Day 29 - Use of Neither pronoun in English

Neither pronoun ka use English sentences mein use karna seekhkar English mein baat karna seekhiye.का use english में करना सीखकर english में बात करना सीखिए

Use of Neither pronoun in English speaking

Neither pronoun singular pronoun है | इसके साथ हमेशा singular verb use करते हैं |
जब दो चीजो में से एक भी चीज select नहीं की जाती तो ऐसे वाक्य में हम Neither use करते हैं |
Neither pronoun के साथ present indefinite tense में verb में s या es लगाते है और is, was और has helping verb का प्रयोग करते हैं |
नीचे दिए हुवे वाक्य पढने पर आपको Neither pronoun का प्रयोग कैसे sentences में होता है पता चल जायेगा |

कोई सा भी आरोप सही नहीं है |
Neither of the accusations is true.
मैंने उसे घर और पैसे दिए | उसने कुछ नहीं लिया |
I offered him money and house. He took neither.
तुम दोनों में से कोई भी जॉब के योग्य नहीं है |
Neither of you fit for the job.
तुम दोनों में से कोई नहीं कर सकता इसे
Neither of you can do it.
तुम दोनों में से कोई भी वहाँ नहीं जायेगा |
Neither of you will go there.
तुम दोनों में से किसी को भी पैसे नहीं मिलेंगे |
Neither of you will get money.



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Basically, we use reciprocal pronouns to shorten a long sentence by not repeating the same action done by two or more people. First, we need two or more participants or subjects people, things or groups in a sentence in order to be able to use reciprocal pronouns.This means we canat use a reciprocal pronoun when our subject is singular. Second, our subjects must be in a reciprocal relationship or must be 

मैं उसे पिछले एक साल से उसे ढूंड रहा हूँ |
I've been looking for him for the past one year.
मैं तुम्हारा पीछा नहीं कर रहा था |
I am not following you!
भाड़ में गई तेरी दोस्ती !
To hell with your friendship!
मैं तुझे बाद में देख लूँगा |
I'll have to deal with you later.

The expression a neithernora means not the one nor the other of two people or things; not either and is used in negative sentences. Neither Kate nor her husband is slim. Remember: In English is the single negative rule: He was neither young nor handsome.

उसे कहाँ ले जा रहे हो तुम ?
Where are you taking him?
वह इस वक्त latrine में है |
Ηe's in the latrine right now.
मुझे इस घर के लिए नौकरानी चाहिए हीरोइन नहीं |
I need a maid for this house not a heroine!
तुमने कमल को थप्पड़ क्यों मारा ?
Why did you slap Kamal?

//nbsp;;;Use : Pronoun. In all instances where either and neither are used as pronouns, the sentence structure will be as follows: After either/neither comes of  noun phrase. When they act as pronouns, either means aone or the other,a while neither means anot one or the other.a. For example:

मुझे यकीन है बहुत मजा आएगा 
I am sure it will be fun.
रस्सी लाओ |
Get a rope...
तुमने मुझपर बहुत बड़ा अहसान किया है |
you did a very big favour on me.
बहुत हो गया | मजाक की भी हद होती है |
Enough is enough! There's a limit to these jokes.

//nbsp;;;Possessive pronouns are used when talking about something that belongs to or is related to one of the pronouns above. These include oneas, nobodyas, someoneas, no oneas, somebodyas, whoeveras, otheras, othersa, anotheras, eitheras, neitheras, etc. Note that these are typically contractions.

तुम हमें यहाँ क्यों लाये हो ?
Why have you brought us here?
मैंने नहीं किया |
I haven't done this!
तुम समझ क्यों नहीं रहे हो ?
Why don't you understand?
मैं यहाँ माफ़ी मांगने नहीं आया हूँ | क्योंकि जो मैंने किया है वह माफी के लायक नहीं है |
I'm not here to apologise. Because what I did isn't pardonable.

When neither is the subject of a sentence, it is usually used with a singular verb: Neither of the books was published in this country. But in spoken English a plural verb is sometimes used: Neither of us are planning to go.

अगर तुम्हे खेलते हुए चोट लग गई तो ?
What if you get hurt playing?
मैं तुम लोगो की वजह से बर्बाद हो गया | मैं अपनी माँ को क्या कहूँगा ?
l am ruined because of you all. What will l tell my mother?
कमल को घर छोड़ने के लिए शुक्रिया |
Thanks for dropping Kamal home.
यह जानकार अच्छा लग रहा है कि कोई हमारे बारे में भी सोंचता है |
It feels good to know that someone thinks about us as well.

