Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
Practice of Present indefinite tense
गर्मी मैं दूध जल्दी ख़राब
हो जाता है |
Milk soon terns in
इस बार मैं आपको सच्चे दिल
से विश्वास दिलाता हूँ |
I sincerely assure you
this time.
यह अस्पताल चौबीस घंटे खुला
रहता है |
This hospital remains
open twenty four hours.
यह दुकान चौबीस घंटे खुली
रहती है |
This shop remains
open twenty four hours.
पैसे से पैसा पैदा होता है
Money begets money.
Structure – इशारो पे नाचना
– Dance to someone’s tune
वह अपनी बीवी के इशारों पे
नाचता है ?
He dances to his wife’s
तुम अपनी माँ के इशारों पे
नाचते हो |
You dance to your
mother’s tune |
तुम उसके इशारो पे नाचते थे
You danced to her tune.
Structure – याद दिलाती है – Remind me of
यह जगह मुझे लखनऊ की याद
दिलाती है |
This place reminds me of Lucknow.
English speaking course
ये बच्चे मुझे मेरे बचपन की
याद दिलाते हैं |
These children remind me
of my childhood.
यह खाना मुझे मेरे माँ के
खाने की याद दिलाता है |
This food reminds me of
my mother’s food.
यह जगह मुझे मेरे गाँव कि
याद दिलाता है |
This place reminds me of
my village.
Structure – मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से... I like the way…
Subject + like +s/es +the
way + sentence
मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से वो
मुस्कराती है |
I like the way she
मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से
आशा गाती है |
I like the way Asha
मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से
ऋतिक नाचत है |
I like the way Hritik
मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से
तुम बात करती हो |
I like the way you talk.
मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से
तुम मुझे देखती हो |
I like the way you look
at me.
उसे पसंद नहीं जिस तरह से
तुम उसे घूरते हो |
She does not like the way
you stare her.
उसे पसंद नहीं जिस तरह से
तुम उसे बात करते हो |
She doesn’t like the way
you talk to her.
Structure – मुझे पसंद था / मुझे पसंद आया जिस तरह से... I
liked the way…
Subject + liked +the way +
मुझे पसंद आया जिस तरह से
तुमने उसे जवाब दिया |
I liked the way you
replied him.
मुझे पसंद था जिस तरह से
तुम बात करती थी |
I liked the way you
मुझे पसंद नहीं आया जिस तरह
से तुमने उसका स्वागत किया |
I did not like the way
you welcomed him.
मुझे पसंद नहीं था जिस तरह
से वो मुझसे बात करती थी |
I didn’t like the way she talked to me.
Present indefinite
sentences जो हमारी लाइफ मैं बार बार use होते हैं |
ज्यादातर लोग ऐसा सोंचते
हैं |
Most people think so.
Structure – अभी तक – still
तुम अभी तक हिंदी बोलते हो
You still speak in hindi.
वह अभी तक हिंदी बोलता है |
He still speaks in hindi.
वह अभी तक उसी घर मैं रहता
है |
He still leaves in that
मुझे उससे चिढ आती है |
He irritates me.
समय सबको ठीक कर देता है |
Time sets everyone right.
वह हमेशा मुझे परेशान करता
है |
He always bugs me.
वह हमेशा भाव दिखाती है |
She always acts pricey.
तुम हमेशा भाव दिखाते हो |
You always act pricey.
उसकी शक्ल उसके पिता से
मिलती है |
He takes after his
वह अगले घर मैं रहता है |
He lives in next house.
structure - काफी अच्छा
well enough
वह काफी अच्छा गा लेती. है |
She sings well enough
तुम काफी अच्छा नाच लेते हो
You dance well enough.
वह काफी अच्छा तैर लेता है
He swims well enough.
तुम काफी अच्छी पेंटिंग कर
लेते हो |
You paint well enough.
वह काफी अच्छा खाना पका
लेती है |
She cooks well enough.
वह तुमसे ज्यादा काम करता
है |
He works more than you
मैं उससे ज्यादा काम करता
हूँ |
I work more than he does.
मैं अक्सर अपने बचपन के अच्छे दिनों को याद करता
हूँ |
I often think of the
happy days of my childhood.
Structure - सचमुच अच्छा – very well indeed
Subject + verb + very
well indeed.
तुम सचमुच अच्छा लिखती हो |
You write very well
तुम सचमुच अच्छा गाती हो |
You sing very well
अब्दुल सचमुच अच्छा तैरता
है |
Abdul swims very well
वह सचमुच अच्छा खाना पकाती
है |
She cooks very well
वह शर्म से अपना चेहरा
छुपाती है |
She hides her face for
वह कभी कभार यहाँ आता है |
He seldom comes here.
मैं अच्छे से जानता हूँ कि
तुम्हारा क्या मतलब है |
I know well enough what
you mean.
वह बहुत गप मारता है |
He boasts too much.
मई अप्रैल के बाद आता है |
May comes after April.
excercise –
मैं हर रोज पांच बजे उठता
हूँ |
I get up daily at 5
वह रोज 9 घंटे पढता है |
He studies daily for 9
वह यहाँ रोज आता है |
He comes here daily.
ज्यदातर लड़के क्रिकेट पसंद
करते हैं |
Most boys like cricket.
मैं ऐसी चीजो से नफरत करता
हूँ |
I hate such things
हम अक्सर अपने आप को धोका
देते हैं |
We often deceive
वह सोंचता है कि वह अपने
पिता से ज्यादा होशियार है |
He thinks he is wiser
than his father.
तुम बहुत तेज बोलते हो |
You speak too loudly.
