना चाहता हो |
There is no man but wants to live.

शायद ही कोई भारतीय हो जो गाँधी को ना जानता हो |
There is hardly an Indian but knows Gandhi.

शायद ही कोई लड़का हो जिसे चोकलेट पसंद ना हो |
There is hardly a child but likes chocolate.

STRUCTURE 58 - बारिश हो रही है

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Pronouns personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, relative pronouns, reflexive pronouns,


मुझे मरवाएगा क्या ?

will you get me killed?

कमल ना कभी गलत हुआ है और ना कभी होगा |

Kamal has never been wrong nor will he ever be.

अब पता चला घर में कौन चोरी करता था |

now i know who used to steal in the home.

तुम्हारी आवाज को क्या हुआ ?

What's wrong with your voice?


A different pronoun is required depending on two elements: the noun being replaced and the function that noun has in the sentence. In English, pronouns only take the gender of the noun they replace in the rd person singular form. The nd person plural pronouns are identical to the nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun.


जो लड़का अभी गया, वह कौन था ?

The boy that just left, who was he?

किस तरह का दोस्त है तू ?

What kind of a friend are you?

अगर वो आता तो अच्छा होता |

Had he come it would've been better.

सॉरी मैं डर गया था |

Sorry, I was afraid.


Indefinite Pronouns These refer to something that is unspecified. Singular: anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, somebody, someone, something: Plural: both, few, many, several: Singular or Plural: all, any, most, none, some


लेकिन मेरे पास मेरा फ़ोन नहीं है, नहीं तो मैं उसे कॉल कर देता |

But I don't have my cell. Otherwise I would have called her.

मैं कभी नहीं सोंचा था कि ऐसा होगा |

I had never thought such thing would happen.

तुम मुझसे क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?

Why are you asking me?

हम दिल्ली आ रही है तुम्हारी शादी करवाने के लिए |

we're coming to Delhi right away to get you married.


A different pronoun is required depending on two elements: the noun being replaced and the function that noun has in the sentence. In English, pronouns only take the gender of the noun they replace in the rd person singular form. The nd person plural pronouns are identical to the nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun.


सुनो, मुझे इनका नहीं पता लेकिन मैं इन लोगो जैसा बिल्कुल नहीं हूँ |

listen, I don't know about them... but I am not at all like them.

क्या तुमने अपनी पहली बीवी को छोड़ दिया ? या वो किसी के साथ भाग गई ?

did you leave your first wife? Or did she elope with someone else?

सुनो यह मेरी तुम्हें last warning हैं |

Listen this is my last warning to you.

तुझे मार खानी है क्या ?

Do you want a beating?


Here's the full list . Personal Pronouns / Subject Pronouns. You already know subject pronouns, even if you didn't know that's what they . Object Pronouns. Object pronouns are used as the object of a verb or a preposition. They offered me a ride.  This . Possessive Pronouns. A


हम अंदर कैसे जायेंगे ?

How will we get in?

जैसा कहा गया है वैसा करो |

just do as you were told.

पर मेरे case मैं भगवान का कोई और ही प्लान था |

But in my case, God's plan was something different.

तुम्हारा माल safe है |

Your stuff is safe.


//nbsp;;;Types of Pronoun  Personal Pronouns. Personal pronouns are those that refer to people, places, things, and ideas directly. Personal  Possessive Pronouns. A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that is used to indicate possession or ownership. Example:  Reflexive Pronouns. Reflexive pronouns


मैं वो नहीं हूँ जो तुम मुझे समझ रहे हो |

I'm not what you think I am.

प्लीज उसे मत बताना कि हमने तुम्हें यह बताया है |

please don't tell him, that we have told you this.

या तो इस पार या उस पार |

It is either this side. Or that.

अब हम यहाँ और नहीं रहेंगे |

We won't live here any more.


