Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

अगर मैं तुम्हारी जगह होता तो मैं डॉक्टर के पास जाता |
If I were you, I would go to the doctor.

अगर मैं तुम्हारी जगह होता तो मैं भी यही करता |
If I were you, I would do the same.

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Examples: If you send your order by fax, we will deliver the goods immediately. If you invite me for lunch, I will help you with your presentation. If Clause Type II. if  Simple Past, would  infinitive. Type II indicates what could happen if a present situation were different. Examples: If we had more employees, we would work more efficiently. If we delivered poor quality, we 

तुम्हारी माँ ने जो कहा उसका बुरा मत मानना |
Don't feel bad about what your mother said.
ओके मैं जा के देखता हूँ |
Okay l will go and see.
मैं कब से कॉल कर रहा हूँ लेकिन आपने अपना फ़ोन switched off कर रखा है |
l've been calling since long but you have switched off your mobile phone.
तुम कर लोगे यह काम या किसी और को दूँ यह काम ?
Will you be able to do it or should I give this job to someone else?

As all the other answers say, the grammatically correct version is If I were you, I would not do it. To add my two cents, please note that we have three types of Conditional Sentences, and this falls in the second category Type II. Look at the following: If I am you, I will not do it.

मेरे पीछे आईये | इस तरफ प्लीज |
Follow me. This way please.
इतनी जल्दी हम सारे इंतिजाम कैसे करेंगे ?
How can we make all arrangements so soon?
मुझे तुझे दुबारा ना कहना पड़े |
I don't have to tell you again.
और कितना इम्तिहान लोगे मेरा ?
How much more will you test me?

If I Were You Summary. Gerrard was a playwright. He had to leave his house to deliver props for a rehearsal. Just then, an intruder entered his home. He was carrying a gun. He wanted to kill Gerrard and live on his identity. The intruder had committed a murder and was wanted by the police.

यह मुझे दे दो |
Give it to me.
किसे ढूंड रहे हो तुम ?
Who are you looking for?
मुझे उसे हॉस्पिटल ले के जाना था |
I had to take her hospital.
तुम मुझे क्यों घूर रहे हो ?
Why are you staring at me?

;If I were you I would have done that -- but I am not you, so I did not do that since I am not you, I could not do that As you can see: ;I am not you; refers to a general truth, a situation that holds over a long period of time, past, present, and presumably future. ;I did not do that; refers to a situation at a particular time in the past. B. ;If I had been you I would have done that -- but I 

मैंने कमल का हाथ पकड़ा और ट्रेन से ऊतर गया |
That's it! I caught kamal's hand and got off the train!
आप बार बार पीछे मुड़कर क्या देख रहे हैं ?
What are you looking back for, all the time?
ये तो भोला निकला |
He turned out be naïve.
क्या तुम कभी कमल से मिले हो ?
Have you ever met kamal?

आप अपनी माँ से बहुत प्यार करते थे |
You loνed your mother dearly.
मैं तुम्हे miss करुँगी |
I will miss you
मैं हमेशा तुम्हारे साथ रहूंगी |
I'll always be with you.
मैं कमल के बारे में गलत थी |
I was wrong about Kamal.

Overview. In English conditional sentences, the antecedent protasis is a dependent clause, most commonly introduced by the complementizer if.Other complementizers may also be used, such as whenever, unless, provided that, and as long as.Certain condition clauses can also be formulated using inversion without any conjunction; see ; Inversion in condition clauses 

मुझे अच्छा लगा जिस तरह तुमने मुझसे बात की |
I liked the way you spoke to me!
मेरा तो शराफत पर से भरोसा ही उठ गया है |
l don't trust decency any longer.
जो मैं देख रही हूँ उसके बारे में क्या ख्याल है 
Ηow about what l see?
अगर कमल का बस चलता तो वह उसे कभी नहीं जाने देता |
lf Kamal had his way, he'd never let go off her.

As all the other answers say, the grammatically correct version is If I were you, I would not do it. To add my two cents, please note that we have three types of Conditional Sentences, and this falls in the second category Type II. Look at the f

वो तो शक्ल से ही दिखाई देते हैं |
Their faces say it all.
वह बात नहीं करना चाहती | जो कहना है मुझे कहो |
She is not willing to talk. Tell me whatever it is.
मेरी छोड़ |
Forget about me.
मैं खुद को भूल सकता लेकिन तुम्हे नहीं |
I can forget myself, but not you.

