Gerund structure 25 - English speaking course in Hindi
जब दो काम एक साथ होने वाले होते हैं और दोनों कामों के बीच में कोई समय अंतराल न हो तो gerund का प्रयोग करते हैं |

Daily use के sentences को English में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |
हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
Basics of English Speaking for beginners using common
expressions. Learn what to say and how to say things in daily conversations.
Improve your English fluency in a business and office setting. Improve your
listening skills with fun questions and answers. Build basic grammar skills
pertaining to English speaking.
तुम नीचे क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing down there?
इसे जल्दी फेको |
Throw it fast.
मुझे पता था पुलिस हमें
कुछ नहीं बताने वाली |
I knew the police wasn't going to tell us anything.
ऐसे नहीं बोलते |
Don't talk like that.
Learn English Online. We have been helping people with their
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तुम क्यों लड़ रहे हो ?
What are you fighting for?
उनसे पैसे लो और हमें दे
दो |
take the money from him and give it to us!
तो तुम्हारा एक शादीशुदा
औरत के साथ चक्कर चल रहा है |
So you are having an affair with a married woman!
मैं तेरा मुंह तोड़ दूंगी |
I will smash your face!
Courses Learn English: Intermediate Grammar. University of California,
Irvine. Specialization Courses TESOL
Certificate, Part : Teach English Now! Arizona State University.
Specialization Courses Improve Your
English Communication Skills. Georgia Institute of Technology.
अपना खाना कहो, ठंडा हो रहा है |
Eat your dinner, it'll get cold.
उसने कभी कुछ हासिल नहीं
किया और न ही करेगा |
He has never achieved anything and he never will.
तुम कुछ दिन लखनऊ घूम लो
फिर हम दोनों साथ में चलेगें |
Look around Lucknow for a couple of days, then we'll leaνe
मैंने दरवाजा खोला था |
I opened the door.
ABA English has a unique approach to English language
learning. Each course is divided into
parts: film, speaking, lessons, vocabulary and assessments. Here comes
the unique part: every unit starts with a short film where actors who are
native English speakers act out everyday situations. Through film, you will
feel a variety of emotions, and identify with the characters.
बोलो, मैं रास्ते में ही हूँ |
Tell me. I'm on my way .
मैंने अपना मैथ का होमवर्क
नहीं किया था |
l hadn't done my maths homework
भगवान के लिए अपना ज्ञान
अपने पास रखो |
For God’s sake, keep your knowledge to yourself.
क्या तुमने इसे कोई तमीज
नहीं सिखाई ?
Have you taught him no manners?
Learn more about English grammar with this series of free
video lessons. You can study a range of topics, from simple grammar for
beginners to more advanced language points. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford
Online English archives. Spoken English Lessons. Improve your conversational
English with this series of free online spoken English lessons from Oxford
Online English. Learn how to
कई बार मुझे भी ऐसा महसूस
हुआ |
Many a times I too have felt so!
मैं ना कहता था कि कमल एक
दिन अपनी माँ का सपना जरुर पूरा करेगा ?
Didn't I say that Kamal will someday fulfill his mother's
देखो इसकी आँखे कितनी लाल
है |
Look at how red his eyes are.
गलत तरीके से कमायें पैसे
ना उसे चाहिए ना मुझे |
Neither he nor I need money obtained by wrong means
ABA English has a unique approach to English language
learning. Each course is divided into
parts: film, speaking, lessons, vocabulary and assessments. Here comes
the unique part: every unit starts with a short film where actors who are
native English speakers act out everyday situations. Through film, you will
feel a variety of emotions, and identify with the characters.
नहीं नहीं मेरा वो मतलब
नहीं था |
No.. no.. I didn't mean that.
माफ़ी मानगो उससे |
Apologize to her.
कमल मेरे कहने का यह मतलब
नहीं था |
Kamal this is not what I meant to say.
