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Allow, permit or let ? - English Grammar Today - a reference
to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary
सुनो यह मेरी तुम्हें last
warning हैं |
Listen this is my last warning to you.
मुझे यह बाथरूम में मिला |
किसका है यह ?
I found it in bathroom. Whom does it belong?
मुझे क्या पता ? मैं भी तेरे साथ यहीं खड़ा हूँ |
What do I know? I too have been standing here with you!
मैं नहीं जानता कैसे
लेकिन मैं पता लगा लूँगा |
l don’t know how, but l will find out,
Be careful with the grammar of amakea and aleta. In English,
the verbs amakea and aleta are followed by an object and the infinitive without
atoa. For example: They canat make you work late. She made him do the exercise
again. She lets the students sing in class. His parents let him paint his room
black. But in the passive form, amakea is followed by the infinitive with atoa:
They were
यह वही है जिससे में शादी
करना चाहता हूँ |
She's the one I want to marry.
मुझे पता है तेरा stretching
से क्या मतलब है |
I know what you mean by stretching.
इस कमल ने मेरी ज़िंदगी
हराम कर दी है |
This Kamal has made my Iife miserabIe.
क्या तुमने वह देखा ?
Did you see that?
Advanced English Grammar Course. Free Download: English Phrases. The English verbs let, make,
have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something
else to happen. Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in
English sentences. How to use causative verbs in English LET = permit something
to happen. Grammatical structure: LET
वो तो अच्छी खबर है,
है ना ?
That's good news, isn't it?
तुमने मुझे बहुत दिनों
बाद याद किया |
You remembered me after a long time?
अब मैं आ गया हूँ सब ठीक
हो जायेगा |
Everything will be okay, now that I've come.
मैं तुमसे कुछ कहना चाहती
हूँ | पर इस बात से हमारे
रिश्ते पे कोई फर्क न पड़े |
I want to say something to you. But that shouldn't affect
our relationship.
Advanced English Grammar Course. Free Download: English Phrases. The English verbs let, make,
have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something
else to happen. Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in
English sentences. How to use causative verbs in English LET = permit something
to happen.
आपसे कोई मिलने आया है |
there's someone here to see you.
सिंक पाइप दुबारा लीक हो
गया है |
the sink pipe has started leaking again.
आप समझदार हैं तो उसे
समझाते क्यों नहीं ?
You're sensible, so, why don't you explain to him?
क्यों नहीं करने दोगे
मुझे ? यह जगह क्या तुम्हारी है ?
Why won't you let me? Do you own this place?
Use of Let in English Grammar in Hindi Example. -Leta| hindi
meaning of let.
दो कप चाय किस लिए ?
What are two cups for?
कहाँ गई वो ?
Where did she go?
लोग प्यार में अपनी जान
दे देते हैं | तू कुछ मुक्के नहीं
खा सकता | कायर |
People lay down their lives in love! You can't even endure a
few punches! Coward!
शरमाओ मत, थोडा और लो | पेट भर कर खाओ |
don't be shy, haνe some more. Εat your fill.
Be careful with the grammar of amakea and aleta. In English,
the verbs amakea and aleta are followed by an object and the infinitive without
atoa. For example: They canat make you work late. She made him do the exercise
again. She lets the students sing in class. His parents let him paint his room
black. But in the passive form, amakea is followed by the infinitive with atoa:
They were
देखो | अब तुम लोग मुझे बेवकूफ नहीं बना सकते |
Look! Now you people can't fool me!
कोई दिक्कत नहीं है |
No problem at all.
मैंने तुम पर विश्वास
करना शुरू ही किया था, कमल | और मेरे जाते ही तुमने मुझे इतना बड़ा धोका दिया
I had just begun trusting you, Kamal. And as soon as I left
You cheated on me in such a big way!
वह अब मुंबई पहुँच गया
होगा |
He would have reached Mumbai by now.
How to Use 'Let' and 'Make' Download this explanation about
'let' and 'make' in PDF. Try an exercise about 'let' and 'make' here. Let
Subject let object
bare infinitive infinitive without 'to' 'Let' can mean 'allow' or 'give
permission': David's mother let him use her car. Our boss let us leave early.
We can also use 'let' to mean 'allow' in the sense of 'make something
यह तो शुरुवात है |
तू आगे आगे देख मैं क्या करता हूँ |
This is the beginning. You just wait and watch what l do.
तुझे मुझ जैसा मर्द यहाँ
नहीं मिलेगा |
You won't find a man like me here.
उसे मुझपे चिल्लाने का
पूरा हक है |
She has all the right to yell at me.
मैं तुम्हे रात में कॉल
करूँगा |
I'll call you in the night.
We can also use aleta to mean 'allow' in the sense of amake
something possiblea: a This student card lets you book discount flights. a You
can buy a pass which lets you visit all the art galleries more cheaply.