;If I were you I would have done that -- but I am not you, so I did not do that since I am not you, I could not do that As you can see: ;I am not you; refers to a general truth, a situation that holds over a long period of time, past, present, and presumably future. ;I did not do that; refers to a situation at a particular time in the past. B. ;If I had been you I would have done that -- but I 

तुम्हे अब जाना चाहिए |
You should go now.
कितना आता है ये यहाँ ?
How often does he come here?
मुझे माफ़ करना | मैं सो गया था | मैं थका हुआ था |
I'm sorry! I fell asleep, I was tired!
कुछ जोड़ना मत | बिल्कुल वही कहना जो हमने सिखाया है |
Don't add anything! Just say what we have taught you!

उसका कुछ सामान मेरे पास है |
I had some of his belonging with me.
आप क्या कहने की कोशिस कर रहे हैं मुझे कुछ समझ में नहीं आ रहा |
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
क्या लिखा है बताओ मुझे |
What is written tell me.
भाई इस बारे में हम कल बात करते हैं |
Brother, lets talk about it tomorrow.

We often use the structure aif I were you.a to give advice: If I were you I would see a doctor. This is considered to be formal and correct. Grammatically it is known as the subjunctive mood.

मैं तुम्हे खतरे में नहीं डाल सकता |
i can't put you in danger.
अब मैं क्या कहूँ ?
What do I say now?
यह हत्या है accident नहीं |
It's murder, not an accident.
क्यों इसमें क्या गलत है ?
Why? What's wrong with this?

//nbsp;;;aIf I werea is also used when you are wishing for something. For example, aIf I were taller, I would play basketball.a The subject of the sentence is imagining a hypothetical situation 

कौन सी flight में आए हो ?
Which flight did you come in?
हाँ उसने एक बार मुझसे कहा था |
yes she had told me once.
तुम चिल्ला क्यों रहे हो | बहरा नहीं हूँ मैं |
Why are you screaming? I'm not deaf.
कोनसे होटल मैं हो तुम ?
In which hotel are you?

Which one is correct a if I were you or if I was you? The word were in the phrase if I were you is special form. It is known as the subjunctive mood from the grammatical point of view. Today you also find the phrase if I was you. Here Simple Past form of be is used. But there are people who say that this phrase is incorrect and would never 

अगर मैं अब भी विश्वास ना करूँ तो ?
What if I still don't believe you?
मुझसे वादा करो कि तुम हमेशा मेरे साथ रहोगे |
Give me your word you will always be with me!
क्या यह रेडीमेड मिलता है है या तुम्हे इसे सिलवाना पड़ता है |
is it available readymade or you have to get it stitched?
इस कंचे खेलने की उम्र में तुम कहाँ in चीजो में फंस गए ?
In this age of playing with marbles you have got entangled in what?

IF I WERE YOU G er rar d, a young man, is packing. Suddenly a man enters who r esembles him. He is holding a r evolver in his hand. Let us find out what he wants fr om Ger rar d. OBJECTIVES At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: ; read and understand a one act play: ; understand and use words which have different meanings; ; use tenses appropriately; ; write job 

मैं नहीं जानता कौन हैं ये | ये मेरे साथ नहीं हैं |
l don't know who they are, they are not with me.
क्या खाने के लिए और कुछ अच्छा नहीं है ?
Isn't there anything better to eat?
वह इसी बस से सफर कर रहा था |
He was travelling by this bus!
उसे कहना कि तू kidnapper के चंगुल से बच गया |
tell her that you escaped from the clutches of the kidnapper.

Examples: If you send your order by fax, we will deliver the goods immediately. If you invite me for lunch, I will help you with your presentation. If Clause Type II. if  Simple Past, would  infinitive. Type II indicates what could happen if a present situation were different. Examples: If we had more employees, we would work more efficiently. If we delivered poor quality, we 

मैं जबसे आया हूँ उन्ही के बारे में सुन रहा हूँ |
I've been hearing about them since I've arrived.
तुम दुनिया कि पहली औरत होगी जो अपने पति की शादी attend कर रही है और खुश भी है |
You're the first wife in this world... who is attending her husband's wedding and is happy as well!
यह एक बार आपके साथ हो भी चूका है |
It has already happened to you once.
पीछे मुडकर क्या देख रही हैं ?
What are you looking back for?