देखो, मैं पुलिस को कॉल नहीं करूँगा | लेकिन मेरी बेटी को कुछ मत करना |
See, I wiII not caII the poIice.. But don't do anything to
my daughter.
The Best Sites for
Taking Free English Courses Online Alison. This is the one that started it all.
Opened in , Alison is considered by most to be the first MOOC. MOOEC. This
website is just for English learners. As you may have guessed, MOOEC stands for
Massive Open Online English Bonus:
वो तो अच्छी खबर है,
है ना ?
That's good news, isn't it?
यह तो बेशर्मी की हद है |
This is the height of shamelessness!
क्या तुम कभी कमल से मिले
हो ?
Have you ever met kamal?
तुमने इसे क्या खा कर
पैदा क्या था ?
What did you eat when he was in your womb?
Courses Learn English: Intermediate Grammar. University of California,
Irvine. Specialization Courses TESOL
Certificate, Part : Teach English Now! Arizona State University.
Specialization Courses Improve Your
English Communication Skills. Georgia Institute of Technology.
यहाँ ये सब मत करो |
Don't do this here.
तुम उसकी सोंच में कब तक
भूखे रहोगे ?
how long will you keep starving thinking about him?
मैं क्यों शर्मिंदा हौऊं ?
Why should I be ashamed?
ठीक थी |
It was okay.
Here a collection of
videos to help you learn basic English. If you are a beginner English
learner, this is a great course to study English and improve yo
वह तेरी जान के पीछे पड़ा
था |
He was after your life!
यह यहाँ उस दिन भी था |
He was here even on that day.
प्लीज कुछ करिए हमारे लिए
Please do something for us.
दो मिनट इंतिजार नहीं कर
सकते थे क्या ?
Couldn't you wait for 2 minutes?
Learn more about English grammar with this series of free
video lessons. You can study a range of topics, from simple grammar for
beginners to more advanced language points. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford
Online English archives. Spoken English Lessons. Improve your conversational
English with this series of free online spoken English lessons from Oxford
वो जो भी हो | हमें क्या ?
No matter who she was! What do we care?
अचानक तेरे पर निकल आये |
SuddenIy you have wings.
तुम सबको शर्म आनी चाहिए |
All of you should be ashamed.
मैं आपको एक बार फिर याद
दिलाना चाहता हूँ |
I'd like to remind you once again.
The Best Sites for
Taking Free English Courses Online Alison. This is the one that started it all.
Opened in , Alison is considered by most to be the first MOOC. MOOEC. This
website is just for English learners. As you may have guessed, MOOEC stands for
Massive Open Online English Bonus:
क्या आपने मुझे बताया था
कि आप इस शहर में और इस होटल में आ रहे हैं |
Did you inform me that you were coming to this city and this
और कहाँ होऊंगा ?
Where else will i be?
मैं इस बारे में उतना ही
हैरान हूँ जितना की तुम |
I'm shocked about it as much as you're.
मुझे ठंड जल्दी लग जाती
है |
I catch cold easily.
ABA English has a unique approach to English language
learning. Each course is divided into
parts: film, speaking, lessons, vocabulary and assessments. Here comes
the unique part: every unit starts with a short film where actors who are
native English speakers act out everyday situations. Through film, you will
feel a variety of emotions, and identify with the characters.
लगता है वह सो रहा है |
it seems he's sleeping
अंदर कदम रखने की हिम्मत
मत करना |
Don't you dare step inside!
मैं क्यों रोकूँ उसे ?
Why should I stop him?
अब क्या तुम्हारे पैर पडू
Should I fall at your feet?
//nbsp;;;English for journalists course is one of the best
courses that will help you gain awareness about ethics in journalism while you
speak, inclusive journalism, citizen journalism, and the vocabulary
ऐसे ही |
There was no reason, really.
क्या हुआ ? क्या कहा उसने ?
What happened? What did he say?
एक बात पूंछू ?
May I ask you something?
अगर रीना ने कॉल किया तो ?
What if Reena calls up?
