Daily use word meaning Hindi to English 

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Daily use word meaning Hindi to English 
Daily use word meaning Hindi to English day 2.2














//nbsp;;;English sentences used in daily life: Hello Friends, is post me hum aapko daily use english sentences with hindi meaning batane ja rahe hai jisme hum aapko daily use english speaking sentences ki complete list batane wale hai is se pehli post me hamne aapko Daily use english word with hindi meaning pdf download ki post share ki hai ise bhi jaroor pade.

तुम ही क्यों नहीं रखते ?
Why don't you keep it instead?
बड़ो से ऐसे बात मत करो |
Don't talk to your elders like that
दूल्हा दुल्हन को बुलाइए |
Call the bride and the groom, please.
किसी को पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |
no one should come to know.

कमल की शादी कब हुई ?
When did Kamal get married?
यह शर्ट आपने कहाँ से खरीदी ?
Where did you buy that shirt from?
जल्दी करो नहीं तो तुम्हें देर हो जाएगी |
hurry up or you'll be late.
आज नहीं तो कल हमें उन्हें बताना पड़ेगा |
Sooner or later we'll have to tell them.

//nbsp;;;Word Meaning English to Hindi Daily use Word English Vocabulary with Hindi Meaning English to Hindi common english words used in daily life with hindi meaning As we all know that vocabulary is the cornerstone of your English skills. It can not apply the rules of English grammar without strengthening it. Affair - 

तुमने पैसे कहाँ छुपाये हैं ?
Where have you hidden the money ?
मैं चुटकी में तैयार हो जाउंगी |
I'll get ready in a jiffy.
मुझे लगता है उसने हमें देख लिया है |
l am having this feeling that he saw us.
तुम बहुत अच्छे वक़्त पर आयी हो |
You've come at a very good time.

Daily use word meaning Hindi to English

मैं ही था जिसने जुआ खेला |
I was the one who gambled
मैंने तुम्हें उस दिन जो कुछ कहा मैं उसके लिए शर्मिंदा हूँ |
I'm ashamed of all the things I said the other day.
तुम्हारे बीवी बच्चे नहीं है क्या ?
Don't you have a wife and kids?
तुझे यह बहुत महंगा पड़ेगा |
You'll have to pay for it dearly.

//nbsp;;;Daily use word meaning in english or daily use words meaning in hindi. Learn daily use word meaning Judgement  Dizzy  Flattery / Ultimately / /

अगर तुम्हें डर लग रहा है तो तुम जा सकती हो |
If you are scared, you can leave!
इसका मतलब कोई भी आयेगा और आपसे कुछ भी कहेगा और आप उसका विश्वास कर लेंगे |
That means anyone can come and tell you anything and you will believe him? 
तुम किस बारे में बात कर रहे हो और कौन हो तुम |
What are you talking about and who the hell are you?
अच्छा हुआ मटका टूट गया |
lt's good that the pot broke.

उसे तो बहुत पहले ही घर से बाहर निकाल देना चाहिए था |
We should've thrown him out of the house long back.
उसे अस्थमा का attack पड़ा है |
He had an asthma attack!
मैं पूजा कर रहा था |
l was performing the veneration.
क्या तुम कमल हो ?
Are you Kamal?

Daily use English words ;  , English words with Hindi meaning share.

तुम दोनों एक दुसरे को जानते हो ?
The two of you know each other?
तुझे यह number कैसे मिला |
How did you get this number?
किसके लिए काम करते हो ?
who do you work for?
वह भाग गया होगा |
He must have run away.

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तू अभी भी वापस नहीं गया ?
You've still not gone back?!
उसे बच के मत जाने देना |
Don't let him escape.
घर पर सब कैसे हैं ?
How is everyone at home?
मुझे पिसाब करना है |
I want to urinate.

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मैं क्या ढूंढ रहा था ?
What was I looking for?
क्या बात है ? दादी आज बहुत खुश लग रही हैं |
What's the matter? Grandma seems to be very happy today.
मुझे थोड़ी ठंड भी लग रही है |
I'm feeling a bit cold too!
देखो तो इसका ड्रामा |
Look at her drama

माफ़ी मानगो उससे |
Apologize to her.
मैं तुम्हारी feelings समझता हूँ |
I understand your feelings.
मैं तुम्हारी कार की बात कर रहा हूँ |
I am talking about your car.
तो यह क्या है ?
Then what's this?

