Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
जब कोई काम past में शुरू होके कुछ देर चलके past में ही ख़त्म हो जाता है तब हम past perfect continuous tense का प्रयोग करते हैं
Subject +
had been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time reference
मैं उसका एक घंटे से इंतिजार कर रहा था |
I had been
waiting for him for one hour.
वह 10 बजे से क्रिकेट खेल
रहा था |
He had been
playing cricket since 10 O’clock.
वह सालो से कड़ी मेहनत कर रहा है |
He had been
working hard for years.
तीन दिनों से बारिश हो रही थी |
It had been
raining for three days.
वह यहाँ दो सालों से काम कर रही थी |
She had been
working here for 2 years.
वे पिछले हफ्ते से हमारे साथ रह रहे हैं |
They had
been staying with us since the previous week.
अगर बारिश नहीं हो रही होती तो हम पार्क चले जाते |
If it hadn't
been raining, we would have gone to the park.
Subject +
had not been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time reference
मैं उसका एक घंटे से इंतिजार नहीं कर रहा था |
I had not
been waiting for him for one hour.
तीन दिनों से बारिश नहीं हो रही थी |
It had not
been raining for three days.
Yes / no'
Had +
Subject + been + (1st form of verb or
base verb+ing) + object + time
क्या तुम दो घंटे से सो रहे थे ?
Had you been
sleeping for two hours?
क्या वह एक घंटे से पढ़ रही थी ?
Had she been
reading for one hour?
Had +
Subject + not been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object + time reference
क्या तुम 6 बजे से टीवी नहीं देख रहे थे ?
Had he not
been watching TV since 6 pm?
क्या तीन घंटे से बारिश नहीं हो रही थी ?
Had it not
been raining for three hours?
word + Had + Subject + been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object +
time reference
वह कितनी देर से पढ़ रहा था ?
How long had
he been studying?
तुम कितनी देर से सो रहे थे ?
How long had
you been sleeping?
वह एक घंटे से क्या पढ़ रही थी ?
What had she
been reading for one hour?
वह कितनी देर से टीवी देख रहा था ?
How long had
he been watching TV?
Wh negative
word + Had + Subject + not been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object
+ time reference
तुम एक घंटे से पढाई क्यों नहीं कर रहे थे ?
Why had you
not been studying for one hour?
ऊपर हमने इस lesson का overview दिया है ताकि आपको पता चल जाये कि इस lesson को पढके आप किस तरह के sentences English में बोलना सीख जायेंगे |
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इस lesson को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी eBook download कर सकते हैं |
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अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
The formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense when the First Person is Plural are that the sentence starts with We and had been, then a verb in its st form followed by an object which is optional. So, we can say that the formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense for First Person Plural is as follows -
वह जानता है कि तुम्हारे साथ अन्याय हुआ है |He knows injustice has been done to you.तुम हमें यहाँ क्यों लाये हो ?Why have you brought us here?मेरे लड़के की शादी वहीँ होगी जहाँ मैं उससे कहूँगा |My son will get married wherever I ask him to.बहुत अच्छे | बस यही देखना बाकी रह गया था |Well done! Only this was left to see now.
The past perfect continuous tense refers to a verb tense that we use to express that an action that began in the past and continued up to another point in the past. It is also referred to as the past perfect progressive. We construct the past perfect continuous tense by making use of: had been the verbas present participle root -ing
दवाई समझ कर खा लो |Eat it as if it were medicine.वह तेरी कोई लगती है क्या ?Does she mean anything to you?मैंने उसे बहुत बर्दास्त कर लिया |I've tolerated him a lot.ये आपके कान में क्या है ?What's that in your ears?
The past perfect continuous tense refers to a verb tense that we use to express that an action that began in the past and continued up to another point in the past. It is also referred to as the past perfect progressive. We construct the past perfect continuous tense by making use of: had been the verbas present participle root -ing
मैं अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड से बात कर रहा हूँ तुझसे नहीं |I'm talking to my girlfriend, not you.तुमने मुझे file भुलवा दी |You made me forget the file.शादी के बाद परिवार में यह उसकी पहली ईद है |It's her first Eid In the family after the wedding.आप क्या करते हैं ?What do you do?
The past perfect continuous tense also called the past perfect progressive tense is used to describe an action that began and was still in progress in the past before another past action started. In contrast to the past perfect tense , which describes a past action that finished before the second action started, the past perfect continuous emphasizes the continuous progress of that action.
मुझे नहो लगता तुम्हे फर्क पड़ता है ...I don't think it matters to youमैं तुम्हें माफ़ कर चुका हूँ | इसलिए तुम मेरे सामने खड़े हो |l've forgiνen you, that is why you are standing before me.कम से कम अब तो आपको इसे माफ़ कर देना चाहिए |You must forgive him at least now.तुम जैसे शैतान के लिए नहीं |not for a devil like you.
मैं तुम्हें किनारे बेठ के हाथ हिलाता रहूँगा |I will keep waiving at you from the shore.वह सीखना चाहता है | क्या गलत है उसमें ?He wishes to learn. What’s wrong with that?तुम लोगों ने गिरवी क्या रखा है ?What have you guys mortgaged?कमल की एक और बुरी आदत थी |Kamal had one more bad habit.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe an action or event which had occurred in the past and had continued for a specified time or period. There are two words used for the reference of time- asincea and afora.
इसे भी अपने जैसा बना दो |Make him just like you,मैं यहाँ यही कहने आया हूँ |That's what I'm here to say.निकल जाओ इस घर से | मुझे अपना चेहरा फिर कभी मत दिखाना |Get out of this house. Don't ever show me your face again.क्या कमल मुझसे कुछ छुपा रहा है ?Is Kamal hiding something from me?
मैं simple आदमी हूँ मैं उनके साथ मुंह नहीं लग सका |I am a simple man I couldn't lock horns with them.मुझे आइन्दा कोई शिकायत नहीं मिलनी चाहिए |I shouldn't have any complaints henceforth.मुझे पेशाब करना है |I want to pee.क्या तुम यहाँ यह कहने आये हो कि तुमने मुझपर अहसान किया है ?Have you come here to say that you've done favor on me?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense This tense is used to describe actions that were going on in the past up until another action in the past happened. They are often used in the following situations: For an action that has occurred over a period of time having begun in the past.
मैं तुझे माफ़ करता रहा क्योंकि मैं तुझे बच्चा समझता था | l kept forgiνing you because l considered you a kid.तुम इतना excited क्यों हो रहे हो ?Why do you get so excited?मैंने नहीं मंगाई ?I didn't call for it.हो गया किसी तरह |just happened somehow.
The formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense when the First Person is Plural are that the sentence starts with aWea and had been, then a verb in its st form followed by an object which is optional. So, we can say that the formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense for First Person Plural is as follows -
क्या तुमने मेरा नाम नहीं सुना है ?Haven't you heard my name?यह ड्रेस तुम पर प्यारी लग रही है |This dress looks lovely on you.इसके लिए मैं तुझे 3000 रुपये और दूंगा |I'll pay you three thousand more for this.अबे सो रुपये मांगे है तेरी लड़की का हाथ नहीं |I asked for number five, not your daughter's hand in marriage.
आप ऐसे क्यों मुस्कुरा रहे हैं ?Why are you smiling like that?मैं तुमसे सहमत हूँ |I am angry with you.उसे किस हॉस्पिटल लेके गए हैं ?Which hospital has she been taken too?नहीं, हम कमल के साथ खायेंगे |No. We'll dine with Kamal.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a past action which started in the past and continued to happen after another action or time in the past. The point emphasized is on the activity in the time before the interruption.
बस इतना ही जानता हूँ मैं उसके बारे में |That is all i know about her.मैंने यह जान बूझकर नहीं किया |I didn't do it purposely.मैं आपको एक बार फिर याद दिलाना चाहता हूँ |I'd like to remind you once again.वो चुड़ैल हमें नहीं छोड़ेगी |That witch won't spare us!
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a past action which started in the past and continued to happen after another action or time in the past. The point emphasized is on the activity in the time before the interruption.
अब जो तुम आगई हो तो प्यार भी आ रहा होगा |Now that you have come, love must also be on the way.वह मुझे भड़काने की कोशिश कर रहा है, है ना ?He is trying to provoke me,Right?इन्हें डॉक्टर के पास ले चलो, जल्दी |Take him to a doctor, quick.मुझसे वादा करो कि तुम हमेशा मेरे साथ रहोगे |Give me your word you will always be with me!
लेकिन अभी खेल ख़त्म नहीं हुआ है, मेरे दोस्त |But the game is not finished yet my friend.क्या हुआ ?What happened ?कुछ सोंच |Think of something.मैं पूजा कर रहा था |l was performing the veneration.
The past perfect continuous tense also known as the past perfect progressive tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been the verbas present participle root -ing.