वह हमेशा अच्छा करने की
कोशिश करता है |
He always tries to do his
वह आठ बजे तक सोता है |
He sleeps till eight
हम जीने के लिए खाते हैं |
We eat to live.
वह बहुत कम खाता है |
He eats very little.
समय सब बदल देता है |
Time changes all things.
Present indefinite negative sentences
मैं भूत प्रेत पर विश्वास
नहीं करता |
I don’t believe in ghost.
पैसे पेड़ पैर नहीं उगते |
Money doesn’t grow on
यह पैन सही नहीं चल रहा है
This pen does not write
मैं आपका ज्यादा समय नहीं
लेना चाहता |
I don’t want to take up
too much of your time.
उसकी शक्ल उसकी माँ से नहीं
मिलती है |
She does not take after
her mother.
वह कभी झूठ नहीं बुलता |
He never tells a lie.
नोट – never के साथ do और
does का प्रयोग नहीं करते |
negative sentences excersise
हम आपको नहीं जानते हैं |
We don’t know you.
वे लोग नहीं पढ़ते हैं |
They don’t study.
मेरा भाई मेरे दोस्तों को
नहीं डांटता है |
My brother does not scold
my friend.
मैं उस लड़के को पसंद नहीं
करता हूँ |
I don’t like that boy.
मेरी नई घडी सही समय नहीं
दे रही हैं |
My new watch doesn’t keep
right time.
मैं उसे नहीं जनता |
I don’t know him.
मुझे कोई परवाह नहीं चाहे
तुम जाओ या रुको |
I don’t care whether you stay
or leave.
तुम कुछ नहीं जानते हो |
You know nothing.
मैं 9 बजे तक नहीं सोता हूँ
I don’t sleep till 9
वह अच्छा करने कि कोशिश कभी
नहीं करता है |
He never tries to do
मैं तुम्हारा चेहरा नहीं
देखना चाहता |
I don’t want to see your
कोई सुनना ही नहीं चाहता |
Nobody cares to listen.
Present indefinite Interrogative
sentences practice
क्या तुममे से कोई इसके
बारे मैं कुछ जानता है |
Does anyone of you know
anything about it?
यह रास्ता किधर जाता है |
Where does this road
आप मेरी बात क्यों काटते हैं |
Why do you contradict me?
आप समझेते क्या हैं मुझे |
What do you thing I am?
तुम समझते क्या हो अपने आप
को |
What do you think you
वह समझता क्या है अपने आप
को |
What does he think he is?
आप मुझे क्यों घूरते हैं
Why do you stare me?
क्या आप मंदिर जाने वाली
रोड जानते हैं ?
Do you know the road lead
to the temple?
क्या तुम मुझे बेवकूफ समझते
हो |
Do you take me for a
क्या तुम उसे बेवकूफ समझते
हो |
Do you take him for a
क्या आपकी घडी सही समय देती
है |
Does your watch keep
correct time?
क्या मैं आपको जानता हूँ ?
Do I know you?
क्या तुम 9 बजे तक सोते हो ?
Do you sleep till 9 o’clock?
क्या वह यहाँ रोज आता है ?
Does he comes here daily?
Structure -
तुम इतना झूठ क्यों बोलते
हो ?
Why do you tell a lie so
तुम इतना क्यों सोंचते हो ?
Why do you thing so much?
तुम इतना क्यों खेलते हो ?
Why do you play so much?
तुम इतना क्यों बोलते हो ?
Why do you speak so much?
तुम इतना क्यों खाते हो ?
Why do you eat so much?
तुम इतनी चाय क्यों पीते हो ?
Why do you drink tea so
तुम इतना क्यों हँसते हो ?
Why do you laugh so much?
तुम कब उठते हो ?
When do you wake up?
तुम उसका पता कैसे जानते हो ?
How do you know her
आप किससे मिलना चाहते हैं ?
Whom do you want to meet?
आप इतना खुश कैसे रहते हो ?
How do you remain so cheerful?
इसका क्या मतलब ?
What does it mean?
इसकी परवाह कोन करता है ?
Who cares about it?
तुम किसके साथ आते हो ?
With whom do you come?
क्या आप मोहन को अच्छा आदमी
समझते हैं ?
Do you thing Mohan is
good man?
तुम सबसे ज्यादा किस्से
प्यार करती हो ?
Whom do you love most?
अब इसका क्या फायदा ?
Now, what does it use?
वह क्या चाहता है ?
What does he want?
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
Here are lots of Present Indefinite Tense example sentences to practice and learn Present Indefinite Tense. I am sure that you will love them. Examples of Present Indefinite Tense. Positive /Affirmative Sentences: Present Indefinite Tense. a I am a good student. a She goes to school.
तू मार खायेगा |You'll get beaten up.हम जवाब देंगे लेकिन ऐसे नहीं |We'll give a reply. But, not like this.मुझे लगता है मैंने तुम्हें पहले कहीं देखा है |I think I have seen you before.अगर मैं ना जाऊं तो ?What if I don't go?
Online quiz to test your understanding of the Present Simple tense in English. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. For ESL learners.
तुम्हे और कमल को कुछ घंटे पति पत्नी होने का नाटक करना पड़ेगा |You and Kamal will have to pretend...to be husband and wife for just a couple of hours.यह क्या बेहूदा हरकत है |What's this indecent behavior?क्या कहा उसने ?What did she say?तूने मेरा चेहरा पहले बार देखा है क्या ?Have you seen my face for the first time?