For example, we know where to use was and were in general, but if we are to use them with specific phrases, it might get confusing. In this Grammar article, let us explore this concept with examples. : min read , Views Ramya Shankar a Grammar Tips. Font size: Was vs Were As simple as that, in past tense, was is used for singular noun/pronoun and were for 

मैंने इसके पिता की मौत पे 2000 रुपये दिए थे |
I had given him 2000 rupees at the death of his father.
कौन था ?
Who was it?
मुझे तुमसे कुछ पूंछना है ?
I need to ask you something...
मैं अपने बेटे की मौत भूली नहीं हूँ |
I haven't forgotten my son's death.

If I were you, I wouldn't go out with that man. How is this different from the first conditional? This kind of conditional sentence is different from the first conditional because this is a lot more unlikely. For example second conditional: If I had enough money I would buy a house with twenty bedrooms and a swimming pool I'm probably not going to have this much money, it's 

क्या तुम उसे अपने पास रख सकते हो ?
Can you keep him with you?
तुम चिल्ला क्यों रहे हो, तुम्हें क्या मैं बहरा लगता हूँ ?
why are you yelling, what do you think that l am deaf?
क्या तुम्हे यह याद है या तुम उसे भी भूल गए ?
Do you remember her or have you forgotten her as well?
तुम छूना मत मुझे |
Don't you touch me!

If I were you in a sentence.  If I were you, I'd probably go.  If I were you ,I'd go.  If I were you, I would not place too much trust in their findings.  I wouldn't try chatting her up if I were you.  I'd leave now if I were you.  I wouldn't do that if I were you.  I should stay in bed if I were you.

तुम एक लाख रूपए का क्या करोगे ?
what will you do with 100,000?
तब कोई कुछ नहीं कह रहा था ?
No one was saying anything then?
जाने से पहले मैं तुमसे मिलना चाहता हूँ |
Before I leave, I want to meet you.
तुम पर अच्छी लगेगी |
It'll look pretty on you.

They are both correct. Your choice with as-if and as-though clauses depends on whether you want to reflect a true situation in which case you would choose the past 

ऊपर खींचो उन्हें |
Pull them up.
तुम सच में खुशकिस्मत हो कि मैं तुम्हे पसंद करता हूँ |
You're really fortunate that I like you.
रीना ने तुझे अपना number क्यों दिया ?
Why did Reena give you her number?
तो किस तरह की लड़की हो तुम ?
Then what kind of a girl are you?

Examples: If you asked him, he'd  conditionals with BE use were for I, you, he, she, it, we, and they: If I / you / he / she / it / we / they were here . . . In casual conversation and very informal writing, was usually pronounced ;wuz; is often used instead of were. . It's most common, in this type of conditional, to use would in the result clause, but could and might are also possible: If 

हीरो बनने की कोशिस मत करो |
Stop trying to be a hero.
क्या हम पहुँच गए ?
Have we reached?
तुमने आज शक करने की सारी हदें तोड़ दी है |
You have crossed all the limits of suspicion,
फिर मिलोगें ना ?
You will meet me again, won't you?

If I were you I would see a doctor. This is considered to be formal and correct. Grammatically it is known as the subjunctive mood. Increasingly you also find the phrase if I was you used. Here Past Simple form of be is used. But there are people who say that this phrase is incorrect and would never use it. If I were you I would call her 

देखिये मैं इसे कैसे ठीक करता हूँ |
See how I set him right now.
अब क्या फर्क पड़ता है ?
Now what difference does it make?
मेरी बात सुन !
Listen to me! 
तुम्हें ऐसा क्यों लग रहा है कि मैं झूठ बोल रहा हूँ |
why do you feel that I am lying?