यह रहा तुम्हारा निष्कासन पत्र |here’s your rustication letter.यहाँ आग लगी है |There is a fire here!तू अभी तक सोया नहीं |You haven't slept yet?तुझे पता है ?You know what?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Past Perfect Progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing action that started in past and continued for some time in past. It expresses continued nature of an action that started and stopped at some point in the past. The sentence includes a atime-referencea to show that when the action started in past or for how
तुम्हे कैसे पता कि मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था ?How did you know I was thinking about you?दवाई ले लो आराम मिलेगा Take a pill. You'll feel better.तुम फेसला करने वाले कौन होते हो ?Who are you to take the decision?तेरा एक्सीडेंट हो सकता था |you could've had an accident.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense This tense is used to describe actions that were going on in the past up until another action in the past happened. They are often used in the following situations: For an action that has occurred over a period of time having begun in the past.
इसका मतलब उसने मुझसे झूठ बोला |That means he lied to me.तुम अपना वक़्त बर्बाद कर रहे हो |You're wasting your time.मेरे पास कैंसर का इलाज कराने के पैसे नहीं है |l don't have money to get my cancer treated.तुम दुनिया कि पहली औरत होगी जो अपने पति की शादी attend कर रही है और खुश भी है |You're the first wife in this world... who is attending her husband's wedding and is happy as well!
Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Past Perfect Progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing action that started in past and continued for some time in past. It expresses continued nature of an action that started and stopped at some point in the past. The sentence includes a atime-referencea to show that when the action started in past or for how
तुम्हें रीना के बारे में बत्तमीजी से बात नहीं करनी चाहिए |You shouldn't talk disrespectfully about Reena!तुम तो हाथ से ही निकलती जा रही हो |You are just getting out of hand.इस बारे में किसी को बताने की हिम्मत मत करना |Don't you dare tell anyone about this!आप किससे बात कर रहे थे |Who were you talking to?
The Past Perfect Continuous is another tense that expresses the ;past in the past;. In this lesson we look at the structure and use of the Past Perfect Continuous tense, followed by a quiz to check your understanding. Note that continuous tenses are also called progressive tenses.
ये आप क्या कह रही हैं |What's this you're saying?मुझे नहीं पता था कि तुम मुझसे इतना नाराज होगी |I didn't know that you'll be so angry with me.तुमने किसी को बताया भी नहीं |You didn't even inform anyone.यह सब तुम हमें अब बता रहे हो |you are telling us all this now?
The past perfect continuous tense also known as the past perfect progressive tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been the verbas present participle root -ing.
ऐसा लगेगा जैसे मैंने अपनी pant खुद गीली की है |It will look as if I have wetted my pants.तुम्हें दिखता नहीं मैं कॉफ़ी पी रहा हूँ ?Can't you see I'm drinking coffee?कुछ भी पहन ले | तुम कुछ भी पहनता है उसमें handsome लगता है |Wear anything. You look handsome in anything you wear.चलो रीना, हम रास्ते में बात कर लेंगे | आओ |Let's go, Reena. We will talk on the way. Come.
The past perfect continuous also called past perfect progressive is a verb tense which is used to show that an action started in the past and continued up to another point in the past. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect continuous exercises.
तुम्हें सब पता है लेकिन फिर भी तुम यह हमसे सुनना चाहते हो |You know everything, but still you want to hear it from us.अब तो बर्दास्त के बाहर हो गया है |It's beyond tolerance now.यह आखिरी मौका है तुम्हारे लिए |This is the last chance for you.मुझे किसी की मदद की जरुरत नहीं |I don't need anybody's help!
The past perfect continuous tense also called the past perfect progressive tense is used to describe an action that began and was still in progress in the past before another past action started. In contrast to the past perfect tense , which describes a past action that finished before the second action started, the past perfect continuous emphasizes the continuous progress of
सारा लखनऊ नाच गा रहा था |The entire lucknow was singing and dancing.मैं इस गोली को निगलूँगा कैसे ?how will i gulp the pill down?एक साथ इतने कभी नहीं देखे है ना ?Never seen so much money in one go, have you?मैंने कुछ नहीं किया | मैं बिलकुल बेक़सूर हूँ |l haven't done anything. l'm completely innocent.
The past perfect continuous also called past perfect progressive is a verb tense which is used to show that an action started in the past and continued up to another point in the past. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect continuous exercises.
कुछ नहीं होगा | चिंता मत करिए Nothing will happen. Don't worry Sir.कितनी बार मैंने overtime भी किया है |Do many times I did overtime too.अगर मैं ना जाऊं तो ?What if I don't go?वो एक ही हफ्ते में काली पद गई |They've turned black in just one week.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe an action or event which had occurred in the past and had continued for a specified time or period. There are two words used for the reference of time- asincea and afora.
लेकिन सुनो, यह बात हम दोनों के बीच में रहनी चाहिए | किसी और को इस बारे में पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |But listen, this should be between you and me. No one else should know about it.मेरा सामान हॉस्टल से वापस ले आओ |get my stuff back from the hostel.उसने मुझे क्यों नहीं बताया ?Why didn't he tell me?आओ मेरे साथ |Come with me.
The Past Perfect Continuous is another tense that expresses the ;past in the past;. In this lesson we look at the structure and use of the Past Perfect Continuous tense, followed by a quiz to check your understanding. Note that continuous tenses are also called progressive tenses.
अब क्या तुम्हारे पैर पडू |Should I fall at your feet?मैं तुम्हे रोज कॉल करूँगा |I will call you everydayपर तुम कहना क्या चाहते हो ?But what do you want to say?मैं अपने भाई के एडमिशन के लिए आया हूँ |I have come for my brother’s admission.
Past perfect continuous tense in Hindi
Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation. Past Tenses - Hindi to English Translation, : Tense ' ' ,' ' , '
मैंने यह चेहरा पहली बार देखा है |I've seen this face for the first time.कुछ खा लो तुमने सुबह से कुछ नहीं खाया है |Please have something. you haven't eaten anything since morning.इस सब के लिए कमल जिम्मेदार है |Kamal is responsible for all this!मैं तुमसे कुछ कहना चाहती हूँ | पर इस बात से हमारे रिश्ते पे कोई फर्क न पड़े |I want to say something to you. But that shouldn't affect our relationship.
past perfect continuous tense in hindi
देखो दुल्हे का परिवार यहाँ कभी भी आता होगा |Look, the groom's family will be here any moment.इतने दिन कहाँ थे ?Where were you all these days?क्या तुमने किसी को इस तरफ भागते हुए देखा |did you see anyone running this way.मैंने उसे किसी के साथ भागते हूँ देखा |I saw her fleeing with someone.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi.
मेरी ज़िंदगी में कोई और है |There's someone else in my life.बाकी की कहानी पुलिस स्टेशन में बताना |Narrate the rest of your story at the police station.मुझे पता है, तुझे बार बार याद दिलाने की जरुरत नहीं है |I know that already, you don't have to keep reminding me.उसने मेरी अच्छाई का फायदा उठाया |He took advantage of my good will.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense In Hindi . Definition a The past perfect continuous tense is
सब कुछ छुप छुप के हो रहा है |Everything is happening secretly!मैं तुम्हें बताऊंगा कब और कहाँ पैसे पहुँचाने हैं |I wiII teII you when and where to deIiver the moneyअपने आप को संभालो कमल !Get a grip on yourself, Kamal!कौन है ?Who's that?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation. Past Tenses - Hindi to English Translation, : Tense ' ' ,' ' , '
वह वापिस नहीं आ रहा है |He is not coming back.तेरे साथ मैं भी फसुंगा |l'll get screwed along with you.क्या तुम पहले कभी अकेले शौपिंग करने गई हो |Have you ever been out for shopping alone? वह तुम्हें बहुत याद करती है |She misses you both a lot.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense in hindi : Past Perfect Continuous Tense rules, structure, uses examplesPast perfect continuous tense affirmative, negative, interrogative negative interrogative sentence chart
तुमने उसे घर से बाहर जाने क्यों दिया ?Why did you let her get out of a house?आज से चोरी चकारी बंद |No more theft or felony from today.मैं अभी तुम्हारे लिए हल्दी का दूध लाती हूँ |I'll just get you some turmeric milk.तुम कहाँ हो रीना ?Where are you, Reena?
मैं कुछ दिन के लिए गया और आपने नया नौकर रख लिया |l went for a few day and you kept a new servant.यह कितना अजीब है, है ना ?It is so strange, isn't it?तुम मज़ाक कर रहे हो हे ना ?You're joking, right?अगर तुमने घर से बाहर कदम रखा तो मैं तुम्हारे पैर तोड़ दूंगा |If you step out of the house, I'll break your legs.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense in hindi : Past Perfect Continuous Tense rules, structure, uses examplesPast perfect continuous tense affirmative, negative, interrogative negative interrogative sentence chart
घर पर सब कैसे हैं ?How is everyone at home?बहुत हो गया तुम्हारा ड्रामा |I've had enough of your drama!कुछ मिला तुम्हे ?Did you get something?सॉरी सर, अब ऐसा दुबारा नहीं होगा |Sorry sir, it will not happen again.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi.