//nbsp;;;Yes/No Interrogative; Present Indefinite Tense . Interrogative sentence. Do/DoesSubjectNotVerbObjectPlaceTime. Example.:-Does he not go to school? Example.:- Do I not read the newspaper? Example.:- Do you not play hockey very well? Example.:- Do they not read grammar? Main Interrogative Sentence; Present Indefinite Tense
कुछ महीने पहले तुम मेरी कार ठोक कर भाग गए थे |Some months ago you bumped into my car and drove away.मैं तुझे कॉल करने से मना कर रहा हूँ | समझ में नहीं आ रहा है क्या ?I'm asking you not to call. Don't you understand?क्या तुम अपने माँ बाप से भी ऐसे ही बात करते हो ?Do you talk like this to your parents as well?मुझे तुम्हारे और कमल के बारे में सब पता चल गया है |I know everything about you and kamal.
तुम आ भी गए और मुझे पता भी नहीं |You're already back and I don't even know of it!इस बारे में सोंचना |Think about it...मैं तेरे लिए अपनी जान दे सकता हूँ |I can give my life for you.यह बहुत पुरानी है | यह pic तब की है जब हम मिले भी नहीं थे |this is very old. This pic was taken when we had not even met.
//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense simple present | present indefinite tense , , , , ,
मैं उसे पिछले एक साल से उसे ढूंड रहा हूँ |I've been looking for him for the past one year.मुझे तुझे दुबारा ना कहना पड़े |I don't have to tell you again.कुछ नहीं |Nothing.उन्होंने हमारा जीना हराम कर दिया है |They have made our lives miserable!
Online quiz to test your understanding of the Present Simple tense in English. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. For ESL learners.
तुम्हें नहीं लगता तुम्हे पहले अपना पर्स check कर लेना चाहिए ?Don't you think you should check your wallet?आपको पता है कल क्या हुआ ?You know what happened yesterday?जैसे ही वह आये मुझे inform करना |Inform me as soon as he returns.अगर तुम्हारे भाई को यह पता चल गया तो |What if your brother learns of this,
//nbsp;;;Fill in the blanks with an appropriate present tense form. Answers . My parents live near Chennai. . I visit my parents twice a month.
अचार मिलेगा ?I'd like some pickle.अगर मैं उसे पसंद नहीं हूँ तो बता दे मुझें |If he does not like me, then let him tell me.वो लड़की सच में तुझसे प्यार करती है |That girl really loves you.क्या time आ गया है |What times have come!
//nbsp;;;Yes/No Interrogative; Present Indefinite Tense . Interrogative sentence. Do/DoesSubjectNotVerbObjectPlaceTime. Example.:-Does he not go to school? Example.:- Do I not read the newspaper? Example.:- Do you not play hockey very well? Example.:- Do they not read grammar? Main Interrogative Sentence; Present Indefinite Tense
उसने कितना हंगामा मचा दिया |He has created so much nuisanceमैंने उसे कल काल करने के लिए कहा |I asked him to call tomorrow.पैसों को छूने के हिम्मत मत करना |Don't you dare touch the money.मैं नहीं मानता |l don't believe this!
This tenses quiz tests your knowledge of a mix of tenses related to the past, present, and future. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap.
हमें कैसे पता होगा ?How would we know?अपनी कार की बात नहीं कर रहा हूँ |I am not talking of my car.मैं लखनऊ चला जाऊँगा. तुम चिंता ना करो |I will go to Lucknow, you don't worry.मुझे पता था ऐसा होगा |I knew this would happen.
तूने उसे थप्पड़ क्यों नहीं मारा ?Why didn't you slap him?उनका क्या करना है |what's to be done with them?मैं कहा था ना वो नहीं मिलेगी |I had told you that you won't get her.नहीं वो मत करो |No, don't do that.
Practice with these Simple Present exercises: Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise
कुछ नहीं | धन्यवाद | बस पानी |Nothing, thank you. Just water?मुझे सब पता है |I know it all.क्या हुआ तुम्हें ?What happened to you?इसमें जरुर कुछ कीमती होगा |lt must contain something precious.
//nbsp;;;Fill in the blanks with an appropriate present tense form. Answers . My parents live near Chennai. . I visit my parents twice a month.
मैं उसी दिन शादी करूँगा जिस दिन तुम शादी करोगी |I will marry the day you marry.मैंने तुमसे किया वादा अभी तक पूरा नहीं किया है |I haven't fulfilled my promise to you yet.ये लो | Here take this... क्योंकि मुझे दर्द हो रहा है |Because I'm in pain.
//nbsp;;;Yes/No Interrogative; Present Indefinite Tense . Interrogative sentence. Do/DoesSubjectNotVerbObjectPlaceTime. Example.:-Does he not go to school? Example.:- Do I not read the newspaper? Example.:- Do you not play hockey very well? Example.:- Do they not read grammar? Main Interrogative Sentence; Present Indefinite Tense
क्या तू कुवांरा मरना चाहता है ?Do you want to die as a bachelor?मुझे लगा कोई मेरे साथ फ़ोन पे मस्ती कर रहा है |l thought someone was fooling around with me on the phone. Order करने से पहले price देख लो | समझे ?Look at the price before placing the order. Got it?मुझे पता था तू खुश होगा |l knew you’d be happy.
Online quiz to test your understanding of the Present Simple tense in English. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. For ESL learners.
मुझे लगा पापा आ गए |I felt father had arrived!मेरी शादी पक्की हो गई है |My marriage has been fixed.क्या तुम जानती हो तुमने क्या किया ?Do you know what you've done?वह अब बहतर है |She's better now.
