Learn use of Must May and Might for Probability with example sentences in Hindi
Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
जब किसी काम के होने कि
सम्भावना होती है तो हम उस काम के होने अनुमान लगाते हैं |
जब हम अपने अनुमान में 99%
confident होते हैं तब हम must helping verb का प्रयोग करते हैं |
हम अपने अपने अनुमान में जब
80% confident होते हैं तो may helping verb को use करते हैं |
और अगर 20% उस काम के होने
की सम्भावन होती है तो हम might helping verb का प्रयोग करते हैं |
कल जरुर बारिश होगी |
It must rain tomorrow.
कल बारिश हो सकती है |
It may rain tomorrow.
शायद कल बारिश हो |
It might rain tomorrow.
नीचे में सम्भावना वाले
वाक्यों को अलग अलग tenses में कैसे translate करते हैं बताया हैं
आप नीचे दिए वाक्यों को
ध्यान से पढ़िए और समझने कि कोशिस करिए और इस तरह के वाक्यों को English में बोलने
कि practice करिए |
Probability में तीन tense होते है present tense past tense और future
tense |
Probability in Present continuous tense
Probability in Past tense
जब किसी काम के भूतकाल में
होने कि सम्भावना होती है तो हम उस काम के भूतकाल में होने का अनुमान लगाते हैं |
जब हम अपने अनुमान में 99%
confident होते हैं तब हम must have helping verb का प्रयोग करते हैं |
हम अपने अपने अनुमान में confident नहीं होते हैं तो
might have helping verb को use करते हैं |
must have और might have के
साथ verb की third form का प्रयोग करते हैं |
Subject + Must have + Verb की 3rd form + object
Probability in Past indefinite tense
जब हम past में काम के होने
का अनुमान लगाते हैं और वाक्य के अंत में होगा आता है तब हम इस वाक्य को past
indefinite में बनाते है |
Subject + Must have + Verb की 3rd form + object
सम्भावना बताने वाले वाक्य
चाहे past indefinite के हो या present prefect या past indefinite तीनो को English
में translate करने का तरीका एक ही होता है |
English वाक्य में must
have + verb की third form लगाते हैं |
Past indefinite tense के वाक्य
वह मुंबई गया |
He went to Mumbai.
Probability sentence
वह मुंबई गया होगा |
He must have gone to
Present prefect के वाक्य
वह मुंबई जा चुका है |
He has gone to Mumbai.
वह मुम्बई जा चुका होगा |
He must have gone to
Past prefect के वाक्य
पहचान - वाक्य के अंत में रहा होगा, रही होगी आता है |
english वाक्य में must
have + been + verb में ing लगाते हैं |
कल वह पढ़ रहा होगा |
He must have been reading yesterday.
शायद कल वह पढ़ रहा हो |
He might have been
reading yesterday.
वह पढ़ रहा था
He was reading.
वह पढ़ रहा होगा |
He must have been
शायद वह पढ़ रहा हो |
He might have been
वह मुंबई जा रहा था
He was going to Mumbai.
वह मुंबई जा रहा होगा |
He must have been going
to Mumbai.
शायद वह मुंबई जा रहा हो |
He might have been going
to Mumbai.
Probability in Future tense
वह जरूर जायेगा |
He must go.
वह जा सकता है |
He may go.
शायद वह जायेगा |
He might go.
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |
हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
We use may have and might have to make guesses about the past: I haven't received your letter. It may have got lost in the post. It's ten o'clock. They might have arrived by now. We also use might: as the past tense of requests with may: He asked if he might borrow the car. They wanted to know if they might come later.
आगे कुछ मत कहना |
Don't say anything further.
मैं आपनी खोने वाला हूँ और तुम्हे पैसों की पड़ी है |
I am about to lose my wife and you are thinking about money.
उसे मत बताना चाहे तुम्हें अपनी जान ही क्यों ना देनी पड़े |
Don't tell him! Even if you have to lay down your life.
डिनर किया ?
Had dinner?
We use may have and might have to make guesses about the past: I haven't received your letter. It may have got lost in the post. It's ten o'clock. They might have arrived by now. We also use might: as the past tense of requests with may: He asked if he might borrow the car. They wanted to know if they might come later.
उसे मुझपे चिल्लाने का पूरा हक है |
She has all the right to yell at me.
भाड़ में गई तेरी दोस्ती !
To hell with your friendship!
मैं अपने पोस्टर्स कहाँ चिपकाऊं |
where do l stick my posters?
उसे वापस मत लाना |
Don't bring him back!