मैं तुझे जिंदा दफना दूंगा |I will bury you alive!अगर यह तुम्हें घर पर ना मिले तो तुम्हें यह यहीं मिलेगा |You will find him here if you don't find him at home.देखो | कैसे सो रहा है | जैसे यह बिस्तर इसे इसके बाप ने दिया है |Look! How is he sleeping! As if his father has given him this bed!जो उसने किया उसके लिए उसे मरना ही था |She had to die for what she did!
//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Rules in Hindi with Examples and Sentences : !
किस तरह की चाय बनाई है तुमने ?What kind of a tea have you made?मैंने भी सुबह एक सपना देखा |Even I had a dream in the morning.पी हम रहे हैं और नशा तुझे चढ़ रहा है |We have been drinking and you are intoxicated.मुझे गलत मत समझना |Don't get me wrong.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a continued or ongoing action that began in the past and continued for sometime in the past. Continuous time e.g. for a few days, for ten months, for years, since Wednesday, since , since January etc. always comes in it. A sentence without continuous time reference belongs to the past continuous tense. Look at the examples:
चलो चलकर उन्हें ढूँढ़ते हैं |let's go and find them.वह अभी सो रहे हैं |He is sleeping now.मुझे पता था पुलिस हमें कुछ नहीं बताने वाली |I knew the police wasn't going to tell us anything.मैं तुम्हारा मंदिर में इंतिजार कर रही थी |I've been waiting for you at the temple.
Rule : Past Perfect Tense had third form Past Simple Tensesecond form
तुम्हें शर्म नहीं आती ये काम करते हुए ?Aren't you ashamed of doing these things?इसीलिए उन्होंने मेरा ट्रांसफर करवा दिया |That's why they got me transferred.अगर तुम्हे 500 रुपये मिल गए तो ?What if you get 500 rupees?मैंने कहा निकल जाओ | और अपना चेहरा कभी ना दिखाना नहीं तो मैंने तुममे से हर एक को पुलिस के हवाले कर दूंगा |l said get out! And never show your inauspicious face ever again! Or else l will hand over each one of you to the cops.
Past perfect Continuous Tense :-. Recognization :- ,,, |Tense a, etc. a
यह मेरी इज्जत का सवाल है |It's the question of my honor.क्या तुम सुन रहे हो ?Are you listening?मैं तो बस तेरी मदद कर रहा था |I only meant to help you.मैंने तुमने अपनी बहन का ख्याल रखने के लिए कहा था ना |Hadn't I asked you to take care of your sister?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a continued or ongoing action that began in the past and continued for sometime in the past. Continuous time e.g. for a few days, for ten months, for years, since Wednesday, since , since January etc. always comes in it. A sentence without continuous time reference belongs to the past continuous tense. Look at the examples:
क्या यह लड़की सच बोल रही है ?ls this girl saying the truth?देखो, क्या हो गया ?Look, what has happened?उसका अपहरण हो गया है |She has been kidnapped.मैंने इसके जैसी चीज पहले कभी नहीं देखी |I've never seen anything like this before...
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense Hindi to English Affirmative Sentences :- - |
कोई मुड़ के नहीं देखेगा |no one will turn around.एक मिनट रुकना, क्या नाम है तुम्हारा ?HoId a minute what's your name?तुमने मुझे बेवकूफ बना दिया |You conned me!पिता की मौत के बाद में बिलकुल अकेली हो गई हूँ |After papa's death, I have become all alone.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense Hindi to English Affirmative Sentences :- - |
तुम्हें क्या हुआ ?What happened to you?अगर मैं इसे एक थप्पड़ मरूँगा तो इसे सब याद आ जायेगा |If I slap him once, he'll remember everything.क्या तुम ठीक हो ?Are you all right?प्लीज शाम बर्बाद मत करो |please don't ruin the evening.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense In Hindi . Definition a The past perfect continuous tense is
तुम तो कोशिस भी नहीं कर रहे थे |You weren't even trying!मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |I've been thinking about you.ऐसा लगता है जैसे कि company तुम चला रहे हो |It is like as though you're running the company.मैं अभी आया |I'll be right back.
//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Rules in Hindi with Examples and Sentences : !
एक और रास्ता है |There is another way.उस दिन मुझसे गलती हुई थी | प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर दिए |l committed a mistake the other day. Please forgive me.मैंने उसे 9 बजे कॉल करने के लिए कहा था |I have asked him to call 9 o'clock.देखो | वह आ गया | वज आ गया |Look! He has come! He has come!
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past continuous a , ,etc..,aPast Perfect
मैं जल्दी वापस आऊंगा |I will return soon.क्या में पूँछ सकता हूँ यहाँ क्या हो रहा है ?May l ask what’s going on here?वह तुम्हारी उम्र का लग रहा है |he looks to be of the same age as of you.कसम से | मैंने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोंचा था कि रीना मुझसे इतना प्यार करेगी |I swear. Not even in my dream had I thought that Reena will love me so much.
तेरा मुझे गाली देने का मन कर रहा है |You feel like abusing me.वह भाग सकती थी और कोई कुछ ना कर पाता |She could've eloped and no one could've done a thing.यहाँ पर आओ | क्या बात है ?come over here. what's the matter?तुम्हें दिख नहीं रहा वो कैसे बात कर रहे हैं |Can't you see how they are talking!
वह खूबसूरत अक्लमंद और good nature की होनी चाहिए |She should be beautiful! Intelligent! With a good nature!मेरा तुझे थप्पड़ मारने का मन कर रहा है |I feel like slapping you.मुझे यहाँ दाल में कुछ काला लग रहा है |I smell something fishy here.यह तुम्हारे साथ यहाँ क्या कर रहा है ?What was he doing here with you?
Past perfect Continuous Tense :-. Recognization :- ,,, |Tense a, etc. a
आप हमारे लिए इतना नहीं कर सकते ?Can't you do that much for us?ताकि लोगो को पता चले कि ...So that people come to know that …..मैंने तुम पर विश्वास करना शुरू ही किया था, कमल | और मेरे जाते ही तुमने मुझे इतना बड़ा धोका दिया |I had just begun trusting you, Kamal. And as soon as I left You cheated on me in such a big way!वो तो शक्ल से ही दिखाई देते हैं |Their faces say it all.
Rule : Past Perfect Tense had third form Past Simple Tensesecond form
तुम उससे क्यों नहीं पूंछते ?Why don't you ask her?यही है | इसने हमारा माल चुराया था |It's him. He stole our goods.तुम किस बारे में बात कर रहे हो और कौन हो तुम |What are you talking about and who the hell are you?मेरे साथ चलो |Come with me.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past continuous a , ,etc..,aPast Perfect
मैं मानता हूँ मैंने बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |I admit I've made a grave mistake.ऑफिस के अलावा और कहाँ जा सकता हूँ ?Where else can I go except to office?इससे ज्यादा ख़ुशी की बात नहीं हो सकती |Nothing could be happier than this.देख रहा हूँ |I'm looking.
Past perfect continuous tense rules
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect continuous Tense is made up of three main parts auxiliary verb had, auxiliary verb been and st form of base verb ing. Past Perfect continuous Tense= Subject had Helping Verb been Auxiliary verb st Verbing Object. Had agt; He, She, It, any Name, Singular noun, I, We, They, You, Plural Noun
बाहर बेठो और दुसरो को खेलने दो |Sit out and let the others play.भाई संत से कम नहीं है |Brother is no lesser to a saint. क्या कोई और रास्ता था ?Was there any choice?मुझे बस एक मिनट देना, ठीक ? Just give me a minute, okay?
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense| tense| tense , ,
बैग कहाँ गायब हो सकता है ?Where could the bag disappear ?जरुर कोई और रास्ता भी होगा |There must be some other way too.क्या तुम photo लाये हो?have you brought the photos?जब तुझे पता था कि वो मेरे पीछे खड़ी है तो तूने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं ?When you knew she was standing behind me why didn't you tell me?
Rules for Tenses Rules of Tenses help one understand how to correctly use the different
मैं ठीक हूँ, कब आ रहे हो तुम ? I'm fine, when are you coming?मुझे तुम्हे अपनी ज़िंदगी मैं कभी नहीं लाना चाहिए था |I should never have brought you into my life.तुम मुझे गलत समझ रहे हो |You're misunderstanding me.मैं अब शराब नहीं पीयूँगा | वादा |l won't booze anymore, promise.
Past perfect continuous tense is made by the use of ahada as in the past perfect followed by abeena and V ing form of the verb.