English Grammar Pronoun Rules. NEXT: Verb Rules. Online Test. A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. Now consider the following cases:  When two or more singular nouns are joined by aora, aeitherora, aneithernora, the pronoun is generally singular. For example: Neither Abdul nor Rehman has done his lessons. Either Rama or Hari must help his friend.

मैं सॉरी कहने आया था |
I came to say sorry.
मैं पूरी रात सोया नहीं |
l haven’t slept all night.
तुम यहाँ क्यों आये मुझे मरवाने के लिए ?
Why have you both come here to get me killed?
तो अब हम क्या करें ?
So what should we do now?

. Used as a Pronoun. Print. Email. . Used as a Determiner. As a pronoun, either is used to mean a choice of one or the other of two people or things. As a pronoun, neither is used to mean not one and not the other. Either and neither are used before of followed by a plural noun.

हंगामा मत करो नहीं तो किसी को कुछ नहीं मिलेगा |
Don't fuss else no one will get anything.
मैं तेरी बात कर रहा हूँ अपनी नहीं |
I'm talking about you, not me.
यह मेरे गले में था |
lt was around my neck!
इस कंचे खेलने की उम्र में तुम कहाँ in चीजो में फंस गए ?
In this age of playing with marbles you have got entangled in what?

;Either; and ;neither; as determiners or pronouns. When both words are used as determiners or pronouns they have different meanings: neither determiner, pronoun not one nor the other of two things or people, for example aNeither answer is correct.a both answers are wrong A: aWhich sweater do you like?a B: aNeither.

मैं कामयाब होना चाहती थी पर इस कीमत पर नहीं |
I wanted to be successful...but not at this price.
मैं उसे जेब मैं लेके नहीं घूमता |
I don't roam around with him in my pocket, do I?"
I am really sorry मुझे जाना होगा कुछ काम आ गया है |
I'm really sorry, I've have to go, something's come up at work.
तुझे तो अहसान मानना चाहिए मेरा |
In fact, you should be grateful to me.

Indefinite Pronoun - Enough, Everybody, Everything, Little, Much,Neither - Explanation and examples in English and Hindi.

मैं तुम्हारी तरह नहीं हूँ |
I am not like you.
मैं आपको personally invite करने आया हूँ |
l have come to personally invite you.
अपनी आंखे बंद करो |
Close your eyes.
तुम्हें शर्म आनी चाहिए इतना बड़ा फरेब करते हुए |
You should have been ashamed for doing such a big fraud!

Indefinite Pronoun. Indefinite pronouns do not point out any particular person or thing. But referring to a person or thing to the general manager. They are any, one, none, naught, aught, other, another, several, many, few, all, they, some. Indefinite pronouns examples: Have you seen any man there? Have you seen any dog in there?

नल में पानी नहीं आ रहा |
Water is not coming from tap.
क्या तुम्हें पता है रोज सुबह 5 बजे जॉगिंग करता हूँ ?
do you know I jog every morning at 5?
मुझे क्या हो सकता है ?
What can happen to me?
रीना उसे माफ़ कर do नहीं तो कमल और विमल बेफालतू में मारे जायेंगे |
Reena, accept his apology or else Kamal and Vimal... are going to die unnecessarily.

Answers. . Each of these boys plays cricket well. . Neither of them went to the party. . None of us went to the party. . Not all birds can sing. . Each of my children loves me dearly. . All of the three roads lead to the station. . All my / All of my books are lost. . Let us get going. .

मेरी ज़िंदगी दुविधा में है |
My life's in a dilemma.
यहाँ क्यूँ होगा कमल ?
Why would Kamal be here?
तुम्हें सोंच रहे है और क्या ?
Thinking of you, what else ?
सुनों ! ये क्या पहना हुआ है तुमने ?
Listen! What is that you are wearing?

Each, either, neither, all, half, and both as pronouns Each. We can use a each a as a pronoun i.e. without a noun where the noun is known or obvious. However, using a each Either/neither. We can use a either a as a pronoun when the noun is known or obvious. Again, we use a singular verb. 