When do we use MAY and MIGHT in English? . We can use May and Might a To express possibility There is a chance of something being true or there is a possibility . We can use May To ASK FOR permission Note: May sounds more polite than using Can or Could when asking for permission. . We can also
तुम इस वक्त यहाँ ?
you are here at this hour?
अच्छी थी |
It was nice.
तुम हर चीज इतनी seriously क्यों लेते हो ?
Why do you take everything so seriously?
आप कब आये ?
When did you arrive?
aMaya and amighta are a bit easier. Besides being a request for permission, the word amaya can also refer to something that is likely to happen. aMighta has a similar meaning, but refers to something a bit less likely to happen. Itas a small difference, but a difference nonetheless.
मैं जा रहा हूँ |
l am leaving!
कैसा चल रहा है ?
How's everything?
क्या उन्हें लड़की को कपडे बदलते हुए देखने में शर्म नहीं आती ?
Aren't they ashamed to see a girl changing clothes?
तुम किससे बात कर रही थी |
with whom were you talking?
यह उसकी गलती नहीं थी |
lt wasn’t her fault.
मैं उन्हें सबक सीखाती हूँ |
I'm going to teach them a lesson.
अगर तुम्हें मुझ पर विश्वास नहीं है तो तुम मेरे साथ क्यों नहीं चलते ?
If you don't believe me then why don't you come with me?
मैं कहना चाहता हूँ कि यह सब हमारे साथ ही क्यों हो रहा है |
I want to say that why did aII this happen to us onIy.
We use may have and might have to make guesses about the past: I haven't received your letter. It may have got lost in the post. It's ten o'clock. They might have arrived by now. We also use might: as the past tense of requests with may: He asked if he might borrow the car. They wanted to know if they might come later.
तुम्हारी शादी कब हो रही है ?
When are we getting married?
इसीलिए भेजा था तुम्हे अच्छे teacher के पास |
Is this why I sent you to the best teachers?
देश के विकाश की किसे परवाह है ?
Who cares about the country's progress?
देखो इसने क्या किया |
Look what he did!
aMaya and amighta are a bit easier. Besides being a request for permission, the word amaya can also refer to something that is likely to happen. aMighta has a similar meaning, but refers to something a bit less likely to happen. Itas a small difference, but a difference nonetheless.
क्या हो रहा है यहाँ ?
What the hell is happening here.
झूठ क्यों बोला आपने कि आप भाभी को साथ में नहीं लाये है ?
why did you lie that you haven't got sister-in-law along?
तुम्हें कहाँ जाना है ?
Where do you want to go?
तू क्यों बेकार में परेशान हो रहा है ?
Why are you needlessly tensed?
Might past form of may Used to suggest a smaller possibility than may does actually, might is more common than may in American English: He might have finished it. I might go see a doctor. I might not come this time. It might be right. You might have lost it. The store might have been closed today.
मैं तुम्हें यह भी सिखाऊंगा |
l'll teach you this as well.
तुम जा सकते हो यह यहीं रहेगा |
You can leave, he remains here.
तुम यहाँ उसे बचाने आये थे या मारने ?
Did you come here... to save him or kill him?
क्या तुम्हारा कोई अच्छा दोस्त नहीं है ?
Don't you have any nice friends?
//nbsp;;;Farmers use fertilizers so that they may have a rich harvest. We eat that we may live. Might. Might is the past tense of may in indirect speech. He said, aI may stand for election.a He said that he might stand for election. Alice said, aI may come.a Alice said that she might come. Might and may. Might shows less possibility than may. Compare: It may rain. Maybe a % possibility
होता है |
It happens.
ये यहाँ कैसे ? अब हम क्या करें ?
How come she's here? What should we do now?
प्लीज रीना से मुझे मिलने के लिए कहो |
Please ask Reena to meet me now.
कल से जल्दी उठना, आज हम late हो गये हैं |
From tomorrow wake up early. Today we are late.
Many people still think that MAY present tense should be used when we talk about a current situation and MIGHT past tense should be used when we talk about an event that happened in the past. She might have taken the keys before going to work. past tense Today, however, these two words are interchangeable.
जब वापस आना तो whisky लेते आना |
get the whisky when you get back
क्या तुम मुझे भी मरोगे ?
Are you going to hit me as well?
तुमने बहुत बेज्जती कर ली मेरी |
You've humiliated me a lot.
तूने तो मेरा heart fail ही कर दिया था |
you almost gave me a heart attack.
When do we use MAY and MIGHT in English? . We can use May and Might a To express possibility There is a chance of something being true or there is a possibility . We can use May To ASK FOR permission Note: May sounds more polite than using Can or Could when asking for permission. . We can also
अब बताओ मुझे, क्या तुमने कमल को देखा है ?