मैं दिनभर टीवी देखूंगी तुम्हारी तरह |I'll watch TV all day. just like you do.ये इज्जत के लायक नहीं है |He isn't worthy of any respect.इतनी छोटी चीज के लिए तुम रीना को क्यों परेशान कर रहे हो |Why are you troubling Reena for such a small thing.तुम्हें पता है यहाँ आने में कितना ख़तरा है ?Do you know how much danger there is in coming here?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past continuous a , ,etc..,aPast Perfect
घर पर सब कैसे हैं ?How is everyone at home?बिलकुल नहीं |Not at all.अब मेरे रास्ते में कोई नहीं आ सकता |No one can get in my way now.तू बहुत बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बोल रहा था | अब चूका कीमत |You were exaggerating so much! Now pay the price!
Grammar The past perfect continuous tense also known as the past perfect progressive tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been the verbas present participle root -ing.
तुम जितना कहोगे मैं तुम्हें उतना पैसा दूंगा |I'll give you money as much you want,क्या उसे शर्म नहीं आयी ?Didn't she feel ashamed?दौ दोस्तों के बीच में यह चलता रहता है |This goes on between two Ioving friends.अगर मैं उसके क़रीब जाता हूँ तो वह सरमाने लगती है | क्या करूं ?If I come close, she feels shy. What to do?
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect continuous Tense is made up of three main parts auxiliary verb had, auxiliary verb been and st form of base verb ing. Past Perfect continuous Tense= Subject had Helping Verb been Auxiliary verb st Verbing Object. Had agt; He, She, It, any Name, Singular noun, I, We, They, You, Plural Noun
पैसे पेड़ पर नहीं उगते |Money doesn't grow on trees!इस स्कूल ने हमारी ज़िंदगी जहन्नुम बना दी है |This school has made our life hell.तूने बिल जमा नहीं किया |You.. didn't pay the bill.अकेले में ले जाने की क्या जरुरत थी ?Where was the need to go off to be alone?
इसकी क्या गारंटी है कि तुम कमल हो ?What is the guarantee that you are Kamal?मुझे धुल से एलर्जी है |I'm allergic to dust.मैं मानता हूँ मैंने बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |I admit I've made a grave mistake.मैं तेरा मुंह तोड़े दूंगा |I will smash your mouth!
Past perfect continuous tense is made by the use of ahada as in the past perfect followed by abeena and V ing form of the verb.
कुछ नहीं बदला |nothing has changed.मैं आपका दूर का रिश्तेदार हूँ |l'm your distant relatiνe.मैंने तुम्हें कितनी बार कहा है कि कमल के साथ मत खेला करो |How many times have l told you not to play with Kamal.क्यों ? तुम्हे रोज काम नहीं होता किया ?Why? Don't you have work everyday?
Grammar The past perfect continuous tense also known as the past perfect progressive tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been the verbas present participle root -ing.
क्या किया उसने ?What has he done?तुमने सब बैग में रख दिया ?You put everything into the bag?तुमने अपने प्यार से इसे बिगाड़ दिया है |You have spoiled him with your love!सीखो उनसे कुछ |Learn something from them!
Past Perfect Continuous Tense. past perfect continuous tense Definition. This work is done to describe those actions and events that have happened in the past, which last for a certain time period. Tense
तुम्हें ऐसा नहीं कहना चाहिए |You shouldn't say that!मैं उन्हें नहीं छोडूंगा |I won't spare them.मैं अपने पोस्टर्स कहाँ चिपकाऊं |where do l stick my posters?तुम लोगों ने मुझे यहाँ फंसा दिया है | ऊपर से तुम मुझे खाने भी नहीं देते |You guys have got me stuck here. On top of that you don't allow me to eat too.
The formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense when the First Person is Singular is that the sentence starts with aIa and ahad beena, then a verb in its st form with ainga, followed by an object which is optional. So, we can say that the formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense for First Person Singular is as follows -.
मैं कभी नहीं सोंचा था कि ऐसा होगा |I had never thought such thing would happen.चुप रहो | तुम्हारी वजह से मैं भूका मर रहा हूँ |Keep quiet! Because of you l am starving!हाँ, क्यों क्या हुआ ?Yes, why what happened?मैंने बहुत सुन लिया तुम्हारा सच |I have heard enough of your truth.
//nbsp;;;Definition a The past perfect continuous tense is used to express an action that started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.
इतनी बुरी तरह मार खाने के बावजूद वह मेरे लिए वापस आया है |He came back for me, despite being beaten so badlyखाना खाया तुमने ?Will you have meal?आप किससे बात कर रहे थे |Who were you talking to?तुम लंच के लिए नहीं गये |You didn't go for lunch.
The formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense when the First Person is Singular is that the sentence starts with aIa and ahad beena, then a verb in its st form with ainga, followed by an object which is optional. So, we can say that the formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense for First Person Singular is as follows -.
मेरी कार चोरी हो गई है |My car has been stolen.रहने दो मैं मैनेज कर लूंगी |let it be, I'll manage.तुम कहीं नहीं जाओगे | वह खुद तेरे पास आएगी |You won't go anywhere! She herself will come to you!मुझे सब पता है |I know it all.
Time Expressions in the Past Perfect Progressive Continuous Use since with a specific hour, month, year or a period in the past gt; since / since Tuesday. Use for with a number of hours, days, months or years gt; for twenty years. Use already between had and the verb gt; had already been flying.
कमल समुंद्र में डूब रहा है |Kamal is drowning in the sea.पहली बार तुमने कुछ सही किया है |for the first time you've done something right.मैं तुम्हारे साथ नहीं आ रहा हूँ |I'm not coming with you.पुलिस से पंगा मत ले |Don't mess with the cops!
Rules for Tenses Rules of Tenses help one understand how to correctly use the different
तुमने उनका भविष्य दाँव पर लगा दिया ?You staked their future?क्या बक रहा है यह ?What is he blabbering?ताकि तू सारा माल लेके भाग सके |So, that you can run away with all the money.मैं तुम्हें पुलिस के हवाले कर दूंगा | तुम्हारी सारी ज़िंदगी जेल में कटेगी |l will hand you people over to the cops. All your life will be spent in prison.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense| tense| tense , ,
क्या उसने तुम्हारे साथ कुछ किया ?Did he do anything with you?तो उसका पहला हक है |So he had the first right |वे तुम्हें क्यों मारना चाहते हैं ?Why do they want to kill you?अभी के लिए इसे जाने दे |Let it go for now.
Time Expressions in the Past Perfect Progressive Continuous Use since with a specific hour, month, year or a period in the past gt; since / since Tuesday. Use for with a number of hours, days, months or years gt; for twenty years. Use already between had and the verb gt; had already been flying.
किस बात की ख़ुशी है तुम्हें ? What are you happy about?मैं बोलता हूँ | तुम्हें भी कुछ ऐसा ही करना चाहिय |I am telling you. Even you should do something like this.क्या तुम बाहर आ सकते हो ?Can you please come out?तुमने इन्हें घर लाकर सही किया |You did the right thing, dear by bringing them home.
past perfect continuous tense rules
बहुत कुछ है जो मैं तुमसे कहना चाहता हूँ |There's much more that I want to say.परेशानी के लिए माफ़ करियेगा |I'm sorry for the trouble.पिछले दो हफ्तों से मैं तुम्हें यह दवाई लाने के लिए बोल रहा हूँ |Since last two weeks I have been telling you to bring this medicine. आपकी दुकान बिक गई है |Your shop has been sold!
//nbsp;;;Definition a The past perfect continuous tense is used to express an action that started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.
यह सब क्या हो रहा है ?What is all this happening?मैं तो मानजाऊँ लेकिन मेरे बेटे को मनाना कठिन है |I might agree. But it's difficult to convince my son.तो अब हम क्या करें ?So what should we do now?तुम सब यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो ?What are all of you doing here?
मुझे विश्वास है जितना तुम अभी कमाते हो उससे ज्यादा कमाओगे |I'm sure you'll earn much more than you do now.मैंने यह पैसे सालों में इकट्ठे किये हैं |I had gathered this money over the years..माफ़ करियेगा यह wrong number हैं |I am sorry, this is a wrong number.इस तरफ आवो |Come this way.
उसे किसी रीना की details चाहिए थी |she wanted some details of some Reena!छोड़ ना, कुछ और बात करते हैं |Let it be. Let’s talk about something else.कहो क्या कहना चाहते हो ?Say… what do you want to say?यहाँ तमाशा मत करो |Don't create a scene here.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past continuous a , ,etc..,aPast Perfect
मुझे माफ़ कीजियेगा, हमारा स्टोक खत्म हो गया है |I'm sorry, we're out of stock.वह दुल्हन से भी ज्यादा शर्मीला है | तुम उसका चेहरा नहीं देख पाओगी |He's shyer than the bride! You won't be able to see his face!अब यह भी कुछ कहेगा |Now he too will say something!मुझे फ़िक्र है तेरी इसलिए बोल रहा हूँ |I'm asking because I'm worried about you.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense. past perfect continuous tense Definition. This work is done to describe those actions and events that have happened in the past, which last for a certain time period. Tense
क्या मैं उसके पैर पकड कर माफ़ी मांगू ?should I hold his leg and apologize to him?तुम्हे कैसे पता |How do you know?तुम अपना पैसा मांगने में क्यों शर्मा रहे हो ?Why are you ashamed of asking your own money?तू सिर्फ खानदान का नाम बदनाम करने के लिए पैदा हुआ है |You're born only to defame the family.
The formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense when the First Person is Plural are that the sentence starts with We and had been, then a verb in its st form followed by an object which is optional. So, we can say that the formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense for First Person Plural is as follows -
वह जानता है कि तुम्हारे साथ अन्याय हुआ है |
He knows injustice has been done to you.
तुम हमें यहाँ क्यों लाये हो ?
Why have you brought us here?
मेरे लड़के की शादी वहीँ होगी जहाँ मैं उससे कहूँगा |
My son will get married wherever I ask him to.
बहुत अच्छे | बस यही देखना बाकी रह गया था |
Well done! Only this was left to see now.
The past perfect continuous tense refers to a verb tense that we use to express that an action that began in the past and continued up to another point in the past. It is also referred to as the past perfect progressive. We construct the past perfect continuous tense by making use of: had been the verbas present participle root -ing
दवाई समझ कर खा लो |
Eat it as if it were medicine.
वह तेरी कोई लगती है क्या ?
Does she mean anything to you?
मैंने उसे बहुत बर्दास्त कर लिया |
I've tolerated him a lot.
ये आपके कान में क्या है ?
What's that in your ears?
The past perfect continuous tense refers to a verb tense that we use to express that an action that began in the past and continued up to another point in the past. It is also referred to as the past perfect progressive. We construct the past perfect continuous tense by making use of: had been the verbas present participle root -ing
मैं अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड से बात कर रहा हूँ तुझसे नहीं |
I'm talking to my girlfriend, not you.
तुमने मुझे file भुलवा दी |
You made me forget the file.
शादी के बाद परिवार में यह उसकी पहली ईद है |
It's her first Eid In the family after the wedding.
आप क्या करते हैं ?
What do you do?
The past perfect continuous tense also called the past perfect progressive tense is used to describe an action that began and was still in progress in the past before another past action started. In contrast to the past perfect tense , which describes a past action that finished before the second action started, the past perfect continuous emphasizes the continuous progress of that action.
मुझे नहो लगता तुम्हे फर्क पड़ता है ...
I don't think it matters to you
मैं तुम्हें माफ़ कर चुका हूँ | इसलिए तुम मेरे सामने खड़े हो |
l've forgiνen you, that is why you are standing before me.
कम से कम अब तो आपको इसे माफ़ कर देना चाहिए |
You must forgive him at least now.
तुम जैसे शैतान के लिए नहीं |
not for a devil like you.
मैं तुम्हें किनारे बेठ के हाथ हिलाता रहूँगा |
I will keep waiving at you from the shore.
वह सीखना चाहता है | क्या गलत है उसमें ?
He wishes to learn. What’s wrong with that?
तुम लोगों ने गिरवी क्या रखा है ?
What have you guys mortgaged?
कमल की एक और बुरी आदत थी |
Kamal had one more bad habit.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe an action or event which had occurred in the past and had continued for a specified time or period. There are two words used for the reference of time- asincea and afora.
इसे भी अपने जैसा बना दो |
Make him just like you,
मैं यहाँ यही कहने आया हूँ |
That's what I'm here to say.
निकल जाओ इस घर से | मुझे अपना चेहरा फिर कभी मत दिखाना |
Get out of this house. Don't ever show me your face again.
क्या कमल मुझसे कुछ छुपा रहा है ?
Is Kamal hiding something from me?
मैं simple आदमी हूँ मैं उनके साथ मुंह नहीं लग सका |
I am a simple man I couldn't lock horns with them.
मुझे आइन्दा कोई शिकायत नहीं मिलनी चाहिए |
I shouldn't have any complaints henceforth.
मुझे पेशाब करना है |
I want to pee.
क्या तुम यहाँ यह कहने आये हो कि तुमने मुझपर अहसान किया है ?
Have you come here to say that you've done favor on me?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense This tense is used to describe actions that were going on in the past up until another action in the past happened. They are often used in the following situations: For an action that has occurred over a period of time having begun in the past.
मैं तुझे माफ़ करता रहा क्योंकि मैं तुझे बच्चा समझता था |
l kept forgiνing you because l considered you a kid.
तुम इतना excited क्यों हो रहे हो ?
Why do you get so excited?
मैंने नहीं मंगाई ?
I didn't call for it.
हो गया किसी तरह |
just happened somehow.
The formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense when the First Person is Plural are that the sentence starts with aWea and had been, then a verb in its st form followed by an object which is optional. So, we can say that the formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense for First Person Plural is as follows -
क्या तुमने मेरा नाम नहीं सुना है ?
Haven't you heard my name?
यह ड्रेस तुम पर प्यारी लग रही है |
This dress looks lovely on you.
इसके लिए मैं तुझे 3000 रुपये और दूंगा |
I'll pay you three thousand more for this.
अबे सो रुपये मांगे है तेरी लड़की का हाथ नहीं |
I asked for number five, not your daughter's hand in marriage.
आप ऐसे क्यों मुस्कुरा रहे हैं ?
Why are you smiling like that?
मैं तुमसे सहमत हूँ |
I am angry with you.
उसे किस हॉस्पिटल लेके गए हैं ?
Which hospital has she been taken too?
नहीं, हम कमल के साथ खायेंगे |
No. We'll dine with Kamal.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a past action which started in the past and continued to happen after another action or time in the past. The point emphasized is on the activity in the time before the interruption.
बस इतना ही जानता हूँ मैं उसके बारे में |
That is all i know about her.
मैंने यह जान बूझकर नहीं किया |
I didn't do it purposely.
मैं आपको एक बार फिर याद दिलाना चाहता हूँ |
I'd like to remind you once again.
वो चुड़ैल हमें नहीं छोड़ेगी |
That witch won't spare us!
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a past action which started in the past and continued to happen after another action or time in the past. The point emphasized is on the activity in the time before the interruption.
अब जो तुम आगई हो तो प्यार भी आ रहा होगा |
Now that you have come, love must also be on the way.
वह मुझे भड़काने की कोशिश कर रहा है, है ना ?
He is trying to provoke me,Right?
इन्हें डॉक्टर के पास ले चलो, जल्दी |
Take him to a doctor, quick.
मुझसे वादा करो कि तुम हमेशा मेरे साथ रहोगे |
Give me your word you will always be with me!
लेकिन अभी खेल ख़त्म नहीं हुआ है, मेरे दोस्त |
But the game is not finished yet my friend.
क्या हुआ ?
What happened ?
कुछ सोंच |
Think of something.
मैं पूजा कर रहा था |
l was performing the veneration.
The past perfect continuous tense also known as the past perfect progressive tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been the verbas present participle root -ing.
यह रहा तुम्हारा निष्कासन पत्र |
here’s your rustication letter.
यहाँ आग लगी है |
There is a fire here!
तू अभी तक सोया नहीं |
You haven't slept yet?
तुझे पता है ?
You know what?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Past Perfect Progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing action that started in past and continued for some time in past. It expresses continued nature of an action that started and stopped at some point in the past. The sentence includes a atime-referencea to show that when the action started in past or for how
तुम्हे कैसे पता कि मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था ?
How did you know I was thinking about you?
दवाई ले लो आराम मिलेगा
Take a pill. You'll feel better.
तुम फेसला करने वाले कौन होते हो ?
Who are you to take the decision?
तेरा एक्सीडेंट हो सकता था |
you could've had an accident.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense This tense is used to describe actions that were going on in the past up until another action in the past happened. They are often used in the following situations: For an action that has occurred over a period of time having begun in the past.
इसका मतलब उसने मुझसे झूठ बोला |
That means he lied to me.
तुम अपना वक़्त बर्बाद कर रहे हो |
You're wasting your time.
मेरे पास कैंसर का इलाज कराने के पैसे नहीं है |
l don't have money to get my cancer treated.
तुम दुनिया कि पहली औरत होगी जो अपने पति की शादी attend कर रही है और खुश भी है |
You're the first wife in this world... who is attending her husband's wedding and is happy as well!
Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Past Perfect Progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing action that started in past and continued for some time in past. It expresses continued nature of an action that started and stopped at some point in the past. The sentence includes a atime-referencea to show that when the action started in past or for how
तुम्हें रीना के बारे में बत्तमीजी से बात नहीं करनी चाहिए |
You shouldn't talk disrespectfully about Reena!
तुम तो हाथ से ही निकलती जा रही हो |
You are just getting out of hand.