//nbsp;;;Beehive Solution- If I Were You is well provided by Edumantra paying special attention to Introduction of the chapter If I were You, Message, Theme, Title of the lesson If I were You, Characters in the chapter If I were You, Summary in English, Summary in Hindi, Word meanings, Complete lesson in Hindi, Extracts in If I Were You, Long answers in the chapter If 

सच कहूँ तो तुम्हें दवाई से ज्यादा दुआ की जरुरत है |
To be honest, more than medicines, what you need is Prayer.
यह ड्रेस तुम पर प्यारी लग रही है |
This dress looks lovely on you.
तो सब तय हो गया ना ?
So, everything's been decided, isn't it?
उसने मुझे ऐसे देखा जैसे वह मुझे जानता ही ना हो |
He just looked right through me as if he doesn't know me.

Here you are giving an example of what decision YOU would do given the circumstances. This can be in past tense or in a conditional present. Here are some examples: ; If I were you, I would enjoy my vacation.

यह आपकी दुआओं की वजह से है |
lt's because of your good wishes.
वह तुम्हारे लायक नहीं है |
Ηe's not worthy of you!
मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |
I was thinking about you.
यह कौन सी नई बीमारी है ?
What new ailment is this?

English Grammar Games ; Students ; Grammar Rules ; First Conditional ; Second Conditional

क्या हुआ ?
What happened ?
मैं बस बैठा था |
I was just sitting.
आप दोनों कहाँ जा रहे है ?
Where are you both going?
तुम इतने गैरजिम्मेदार क्यूँ हो ?
Why are you so irresponsible?

पूरी दुनिया में वही होटल बचा था क्या जाने के लिए ?
Darling, was that the only hotel in the entire city to go to?
तो और क्या कहता मैं ?
So, what eIse couId I have said?
हमारे परिवार में 7 भाई बहन थे |
We were 7 siblings in our family.
हम उसे जितना भुलाने की कोशिस करते है, वो हमें उतना ही याद आता है |
The more we try to forget him, the more we miss him.

Examples. If I were taller, I would buy this dress. If I were , I would travel the world. If I were you, I would give up smoking. If I were a plant, I would love the rain. In type  conditional sentences, you can also use modals in the main clause instead of ;would; to express the degree of certainty, permission, or a recommendation about the outcome. Examples. We might buy a 

कितनी देर मैं इस पोज़ में खड़ा रहूँ ?
How long will I stand in this pose?
मैं तुमको बहुत टेंशन दी है |
l’ve created a lot of tension for you.
दौ दोस्तों के बीच में यह चलता रहता है |
This goes on between two Ioving friends.
मुझे हैंडल करने दो |
let me handle this.

//nbsp;;;Answers. . If I were you, I would not tolerate this. . If she asked more politely, he would help her. . If she hadnat gone there, she wouldnat have been killed. . If I had known about his predicament, I would have helped him. . Should he be late, we will have to start without him. . I would have been in bad trouble, if she hadnat helped me. . If I had another $, I could 

तुम्हे मुझपे चिल्लाना नहीं चाहिए था |
You shouldn't have yelled at me.
उड़ा दो इसे |
Blow him up.
इन दिनों science ने बहुत तरक्की कर ली है |
These days science has progressed so much.
मेरी गोलियां कहाँ है ?
Where are my pills?

//nbsp;;;Answers. . If I were you, I would not tolerate this. . If she asked more politely, he would help her. . If she hadnat gone there, she wouldnat have been killed. . If I had known about his predicament, I would have helped him. . Should he be late, we will have to start without him. . I would have been in bad trouble, if she hadnat helped me. . If I had another $, I could 

ध्यान से सुनो नहीं तो तुम सब बर्बाद कर दोगे |
Listen carefully or you could ruin everything.
यह आप पे अच्छी लग रही है |
It looks good on you.
तुम्हें सोंच रहे है और क्या ?
Thinking of you, what else ?
मैं भी अपनी जॉब छोड़ दूँ |
I should leave my job as well.


हमें यह शादी हर कीमत पर रोकनी है |
We've to stop this marriage at all cost?
रखो यहाँ और दफा हो जाओ यहाँ से |
Put it here and get lost!
तुम क्या चाहती हो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what do you want me to do?
तुम्हे दूर रहना चाहिए था |
You should've stayed away.