Present Indefinite Tense, Use of Present Indefinite Tense In hindi , Present indifinte tense in hindi , tense in hindi, simple present tense in hindi ,simple present tense, Present Tense ka Prayog , Present indifinte tka prayog , present indinfinte tense ka prayog, ka prayog , use , tense , ka prayog , present indifinte tense , Present Indefinite Tense ka prayog, Present Tense in Hindi Grammer,
तो क्या होती मेरी ज़िंदगी ?What would my life be like now?.मुझे स्कूल में जाने में बेईज्जती महसूस होती है |I feel ashamed to enter the school.पैसे मिलते ही मैं आपका किराया दे दूंगा |I'll pay the rent as soon as I get the money.देखो दुल्हे का परिवार यहाँ कभी भी आता होगा |Look, the groom's family will be here any moment.
//nbsp;;;Fill in the blanks with an appropriate present tense form. Answers . My parents live near Chennai. . I visit my parents twice a month.
तुम लोग मुझे अकेला छोड़ के आ गए |you all left me alone and came.अपना ख्याल रखना |take care of yourself.उसे किसी रीना की details चाहिए थी |she wanted some details of some Reena!जब तुम रोते हो तो अच्छे नहीं लगते |You don't look good when you cry.
Here are lots of Present Indefinite Tense example sentences to practice and learn Present Indefinite Tense. I am sure that you will love them. Examples of Present Indefinite Tense. Positive /Affirmative Sentences: Present Indefinite Tense. a I am a good student. a She goes to school.
मुझे तुम्हारे साथ यह सब करके मजा नहीं आता |I don't have fun doing all this with you.तू उसके पीछे पागल क्यों है ? बता मुझे |Why are you so crazy after her? Tell me.कितनी बार मैंने overtime भी किया है |Do many times I did overtime too.ये उम्र है तुम्हारी यह सब करने की और यह बत्तमीजी कहाँ से सीखी तुमने ?Is this the age to be doing all this? And from where did you learn to misbehave?
In the present indefinite tense first form of the verb is used. If the subject contains he, she, it, or a single name then there is the addition of s or es with a verb. Do and Does are used as helping verb in case of negative or interrogative sentences.
मेरी बेटी को जाने दो |Let go off my daughter!मुझसे इससे ज्यादा की उम्मीद मत करना |Don't expect anything more from me.वह यही कहीं होगी |She must be around.मैंने अंदाजा लगाया |I just made a guess.
आप जो सजा दे मुझे मंजूर है |Whatever punishment you give.. l accept it.तुम हमें पहले ही बर्बाद कर चुके हो | क्या तुम्हें अभी भी चैन नहीं मिला ?You've already ruined us. Are you not satisfied yet?मैं तुम्हे खतरे में नहीं डाल सकता |i can't put you in danger.कहाँ था तू ?Where had you been?
present indefinite tense practice
क्या मतलब मेरी मर्जी |What do you mean, ‘my wish’!अब बताओ मुझे, क्या तुमने कमल को देखा है ?Now tell me, have you seen Kamal?क्या कभी तुमसे कोई सफाई मांगीं ?Have I ever asked you for any explanation?संभल के |Be careful...
Test your knowledge on the simple present. After submitting your answers, you will see how well you have done in the test. Test Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Choose the correct form. We sometimes books. Emily to the disco. It often on Sundays. Pete and his sister the family car. I always to the bus stop. Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Put the verbs into the correct
तुम्हारी जानकारी के बिना यह लड़की तुम्हारे कमरे में कैसे घुसी ?How did this girl enter your room without your knowledge?सुनो | मुझे पता है तुम कमल का गुस्सा मुझपर उतार रही हो |Listen. I know you're venting Kamal's anger on me.तुमने जरूर कुछ किया होगा |You must have done something!मैं डर गई थी |I got scared.
Here are lots of Present Indefinite Tense example sentences to practice and learn Present Indefinite Tense. I am sure that you will love them. Examples of Present Indefinite Tense. Positive /Affirmative Sentences: Present Indefinite Tense. a I am a good student. a She goes to school.
मैंने सबकुछ अपनी आँखों से देखा है | कब से चल रहा है यह सब ?I have seen everything myself! Since when has all this been going on?तुम उसकी दोस्ती में अंधे हो गए हो |You’re blinded by his friendship.कानून सबके लिया एक सामान होना चाहिए |Law should be the same for everybody!अपने आप सुखा लिए |Wipe yourself dry,
Test your knowledge on the simple present. After submitting your answers, you will see how well you have done in the test. Test Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Choose the correct form. We sometimes books. Emily to the disco. It often on Sundays. Pete and his sister the family car. I always to the bus stop. Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Put the verbs into the correct form.
तुम क्या पढ़ रहे हो ?What are you reading?जल्दी करो नहीं तो तुम्हें देर हो जाएगी |hurry up or you'll be late.इस laptop के price क्या है ?What's the price of this laptop?तुमने स्कूल ना आकर बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |You made a big mistake not coming to school.
This tenses quiz tests your knowledge of a mix of tenses related to the past, present, and future. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap.
इस बार तुम बहुत दूर निकल गए हो |You've gone too far this time,बाकी के पैसे कहाँ हैं ?Where is the rest of the money?उसके बात कमल ने ना मुझे कॉल किया और ना ही मुझसे मिलने आया |After that, neither did Kamal call me or come to meet me.मेरी ज़िंदगी जहन्नुम बन गई थी |my life had become hell.
//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense simple present | present indefinite tense , , , , ,
तुम बैठो | मैं आचार ले के आती हूँ You sit. l will get the pickle.अपना खाना कहो, ठंडा हो रहा है | Eat your dinner, it'll get cold.यह उन्हें दे दो |Give it to them.तुम्हें खुद साथ चलना चाहिए था |You shouId've come along on your own.