Let's infinitive is often used to make a
suggestion: a Let's go to the cinema tonight. a Let's get some coffee. Although
'let's' is a contraction of 'let us', we don't use 'let us' in this situation.
We donat use
इस नाटक को चलने दो |
let this charade go on.
पर यह सब होगा कैसे ?
But how will all this be possible?
पहले तुम उससे माफ़ी मांगो
First you apologies to her.
जी बता दिया |
Yes, I did.
We can also use aleta to mean 'allow' in the sense of amake
something possiblea: a This student card lets you book discount flights. a You
can buy a pass which lets you visit all the art galleries more cheaply.
Let's infinitive is often used to make a
suggestion: a Let's go to the cinema tonight. a Let's get some coffee. Although
'let's' is a contraction of 'let us', we don't use 'let
तुम्हे मेरे पापा से शादी
के लिए मेरा हाथ मांगना होगा
You will have to ask my father for my hand in marriage.
इसका दोस्त सच में अजीब
His friend is really strange!
क्या तुम पहले कभी अकेले
शौपिंग करने गई हो |
Have you ever been out for shopping alone?
एक काम करो | कल मुझसे lunch पर मिलो |
do one thing. Meet me tomorrow for lunch.
Use of Let in English Grammar in Hindi Example. -Leta| hindi
meaning of let.
बता मुझे | किसने मारा तुझे | हम उसे नहीं छोड़ेंगे |
Tell me! Who beat you! We won't spare him!
तुम समझ क्यों नहीं रहे
हो ?
Why don't you understand?
मेरे पास तुम्हारे लिए
कुछ है |
I've something for you.
मैं नहीं जानता कि वह कब
आयेंगे ?
I don't know when he's coming back.
We can also use aleta to mean 'allow' in the sense of amake
something possiblea: a This student card lets you book discount flights. a You
can buy a pass which lets you visit all the art galleries more cheaply.
Let's infinitive is often used to make a
suggestion: a Let's go to the cinema tonight. a Let's get some coffee. Although
'let's' is a contraction of 'let us', we don't use 'let us' in this situation.
We donat use
क्या बात है ?
What's the matter ?
इसमें मेरी गलती कैसे है |
How's that my fault?
मैं खाना लगा रहा हूँ |
Wash up, l'm serving dinner.
मेरा दुबारा नहाने का मन
कर रहा है |
I feel like taking a bath again.
Allow, permit or let ? - English Grammar Today - a reference
to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary
सुनो यह मेरी तुम्हें last
warning हैं |
Listen this is my last warning to you.
मुझे यह बाथरूम में मिला |
किसका है यह ?
I found it in bathroom. Whom does it belong?
मुझे क्या पता ? मैं भी तेरे साथ यहीं खड़ा हूँ |
What do I know? I too have been standing here with you!
मैं नहीं जानता कैसे
लेकिन मैं पता लगा लूँगा |
l don’t know how, but l will find out,
Be careful with the grammar of amakea and aleta. In English,
the verbs amakea and aleta are followed by an object and the infinitive without
atoa. For example: They canat make you work late. She made him do the exercise
again. She lets the students sing in class. His parents let him paint his room
black. But in the passive form, amakea is followed by the infinitive with atoa:
They were
यह वही है जिससे में शादी
करना चाहता हूँ |
She's the one I want to marry.
मुझे पता है तेरा stretching
से क्या मतलब है |
I know what you mean by stretching.
इस कमल ने मेरी ज़िंदगी
हराम कर दी है |
This Kamal has made my Iife miserabIe.
क्या तुमने वह देखा ?
Did you see that?
Advanced English Grammar Course. Free Download: English Phrases. The English verbs let, make,
have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something
else to happen. Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in
English sentences. How to use causative verbs in English LET = permit something
to happen. Grammatical structure: LET
वो तो अच्छी खबर है,
है ना ?
That's good news, isn't it?
तुमने मुझे बहुत दिनों
बाद याद किया |
You remembered me after a long time?
अब मैं आ गया हूँ सब ठीक
हो जायेगा |
Everything will be okay, now that I've come.
मैं तुमसे कुछ कहना चाहती
हूँ | पर इस बात से हमारे
रिश्ते पे कोई फर्क न पड़े |
I want to say something to you. But that shouldn't affect
our relationship.
Advanced English Grammar Course. Free Download: English Phrases. The English verbs let, make,
have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something
else to happen. Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in
English sentences. How to use causative verbs in English LET = permit something
to happen.
आपसे कोई मिलने आया है |
there's someone here to see you.
सिंक पाइप दुबारा लीक हो
गया है |
the sink pipe has started leaking again.
आप समझदार हैं तो उसे
समझाते क्यों नहीं ?
You're sensible, so, why don't you explain to him?