Now tell me, have you seen Kamal?
कहाँ गुस्सा हो रहा हूँ ?
where am l angry?
उसे गोली मारने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
What was the need to shoot at him?
और क्या कहूँ | और कहते हुए भी शर्म आती है |
What else can I say? I am ashamed to say any more.
//nbsp;;;Today, weall look at English grammar rules governing the use of the modal verbs must, have to, may, and might. The first thing to remember about modal verbs is that, unlike ordinary verbs, they donat change according to time they have asubstitutesa for this, and the main verb that follows them is used without the preposition to : can play , must pay , would go , etc.
मुझे लगता है हमारे रिश्ते पर किसी की बुरी नजर पड़ गई है |
I feel that someone has cast an evil eye on our relationship.
लेकिन आज जो कुछ हुआ मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा |
But I surely liked what happened today.
अब तुझे क्या हो गया ?
What has happened to you now?
पुरे घर में खून ही खून था |
There was blood all over the house.
Meaning: Might is the past form of aMaya and it tells us about the possibility for something to happen.
कमल तेरे लिए कुछ कॉल आये थे |
Kamal, there were few calls for you.
खुद को आइने में देखा है ?
Have you seen yourself in the mirror'?
लगता है तेरे पापा आ गए |
Seems like your father has come,
तू दरवाजा क्यों नहीं खोल रहा है ?
Why are you not opening the door?
aMaya and amighta are a bit easier. Besides being a request for permission, the word amaya can also refer to something that is likely to happen. aMighta has a similar meaning, but refers to something a bit less likely to happen. Itas a small difference, but a difference nonetheless.
ऐसा लगेगा जैसे मैंने अपनी pant खुद गीली की है |
It will look as if I have wetted my pants.
तुम्हें किस तरह की लड़की पसंद है ?
What kind of girl do you like?
वरना मैं अपनी कलाई तुमसे पहले काट लुंगी |
Otherwise I'll slit my wrist before you do.
क्या कोई और रास्ता था ?
Was there any choice?
Many people still think that MAY present tense should be used when we talk about a current situation and MIGHT past tense should be used when we talk about an event that happened in the past. She might have taken the keys before going to work. past tense Today, however, these two words are interchangeable.
अंदर चल कर बात करते हैं |
Let's go inside and talk.
एक आख़िरी घूँट |
One last swig.
उसका अपहरण तो नहीं हो गया ?
He hasn't been kidnapped, has he?
उस दिन मैं तुम्हें छोड़ दिया क्योंकि वह सिर्फ एक गलती थी |
The other day, l spared you because it was only a mistake.
//nbsp;;;This week's Everyday Grammar looks at how to use the modals may, must and might. Modal verbs called modals for short are auxiliary verbs that express a speakeras attitude and the strength of that
पर तुम कहना क्या चाहते हो ?
But what do you want to say?
तुम बैग का क्या करोगी ?
What will you do with a bag?
तुम बैठो | मैं नहा के आता हूँ |
you sit. l will take a bath and come.
मुझे भी देखने दो |
Let me too have a look.
//nbsp;;;This week's Everyday Grammar looks at how to use the modals may, must and might. Modal verbs called modals for short are auxiliary verbs that express a speakeras attitude and the strength of that
सब कहते है कि मैं प्रियंका से ज्यादा अच्छी दिखती हूँ |
Everyone says I'm better looking than Priyanka.
अबे सो रुपये मांगे है तेरी लड़की का हाथ नहीं |
I asked for number five, not your daughter's hand in marriage.
हम पहले सी ही बहुत परेशानी में हैं |
we're already facing so many problems.
कल हम घर का सामान खरीदने जाने वाले थे |
Tomorrow we were supposed to go and purchase the household items.
Meaning: Might is the past form of aMaya and it tells us about the possibility for something to happen.
मेरे मम्मी पापा से बात करलो और कह दो उन्हें जो तुम्हे कहना है |
Talk to my parents. And Tell them what you have to say.
मैं अब घर जा रही हूँ | late मत होना |
I'm going home now. Don't be late.
इसबार वो बचेगा नहीं |
This time he can't escape.
अब आप जा सकते हैं |
You can go now.
मुझे पता था तू खुश होगा |
l knew you’d be happy.
होगा | लेकिन रीना की जान से बढकर नहीं है |
It would be. But it's not more than Reen's life.
ठीक है मैं रखती हूँ फोन |
I'm hanging up.
कहाँ थे तुम रात भर ? बेचार कितना परेशान था |
Where were you all night? Poor fellow was so worried!