उसकी आत्मा तड़प रही होगी |
Her soul must be in turmoil.
मेरी वजह से आपको बहुत परेशानी उठानी पडी है |
You had to go through so much trouble because of me.
जैसी तुम्हारी मर्जी, मेरी राजकुमारी |
As you wish my princess.
अच्छा हुआ ना हम इस रस्ते से आये |
It's good that we took this route, isn't it?

//nbsp;;;There are a few benefits to using gender-neutral pronouns. First, in the English language, ;He; has often been used as an automatic fill-in for generic individuals. By using gender-neutral language, you're ensuring your sentences are inclusive for everyone.

तुमने उसकी बेज्जती की |
You humiliated her.
चलो वहाँ चल कर बात करते हैं |
Let's go there and talk!
यह मेरी जाती problem है | और मैं इसे हैंडल करना जानती हूँ |
it is my personal problem. And I know how to handle it.
क्या वह ज़िंदगी जीने लायक है जिसमें प्यार ही ना हो |
Is that Life worth living which has no Kick.

English, unlike other West Germanic languages, has a zero relative pronoun denoted below as ;athat is, the relative pronoun is implied and not explicitly written or spoken; it is ;unvoiced;. This measure is used in restrictive relative clauses only as an alternative to voicing that, which or who, whom, etc. in these clauses: . Jack built the house that I was born in; Jack built the 

मुद्दे की बात पे आते है |
Let's come to the point.
मैं कहता हूँ चल बोरिया बिस्तर बांधकर निकल चलते हैं यहाँ से | नहीं तो पुलिस वाले पकड़ लेंगे हमें |
I am saying lets wrap everything and leave from here. Or else the police will catch us.
तुम मेरे इतना पीछे क्यों पड़े हो ?
Why are you so much after me?
मैं उसे ढूंढ दूंढ कर थक गया |
I am tired of searching for him.

Neither is John. This is often used to answer someone. A: I don't like coffee. B: Neither do I. In an informal style we can use 'me neither'. A: I don't like coffee. B: Me neither. We use 'not either' to mean the same thing, but we use normal word order. A: I don't like coffee. B: I don't either. Try an exercise about 'either and neither' here.

सौ बार बोला है उसे कि मुझे साथ में ले जाना |
told him a hundred times that l wanted to come along.
अगर तेरे पास कोई और रास्त है तो बता दे 
Let me know if you have another option.
बस मुझे उसके खिलाफ कुछ मिल जाए फिर मैं उसे नहीं छोडूंगा |
Just let me get something against him and I won't spare him.
एक साल हो गया, ना उसने कॉल किया और ना ही मिलने की कोशिश की 
It's been one year since.. Neither has he called or tried to meet me.

Either and neither are never directly followed by an article or a determiner or a pronoun see footnote Either is a singular determiner or pronoun Either is sometimes used as an adverb standing at the end of a clause example  below. Neither is normally used as a singular, but sometimes as a plural example  below.

क्या कर रहे है आप ?
What are you upto ?
प्लीज शाम बर्बाद मत करो |
please don't ruin the evening.
तो यह सब क्या legal है ?
So all this is legal?
माफ़ी तो मैंने कभी अपने बाप से नहीं मांगी |
I never even apologised to my father.

When neither nor or either or are used with two singular nouns, the verb can be singular or plural. A plural verb is more informal. A plural verb is more informal. Word Origin Middle English: alteration by association with either  of Old English nawther , contraction of nhw;ther from n anoa  hw;ther awhethera.

मैं तुम्हें सुबह से कॉल कर रही हूँ |
i have been trying to call you since morning
वह दुल्हन से भी ज्यादा शर्मीला है | तुम उसका चेहरा नहीं देख पाओगी |
He's shyer than the bride! You won't be able to see his face!
सॉरी मैं डर गया था |
Sorry, I was afraid.
क्या हुआ उसे ?
What happened to her?

Luckily, neither child was hurt in the accident. Neither of us had ever been to London before. They gave us two keys, but neither worked. Translation of neither from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary EnglishaTurkish ; Cambridge University Press

अगर catch नहीं कर पाए तो ?
What if you don't catch it?
मेरी बाईं आँख आज बहुत फडफडा रही है |
My left-eye's twitching a lot today.
क्या किसी ने तुम्हारे ऊपर पानी फेंका ?
Did someone throw water on you?
तुम्हें क्या लगता है मुझे पता नहीं कि तुमने cheeting की है ?
Do you think l don’t know that you’ve cheated?