क्यों नहीं करने दोगे
मुझे ? यह जगह क्या तुम्हारी है ?
Why won't you let me? Do you own this place?
Use of Let in English Grammar in Hindi Example. -Leta| hindi
meaning of let.
दो कप चाय किस लिए ?
What are two cups for?
कहाँ गई वो ?
Where did she go?
लोग प्यार में अपनी जान
दे देते हैं | तू कुछ मुक्के नहीं
खा सकता | कायर |
People lay down their lives in love! You can't even endure a
few punches! Coward!
शरमाओ मत, थोडा और लो | पेट भर कर खाओ |
don't be shy, haνe some more. Εat your fill.
Be careful with the grammar of amakea and aleta. In English,
the verbs amakea and aleta are followed by an object and the infinitive without
atoa. For example: They canat make you work late. She made him do the exercise
again. She lets the students sing in class. His parents let him paint his room
black. But in the passive form, amakea is followed by the infinitive with atoa:
They were
देखो | अब तुम लोग मुझे बेवकूफ नहीं बना सकते |
Look! Now you people can't fool me!
कोई दिक्कत नहीं है |
No problem at all.
मैंने तुम पर विश्वास
करना शुरू ही किया था, कमल | और मेरे जाते ही तुमने मुझे इतना बड़ा धोका दिया
I had just begun trusting you, Kamal. And as soon as I left
You cheated on me in such a big way!
वह अब मुंबई पहुँच गया
होगा |
He would have reached Mumbai by now.
How to Use 'Let' and 'Make' Download this explanation about
'let' and 'make' in PDF. Try an exercise about 'let' and 'make' here. Let
Subject let object
bare infinitive infinitive without 'to' 'Let' can mean 'allow' or 'give
permission': David's mother let him use her car. Our boss let us leave early.
We can also use 'let' to mean 'allow' in the sense of 'make something
यह तो शुरुवात है |
तू आगे आगे देख मैं क्या करता हूँ |
This is the beginning. You just wait and watch what l do.
तुझे मुझ जैसा मर्द यहाँ
नहीं मिलेगा |
You won't find a man like me here.
उसे मुझपे चिल्लाने का
पूरा हक है |
She has all the right to yell at me.
मैं तुम्हे रात में कॉल
करूँगा |
I'll call you in the night.
We can also use aleta to mean 'allow' in the sense of amake
something possiblea: a This student card lets you book discount flights. a You
can buy a pass which lets you visit all the art galleries more cheaply.
Let's infinitive is often used to make a
suggestion: a Let's go to the cinema tonight. a Let's get some coffee. Although
'let's' is a contraction of 'let us', we don't use 'let us' in this situation.
We donat use
इस नाटक को चलने दो |
let this charade go on.
पर यह सब होगा कैसे ?
But how will all this be possible?
पहले तुम उससे माफ़ी मांगो
First you apologies to her.
जी बता दिया |
Yes, I did.
We can also use aleta to mean 'allow' in the sense of amake
something possiblea: a This student card lets you book discount flights. a You
can buy a pass which lets you visit all the art galleries more cheaply.
Let's infinitive is often used to make a
suggestion: a Let's go to the cinema tonight. a Let's get some coffee. Although
'let's' is a contraction of 'let us', we don't use 'let
तुम्हे मेरे पापा से शादी
के लिए मेरा हाथ मांगना होगा
You will have to ask my father for my hand in marriage.
इसका दोस्त सच में अजीब
His friend is really strange!
क्या तुम पहले कभी अकेले
शौपिंग करने गई हो |
Have you ever been out for shopping alone?
एक काम करो | कल मुझसे lunch पर मिलो |
do one thing. Meet me tomorrow for lunch.
Use of Let in English Grammar in Hindi Example. -Leta| hindi
meaning of let.
बता मुझे | किसने मारा तुझे | हम उसे नहीं छोड़ेंगे |
Tell me! Who beat you! We won't spare him!
तुम समझ क्यों नहीं रहे
हो ?
Why don't you understand?
मेरे पास तुम्हारे लिए
कुछ है |
I've something for you.
मैं नहीं जानता कि वह कब
आयेंगे ?
I don't know when he's coming back.
We can also use aleta to mean 'allow' in the sense of amake
something possiblea: a This student card lets you book discount flights. a You
can buy a pass which lets you visit all the art galleries more cheaply.
Let's infinitive is often used to make a
suggestion: a Let's go to the cinema tonight. a Let's get some coffee. Although
'let's' is a contraction of 'let us', we don't use 'let us' in this situation.
We donat use
क्या बात है ?
What's the matter ?
इसमें मेरी गलती कैसे है |
How's that my fault?
मैं खाना लगा रहा हूँ |
Wash up, l'm serving dinner.
मेरा दुबारा नहाने का मन
कर रहा है |
I feel like taking a bath again.
Great blog you are shared here,
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