Conditional Grammar Sentences in EnglishThe Rule a How to Form The nd ConditionalThe Rule a How to Form The rd ConditionalaIf I Were Youa vs. aIf I Had Been YouaaIf I Were Youa vs. aIf I Was YouaFurthermore, native speakers often use an incorrect version of aif I were you.a It is more likely than not to hear native English speakers using the grammatically incorrect aif I was youa instead of the correct aif I were you.aaIf I were you, I would have done thata is considered a correct sentence. Additionally, many native speakers incorrectly say aIf I was you, I would have done that. It is really very common, although incorrect.A few more examples using second conditional:If I were a maSee more on gonaturalenglish

नहीं मम्मी मैंने इसे पूंछने के लिए फ़ोन किया था कि काम कैसा चल रहा है |
No mommy I phoned him to ask how work was progressing.
घर में सब तुम्हारे बारे में पूँछ रहे थे |
Everyone at home was asking about you.
देखो हम कोई कच्चे खिलाडी नहीं हैं |
Look, we're not novices.
मैंने उसे गाली नहीं दी |
I didn't abuse him

A conditional sentence describes a condition that is necessary for a particular outcome to occur. The conjunctions if, even if, when, whenever, whether, and unless often appear in conditional

तुझे पैसे कहाँ से मिले ? इस सब के लिए ?
Where did you get the money? For all this?
ऐसा कुछ नहीं है |
There is nothing of that sort.
तुम ज़िंदगी में क्या बनना चाहते हो ?
What do you want to be in life?
अब तो बर्दास्त के बाहर हो गया है |
It's beyond tolerance now.

//nbsp;;;If I were you, Iad tell them the truth. Type  The main clause uses would, could, or might  have  the past participle of a main verb. The if-clause uses the past perfect tense. We could have had a longer holiday, if we hadnat spent so much money on the house. If I had known about the exam, I would have paid more attention in class. In Type  sentences the speaker 

इसमें सिर्फ एक मिनट लगेगा |
This will take hardly one minute.
ओरतो का अन्दर जाना मना है |
Women are not allowed to go inside.
इससे ज्यादा ख़ुशी की बात नहीं हो सकती |
Nothing could be happier than this.
वह चली गई है ना |
She's gone, isn't it?

Sentence Meaning in Hindi: Find the definition of Sentence in Hindi. OneIndia Hindi Dictionary offers the meaning of Sentence in hindi with pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, adjective and more related words in Hindi.

चलो यहाँ से भाग चले |
Lets flee from here.
तू क्या बताएगा उसे ? मैं बताता हूँ उसे |
What will you tell her? I'll tell her.
मैं कुछ ज्यादा ही भावुक हो गया |
I got a little too sentimental.
मैंने नहीं इसने कहा था |
Not me he had said.

तुम्हे देखाई नहीं देता कि मैं फ़ोन पे बात कर रहा हूँ |
Don't you see I'm speaking over the phone.
मैंने तुमसे वादा किया था |
I had promised you
दिखाओ मुझे |
show me
जब तक तुम मुझे check नहीं करने दोगे मैं यहाँ से नहीं जाऊंगा |
Until you let me check the locker I won't move from here.

IF I WERE YOU G er rar d, a young man, is packing. Suddenly a man enters who r esembles him. He is holding a r evolver in his hand. Let us find out what he wants fr om Ger rar d. OBJECTIVES At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: ; read and understand a one act play: ; understand and use words which have different meanings; ; use tenses appropriately; ; write job applications; and ; express 

अब मुझे यह जॉब नहीं करनी पड़ेगी |
Now I won't have to do this job.
जाने से पहले मुझसे मिलना |
Meet me before leaving! 
मैंने कहा ना मैं कल आ रहा हूँ ?
Didn’t l say l’m coming tomorrow?
क्या मैं प्रश्न दुबारा बोलूं ?
Should l repeat the question?

Use of Was and Were in Hindi. Use of This That These and Those in Hindi. Use of Shall be and Will be in Hindi. Use of A An The and Vowel in Hindi . Use of It in Hindi. Use of My Your Our His Her Its and Theirs in Hindi. Use of Have Has Had Shall have and Will have in Hindi. Use of Have to Has to Had to Shall have to and Will have to in Hindi. Use of Am to Is to Are to Was to Were to Shall be to and Will 

तुम उसे किस बहाने से बाहर निकालोगे ?
On what pretext do we throw him out?
बहुत दर्द हो रहा है क्या ?
Does it hurt a lot?
दौ दोस्तों के बीच में यह चलता रहता है |
This goes on between two Ioving friends.
मैं क्या उससे कुश्ती करूं ?
Should l have wrestled with him?