Test your knowledge on the simple present. After submitting your answers, you will see how well you have done in the test. Test Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Choose the correct form. We sometimes books. Emily to the disco. It often on Sundays. Pete and his sister the family car. I always to the bus stop. Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Put the verbs into the correct
कसम से | मैंने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोंचा था कि रीना मुझसे इतना प्यार करेगी |I swear. Not even in my dream had I thought that Reena will love me so much.मैं तुमसे पैसे नहीं लूँगा |l'll not take money from you.मुझे याद है जब हम आख़िरी बार मिले थे |I remember the last time we met him. आप कुछ कह रहे थे |You were saying something.
//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense simple present | present indefinite tense , , , , ,
कब से चल रहा है यह सब ?How long has this been going on?तू रात भर खांस क्यों रहा था ?why were you coughing all night?तुम फ़िक्र मत करो मैं उससे बात करूँगा |You don't worry I will talk to him.वो चुड़ैल हमें नहीं छोड़ेगी |That witch won't spare us!
In the present indefinite tense first form of the verb is used. If the subject contains he, she, it, or a single name then there is the addition of s or es with a verb. Do and Does are used as helping verb in case of negative or interrogative sentences.
और क्या क्या कहा तुमने उसे ?What else did you say to her?वो गायब हो गए या तुमने उन्हें छुपा दिया |They have disappeared, or have you hid them.क्या करना है कमल का ?What should we do about the Kamal?मैं सिर्फ आपको अपने दिल की सच्चाई बता रहा था |I was just trying to tell you the truth that's in my heart.
Present Indefinite Tense, Use of Present Indefinite Tense In hindi , Present indifinte tense in hindi , tense in hindi, simple present tense in hindi ,simple present tense, Present Tense ka Prayog , Present indifinte tka prayog , present indinfinte tense ka prayog, ka prayog , use , tense , ka prayog , present indifinte tense , Present Indefinite Tense ka prayog, Present
तुम मुझे कुत्ते कि तरह क्यों घूर रहे हो ?Why are you staring at me like dogs?सच कहूँ, मुझे तुमसे पहले नजर में प्यार हो गया था |To be honest, l fell in love with you at first sight.वह पढ़ा लिखा है मेरी तरह जाहिल नहीं है |He is well educated. Not an uncouth like me.अगर उस चुड़ैल ने तुमपर बुरी नजर डाली |If that witch casts an evil eye on you..
क्या बताया आपने अपना नाम ?What did you say your name was?जब तक मैं जिंदा हूँ उसे यह जॉब नहीं मिलेगी |As Iong as I'm aIive he won't get this job.मुझे नहीं पता थे कि तुम इतने बड़े बेवकूफ हो |I didn't know you were such a fool!देश के विकाश की किसे परवाह है ?Who cares about the country's progress?
This tenses quiz tests your knowledge of a mix of tenses related to the past, present, and future. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap.
मैं गरीब आदमी हूँ, मैं बर्बाद हो जाऊंगा |I'm a poor man, I'll be ruined.कहाँ है वह ?Where is he?कमल और विमल ने मुझे तुम्हारे बारे में सबकुछ बता दिया है |Kamal and Vimal have told me everything about you.तुम किसी के घर में ऐसे नहीं घुस सकते |You can't barge in to someone's home like this...
In the present indefinite tense first form of the verb is used. If the subject contains he, she, it, or a single name then there is the addition of s or es with a verb. Do and Does are used as helping verb in case of negative or interrogative sentences.
किस तरह का दोस्त है तू ?What kind of a friend are you?तुम्हे क्या लगता है क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ मैं ?What do you think I've been trying to do?उनकी बीवियों को उनके चक्कर के बारे में पता चल गया है |their wives have come to know of their affairs.मैं उसे जो चाहूँ बुला सकता हूँ |I can call her whatever I want.
Present Indefinite Tense, Use of Present Indefinite Tense In hindi , Present indifinte tense in hindi , tense in hindi, simple present tense in hindi ,simple present tense, Present Tense ka Prayog , Present indifinte tka prayog , present indinfinte tense ka prayog, ka prayog , use , tense , ka prayog , present indifinte tense , Present Indefinite Tense ka prayog, Present
तुम मेरी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहे हो ?Why are you ruining my life?क्या तुमने वह देखा ?Did you see that?चलो मुर्गी को खाना खिलाये |let's go feed the hen.तेरी आवाज को क्या हुआ ?What happened to your voice?
Simple Present Exercise
तुम्हें रीना के बारे में बत्तमीजी से बात नहीं करनी चाहिए |You shouldn't talk disrespectfully about Reena!तो सुन |Then listen.वह चोरी करने आयी होगी |She must've come here to steal.छोड़ना मत उन्हें |Don't spare them.
Here are lots of Present Indefinite Tense example sentences to practice and learn Present Indefinite Tense. I am sure that you will love them. Examples of Present Indefinite Tense. Positive /Affirmative Sentences: Present Indefinite Tense. a I am a good student. a She goes to school.
तू मार खायेगा |
You'll get beaten up.
हम जवाब देंगे लेकिन ऐसे नहीं |
We'll give a reply. But, not like this.
मुझे लगता है मैंने तुम्हें पहले कहीं देखा है |
I think I have seen you before.
अगर मैं ना जाऊं तो ?
What if I don't go?
Online quiz to test your understanding of the Present Simple tense in English. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. For ESL learners.
तुम्हे और कमल को कुछ घंटे पति पत्नी होने का नाटक करना पड़ेगा |
You and Kamal will have to pretend...to be husband and wife for just a couple of hours.
यह क्या बेहूदा हरकत है |
What's this indecent behavior?
क्या कहा उसने ?
What did she say?