//nbsp;;;Types of Pronoun  Personal Pronouns. Personal pronouns are those that refer to people, places, things, and ideas directly. Personal  Possessive Pronouns. A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that is used to indicate possession or ownership. Example:  Reflexive Pronouns. Reflexive pronouns


हमने डॉक्टर को बुलाया था लेकिन वह इतना सारा खून देखकर बेहोश हो गया |

We called the doctor, but he fainted on seeing so much blood.

लगता है तुम्हें मुझसे भी ज्यादा जल्दी है |

Looks like you are in greater hurry than me.

कहीं नहीं |


तू पुलिस को क्यों बताने लगा ?

why would you inform the police?


Pronouns a English Grammar Exercises. Personal pronouns, Possessives, Relative pronouns, Reflexive pronouns. Personal pronouns a Exercise ;  Personal pronounsPersonal pronouns in English a Object forms a Exercise ;  Personal pronouns a Subject or object form? a Exercise;  Personal pronouns or Possessive determiners a Exercise ;  Personal


तेरा तो गला बैठ गया था ना ?

Didn't you have sore throat?

यह मेरी इज्जत का सवाल है |

It's the question of my honor.

आशा करती हूँ आपकी flight आरामदायक होगी |

Hope your flight was comfortable.

रहने दो, पुरानी बाते याद करना छोड़ो और आगे क्या करना है वो सोंचो |

Let it be, stop remembering the past and think what we have to do ahead.


Here's the full list . Personal Pronouns / Subject Pronouns. You already know subject pronouns, even if you didn't know that's what they . Object Pronouns. Object pronouns are used as the object of a verb or a preposition. They offered me a ride.  This . Possessive Pronouns. A


कमल तुझसे कोई मिलने आया है |

Kamal some one has come to meet you.

बाथरूम कहाँ है ? सीधे जाकर right |

Where's the bathroom? - Straight and right.

मेरा दोस्त |

my boyfriend.

अगर तुम्हे देर हो गई तो ?

what if you get delayed?


A different pronoun is required depending on two elements: the noun being replaced and the function that noun has in the sentence. In English, pronouns only take the gender of the noun they replace in the rd person singular form. The nd person plural pronouns are identical to the nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun.


हम जैसे मासूम लोगो के साथ इतना बड़ा धोका |

Such a big deceit to innocent people like us.

एक काम करो | कल मुझसे lunch पर मिलो |

do one thing. Meet me tomorrow for lunch.

इसबार वो बचेगा नहीं |

This time he can't escape.

मुझे कुछ गड़बड़ लग रही है |

There's something fishy here.



इतना कुछ हो चूका है | मुझे नहीं लगता कि सब आयेंगे |

So much has happened. I don't think all wiIl come.

तुम बहुत बोल रहे हो |

you're talking too much

हम शर्मिंदा है |

We are ashamed

तुमने मुझे धोखा दिया |

You betrayed me!


We use all of before personal pronouns us, them, demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those and relative pronouns whom, which. The personal pronoun is in the object form: I need to speak to all of


मुझसे गलती हो गई |

I made a mistake.

हमें इस बारे में कुछ नहीं पता था |

we didn't know anything about it.

तू भी तो हममे से एक है |

You're one of us, too!

मैं कराऊंगा इसका इलाज |

I'll get him cured!


Pronouns a English Grammar Exercises. Personal pronouns, Possessives, Relative pronouns, Reflexive pronouns. Personal pronouns a Exercise ;  Personal pronounsPersonal pronouns in English a Object forms a Exercise ;  Personal pronouns a Subject or object form? a Exercise;  Personal pronouns or Possessive


जबसे मैंने ये गलती की है तबसे सबकुछ गलत हो रहा है |

Since I made this mistake, everything's going wrong.

तुम्हें उससे क्या लेना देना |

What do you have to do with that?

वो कैसे हुआ ?

How did that happen?

तुझे पता है क्यों ?

Do you know why?

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