Learn use of When in English through English speaking course in Hindi
When का हिंदी वाक्य में दो
अर्थ होते हैं | जब और कब
WHEN जब question word की तरह
use होता है तब इसकी हिंदी “कब” होती है |

WHEN जब question word की तरह use नहीं होता है तब इसकी हिंदी “जब” होती है |
when की हिंदी जब होने पर
हम when के बाद helping verb का प्रयोग नहीं करते है |

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
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Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |
हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
The time expressions after, before and when are used to indicate when something happens in the past, present, or future. Each is a subordinating conjunction which introduces a dependent clause and can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.. I went to school after I had finished my homework. She takes the train when she travels to London. Mary finished the report
तुम date के लिए तैयार लग रहे हो |
you seem to be dressed up for a date!
तुम पूरी बात ही नहीं सुनते हो |
You don't listen to the whole thing!
क्या करूँ मैं इसका ?
What should I do with him?
कुछ कहो, तुम कुछ बोलते क्यों नहीं |
Say something. Why don't you speak up.
When an adverbial phrase begins a sentence, itas often followed by a comma but it doesnat have to be, especially if itas short. As a rule of thumb, if the phrase is longer than about four words, use the comma. You can also use a comma with a shorter phrase when you want to emphasize it or add a pause for literary effect.
उसका अपहरण तो नहीं हो गया ?
He hasn't been kidnapped, has he?
अपने आप को देखो | तुम गली के गुंडे लग रहे हो |
Look at yourseIf. You Iook like a street ruffian.
क्या कोई है ?
Is there anyone...
कैसा दोस्त है तू !
What a friend you are!
Use lower case for the first letter of the following words: a, and, at, for, from, in, of, on, the, to except if it is the first word of the title Example title following the above style guide: a H arry P otter and the O rder of the P hoenixa Other lessons. How to use DO and MAKE in English Prepositions of place IN, ON and AT
ऑफिस मैं नहीं तो और कहाँ होऊंगा ?
Where else would I be other than the office?
कौन बता सकता है कि आगे क्या होगा ?
Who can tell what will happen next.
क्या बताया आपने अपना नाम ?
What did you say your name was?
मुझे पता है सर, कि मेरी कोई औकात नहीं है |
I know sir, that I don't have any status.
With the names of countries and continents. In these instances we do not use the articles at With the words breakfast, lunch, dinner. When it comes to eating in general, the article is not With the names of jobs and professions. In these instances, use the indefinite article a/an. With compass directions. Compass directions are written with capital letters when they With names of oceans, seas, rivers, and canals. Remember that the definite article is always With the names of unique objects. This means that only one of the object or thing exists; it is With uncountable nouns. Uncountable nouns are nouns that we cannot count. A way to With surnames. When speaking about members of the same family collectively, the article See full list on preply
दो मिनट इंतिजार नहीं कर सकते थे क्या ?
Couldn't you wait for 2 minutes?
हो सकता है यह ट्रिप किसी लड़की से मिलने का बहाना हो |
Maybe this trip's just an excuse to meet new girls.
तुम फंस गए |
You are trapped.
क्या उसे शर्म नहीं आयी ?
Didn't she feel ashamed?
वे दिल्ली हर कीमत पर जायेंगे |
They will go to germany at all cost.
वह बाहर किसी की शादी में गये हैं |
He's out attending someone's marriage.
मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |
I've been thinking about you.
मुझे सोने दो | सुबह आना |
Let me sleeep. Come back in the morning.
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प्यार से कहो | तो मैं मर भी सकता हूँ |
Say it with love, and I can even die.
मैं तुम्हे नहीं जानती तुम मुझे नहीं जानते |
I don't know you and you don't know me.
अगर वह तुमसे मिला तो उसकी तबियत और खराब हो जाएगी |
lf he meets you, his health will deteriorate.
तुम उसकी चिंता मत करो |
You don't worry about that.
We can use when to introduce a single completed event that takes place in the middle of a longer activity or event. In these cases, we usually use a continuous verb in the main clause to describe the
लेकिन तुमने ही तो उसे पैसे देने के लिए कहा था |
But it was you who asked me to pay him!!