इस बारे में किसी को बताने की हिम्मत मत करना |
Don't you dare tell anyone about this!
आप किससे बात कर रहे थे |
Who were you talking to?
The Past Perfect Continuous is another tense that expresses the ;past in the past;. In this lesson we look at the structure and use of the Past Perfect Continuous tense, followed by a quiz to check your understanding. Note that continuous tenses are also called progressive tenses.
ये आप क्या कह रही हैं |
What's this you're saying?
मुझे नहीं पता था कि तुम मुझसे इतना नाराज होगी |
I didn't know that you'll be so angry with me.
तुमने किसी को बताया भी नहीं |
You didn't even inform anyone.
यह सब तुम हमें अब बता रहे हो |
you are telling us all this now?
The past perfect continuous tense also known as the past perfect progressive tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been the verbas present participle root -ing.
ऐसा लगेगा जैसे मैंने अपनी pant खुद गीली की है |
It will look as if I have wetted my pants.
तुम्हें दिखता नहीं मैं कॉफ़ी पी रहा हूँ ?
Can't you see I'm drinking coffee?
कुछ भी पहन ले | तुम कुछ भी पहनता है उसमें handsome लगता है |
Wear anything. You look handsome in anything you wear.
चलो रीना, हम रास्ते में बात कर लेंगे | आओ |
Let's go, Reena. We will talk on the way. Come.
The past perfect continuous also called past perfect progressive is a verb tense which is used to show that an action started in the past and continued up to another point in the past. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect continuous exercises.
तुम्हें सब पता है लेकिन फिर भी तुम यह हमसे सुनना चाहते हो |
You know everything, but still you want to hear it from us.
अब तो बर्दास्त के बाहर हो गया है |
It's beyond tolerance now.
यह आखिरी मौका है तुम्हारे लिए |
This is the last chance for you.
मुझे किसी की मदद की जरुरत नहीं |
I don't need anybody's help!
The past perfect continuous tense also called the past perfect progressive tense is used to describe an action that began and was still in progress in the past before another past action started. In contrast to the past perfect tense , which describes a past action that finished before the second action started, the past perfect continuous emphasizes the continuous progress of
सारा लखनऊ नाच गा रहा था |
The entire lucknow was singing and dancing.
मैं इस गोली को निगलूँगा कैसे ?
how will i gulp the pill down?
एक साथ इतने कभी नहीं देखे है ना ?
Never seen so much money in one go, have you?
मैंने कुछ नहीं किया | मैं बिलकुल बेक़सूर हूँ |
l haven't done anything. l'm completely innocent.
The past perfect continuous also called past perfect progressive is a verb tense which is used to show that an action started in the past and continued up to another point in the past. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect continuous exercises.
कुछ नहीं होगा | चिंता मत करिए
Nothing will happen. Don't worry Sir.
कितनी बार मैंने overtime भी किया है |
Do many times I did overtime too.
अगर मैं ना जाऊं तो ?
What if I don't go?
वो एक ही हफ्ते में काली पद गई |
They've turned black in just one week.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to describe an action or event which had occurred in the past and had continued for a specified time or period. There are two words used for the reference of time- asincea and afora.
लेकिन सुनो, यह बात हम दोनों के बीच में रहनी चाहिए | किसी और को इस बारे में पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |
But listen, this should be between you and me. No one else should know about it.
मेरा सामान हॉस्टल से वापस ले आओ |
get my stuff back from the hostel.
उसने मुझे क्यों नहीं बताया ?
Why didn't he tell me?
आओ मेरे साथ |
Come with me.
The Past Perfect Continuous is another tense that expresses the ;past in the past;. In this lesson we look at the structure and use of the Past Perfect Continuous tense, followed by a quiz to check your understanding. Note that continuous tenses are also called progressive tenses.
अब क्या तुम्हारे पैर पडू |
Should I fall at your feet?
मैं तुम्हे रोज कॉल करूँगा |
I will call you everyday
पर तुम कहना क्या चाहते हो ?
But what do you want to say?
मैं अपने भाई के एडमिशन के लिए आया हूँ |
I have come for my brother’s admission.
Past perfect continuous tense in Hindi
Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation. Past Tenses - Hindi to English Translation, : Tense ' ' ,' ' , '
मैंने यह चेहरा पहली बार देखा है |
I've seen this face for the first time.
कुछ खा लो तुमने सुबह से कुछ नहीं खाया है |
Please have something. you haven't eaten anything since morning.
इस सब के लिए कमल जिम्मेदार है |
Kamal is responsible for all this!
मैं तुमसे कुछ कहना चाहती हूँ | पर इस बात से हमारे रिश्ते पे कोई फर्क न पड़े |
I want to say something to you. But that shouldn't affect our relationship.
past perfect continuous tense in hindi
देखो दुल्हे का परिवार यहाँ कभी भी आता होगा |
Look, the groom's family will be here any moment.
इतने दिन कहाँ थे ?
Where were you all these days?
क्या तुमने किसी को इस तरफ भागते हुए देखा |
did you see anyone running this way.
मैंने उसे किसी के साथ भागते हूँ देखा |
I saw her fleeing with someone.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi.
मेरी ज़िंदगी में कोई और है |
There's someone else in my life.
बाकी की कहानी पुलिस स्टेशन में बताना |
Narrate the rest of your story at the police station.
मुझे पता है, तुझे बार बार याद दिलाने की जरुरत नहीं है |
I know that already, you don't have to keep reminding me.
उसने मेरी अच्छाई का फायदा उठाया |
He took advantage of my good will.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense In Hindi . Definition a The past perfect continuous tense is
सब कुछ छुप छुप के हो रहा है |
Everything is happening secretly!
मैं तुम्हें बताऊंगा कब और कहाँ पैसे पहुँचाने हैं |
I wiII teII you when and where to deIiver the money
अपने आप को संभालो कमल !
Get a grip on yourself, Kamal!
कौन है ?
Who's that?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Hindi to English Translation. Past Tenses - Hindi to English Translation, : Tense ' ' ,' ' , '
वह वापिस नहीं आ रहा है |
He is not coming back.
तेरे साथ मैं भी फसुंगा |
l'll get screwed along with you.
क्या तुम पहले कभी अकेले शौपिंग करने गई हो |
Have you ever been out for shopping alone?
वह तुम्हें बहुत याद करती है |
She misses you both a lot.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense in hindi : Past Perfect Continuous Tense rules, structure, uses examplesPast perfect continuous tense affirmative, negative, interrogative negative interrogative sentence chart
तुमने उसे घर से बाहर जाने क्यों दिया ?
Why did you let her get out of a house?
आज से चोरी चकारी बंद |
No more theft or felony from today.
मैं अभी तुम्हारे लिए हल्दी का दूध लाती हूँ |
I'll just get you some turmeric milk.
तुम कहाँ हो रीना ?
Where are you, Reena?
मैं कुछ दिन के लिए गया और आपने नया नौकर रख लिया |
l went for a few day and you kept a new servant.
यह कितना अजीब है, है ना ?
It is so strange, isn't it?
तुम मज़ाक कर रहे हो हे ना ?
You're joking, right?
अगर तुमने घर से बाहर कदम रखा तो मैं तुम्हारे पैर तोड़ दूंगा |
If you step out of the house, I'll break your legs.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense in hindi : Past Perfect Continuous Tense rules, structure, uses examplesPast perfect continuous tense affirmative, negative, interrogative negative interrogative sentence chart
घर पर सब कैसे हैं ?
How is everyone at home?
बहुत हो गया तुम्हारा ड्रामा |
I've had enough of your drama!
कुछ मिला तुम्हे ?
Did you get something?
सॉरी सर, अब ऐसा दुबारा नहीं होगा |
Sorry sir, it will not happen again.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense | Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi.
मैं तुझे जिंदा दफना दूंगा |
I will bury you alive!
अगर यह तुम्हें घर पर ना मिले तो तुम्हें यह यहीं मिलेगा |
You will find him here if you don't find him at home.
देखो | कैसे सो रहा है | जैसे यह बिस्तर इसे इसके बाप ने दिया है |
Look! How is he sleeping! As if his father has given him this bed!
जो उसने किया उसके लिए उसे मरना ही था |
She had to die for what she did!
//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Rules in Hindi with Examples and Sentences : !
किस तरह की चाय बनाई है तुमने ?
What kind of a tea have you made?
मैंने भी सुबह एक सपना देखा |
Even I had a dream in the morning.
पी हम रहे हैं और नशा तुझे चढ़ रहा है |
We have been drinking and you are intoxicated.
मुझे गलत मत समझना |
Don't get me wrong.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a continued or ongoing action that began in the past and continued for sometime in the past. Continuous time e.g. for a few days, for ten months, for years, since Wednesday, since , since January etc. always comes in it. A sentence without continuous time reference belongs to the past continuous tense. Look at the examples:
चलो चलकर उन्हें ढूँढ़ते हैं |
let's go and find them.