तुझे मुझ जैसा मर्द यहाँ नहीं मिलेगा |
You won't find a man like me here.
तुम्हें कैसे पता चला की हम क्यों आये हैं ?
How did you know what we came for?
मुझे अब और मत तडपाओ |
Don't torment me anymore. 
मुझे बस एक मिनट देना, ठीक ? 
Just give me a minute, okay?

Neither of and either of are followed by a plural noun or pronoun and a singular or plural verb. A plural verb is more informal: Neither of my parents speaks/speak a foreign language. When neither nor or either or are used with two singular nouns, the verb can be singular or plural. A plural verb is more informal.

मेरे मुंह में पान था |
there was betel leaf in the mouth.
यह एक बहरूपिया है |
He is an imposter.
मुझे यह कहते हूँ शर्म आती है कि यह मेरा भाई है |
I feel ashamed to say that, he's my brother.
कुछ मंगवाऊं ?
Can I get you something?

not one nor the other of two things or people Neither answer is correct. Neither of them has/have a car. They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.

ऐसी beauty के लिए तो मैं सीने पे गोली खा लूँगा |
For a beauty like her, l'd take a bullet on my chest.
एक लात मारूं क्या तुझे ?
Should I kick you off?
तुम शराबी हो |
You are drunkard!
मैं बीवी का नाटक नहीं कर सकती |
I can't pretend to be a wife!

another either neither several any everybody nobody some anybody everyone none somebody

मैंने तुमसे उसके बारे में बात की थी |
I had spoken to you about him.
तुझे अपने गलती नहीं दिखती क्या ?
Isn't your fault visible to you?
छोड़ो नास्ता | मैं पहले ही late हूँ |
Forget the breakfast, I am already late.
वह आएगा लेकिन वह जिंदा नहीं वापस नहीं जायेगा |
He will come, but he won't go back alive.

When using Neither  of  pronoun you, us, them, we need the preposition OF before that pronoun. If a verb comes after this phrase then it is in singular form The present is for neither of us. Neither of them is married.

तुम्हें क्या लगता है कमल और मेरे बीच कुछ चल रहा है ?
You think there's something going on between Kamal and me?
मुझे परवाह नहीं | उतारो इसे |
l don't care. Take this off.
जैसे ही मिलता है तुझे कॉल करता हूँ |
I'll call you as soon as I find it.
मेरा वक़्त ही खराब चल रहा है |
I'm going through a bad patch!

neither pronoun, determiner translate: hi; biri, ikisinde hi; biri, in/her ikisi de. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Turkish Dictionary. Cambridge Dictionary Plus

यह रहा तुम्हारा पर्स |
Here's your wallet.
अरे एहसान कैसा ये तो मेरा फर्ज था |
No favor at all! This is only my duty.
क्या बात है ?
What's the matter ?
नहीं मैं नहीं पकडूँगा |
No I won't catch it... 

Use of Neither pronoun in English

आप टेंशन मत लो | हम आ गये हैं | हम आपकी मदद करेंगे |
you don't be tense! We have come! We will help you!
तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो |
What are you doing here?
अगर छोटा amount होता तो हम आपको तकलीफ ना देते |
If it were a small amount, we wouldn't bother you.
कोई और सब्जी बना लो |
Cook some other vegetable.

The implied use of ;and; means that the subject is plural, and thus a plural pronoun should be used. By the same token, the ;closer to the verb; guideline is incorrect. ;Neither my friends nor my brother; is plural either way it's written, so the statement requires the use of the plural verb ;understand;.

मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा इससे क्या फर्क पड़ेगा ?
I don't understand what difference will it make?
मैं किसी से नहीं डरता |
I am not scared of anyone.
नहीं मुझे कुछ नहीं चाहिए मैं डाइटिंग पर हूँ |
No, I don't want anything. I am dieting.
Hi, मेरा रिजर्वेशन है |
Hi, I have reservation.

//nbsp;;;How to Use Neither As an adjective, it indicates not one or the other, none of the two. As a pronoun, it indicates not one or the other. As a conjunction, it is used with nor to negate both parts of a statement. Neither is NOT used as an adverb.

मुझे उससे कोई problem नहीं है |
I've no probIem with that.
कोई नहीं बचा |
Nobody survived.
उसने मुझे पहचान लिया |
He recognised me.
तुमने दुल्हे की तरह कपडे क्यों पहने है ?
why are you dressed as a groom?