मुझे तेरी बकवास नहीं सुननी चाहिए |
I don't want to listen to your nonsense!
तुमने उस दिन क्या कहा था ?
What did you say the other day?
जबसे कमल घर लौटा है उसने हमें कोई काम नहीं करने दिया |
Since the time Sameer has returned home. he doesn't allow us to do any work.
//nbsp;;;Students learning English quickly learn that the apostrophe in English is normally used to make a contraction. For example, instead of writing IT IS, you can write ITaS Instead of HE IS, we can write HEaS etc. However the apostrophe is not only used to show a contraction has been made. It is also commonly used to show that something belongs to someone or has a relationship with them.
यह पागल आदमी यहाँ क्या कर रहा है ?
What is this mad man doing here?
यही कहीं होगा |
Must be somewhere here only.
मेरे साथ भी यही हुआ |
That's what happened with me as well.
यह मत करो |
Don't do it.
We can use when to introduce a single completed event that takes place in the middle of a longer activity or event. In these cases, we usually use a continuous verb in the main
अब तो कम से कम सच बता दे उसे | वो मुझ पर शक कर रही है |
Tell her the truth now at least! She doubts me!
कोई नहीं हिलेगा |
Nobody will make a move!
बता दिया उसे कि मैं आ रहा हूँ ?
Did you tell him I am coming?
इसका मतलब तुम मेरी बात नहीं मानोगी |
That means you won't listen to me.
यही ज़िन्दगी है मेरे दोस्त | कुछ खोना है कुछ पाना है |
That's life, pal You win some, lose some.
मैं तुम्हें पहले ही कितनी बार बोल चुकी हूँ ?
How many times have I told you before?
उसने मुझे पहचान लिया |
He recognised me.
मुझे ज्यादा वक़्त नहीं लगेगा ...
It won't take me too long...
And they're confusing to a lot of English learners. Articles are really, really hard! If your native language doesn't use articles, they can be really confusing. The truth is, you might never completely master articles. Most non-native English speakers don't, even if they're quite fluent and have spoken English for a very long time. That's
तुम उसे कैसे जानते हो |
how do you know her?
अपना ख्याल रखना |
take care of yourself.
क्या तुम अंधे हो ?
Are you blind?
तुम कमल से इतना डरती क्यों हो ?
Why are you so scared of Kamal?
//nbsp;;;The word 'that' is a common word in English that is used in many different ways. Did you notice the use of 'that' in the previous sentence? In this case, 'that' was used as a relative pronoun as a complement. Often 'that' can be used or left out of a sentence entirely.
कोई चक्कर नहीं है | मम्मी पापा की कसम |
No romance, I swear on my Mummy-Daddy.
तो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what can I do?
कैसे हो ?
How are you?
डरो मत |
Don't be scared.
We use when as a conjunction meaning aat the time thata. The clause with when is a subordinate clause sc and needs a main clause mc to complete its meaning. If the when-clause comes before the
लिख के दूँ क्या ?
Shall I give it to you in writing?
मेरी माँ के लिए कुछ मत कहना |
dont say anything for my mother.
कमल मेरे बचपन का दोस्त है |
Kamal is my chiIdhood friend.
तुम्हें इससे क्या मिलेगा ?
What will you gain out of this?
The First Letter of A Sentence Or SpeechDays of The WeekMonths of The YearCountries, Nationalities and LanguagesTowns, States, Continents and Other Geographical DivisionsNames of Rivers, Lakes, Canals, MountainsNames of Streets, Buildings, Monuments and ParksPeopleas Names and TitlesHolidays / FestivalsNames of ReligionsThe fist letter of the first word of a sentence or speech is always a capital letter. Examples: The man was hungry. He said aDo you have any sandwiches?a The personal subject pronoun aIa first person singular is always a capital letter. Examples: Jane thinks that I drink too much coffee. Jane thinks that i drink too much coffee. She also thinks that Iam a good teacher. She also thinks that iam a good teacher.See more on crownacademyenglish
अब हमें कानों में रूई ठूसनी पड़ेगी |
We'll have to plug our ears with cotton now.