When do we use MAY and MIGHT in English? . We can use May and Might a To express possibility There is a chance of something being true or there is a possibility . We can use May To ASK FOR permission Note: May sounds more polite than using Can or Could when asking for permission. . We can also
मैंने तुम्हे सब बता दिया था | लिख के दूं क्या तुझे |
I told you everything. Should I write it down for you!
मैंने नहीं इसने कहा था |
Not me he had said.
जिस तरह तुम कभी हारे नहीं उसी तरह कमल भी किसी से हारा नहीं |
Just like you never lost to anyone, no one has ever defeated Kamal.
उसे बुरा लगेगा | मैं नहीं आ सकता |
He will feel bad. I cannot come.
Use of Must May might
तुम ज़िंदगी में क्या बनना चाहते हो ?
What do you want to be in life?
वह तेरी तरह मुफ्तखोर नहीं है |
He isn't a free loader like you.
कौन हो तुम और तुम्हे मेरा number कैसे मिला ?
Who are you and how did you get my number?
अगर उन्होंने पैसे वापस नहीं चुकाए तो मैं तेरे दोस्तों की कब्र खोद दूंगा | याद रखना | समझा ?
If they can't repay the money then I will dig your friend's grave! Remember! Got it?
//nbsp;;;Farmers use fertilizers so that they may have a rich harvest. We eat that we may live. Might. Might is the past tense of may in indirect speech. He said, aI may stand for election.a He said that he might stand for election. Alice said, aI may come.a Alice said that she might come. Might and may. Might shows less possibility than may. Compare: It may rain. Maybe a % possibility
पता लगाने के और भी रास्ते हैं |
There are other ways of finding out.
एक जीन्स पर इतना हंगामा क्यों है ?
Why such a fuss over a jeans?
मैं तुमसे शाम को मिलता हूँ |
I'll see you in the evening.
तुम मुझपर जान बूझकर गिरे |
You fell on me intentionally.
Meaning: Might is the past form of aMaya and it tells us about the possibility for something to happen.
ठीक है शांत हो जा |
Ok calm down now.
उसके बाद की कहानी कोई नहीं बताता |
No one tells the story after this.
हर कोई मुझ पे हंस रहा है |
everyone is laughing at me.
मैं दौ दिन बाद पैसे लेने आऊंगा |
I'll come to take the money after 2 days.
Might past form of may Used to suggest a smaller possibility than may does actually, might is more common than may in American English: He might have finished it. I might go see a doctor. I might not come this time. It might be right. You might have lost it. The store might have been closed today.
वह आपसे बात करना चाहता है |
He wants to speak to you.
तुम दोनों इतने चुप क्यों हो ?
Why are both of you so quiet?
बाद मैं कॉल करता हूँ |
I'll call you later.
तो तुम मुझे उन लोगों से compare कर रही हो ?
So, you are comparing me to those people?
Past form of 'may' in reported speech: We might win a prize but I doubt it. The President said he might come. Must: Obligation: Logical deduction: Dogs must be kept on a lead. You must be tired after your long journey. Mustn't: Prohibition: You mustn't tell Alex. It's a surprise! Should: Advice: Logical deduction: You should take an umbrella in case it rains. I've revised so I should be ready for the test.
देखो, मैंने पेपर पर sign कर दिया है |
See, I've signed the paper.
मुझे थोड़ी ठंड भी लग रही है |
I'm feeling a bit cold too!
बोल कुछ वह जिंदा है या तुमने use मार दिया |
Say something is he alive or did you kill him.
चलो चलकर पूंछते हैं | हमें पता चल जायेगा यह सच है या नहीं |
Let's go and ask! We will find out whether it's true or not!
//nbsp;;;Today, weall look at English grammar rules governing the use of the modal verbs must, have to, may, and might. The first thing to remember about modal verbs is that, unlike ordinary verbs, they donat change according to time they have asubstitutesa for this, and the main verb that follows them is used without the preposition to : can play , must pay , would go , etc.
अपने आप को देखो | तुम गली के गुंडे लग रहे हो |
Look at yourseIf. You Iook like a street ruffian.
किसने मारा मुझे ?
Who hit me?
मैं sign कर रहा हूँ |
I'm signing.
और अगले ही दिन से उसने software company में काम करना शुरू कर दिया |
And from the next day itself, he started working in a software company.