तूने मेरा चेहरा पहले बार देखा है क्या ?
Have you seen my face for the first time?
//nbsp;;;Yes/No Interrogative; Present Indefinite Tense . Interrogative sentence. Do/DoesSubjectNotVerbObjectPlaceTime. Example.:-Does he not go to school? Example.:- Do I not read the newspaper? Example.:- Do you not play hockey very well? Example.:- Do they not read grammar? Main Interrogative Sentence; Present Indefinite Tense
कुछ महीने पहले तुम मेरी कार ठोक कर भाग गए थे |
Some months ago you bumped into my car and drove away.
मैं तुझे कॉल करने से मना कर रहा हूँ | समझ में नहीं आ रहा है क्या ?
I'm asking you not to call. Don't you understand?
क्या तुम अपने माँ बाप से भी ऐसे ही बात करते हो ?
Do you talk like this to your parents as well?
मुझे तुम्हारे और कमल के बारे में सब पता चल गया है |
I know everything about you and kamal.
तुम आ भी गए और मुझे पता भी नहीं |
You're already back and I don't even know of it!
इस बारे में सोंचना |
Think about it...
मैं तेरे लिए अपनी जान दे सकता हूँ |
I can give my life for you.
यह बहुत पुरानी है | यह pic तब की है जब हम मिले भी नहीं थे |
this is very old. This pic was taken when we had not even met.
//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense simple present | present indefinite tense , , , , ,
मैं उसे पिछले एक साल से उसे ढूंड रहा हूँ |
I've been looking for him for the past one year.
मुझे तुझे दुबारा ना कहना पड़े |
I don't have to tell you again.
कुछ नहीं |
उन्होंने हमारा जीना हराम कर दिया है |
They have made our lives miserable!
Online quiz to test your understanding of the Present Simple tense in English. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. For ESL learners.
तुम्हें नहीं लगता तुम्हे पहले अपना पर्स check कर लेना चाहिए ?
Don't you think you should check your wallet?
आपको पता है कल क्या हुआ ?
You know what happened yesterday?
जैसे ही वह आये मुझे inform करना |
Inform me as soon as he returns.
अगर तुम्हारे भाई को यह पता चल गया तो |
What if your brother learns of this,
//nbsp;;;Fill in the blanks with an appropriate present tense form. Answers . My parents live near Chennai. . I visit my parents twice a month.
अचार मिलेगा ?
I'd like some pickle.
अगर मैं उसे पसंद नहीं हूँ तो बता दे मुझें |
If he does not like me, then let him tell me.
वो लड़की सच में तुझसे प्यार करती है |
That girl really loves you.
क्या time आ गया है |
What times have come!
//nbsp;;;Yes/No Interrogative; Present Indefinite Tense . Interrogative sentence. Do/DoesSubjectNotVerbObjectPlaceTime. Example.:-Does he not go to school? Example.:- Do I not read the newspaper? Example.:- Do you not play hockey very well? Example.:- Do they not read grammar? Main Interrogative Sentence; Present Indefinite Tense
उसने कितना हंगामा मचा दिया |
He has created so much nuisance
मैंने उसे कल काल करने के लिए कहा |
I asked him to call tomorrow.
पैसों को छूने के हिम्मत मत करना |
Don't you dare touch the money.
मैं नहीं मानता |
l don't believe this!
This tenses quiz tests your knowledge of a mix of tenses related to the past, present, and future. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap.
हमें कैसे पता होगा ?
How would we know?
अपनी कार की बात नहीं कर रहा हूँ |
I am not talking of my car.
मैं लखनऊ चला जाऊँगा. तुम चिंता ना करो |
I will go to Lucknow, you don't worry.
मुझे पता था ऐसा होगा |
I knew this would happen.
तूने उसे थप्पड़ क्यों नहीं मारा ?
Why didn't you slap him?
उनका क्या करना है |
what's to be done with them?
मैं कहा था ना वो नहीं मिलेगी |
I had told you that you won't get her.
नहीं वो मत करो |
No, don't do that.
Practice with these Simple Present exercises: Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise . Simple Present Exercise
कुछ नहीं | धन्यवाद | बस पानी |
Nothing, thank you. Just water?
मुझे सब पता है |
I know it all.
क्या हुआ तुम्हें ?
What happened to you?
इसमें जरुर कुछ कीमती होगा |
lt must contain something precious.
//nbsp;;;Fill in the blanks with an appropriate present tense form. Answers . My parents live near Chennai. . I visit my parents twice a month.
मैं उसी दिन शादी करूँगा जिस दिन तुम शादी करोगी |
I will marry the day you marry.
मैंने तुमसे किया वादा अभी तक पूरा नहीं किया है |
I haven't fulfilled my promise to you yet.
ये लो |
Here take this...
क्योंकि मुझे दर्द हो रहा है |
Because I'm in pain.
//nbsp;;;Yes/No Interrogative; Present Indefinite Tense . Interrogative sentence. Do/DoesSubjectNotVerbObjectPlaceTime. Example.:-Does he not go to school? Example.:- Do I not read the newspaper? Example.:- Do you not play hockey very well? Example.:- Do they not read grammar? Main Interrogative Sentence; Present Indefinite Tense
क्या तू कुवांरा मरना चाहता है ?
Do you want to die as a bachelor?
मुझे लगा कोई मेरे साथ फ़ोन पे मस्ती कर रहा है |
l thought someone was fooling around with me on the phone.
Order करने से पहले price देख लो | समझे ?
Look at the price before placing the order. Got it?
मुझे पता था तू खुश होगा |
l knew you’d be happy.
Online quiz to test your understanding of the Present Simple tense in English. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. For ESL learners.