मैं किसी को जानता हूँ जो हमें बता सकता है |
I know someone who can tell us.
डॉक्टर ने कहा है कि उसे कोई नहीं बचा सकता |
The doctor said that no one can save her now.
किस तरह का बाप है यह ?
What kind of a father is he?
How To Use MUST MUST is a modal verb a in other words, it helps give meaning to other verbs. Letas look at all its meanings here, so you can avoid misunder standings! Meaning : We use MUST when we want to say that it is necessary or very important that something happens in the present or future. Examples: . I must work hard on my English! note: this expresses an obligation that you place on
मैंने उसकी अच्छी नक़ल की ना ?
I imitate him well, don't I?
वह तुम्हें बहुत याद करती है |
She misses you both a lot.
मेरी आँख जल रही है और मुझे नींद भी आ रही है |
My eyes burn and I feel sleepy too.
मैं चाहता हूँ कि तुम कुछ दिन मेरी बीवी बनने का नाटक करो |
I wanted you to play the charade of my wife for a few days.
जिस लड़की से वह शादी करेगा वह बहुत खुश रहेगी |
The girl he marries would be very happy in life.
आपसे कोई मिलने आया है |
there's someone here to see you.
कुछ नहीं होगा |
Nothing will happen.
गलती हर इंसान से होती है | अगर में गलती करती तो ?
Εvery human being makes a mistake. What if l had made a mistake?
When to Use aThea in English. . With the names of countries and continents. In these instances we do not use the articles at all, BUT if the country is made up of different parts . With the words breakfast, lunch, dinner. . With the names of jobs and professions. . With compass directions.
मेरे पास time नहीं है |
i've no time..
मैं नहीं रोक सकता | मैं कार में ही कर दूंगा |
I can't control! I will do it in the car itself
उसे कुछ नहीं हो सकता |
Nothing can happen to him.
उनमें और तुममे क्या अलग है ?
what's the difference between you and them?
We use when as a conjunction meaning aat the time thata. The clause with when is a subordinate clause sc and needs a main clause mc to complete its meaning. If the when
तुमने कॉल क्यों क्या ?
Why did you call?
जो था सब ले आया हूँ |
We've brought all we had.
मुझे एक वजह बताओ कि मैं तुम्हे अभी भी मरा हुआ क्यों ना समझूँ |
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't believe you are still dead.
कैसा रहा तुम्हारा दिन ? बहुत थके हुए लग रहे हो |
How was your day? You look very tired!
Use of When in English
मैं बस आपसे request कर रहा हूँ |
l just came to request you.
तुम कभी नहीं बदलोगे |
You will never change.
जब तुमने अपने दोस्त से दोस्ती करने से पहले नहीं सोंचा तो अब मदद करने से पहले क्यों सोंच रहे हो ?
When you didn't think before befriending your friend then why are you thinking before helping him?
मेरी आवाज बैठ गई है |
l have a sore throat.
//nbsp;;; Confusing English Words Explained E-Book This is a free sample from the e-book Confusing English Words Explained. It will help clear up your doubts about how to use English words correctly, so that you can speak and write more confidently.
तू इतना tense क्यों हो रहा है ?
Why are you getting so tensed?
मैं उनका विश्वास नहो तोड़ सकता |
I can't break his trust.
तुम कौन हो ? मैं तुम्हें नहीं जानता |
Who are you? I don't know you!
अगर एक कदम और लिया तो मैं तुझे जान से मार दूंगा |
If you take another step, I will kill you.
Confusing English Words Explained E-Book This is a free sample from the e-book Confusing English Words Explained. It will help clear up your doubts about how to use English words correctly, so that you can speak and write more confidently.
यह उसकी गलती नहीं थी |
lt wasn’t her fault.
कार को लॉक कौन लगायेगा ?तुम्हें इस तरह इसे खुला नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए |
Who will lock this car? You shouldn't leave it open like this.
यह तुम्हारे बस की बात नहीं |
It's not your cup of tea.
मेरे पापा हमेशा कहते है गुंडों और पुलिस वालो से दूर रहना |
My dad always says, stay away from cops and thugs.
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