Online English courses to suit your learning style Whether
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English more fluently or simply develop your English vocabulary, we offer a
range of flexible and personalised online courses to suit your unique style of
मुझे इससे इलाज नहीं
करवाना |
I don't want him treating me.
प्लीज क्या आप होल्ड
करेंगे ?
Will you hold please.
जो कुछ तुम्हें चाहिए यह
तुम्हें ला कर दे देगा |
He will get for you whatever you want.
तेरी वजह से आत्महत्या
करने का वक़्त आ गया है |
The time has come to commit suicide because of you.
//nbsp;;;English for journalists course is one of the best
courses that will help you gain awareness about ethics in journalism while you
speak, inclusive journalism, citizen journalism, and the vocabulary
यह रीना के कमरे में झाँक
रहा था |
He was peeping in Reena's room!
तुम्हारी पैसो में से यह
नहीं काटूँगा क्या ?
Won't I take it out of your money?
मैं कब से कॉल कर रहा हूँ
लेकिन आपने अपना फ़ोन switched off कर रखा है |
l've been calling since long but you have switched off your
mobile phone.
मुझे interview देने जाना है |
I have to go for an interview.
//nbsp;;;English for journalists course is one of the best
courses that will help you gain awareness about ethics in journalism while you
speak, inclusive journalism, citizen journalism, and the vocabulary
यह हमें सड़क पर ले आया अब
हमें जेल भेजेगा ये |
He has bought us onto the roads now he will send us to jail
सबूत मेरे घर पर हैं |
The evidence is at my house.
तुम अमीर हो या गरीब मुझे
कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता |
You being rich or poor makes no difference to me.
मुझे नीचा दिखाना बंद करो
stop putting me down
The Best Sites for
Taking Free English Courses Online Alison. This is the one that started it all.
Opened in , Alison is considered by most to be the first MOOC. MOOEC. This
website is just for English learners. As you may have guessed, MOOEC stands for
Massive Open Online English Bonus:
मैं कामयाबी की बुलंदी पे
था |
I was at the peak of my success!
तुमने पी है, है ना ?
You're drunk, aren't you?
मुझे तेज बुखार है |
I have high fever.
मैंने कुछ गलत नहीं किया |
I didn't do anything wrong.
Basics of English Speaking for beginners using common
expressions. Learn what to say and how to say things in daily conversations.
Improve your English fluency in a business and office setting. Improve your
listening skills with fun questions and answers. Build basic grammar skills
pertaining to English speaking.
फ़ोन उसे दो |
Give the phone to him.
इन गड्ढो की वजह से किसी
कि जान जा सकती हैं |
someone might lose his life because of these potholes.
कमल भाई कहाँ है ?
Where is brother Prem?
मीडिया को इसकी भनक भी ना
लगे |
The press shouldn't even get a whiff of this.
Basics of English Speaking for beginners using common
expressions. Learn what to say and how to say things in daily conversations.
Improve your English fluency in a business and office setting. Improve your
listening skills with fun questions and answers. Build basic grammar skills
pertaining to English speaking.
मुझे लगा वह तुम्हारे साथ
है |
I thought he was with you.
मैं कमल के साथ रह लूँगा |
I will stay with Kamal.
उसे लगा वह मैं था |
She thought it was me.
क्या मतलब मेरी मर्जी |
What do you mean, ‘my wish’!
//nbsp;;;English for journalists course is one of the best
courses that will help you gain awareness about ethics in journalism while you
speak, inclusive journalism, citizen journalism, and the vocabulary
आप मेरी शादी तक नहीं
करवा सके |
You couldn't even get me married.
जब तुमने अपने दोस्त से
दोस्ती करने से पहले नहीं सोंचा तो अब मदद करने से पहले क्यों सोंच रहे हो ?
When you didn't think before befriending your friend then
why are you thinking before helping him?
मेरे पास ज्यादा वक़्त
नहीं है |
I don't have much time.
मेरा sign किया हुआ पेपर कहाँ है ?
Where's my signed paper?
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