वह अभी सो रहे हैं |
He is sleeping now.
मुझे पता था पुलिस हमें कुछ नहीं बताने वाली |
I knew the police wasn't going to tell us anything.
मैं तुम्हारा मंदिर में इंतिजार कर रही थी |
I've been waiting for you at the temple.
Rule : Past Perfect Tense had third form Past Simple Tensesecond form
तुम्हें शर्म नहीं आती ये काम करते हुए ?
Aren't you ashamed of doing these things?
इसीलिए उन्होंने मेरा ट्रांसफर करवा दिया |
That's why they got me transferred.
अगर तुम्हे 500 रुपये मिल गए तो ?
What if you get 500 rupees?
मैंने कहा निकल जाओ | और अपना चेहरा कभी ना दिखाना नहीं तो मैंने तुममे से हर एक को पुलिस के हवाले कर दूंगा |
l said get out! And never show your inauspicious face ever again! Or else l will hand over each one of you to the cops.
Past perfect Continuous Tense :-. Recognization :- ,,, |Tense a, etc. a
यह मेरी इज्जत का सवाल है |
It's the question of my honor.
क्या तुम सुन रहे हो ?
Are you listening?
मैं तो बस तेरी मदद कर रहा था |
I only meant to help you.
मैंने तुमने अपनी बहन का ख्याल रखने के लिए कहा था ना |
Hadn't I asked you to take care of your sister?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express a continued or ongoing action that began in the past and continued for sometime in the past. Continuous time e.g. for a few days, for ten months, for years, since Wednesday, since , since January etc. always comes in it. A sentence without continuous time reference belongs to the past continuous tense. Look at the examples:
क्या यह लड़की सच बोल रही है ?
ls this girl saying the truth?
देखो, क्या हो गया ?
Look, what has happened?
उसका अपहरण हो गया है |
She has been kidnapped.
मैंने इसके जैसी चीज पहले कभी नहीं देखी |
I've never seen anything like this before...
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense Hindi to English Affirmative Sentences :- - |
कोई मुड़ के नहीं देखेगा |
no one will turn around.
एक मिनट रुकना, क्या नाम है तुम्हारा ?
HoId a minute what's your name?
तुमने मुझे बेवकूफ बना दिया |
You conned me!
पिता की मौत के बाद में बिलकुल अकेली हो गई हूँ |
After papa's death, I have become all alone.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense Hindi to English Affirmative Sentences :- - |
तुम्हें क्या हुआ ?
What happened to you?
अगर मैं इसे एक थप्पड़ मरूँगा तो इसे सब याद आ जायेगा |
If I slap him once, he'll remember everything.
क्या तुम ठीक हो ?
Are you all right?
प्लीज शाम बर्बाद मत करो |
please don't ruin the evening.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense In Hindi . Definition a The past perfect continuous tense is
तुम तो कोशिस भी नहीं कर रहे थे |
You weren't even trying!
मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |
I've been thinking about you.
ऐसा लगता है जैसे कि company तुम चला रहे हो |
It is like as though you're running the company.
मैं अभी आया |
I'll be right back.
//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Rules in Hindi with Examples and Sentences : !
एक और रास्ता है |
There is another way.
उस दिन मुझसे गलती हुई थी | प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर दिए |
l committed a mistake the other day. Please forgive me.
मैंने उसे 9 बजे कॉल करने के लिए कहा था |
I have asked him to call 9 o'clock.
देखो | वह आ गया | वज आ गया |
Look! He has come! He has come!
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past continuous a , ,etc..,aPast Perfect
मैं जल्दी वापस आऊंगा |
I will return soon.
क्या में पूँछ सकता हूँ यहाँ क्या हो रहा है ?
May l ask what’s going on here?
वह तुम्हारी उम्र का लग रहा है |
he looks to be of the same age as of you.
कसम से | मैंने कभी सपने में भी नहीं सोंचा था कि रीना मुझसे इतना प्यार करेगी |
I swear. Not even in my dream had I thought that Reena will love me so much.
तेरा मुझे गाली देने का मन कर रहा है |
You feel like abusing me.
वह भाग सकती थी और कोई कुछ ना कर पाता |
She could've eloped and no one could've done a thing.
यहाँ पर आओ | क्या बात है ?
come over here. what's the matter?
तुम्हें दिख नहीं रहा वो कैसे बात कर रहे हैं |
Can't you see how they are talking!
वह खूबसूरत अक्लमंद और good nature की होनी चाहिए |
She should be beautiful! Intelligent! With a good nature!
मेरा तुझे थप्पड़ मारने का मन कर रहा है |
I feel like slapping you.
मुझे यहाँ दाल में कुछ काला लग रहा है |
I smell something fishy here.
यह तुम्हारे साथ यहाँ क्या कर रहा है ?
What was he doing here with you?
Past perfect Continuous Tense :-. Recognization :- ,,, |Tense a, etc. a
आप हमारे लिए इतना नहीं कर सकते ?
Can't you do that much for us?
ताकि लोगो को पता चले कि ...
So that people come to know that …..
मैंने तुम पर विश्वास करना शुरू ही किया था, कमल | और मेरे जाते ही तुमने मुझे इतना बड़ा धोका दिया |
I had just begun trusting you, Kamal. And as soon as I left You cheated on me in such a big way!
वो तो शक्ल से ही दिखाई देते हैं |
Their faces say it all.
Rule : Past Perfect Tense had third form Past Simple Tensesecond form
तुम उससे क्यों नहीं पूंछते ?
Why don't you ask her?
यही है | इसने हमारा माल चुराया था |
It's him. He stole our goods.
तुम किस बारे में बात कर रहे हो और कौन हो तुम |
What are you talking about and who the hell are you?
मेरे साथ चलो |
Come with me.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past continuous a , ,etc..,aPast Perfect
मैं मानता हूँ मैंने बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |
I admit I've made a grave mistake.
ऑफिस के अलावा और कहाँ जा सकता हूँ ?
Where else can I go except to office?
इससे ज्यादा ख़ुशी की बात नहीं हो सकती |
Nothing could be happier than this.
देख रहा हूँ |
I'm looking.
Past perfect continuous tense rules
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect continuous Tense is made up of three main parts auxiliary verb had, auxiliary verb been and st form of base verb ing. Past Perfect continuous Tense= Subject had Helping Verb been Auxiliary verb st Verbing Object. Had agt; He, She, It, any Name, Singular noun, I, We, They, You, Plural Noun
बाहर बेठो और दुसरो को खेलने दो |
Sit out and let the others play.
भाई संत से कम नहीं है |
Brother is no lesser to a saint.
क्या कोई और रास्ता था ?
Was there any choice?
मुझे बस एक मिनट देना, ठीक ?
Just give me a minute, okay?
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense| tense| tense , ,
बैग कहाँ गायब हो सकता है ?
Where could the bag disappear ?
जरुर कोई और रास्ता भी होगा |
There must be some other way too.
क्या तुम photo लाये हो?
have you brought the photos?
जब तुझे पता था कि वो मेरे पीछे खड़ी है तो तूने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं ?
When you knew she was standing behind me why didn't you tell me?
Rules for Tenses Rules of Tenses help one understand how to correctly use the different
मैं ठीक हूँ, कब आ रहे हो तुम ?
I'm fine, when are you coming?
मुझे तुम्हे अपनी ज़िंदगी मैं कभी नहीं लाना चाहिए था |
I should never have brought you into my life.
तुम मुझे गलत समझ रहे हो |
You're misunderstanding me.
मैं अब शराब नहीं पीयूँगा | वादा |
l won't booze anymore, promise.
Past perfect continuous tense is made by the use of ahada as in the past perfect followed by abeena and V ing form of the verb.
मैं दिनभर टीवी देखूंगी तुम्हारी तरह |
I'll watch TV all day. just like you do.
ये इज्जत के लायक नहीं है |
He isn't worthy of any respect.
इतनी छोटी चीज के लिए तुम रीना को क्यों परेशान कर रहे हो |
Why are you troubling Reena for such a small thing.
तुम्हें पता है यहाँ आने में कितना ख़तरा है ?
Do you know how much danger there is in coming here?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past continuous a , ,etc..,aPast Perfect
घर पर सब कैसे हैं ?
How is everyone at home?
बिलकुल नहीं |
Not at all.
अब मेरे रास्ते में कोई नहीं आ सकता |
No one can get in my way now.
तू बहुत बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बोल रहा था | अब चूका कीमत |
You were exaggerating so much! Now pay the price!
Grammar The past perfect continuous tense also known as the past perfect progressive tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been the verbas present participle root -ing.
तुम जितना कहोगे मैं तुम्हें उतना पैसा दूंगा |
I'll give you money as much you want,
क्या उसे शर्म नहीं आयी ?