मुझे लगा पापा आ गए |
I felt father had arrived!
मेरी शादी पक्की हो गई है |
My marriage has been fixed.
क्या तुम जानती हो तुमने क्या किया ?
Do you know what you've done?
वह अब बहतर है |
She's better now.
Present Indefinite Tense, Use of Present Indefinite Tense In hindi , Present indifinte tense in hindi , tense in hindi, simple present tense in hindi ,simple present tense, Present Tense ka Prayog , Present indifinte tka prayog , present indinfinte tense ka prayog, ka prayog , use , tense , ka prayog , present indifinte tense , Present Indefinite Tense ka prayog, Present Tense in Hindi Grammer,
तो क्या होती मेरी ज़िंदगी ?
What would my life be like now?.
मुझे स्कूल में जाने में बेईज्जती महसूस होती है |
I feel ashamed to enter the school.
पैसे मिलते ही मैं आपका किराया दे दूंगा |
I'll pay the rent as soon as I get the money.
देखो दुल्हे का परिवार यहाँ कभी भी आता होगा |
Look, the groom's family will be here any moment.
//nbsp;;;Fill in the blanks with an appropriate present tense form. Answers . My parents live near Chennai. . I visit my parents twice a month.
तुम लोग मुझे अकेला छोड़ के आ गए |
you all left me alone and came.
अपना ख्याल रखना |
take care of yourself.
उसे किसी रीना की details चाहिए थी |
she wanted some details of some Reena!
जब तुम रोते हो तो अच्छे नहीं लगते |
You don't look good when you cry.
Here are lots of Present Indefinite Tense example sentences to practice and learn Present Indefinite Tense. I am sure that you will love them. Examples of Present Indefinite Tense. Positive /Affirmative Sentences: Present Indefinite Tense. a I am a good student. a She goes to school.
मुझे तुम्हारे साथ यह सब करके मजा नहीं आता |
I don't have fun doing all this with you.
तू उसके पीछे पागल क्यों है ? बता मुझे |
Why are you so crazy after her? Tell me.
कितनी बार मैंने overtime भी किया है |
Do many times I did overtime too.
ये उम्र है तुम्हारी यह सब करने की और यह बत्तमीजी कहाँ से सीखी तुमने ?
Is this the age to be doing all this? And from where did you learn to misbehave?
In the present indefinite tense first form of the verb is used. If the subject contains he, she, it, or a single name then there is the addition of s or es with a verb. Do and Does are used as helping verb in case of negative or interrogative sentences.
मेरी बेटी को जाने दो |
Let go off my daughter!
मुझसे इससे ज्यादा की उम्मीद मत करना |
Don't expect anything more from me.
वह यही कहीं होगी |
She must be around.
मैंने अंदाजा लगाया |
I just made a guess.
आप जो सजा दे मुझे मंजूर है |
Whatever punishment you give.. l accept it.
तुम हमें पहले ही बर्बाद कर चुके हो | क्या तुम्हें अभी भी चैन नहीं मिला ?
You've already ruined us. Are you not satisfied yet?
मैं तुम्हे खतरे में नहीं डाल सकता |
i can't put you in danger.
कहाँ था तू ?
Where had you been?
present indefinite tense practice
क्या मतलब मेरी मर्जी |
What do you mean, ‘my wish’!
अब बताओ मुझे, क्या तुमने कमल को देखा है ?
Now tell me, have you seen Kamal?
क्या कभी तुमसे कोई सफाई मांगीं ?
Have I ever asked you for any explanation?
संभल के |
Be careful...
Test your knowledge on the simple present. After submitting your answers, you will see how well you have done in the test. Test Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Choose the correct form. We sometimes books. Emily to the disco. It often on Sundays. Pete and his sister the family car. I always to the bus stop. Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Put the verbs into the correct
तुम्हारी जानकारी के बिना यह लड़की तुम्हारे कमरे में कैसे घुसी ?
How did this girl enter your room without your knowledge?
सुनो | मुझे पता है तुम कमल का गुस्सा मुझपर उतार रही हो |
Listen. I know you're venting Kamal's anger on me.
तुमने जरूर कुछ किया होगा |
You must have done something!
मैं डर गई थी |
I got scared.
Here are lots of Present Indefinite Tense example sentences to practice and learn Present Indefinite Tense. I am sure that you will love them. Examples of Present Indefinite Tense. Positive /Affirmative Sentences: Present Indefinite Tense. a I am a good student. a She goes to school.
मैंने सबकुछ अपनी आँखों से देखा है | कब से चल रहा है यह सब ?
I have seen everything myself! Since when has all this been going on?
तुम उसकी दोस्ती में अंधे हो गए हो |
You’re blinded by his friendship.
कानून सबके लिया एक सामान होना चाहिए |
Law should be the same for everybody!
अपने आप सुखा लिए |
Wipe yourself dry,
Test your knowledge on the simple present. After submitting your answers, you will see how well you have done in the test. Test Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Choose the correct form. We sometimes books. Emily to the disco. It often on Sundays. Pete and his sister the family car. I always to the bus stop. Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Put the verbs into the correct form.
तुम क्या पढ़ रहे हो ?
What are you reading?
जल्दी करो नहीं तो तुम्हें देर हो जाएगी |
hurry up or you'll be late.
इस laptop के price क्या है ?
What's the price of this laptop?
तुमने स्कूल ना आकर बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |
You made a big mistake not coming to school.
This tenses quiz tests your knowledge of a mix of tenses related to the past, present, and future. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap.
इस बार तुम बहुत दूर निकल गए हो |
You've gone too far this time,
बाकी के पैसे कहाँ हैं ?
