मुझे धूम्रपान से सबसे ज्यादा नफरत है |
What I most detest is smoking.
मुझे जुआ खेलने से सबसे ज्यादा नफरत है |
What I most hate is gambling.
मुझे झूठ बोलने से सबसे ज्यादा नफरत है |
What I most hate is telling a lie.
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We can also use the definite article with adjectives like
rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of people: Life can be
very hard for the poor.
मुझे पता नहीं चला आप कल
रात कब आये ?
I didn't reallze when you got back last night ?
तुम्हें दिख नहीं रहा वो
कैसे बात कर रहे हैं |
Can't you see how they are talking!
तुम्हे उसे सॉरी कहना
चाहिए |
You should say sorry to him.
तुम बहुत सुन्दर लग रही
हो |
You are looking very beautiful.
Learn by Examples; Exercise; Contact Definite article or Indefinite article, each
of the articles has different uses in different situations. Using Indefinite
Article: a an . Rule : A common noun in
the singular number always requires an article before it. But a plural common
noun does not require an article always. A plural common noun can have the
article athea if we want to
यह मेरी माँ ने भेजा है |
my mother has sent this.
आइन्दा अगर तूने इसे
परेशान किया तो मैं तुझे छोडूंगा नहीं |
Henceforth if you trouble her, I won't spare you!
आज तुम्हें exam पेपर मिलने वाले थे ना ?
Weren't you going to get your exam papers today?
कमल एक कसके थप्पड़ मार
इसे |
Kamal, give him a tight slap.
The definite article the . Matching_MTUMDQ. The definite
article the . GapFillDragAndDrop_MTUMDU. The definite article the .
GapFillTyping_MTUMDY Level: intermediate. We can also use the definite article
with adjectives like rich, poor, elderly and unemployed to talk about groups of
people: Life can be very hard for the poor.
लगता है वे रास्ता भूल
गये हैं |
Looks like they lost their way.
अब तो manager ने भी कह दिया |
Now even the manager said it!
वह मुझसे दूर कभी नहीं
रहा है |
He has never stayed away from me.
देखा मैंने वो कितना
ख्याल रखता है तुम्हारा |
I saw how much he cares for you.
The definite article, the, can refer backwards in a
conversation or text to something already mentioned. my sister there hid a little parcel in my
suitcase, so when I was unpacking the case I had a really cool surprise It can
also refer forwards to something which is going to be mentioned or explained.
कमल पर नजर रखना |
Keep an eye on Kamal.
स्पीकर पर लगाओ |
Put it on speaker.
तुमने सही नहीं क्या |
You didn't do right.
भाई इस बारे में हम कल
बात करते हैं |
Brother, lets talk about it tomorrow.
There could be many rules to remember and exceptions along
with it. But in this chapter, we assure you, thereas only one word to learn
about- one of the most commonly used words a the. Thatas right- the word the is
the only Definite Article that there is. The one true king of its kind.
कार को लॉक कौन लगायेगा ?तुम्हें इस तरह इसे खुला नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए |
Who will lock this car? You shouldn't leave it open like
तब कोई कुछ नहीं कह रहा
था ?
No one was saying anything then?
क्या घडी है ! बहुत महंगी
होगी |
What a watch! lt must be quite expensive.
हम अभी तक नहीं पहुंचे |
We have still not reached.
Level: beginner. We use the indefinite article, a/an, with
singular nouns when the listener/reader does not know exactly which one we are
referring to: Police are searching for a -year-old girl.. We also use it to
show that the person or thing is one of a group:. She is a pupil at London Road
School.. Police have been looking for a -year-old girl who has been missing
since Friday..
नहीं मैं लंच कर चूका हूँ
No, I've had lunch.
तो किस तरह की लड़की हो
तुम ?
Then what kind of a girl are you?
तेरा तो गला बैठ गया था
ना ?
Didn't you have sore throat?
तुम यह सब क्यों करते हो ?
Why do you do all this!
Definite and Indefinite Articles A, an, the are the
articles, which are used before Nouns to show whether we are talking of general
nouns or specified ones. Therefore, they are divided into two categories: .
चलो दुबारा शुरू करें |
Let's start again.
बहन प्लीज सुनो |
Sister, pIease Iisten.
तुमने स्वेटर नहीं पहना
है |
you're not wearing a sweater.
मैं वादा करती हूँ |
मैं तुमपर अब कभी शक नहीं करुंगी |
I promise that I'll never doubt you again.
Definite and Indefinite Articles A, an, the are the
articles, which are used before Nouns to show whether we are talking of general
nouns or specified ones. Therefore, they are divided into two categories: .
वह जानता है कि तुम्हारे
साथ अन्याय हुआ है |
He knows injustice has been done to you.
तुम्हें औरत पर हाथ नहीं
उठाना चाहिए |
You shouldn't raise your hand on women!
तुम्हारे माँ बाप को
तुम्हारी कामयाबी पर गर्व है |
Your parents are very proud of your achievements.
आपकी टेंशन आ गई है |
देखिये उधर |
Your tension has arrived! Look over there!
There could be many rules to remember and exceptions along
with it. But in this chapter, we assure you, thereas only one word to learn
about- one of the most commonly used words a the. Thatas right- the word the is
the only Definite Article that there is. The one true king of its kind.
इसे बंद करो और अपना काम
करो |
Switch it off and attend to your chores!
प्लीज पहले मेरी बात सुन
लिए उसके बाद अगर आपको लगे कि मुझे इसके साथ नहीं रहना चाहिए तो मैं चला जाऊंगा |
Please hear me out. After that if you feel that he shouldn't
be with me. then I will leave.
तुम कभी नहीं सुधरोगे |
You'll never improve.
इलाके कुत्तो के होते है |
Dogs have territories.
Level: beginner. We use the indefinite article, a/an, with
singular nouns when the listener/reader does not know exactly which one we are
referring to: Police are searching for a -year-old girl.. We also use it to
show that the person or thing is one of a group:. She is a pupil at London Road
School.. Police have been looking for a -year-old girl who has been missing
since Friday..
तुम्हे मेरे साथ चलना
होगा |
You will have to come with me. –
तुम उसे रखने के लिए इतने
बेताब क्यों हो ?
Why you're so keen to keep him?
तुमने मुझे शादी में भी नहीं
बुलाया |
You didn't even invite me for the wedding.
तुम्हारे पास क्या सबूत
है ?
What evidence do you have?
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