Didn't she feel ashamed?
दौ दोस्तों के बीच में यह चलता रहता है |
This goes on between two Ioving friends.
अगर मैं उसके क़रीब जाता हूँ तो वह सरमाने लगती है | क्या करूं ?
If I come close, she feels shy. What to do?
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect continuous Tense is made up of three main parts auxiliary verb had, auxiliary verb been and st form of base verb ing. Past Perfect continuous Tense= Subject had Helping Verb been Auxiliary verb st Verbing Object. Had agt; He, She, It, any Name, Singular noun, I, We, They, You, Plural Noun
पैसे पेड़ पर नहीं उगते |
Money doesn't grow on trees!
इस स्कूल ने हमारी ज़िंदगी जहन्नुम बना दी है |
This school has made our life hell.
तूने बिल जमा नहीं किया |
You.. didn't pay the bill.
अकेले में ले जाने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
Where was the need to go off to be alone?
इसकी क्या गारंटी है कि तुम कमल हो ?
What is the guarantee that you are Kamal?
मुझे धुल से एलर्जी है |
I'm allergic to dust.
मैं मानता हूँ मैंने बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |
I admit I've made a grave mistake.
मैं तेरा मुंह तोड़े दूंगा |
I will smash your mouth!
Past perfect continuous tense is made by the use of ahada as in the past perfect followed by abeena and V ing form of the verb.
कुछ नहीं बदला |
nothing has changed.
मैं आपका दूर का रिश्तेदार हूँ |
l'm your distant relatiνe.
मैंने तुम्हें कितनी बार कहा है कि कमल के साथ मत खेला करो |
How many times have l told you not to play with Kamal.
क्यों ? तुम्हे रोज काम नहीं होता किया ?
Why? Don't you have work everyday?
Grammar The past perfect continuous tense also known as the past perfect progressive tense shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been the verbas present participle root -ing.
क्या किया उसने ?
What has he done?
तुमने सब बैग में रख दिया ?
You put everything into the bag?
तुमने अपने प्यार से इसे बिगाड़ दिया है |
You have spoiled him with your love!
सीखो उनसे कुछ |
Learn something from them!
Past Perfect Continuous Tense. past perfect continuous tense Definition. This work is done to describe those actions and events that have happened in the past, which last for a certain time period. Tense
तुम्हें ऐसा नहीं कहना चाहिए |
You shouldn't say that!
मैं उन्हें नहीं छोडूंगा |
I won't spare them.
मैं अपने पोस्टर्स कहाँ चिपकाऊं |
where do l stick my posters?
तुम लोगों ने मुझे यहाँ फंसा दिया है | ऊपर से तुम मुझे खाने भी नहीं देते |
You guys have got me stuck here. On top of that you don't allow me to eat too.
The formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense when the First Person is Singular is that the sentence starts with aIa and ahad beena, then a verb in its st form with ainga, followed by an object which is optional. So, we can say that the formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense for First Person Singular is as follows -.
मैं कभी नहीं सोंचा था कि ऐसा होगा |
I had never thought such thing would happen.
चुप रहो | तुम्हारी वजह से मैं भूका मर रहा हूँ |
Keep quiet! Because of you l am starving!
हाँ, क्यों क्या हुआ ?
Yes, why what happened?
मैंने बहुत सुन लिया तुम्हारा सच |
I have heard enough of your truth.
//nbsp;;;Definition a The past perfect continuous tense is used to express an action that started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.
इतनी बुरी तरह मार खाने के बावजूद वह मेरे लिए वापस आया है |
He came back for me, despite being beaten so badly
खाना खाया तुमने ?
Will you have meal?
आप किससे बात कर रहे थे |
Who were you talking to?
तुम लंच के लिए नहीं गये |
You didn't go for lunch.
The formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense when the First Person is Singular is that the sentence starts with aIa and ahad beena, then a verb in its st form with ainga, followed by an object which is optional. So, we can say that the formula for Past Perfect Continuous Tense for First Person Singular is as follows -.
मेरी कार चोरी हो गई है |
My car has been stolen.
रहने दो मैं मैनेज कर लूंगी |
let it be, I'll manage.
तुम कहीं नहीं जाओगे | वह खुद तेरे पास आएगी |
You won't go anywhere! She herself will come to you!
मुझे सब पता है |
I know it all.
Time Expressions in the Past Perfect Progressive Continuous Use since with a specific hour, month, year or a period in the past gt; since / since Tuesday. Use for with a number of hours, days, months or years gt; for twenty years. Use already between had and the verb gt; had already been flying.
कमल समुंद्र में डूब रहा है |
Kamal is drowning in the sea.
पहली बार तुमने कुछ सही किया है |
for the first time you've done something right.
मैं तुम्हारे साथ नहीं आ रहा हूँ |
I'm not coming with you.
पुलिस से पंगा मत ले |
Don't mess with the cops!
Rules for Tenses Rules of Tenses help one understand how to correctly use the different
तुमने उनका भविष्य दाँव पर लगा दिया ?
You staked their future?
क्या बक रहा है यह ?
What is he blabbering?
ताकि तू सारा माल लेके भाग सके |
So, that you can run away with all the money.
मैं तुम्हें पुलिस के हवाले कर दूंगा | तुम्हारी सारी ज़िंदगी जेल में कटेगी |
l will hand you people over to the cops. All your life will be spent in prison.
//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense| tense| tense , ,
क्या उसने तुम्हारे साथ कुछ किया ?
Did he do anything with you?
तो उसका पहला हक है |
So he had the first right |
वे तुम्हें क्यों मारना चाहते हैं ?
Why do they want to kill you?
अभी के लिए इसे जाने दे |
Let it go for now.
Time Expressions in the Past Perfect Progressive Continuous Use since with a specific hour, month, year or a period in the past gt; since / since Tuesday. Use for with a number of hours, days, months or years gt; for twenty years. Use already between had and the verb gt; had already been flying.
किस बात की ख़ुशी है तुम्हें ?
What are you happy about?
मैं बोलता हूँ | तुम्हें भी कुछ ऐसा ही करना चाहिय |
I am telling you. Even you should do something like this.
क्या तुम बाहर आ सकते हो ?
Can you please come out?
तुमने इन्हें घर लाकर सही किया |
You did the right thing, dear by bringing them home.
past perfect continuous tense rules
बहुत कुछ है जो मैं तुमसे कहना चाहता हूँ |
There's much more that I want to say.
परेशानी के लिए माफ़ करियेगा |
I'm sorry for the trouble.
पिछले दो हफ्तों से मैं तुम्हें यह दवाई लाने के लिए बोल रहा हूँ |
Since last two weeks I have been telling you to bring this medicine.
आपकी दुकान बिक गई है |
Your shop has been sold!
//nbsp;;;Definition a The past perfect continuous tense is used to express an action that started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.
यह सब क्या हो रहा है ?
What is all this happening?
मैं तो मानजाऊँ लेकिन मेरे बेटे को मनाना कठिन है |
I might agree. But it's difficult to convince my son.
तो अब हम क्या करें ?
So what should we do now?
तुम सब यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are all of you doing here?
मुझे विश्वास है जितना तुम अभी कमाते हो उससे ज्यादा कमाओगे |
I'm sure you'll earn much more than you do now.
मैंने यह पैसे सालों में इकट्ठे किये हैं |
I had gathered this money over the years..
माफ़ करियेगा यह wrong number हैं |
I am sorry, this is a wrong number.
इस तरफ आवो |
Come this way.
उसे किसी रीना की details चाहिए थी |
she wanted some details of some Reena!
छोड़ ना, कुछ और बात करते हैं |
Let it be. Let’s talk about something else.
कहो क्या कहना चाहते हो ?
Say… what do you want to say?
यहाँ तमाशा मत करो |
Don't create a scene here.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense Rules, Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense Definition In Hindi. past continuous a , ,etc..,aPast Perfect
मुझे माफ़ कीजियेगा, हमारा स्टोक खत्म हो गया है |
I'm sorry, we're out of stock.
वह दुल्हन से भी ज्यादा शर्मीला है | तुम उसका चेहरा नहीं देख पाओगी |
He's shyer than the bride! You won't be able to see his face!
अब यह भी कुछ कहेगा |
Now he too will say something!
मुझे फ़िक्र है तेरी इसलिए बोल रहा हूँ |
I'm asking because I'm worried about you.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense. past perfect continuous tense Definition. This work is done to describe those actions and events that have happened in the past, which last for a certain time period. Tense
क्या मैं उसके पैर पकड कर माफ़ी मांगू ?
should I hold his leg and apologize to him?
तुम्हे कैसे पता |
How do you know?
तुम अपना पैसा मांगने में क्यों शर्मा रहे हो ?
Why are you ashamed of asking your own money?
तू सिर्फ खानदान का नाम बदनाम करने के लिए पैदा हुआ है |
You're born only to defame the family.
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