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देखो | वह वही कमीना है जिसने मुझे उस दिन पीटा था |
Look! He is that same scoundrel who bashed me that day!
तुम यहाँ क्यों आये मुझे मरवाने के लिए ?
Why have you both come here to get me killed?
जब गुनाह मेरा है तो सजा तुम लोग क्यों भुगतो ?
When the sin is mine why should all of you suffer?
तुमने अभी भी स्कूल की यूनिफार्म पहनी है |
You have still worn the school unifrom!

//nbsp;;;Short summary of If I Were You in hindi.,  ,  

ऐसा है क्या ?
Is that so?
देखो इसकी आँखे कितनी लाल है |
Look at how red his eyes are.
वादा करो | तुम अपनी बीवी को मेरी बीवी से एक बार मिलवाओगे ताकि वो भी उनसे कुछ सीख सके |
you will make your wife meet mine once... so that she also learns something from her!
उसे तो पता भी नहीं है |
She didn’t even know.

//nbsp;;;If definition: You use if in conditional sentences to introduce the circumstances in which an event or | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

तुम यह अपने पास रखो | 
You keep this with you.
वो मेरी दुनिया है मेरा सब कुछ 
She means the world to me. She means everything to me.
तुम करोगे और कौन ?
You will. Who else?
मैं बस बैठा था |
I was just sitting.

Sentence Meaning in Hindi: Find the definition of Sentence in Hindi. OneIndia Hindi Dictionary offers the meaning of Sentence in hindi with pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, adjective and more related words in Hindi.

एयरपोर्ट आने की कोई जरुरत नहीं है | मैं खुद ही आ जाऊंगा |
No need to come to the airport. l will come on my own.
वो पागल है तेरे ऊपर चढ़ा देगा |
he's crazy, he'll drive over you.
क्यों ? तुम्हे रोज काम नहीं होता किया ?
Why? Don't you have work everyday?
क्या कुछ ज्यादा नहीं हो गया |
Wasn't that too much?

If you want to speak in english then memorize daily use English sentences with Hindi meaning and speak these sentences whenever you get chance to speak these sentence. when you are in beginning stage of english learning, you can speak the combination English and Hindi sentences and after some practice start only English in you daily life. you will get all daily use english sentences with Hindi meaning in 

मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा इससे क्या फर्क पड़ेगा ?
I don't understand what difference will it make?
तुम्हें और कुछ नहीं दिखाई देता |
You can't see anything else.
लेकिन तुमने ही तो उसे पैसे देने के लिए कहा था |
But it was you who asked me to pay him!!
Sorry कमल, अगर मैं तुम्हें बताता तो तुम कभी नहीं मानते |
I am sorry, Kamal. You would've never agreed if l had told you.

;If I were you, I would continue working until it is done ;If I were you, I would book my reservations now ;If I were you, I would answer the question By adding 'have' after the word 'would' you are talking about something in the past tense. Here are some examples: ;If I were you, I would have enjoyed my vacation ;If I were you, I would have explained what happened ;If I were you, I would have 

वास्तव में इसकी ज़िंदगी बर्बाद होने के लिए तुम जिम्मेदार हो |
You are actually responsible to ruin his life.
हमें अभी तक पैसे नहीं मिले हैं |
we haven't got the money yet.
जो कुछ तुम्हें मेरे बारे में कहना चाहिए था वो तुमने उसके लिए कह दिया |
Whatever, you had to speak about me you did it for him..
एक बात बता |
tell me one thing.

//nbsp;;;This is our second grammar lesson to form sentences with structure : you are.. Hindi distinguishes pronoun ayoua by classifying it into three categories. a you = tuu =  is used for when you are intimate with a person and also when you want to be rude to the other person! Sounds strange, right? piece of advise: stay away from using it You must have heard it many times if you are into 

कमल एक कसके थप्पड़ मार इसे |
Kamal, give him a tight slap.
क्या time आ गया है |
What times have come!
तेरे confidence से कभी कभी डर लगता है |
Your confidence frightens me sometimes.
इस साल, अब तक बारिश नहीं हुई है |
this year, there has been no rain so far.