List of Daily Use English Words with Hindi Meaning PDF learn common English words used in daily life with Hindi meaning PDF for improving your English vocabulary to the next level. This lesson will help you to improve your English vocabulary skills for basic English learners as well as for kids as English is an international language so we must learn at least  English words for speaking 

क्या मैं तुम्हे एक राज की बात बताऊँ ?
Can I tell you a secret?
क्या तुम्हे पता है कि इसके साथ जीना कैसा लगता है 
Do you know what it's like to live with that?
तुमने मुझे गाली क्यों दी ?
Why did you abuse me?
वह कहीं गिर गया |
it fell somewhere

 Daily Use English Words with meaning a English Vocabulary Words with Meaning a Let Me Flow.  Daily Use English Words with meaning a English Vocabulary Words with  Saved by Muhammad Shabbir. . Daily English Words Daily Use Words English Opposite Words English Word Meaning Interesting English Words English Speaking Skills English Learning Spoken Learn 

मैं जवाब लिए बिना नहीं जाऊंगा |
l’m not leaving without an answer.
कितनी बार बोलूं मैं तुम्हे ?
How many times do I tell you?
तुम भारतीय हो, है ना ?
You're Indian, aren't you?
और क्या पसंद है तुम्हे ?
What else do you like?

Nov ,  - Word meaning English to Hindi daily use word - English word list with meaning in Hindi. In this video I will show you - Important English Vocabulary Words, S

तुम कहाँ हो रीना ?
Where are you, Reena?
कौन है ?
Who's that?
बर्दास्त की हद होती है |
There is a limit to tolerance.
तुम कर लोगे यह काम या किसी और को दूँ यह काम ?
Will you be able to do it or should I give this job to someone else?

//nbsp;;;Welcome, Daily Use Vocabulary Words Series .  English WordsHindi Meaning  Common  Useful  Vocabulary Words  English Speaking improveSo

अब बताओ मुझे, क्या तुमने कमल को देखा है ?
Now tell me, have you seen Kamal?
समझा ?
वह मुझे क्यों मारना चाहता है ?
Why does he want to kill me?
तुम बस जो मैं कह रहा हूँ उस पर ध्यान दो |
You just concentrate on what I say.

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तुम उसे यहाँ क्यों लाये ?
why did you bring him here?
मुझे पुलिस स्टेशन ले जाने की हिम्मत मत करना |
don't you dare take me to the police station.
रीना को स्कूल में कुछ हो गया है |
Something happened to Bindiya in school.
वहीँ रुक |
Stop right there!

Daily use English sentences PDF eBook, all chapter are available here from lesson  to lesson  Free on englishwale

कौन है उसका भाई ? मैं उससे बात करुँगी |
Who is her brother? I'll talk to him!
हिम्मत मत हारो |
dont loose your courage.
तुझे पता नहीं मेरे साथ क्या हुआ है |
You don't know what happened with me.
यही वह दिन है जिसके लिए हर सैनिक जीता है |
This is the day every soldier lives for.

Hello, Learners today we are going to publish Daily use vocabulary words with Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence, and Hindi Meaning. These vocabulary words will help you to expand your English vocabulary and improve your English. Learn the complete vocabulary list to learn more vocabulary words. Daily use vocabulary words with Synonyms, Antonyms Day 

वह सिर्फ एक बच्चा है |
He is just a child.
मरीज को फल के अलावा कुछ और देने की इजाजत नहीं है |
You're not allowed to give the patient anything besides fruits.
कोई नहीं हिलेगा |
Nobody will make a move!
यही कहीं होगा |
Must be somewhere here only.

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क्या सभी तैयारियाँ हो गई ?
Have all arrangements been done?
यह ड्रेस तुम पर प्यारी लग रही है |
This dress looks lovely on you.
मुझ पर रहम करो |
Have mercy on me!
ठीक है मैं रखती हूँ फोन |
I'm hanging up.

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क्या यह वक़्त है घर आने का ?
ls this the time to come home?
क्या यह सब आपने बनाया है |
Did you make these?
तुम परेशान क्यों हो रहो हो ?
Why are you getting worried?
हम चले जायेंगे |
We will go away.

Top  Daily Use English Sentences With Hindi Meaning Pradeep Sir. // - English Sentences Of Daily Uses.  Daily use English sentences with Hindi meaning ; 

तुम हमेशा हर बात मज़ाक में उड़ा देते हो |
You always laugh off every matter.
मैं तुझे पीटूंगा अगर तुमने ख़ुदकुशी की बात की |
I will beat you! If you speak of committing suicide!
क्या बनाऊं उनके लिए ?
What should I cook for them?
तुम इधर उधर क्या देख रहे हो ?
Why are you looking around?

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