//nbsp;;;Farmers use fertilizers so that they may have a rich harvest. We eat that we may live. Might. Might is the past tense of may in indirect speech. He said, aI may stand for election.a He said that he might stand for election. Alice said, aI may come.a Alice said that she might come. Might and may. Might shows less possibility than may. Compare: It may rain. Maybe a % possibility
मैं तुम लोगो की वजह से बर्बाद हो गया | मैं अपनी माँ को क्या कहूँगा ?
l am ruined because of you all. What will l tell my mother?
भगवान के लिए अपना ज्ञान अपने पास रखो |
For God’s sake, keep your knowledge to yourself.
ऐसे मत बैठो | कुछ तो बोलो
Don't sit like this! Say something.
मेरे पास इससे अच्छे काम हैं करने के लिए |
I've better things to do.
Past form of 'may' in reported speech: We might win a prize but I doubt it. The President said he might come. Must: Obligation: Logical deduction: Dogs must be kept on a lead. You must be tired after your long journey. Mustn't: Prohibition: You mustn't tell Alex. It's a surprise! Should: Advice: Logical deduction: You should take an umbrella in case it rains. I've revised so I should be ready for the test.
मैं सॉरी कहने आया था |
I came to say sorry.
तुमने अपना नाम क्या बताया ?
What did you say your name was?
वो छोड़ो, solution क्या है ?
Forget that, what's the solution?
कहाँ छोड़ दूँ मैं आपको ?
Where can I drop you?
Might past form of may Used to suggest a smaller possibility than may does actually, might is more common than may in American English: He might have finished it. I might go see a doctor. I might not come this time. It might be right. You might have lost it. The store might have been closed today.
इसमें मेरी गलती कैसे है |
How's that my fault?
बाकी के कमीनें कहाँ है ?
Where are the rest of the scoundrels?
यह एक बहरूपिया है |
He is an imposter.
उसे कभी पता नहीं चलना चाहिए कि तुम मेरी बेटी हो |
He should never know that you’re my daughter.
मैं तुम्हे आसानी से नहीं छोडूंगा |
I won't leave you so easily.
कमल यहाँ मेरी मदद लेने आया है |
Kamal is here seeking my help.
मेरी शादी हो जाएगी ना ?
I will get married, won't I?
अब जल्दी बताओ मुझे मेरी कार कहाँ है | वरना मैं तुम्हें यह गोली मार दूंगा |
Now tell me quickly where my car is. Or l'll shoot you right here.
Many people still think that MAY present tense should be used when we talk about a current situation and MIGHT past tense should be used when we talk about an event that happened in the past. She might have taken the keys before going to work. past tense Today, however, these two words are interchangeable.
मैं उसे जो चाहूँ बुला सकता हूँ |
I can call her whatever I want.
इतना surprise मत हो |
Don't be so surprised.
अच्छा हुआ मटका टूट गया |
lt's good that the pot broke.
क्या यह मेरे लिए है ?
Is that for me?
//nbsp;;;Today, weall look at English grammar rules governing the use of the modal verbs must, have to, may, and might. The first thing to remember about modal verbs is that, unlike ordinary verbs, they donat change according to time they have asubstitutesa for this, and the main verb that follows them is used without the preposition to : can play , must pay , would go , etc.
तू बोलेगा उन्हें या मैं बोलूं ?
Will you tell them or shall I tell them?
मेरे बैग में कुछ नहीं है |
There is nothing in my bag.
मैं इससे ज्यादा नहीं कर सकता |
There's nothing more I can do.
जैसा कि आप जानते हैं |
As all of you already know...
Past form of 'may' in reported speech: We might win a prize but I doubt it. The President said he might come. Must: Obligation: Logical deduction: Dogs must be kept on a lead. You must be tired after your long journey. Mustn't: Prohibition: You mustn't tell Alex. It's a surprise! Should: Advice: Logical deduction: You should take an umbrella in case it rains. I've revised so I should be ready for the test.
पीछे मुडकर क्या देख रही हैं ?
What are you looking back for?
मैं नहीं जानता कि वह कब आयेंगे ?
I don't know when he's coming back.
पक्का तूने वह यहीं पार्क की थी ?
Are you sure you parked it here?
तो तुझे हमें बताना चाहिए था ना |
So, you should've told us.
This week's Everyday Grammar looks at how to use the modals may, must and might. Modal verbs called modals for short are auxiliary verbs that express a speakeras attitude and the strength of that
हम जैसे मासूम लोगो के साथ इतना बड़ा धोका |
Such a big deceit to innocent people like us.
वह अब बहतर है |
She's better now.
चलो वहाँ चल कर बात करते हैं |
Let's go there and talk!
लेकिन अभी तक बारिश नहीं हुई |
But it hasn't rained yet.
tum ja nahi sakoge? how to translate in english it..
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