Guide to Learning English Grammar Tenses Simple Tenses
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आखिरी बार मेरी मदद कर दो
help me one last time.
मैंने सही से कपडे नहीं
पहने है |
I am not dressed properly.
क्यूँ क्या हुआ ?
Why? What's wrong?
हम वापस आ गए |
We came back!
If you are looking for a simple and quick way to learn
English verb tenses, check our list here: Here is a chart showing all the verb
tenses. There are three times a present, past and future and four aspects a
simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous. The times and the aspects
combine to make all of the twelve tenses in English.
हम इससे कैसे छुटकारा
पायें |
How do we get rid of it?
तुम जो कर सकते हो कर लो |
You can do whatever you want.
अन्दर किसने आने दिया
तुम्हे ?
Who allowed you to come in?
उनमें और हममे बहुत अंतर
है, समझे ?
There's a lot of difference between them and us, understood?
The Ultimate Beginneras Guide to Learning English Grammar
Tenses Simple Tenses. This sentence uses the simple present tense. To describe
things that are permanent or unchanging. To Continuous Tenses. The word
continuous means something thatas ongoing, happening right now. The continuous
किसी को पता नहीं चलना
चाहिय कि हम कहाँ जा रहे हैं |
no one should come to know where we are going.
क्या फर्क पड़ता है |
It makes no difference.
कितने पैसे दे रहा है कमल
तुम्हे ?
How much money is Kamal giving you?
यह एक औरत को छेड़ रहा था |
He was teasing a woman!
In this easy English class, you will learn all about the
PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. Iall teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what
mistakes to avoid. This
क्या तुम ये चीजे मेरे
लिए ला सकते हो ?
Can you get these things for me?
जो उसने किया उसके लिए
उसे मरना ही था |
She had to die for what she did!
यह सब क्या हो रहा है ?
What is all this happening?
तुम जैसा आदमी कभी नहीं
सुधर सकता |
A person like you can never change!
Learn all of the
tenses in English easily in this lesson. This lesson features simple
explanations, lots of example sentences and illustrations.***** RELA
क्या खाना शुरू करें ?
Shall we start the dinner?
एक काफी नहीं था जो दो
आगये |
Wasn't one enough, that now we have two.
क्या हो जायेगा अगर तू
मुझसे दो मिनट बात कर लेगी ?
What will happen if you talk to me for two minutes?
मेरा पति दौ दिन पहले
बाजार गया था | वह अभी तक नहीं
आया |
my husband had gone to the market two days ago. He hasn't
come back yet.
In this easy English class, you will learn all about the
PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. Iall teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what
mistakes to avoid. This
तुम बैठो | मैं आचार ले के आती हूँ
You sit. l will get the pickle.
मुझे लगता है तुम्हे कोई
और मिल गई है |
I've found someone else.
वहां जा के तुम पेशाब कर
सकते हो |
There you can go to pee.
तुम हंस रहे हो | तुम लोगो को लगता है कि मैं मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ |
You guys are laughing! You guys think that l am jesting!
In this easy English class, you will learn all about the
PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. Iall teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what
mistakes to avoid. This
आल्लाह की कृपा से,
By Allah's grace,
तुम मेरे साथ आ रहे हो
मेरे घर ?
You're coming with me, to my home?
तुमने मेरे साथ ऐसा क्यों
किया ?
Why did you do this with me?
मुझे नहीं पता वह कैसे
दिखता है |
I don't know how he looks.
In this easy English class, you will learn all about the
PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. Iall teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what
mistakes to avoid. This
अब जल्दी बताओ मुझे मेरी
कार कहाँ है | वरना मैं तुम्हें
यह गोली मार दूंगा |
Now tell me quickly where my car is. Or l'll shoot you right
मैं ही था जिसने जुआ खेला
I was the one who gambled
वो किसी भी वक़्त आती होगी
She might be back any moment now.
मैं शहर से बाहर जा रहा
हूँ |
I am travelling out of the city.
The tenses simply show the time of an action or state of
being as shown by a verb. The verb ending is changed conjugated to show what
time it is referring to. Time can be split into three periods The Present what
you are doing, The Past what you did and The Future what you are going to do,
or hope / plan to do .
मेरे पास तुम्हारी बहुत complaint
आयी है |
I got many complaints against you.
तुम करोगे, बहुत जल्दी |
You will, νery soon.
वह रोटी हुई गई |
She went away crying.
इस पर नजर रखो |
Keep an eye on him.
Tenses table with examples pdf free download: . KB: Mar , :
तुम खुशनसीब हो कि मैं
तुम्हें मिली |
You are lucky to have me.
तुम हमारे भोलेपन का
फायदा उठा रहे हो है ना ?
You're taking advantage of our innocence. Aren't you?
तुम सुनोगे नहीं, है ना ?
You won't listen, will you?
हमने तो उसे अभी तक देखा
भी नहीं |
We haven't even seen her yet.
The Ultimate Beginneras Guide to Learning English Grammar
Tenses Simple Tenses. This sentence uses the simple present tense. To describe
things that are permanent or unchanging. To Continuous Tenses. The word
continuous means something thatas ongoing, happening right now. The continuous
दुनिया क्या कहेगी ?
What's the world going to say?
उसे कुछ नहीं हो सकता |
Nothing can happen to him.
तुम्हें ये कहाँ मिला ?
Where did you find it ?
अच्छा हुआ रेखा नहीं आई |
It's good that Rekha didn't come.
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