मैं तुम्हारा मंदिर में इंतिजार कर रही थी |
I've been waiting for you at the temple.
क्या दुनिया में ऐसे लोग भी है ?
Are there such people too in the world?
अगर तुम्हें मेरी वजह से  इतनी ही problem है तो बता दो मैं यहाँ नहीं आउंगी |
If you have so much problem because of me, tell me. I'll not come here.
हमें पता भी नहीं चला |
we didn't eνen get to know.


इस बार में पूरी तैयारी से जाऊंगा |
This time l will go fully prepared.
बोल कुछ वह जिंदा है या तुमने use मार दिया |
Say something is he alive or did you kill him.
मेरा दम घुट रहा है |
I'm getting suffocated.
इतना असुरक्षित होने की क्या जरुरत है |
Why do you need to be so insecure?

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मैं इस मकान का मालिक हूँ |
I am owner of this house.
तुमने ही कहा था कि तुम मेरे लिए अपनी जान भी दे सकते हो |
You just said that you could even lay down your life for me!
सबूत मेरे घर पर हैं |
The evidence is at my house.
बहुत तेज बारिश होने वाली है |
It's going to rain heavily.

जैसे ही मिलता है तुझे कॉल करता हूँ |
I'll call you as soon as I find it.
तुम्हारी इतनी हिम्मत कि तुम अपने भाई के खिलाफ जाओ ?
You have the audacity to go against your own brother?
क्या तुम कभी कमल से मिले हो ?
Have you ever met kamal?
आपका नहाने के लिए गर्म पानी तैयार है |
your hot water for bathing is ready. 

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सुबह सुबह मेरा मूड मत खराब करो |
Don't spoil my mood in the morning.
तुम वापस कब आयी ?
When did you get back?
इस कहानी का अकेला हीरो |
The sole hero of this story!
मैं और तुम्हारे पापा तुम्हें बहुत प्यार करते हैं लेकिन जो तुमने किया है वो बर्दास्त नहीं किया जायेगा |
Your papa and I love you a lot. But what you've done will not be tolerated.

if I were you definition: . used when you give someone advice: . used when you give someone advice: . putting myself in. Learn more.

अभी मैं अपने result का इंतिजार कर रही हूँ |
Right now l am awaiting my result.
तुमने मुझे file भुलवा दी |
You made me forget the file.
ये यहाँ कैसे हो सकती है ?
How can he be here?
हम इस तरह कैसे जा सकते हैं ?
How can we leave like this?

How do you say aThe movie endeda in Hindi? How do you say aWhere were you ?a in Hindi ? How do you say aI will only learn Hindia in Hindi ? How do you say aI broke the glassa in Hindi ? How do you say aI want to become a pilota in Hindi ? How do you say aHow was your day ?a in Hindi ; how do you say aI take food from herea in Hindi ? How do you say aWhat are you making today ?a in Hindi ? How do 

सब आपकी कृपा है |
It's all your grace.
मैं तुम्हें उस हालत में वहाँ कैसे छोड़ सकता था ?
How could I have left you there in that state?
गुंडों को तो पता नहीं पर पुलिस वालो से जरुए बच के रहना चाहिए |
I don't know about thugs, but you should definitely stay away from cops.
मैं तुम्हारे लिए एक बात साफ़ कर दूँ |
Let me make some things clear to you.

//nbsp;;;These words would be used in the Hindi literature like Hindi novels and poem. And youad need to check which referred word would fit the context. I have divided the topic in two posts to make it easy for you to grasp the words. Letas check out the word in this post, the romanized spellings will help you with the pronunciation scheme for the 

मैंने सुना था |
I heard it!
तुम छूना मत मुझे |
Don't you touch me!
कमल समुंद्र में डूब रहा है |
Kamal is drowning in the sea.
मैंने तुम्हारी कॉल का जवाब नहीं दिया क्योंकि मैं तुमसे बात नहीं करना चाहती थी |
I didn't answer your call as I didn't want to talk to you.

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