इस कहानी का अकेला हीरो |
The sole hero of this story!
मैं तुम्हे रोज कॉल करूँगा |
I will call you everyday
मेरे पापा हमारी शादी से बहुत खुश थे |
My father was very happy with our wedding.
कोई option नहीं था |
There was no option.

Neither is used as a determiner before a single noun. Neither team wanted to lose. That tennis game was very close. Neither player had a clear advantage. Neither parent knew about the accident. Neither of  determiner  plural noun. You can use Neither of before a determiner my, his, these, the etc. and a plural noun.

क्या मैं पूँछ सकता हूँ कि वह खुशनसीब लड़की कौन है ?
May l ask who this fortunate girl is?
अगर अपनी बेटी की ज़िंदगी प्यारी है तो 1 लाख रूपए लेके पुराने मंदिर पे आ जाना |
lf your daughter's life is dear to you, come with 100,000 rupees to old temple at 10pm.
तुम इन पैसों का क्या करोगे ?
What will you do with this money?
उसके बाद क्या हुआ ?
What happened after that?

मेरी माँ ने यह तुम्हारे लिए भेजा है |
My mother sent this for you.
तुम हमें पहले ही बर्बाद कर चुके हो | क्या तुम्हें अभी भी चैन नहीं मिला ?
You've already ruined us. Are you not satisfied yet?
वह आपको क्यों मरना चाहेगा ?
Why would he want to kill you?
उसने मेरी अच्छाई का फायदा उठाया |
He took advantage of my good will.

//nbsp;;;For all those instances when either and neither behave like pronouns, the structure of the sentence would be: either/neither followed by of  noun phrase When they act as pronouns either means 'one or the other' while neither indicates 'not one or the other' gt; Both these roads go to Rome; you can go either way.

Excuse me, मैं बस अभी आया |
Excuse me. I'll just be back.
मुझे नहीं पता उसने ऐसा क्यों किया |
I don't know why he did this!
क्या तुम ये चीजे मेरे लिए ला सकते हो ?
Can you get these things for me?
तुम रस्सी को चट्टान से क्यों बांध रहे हो ?
Why are you tying the rope to the rock?

as a pronoun: There were two witnesses, but neither would make a statement. followed by aofa: Neither of us knew what to do. When neither is the subject of a sentence, it is usually used with a singular verb: Neither of the books was published in this country. But in spoken English a plural verb is sometimes used: Neither of us are planning to go.

भगवान की कृपा है कि मैंने इसे रंगे हाथ पकड लिया |
With the grace of God, I caught him red handed.
यह गलती दुबारा नहीं होनी चाहिए |
this mistake should not be happen again
उन्होंने अपनी बहन की शादी करवाने के लिए आपको धोका दिया है |
Thay have deceived you to get their sister married.
इस ड्रेस मैं कोई problem है क्या ?
Is there some problem with this dress?

The negative pronoun anoa is used only with nouns and serves as an attribute. No food or drinks allowed in the office. . The negative pronoun anonea could indicate both animate and inanimate objects. None of us succeeded there. Do you like classic or green tea? a None. . Negative pronouns anobodya and ano onea indicate only animate objects.

कौन है उसका भाई ? मैं उससे बात करुँगी |
Who is her brother? I'll talk to him!
जो लड़का अभी गया, वह कौन था ?
The boy that just left, who was he?
आगे कुछ मत कहना |
Don't say anything further.
तुम सबके पास काम नहीं है क्या ?
Don't you all have work to do?

Neither allows us to make a negative statement about two people or things at the same time. Neither goes before singular countable nouns. We use it to say anot eithera in relation to two things. Neither can be pronounced /na; r/ or /ni:; r/. Neither parent came to meet the teacher. The mother didnat come and the father didnat come.

मैं तुझ पे एक एहसान करता हूँ |
Let me do a favour on you.
इसीलिए उन्होंने मेरा ट्रांसफर करवा दिया |
That's why they got me transferred.
लेकिन मेरे पास मेरा फ़ोन नहीं है, नहीं तो मैं उसे कॉल कर देता |
But I don't have my cell. Otherwise I would have called her.
अच्छा idea है, पहले कोशिश में करूँगा |
That's a good idea! I'll make the first attempt.

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