Where is the rest of the money?
उसके बात कमल ने ना मुझे कॉल किया और ना ही मुझसे मिलने आया |
After that, neither did Kamal call me or come to meet me.
मेरी ज़िंदगी जहन्नुम बन गई थी |
my life had become hell.
//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense simple present | present indefinite tense , , , , ,
तुम बैठो | मैं आचार ले के आती हूँ
You sit. l will get the pickle.
अपना खाना कहो, ठंडा हो रहा है |
Eat your dinner, it'll get cold.
यह उन्हें दे दो |
Give it to them.
तुम्हें खुद साथ चलना चाहिए था |
You shouId've come along on your own.
Test your knowledge on the simple present. After submitting your answers, you will see how well you have done in the test. Test Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Choose the correct form. We sometimes books. Emily to the disco. It often on Sundays. Pete and his sister the family car. I always to the bus stop. Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part . Put the verbs into the correct
कसम से | मैंने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोंचा था कि रीना मुझसे इतना प्यार करेगी |
I swear. Not even in my dream had I thought that Reena will love me so much.
मैं तुमसे पैसे नहीं लूँगा |
l'll not take money from you.
मुझे याद है जब हम आख़िरी बार मिले थे |
I remember the last time we met him.
आप कुछ कह रहे थे |
You were saying something.
//nbsp;;;Present indefinite tense simple present | present indefinite tense , , , , ,
कब से चल रहा है यह सब ?
How long has this been going on?
तू रात भर खांस क्यों रहा था ?
why were you coughing all night?
तुम फ़िक्र मत करो मैं उससे बात करूँगा |
You don't worry I will talk to him.
वो चुड़ैल हमें नहीं छोड़ेगी |
That witch won't spare us!
In the present indefinite tense first form of the verb is used. If the subject contains he, she, it, or a single name then there is the addition of s or es with a verb. Do and Does are used as helping verb in case of negative or interrogative sentences.
और क्या क्या कहा तुमने उसे ?
What else did you say to her?
वो गायब हो गए या तुमने उन्हें छुपा दिया |
They have disappeared, or have you hid them.
क्या करना है कमल का ?
What should we do about the Kamal?
मैं सिर्फ आपको अपने दिल की सच्चाई बता रहा था |
I was just trying to tell you the truth that's in my heart.
Present Indefinite Tense, Use of Present Indefinite Tense In hindi , Present indifinte tense in hindi , tense in hindi, simple present tense in hindi ,simple present tense, Present Tense ka Prayog , Present indifinte tka prayog , present indinfinte tense ka prayog, ka prayog , use , tense , ka prayog , present indifinte tense , Present Indefinite Tense ka prayog, Present
तुम मुझे कुत्ते कि तरह क्यों घूर रहे हो ?
Why are you staring at me like dogs?
सच कहूँ, मुझे तुमसे पहले नजर में प्यार हो गया था |
To be honest, l fell in love with you at first sight.
वह पढ़ा लिखा है मेरी तरह जाहिल नहीं है |
He is well educated. Not an uncouth like me.
अगर उस चुड़ैल ने तुमपर बुरी नजर डाली |
If that witch casts an evil eye on you..
क्या बताया आपने अपना नाम ?
What did you say your name was?
जब तक मैं जिंदा हूँ उसे यह जॉब नहीं मिलेगी |
As Iong as I'm aIive he won't get this job.
मुझे नहीं पता थे कि तुम इतने बड़े बेवकूफ हो |
I didn't know you were such a fool!
देश के विकाश की किसे परवाह है ?
Who cares about the country's progress?
This tenses quiz tests your knowledge of a mix of tenses related to the past, present, and future. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap. Read the sentence then decide which word or phrase fits correctly in the gap.
मैं गरीब आदमी हूँ, मैं बर्बाद हो जाऊंगा |
I'm a poor man, I'll be ruined.
कहाँ है वह ?
Where is he?
कमल और विमल ने मुझे तुम्हारे बारे में सबकुछ बता दिया है |
Kamal and Vimal have told me everything about you.
तुम किसी के घर में ऐसे नहीं घुस सकते |
You can't barge in to someone's home like this...
In the present indefinite tense first form of the verb is used. If the subject contains he, she, it, or a single name then there is the addition of s or es with a verb. Do and Does are used as helping verb in case of negative or interrogative sentences.
किस तरह का दोस्त है तू ?
What kind of a friend are you?
तुम्हे क्या लगता है क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ मैं ?
What do you think I've been trying to do?
उनकी बीवियों को उनके चक्कर के बारे में पता चल गया है |
their wives have come to know of their affairs.
मैं उसे जो चाहूँ बुला सकता हूँ |
I can call her whatever I want.
Present Indefinite Tense, Use of Present Indefinite Tense In hindi , Present indifinte tense in hindi , tense in hindi, simple present tense in hindi ,simple present tense, Present Tense ka Prayog , Present indifinte tka prayog , present indinfinte tense ka prayog, ka prayog , use , tense , ka prayog , present indifinte tense , Present Indefinite Tense ka prayog, Present
तुम मेरी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहे हो ?
Why are you ruining my life?
क्या तुमने वह देखा ?
Did you see that?
चलो मुर्गी को खाना खिलाये |
let's go feed the hen.
तेरी आवाज को क्या हुआ ?
What happened to your voice?
Simple Present Exercise
तुम्हें रीना के बारे में बत्तमीजी से बात नहीं करनी चाहिए |
You shouldn't talk disrespectfully about Reena!
तो सुन |
Then listen.
वह चोरी करने आयी होगी |
She must've come here to steal.
छोड़ना मत उन्हें |
Don't spare them.
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