Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
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हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
लेकिन कमल ने कभी शिकायत
नहीं की |
but, Kamal never complained.
किसने बताया तुझे ?
Who told you?
तुम कितने ज़िद्दी हो |
You're so stubborn.
क्या हो जाता इसे ?
What would happen to him?
In this easy English class, you will learn all about the
PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. Iall teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what
mistakes to avoid. This
क्या बचपन से है या तुमने
यह बाद में बनाई ?
Is it since childhood or did you build it later?
मेरे पास तुम्हारे लिए
कुछ है |
I've something for you.
तुम घर जाओ | यहाँ पर बहुत खतरा है |
You go to home. there
is a lot of danger over here.
आज तुमने क्या सीखा ?
what did you learned today?
This grammar lesson you will learn the Verb Tenses that are in the English language.
Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past,
present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can
use each of the tenses. The verb tense
chart explained
वो तो एक महीने बाद है |
That's just a month away.
एक दुसरे पर इल्जाम लगाने
से कुछ नहीं होगा |
Accusing each other won't help.
तो बोलने दो उसे |
किसे फर्क पड़ता हैं |
So let him say it. Who cares?
हमने डॉक्टर को बुलाया था
लेकिन वह इतना सारा खून देखकर बेहोश हो गया |
We called the doctor, but he fainted on seeing so much
of How do we use the Present
Continuous Tense? We use the present continuous tense to talk about: a action
happening now a action in the future Present continuous tense for action
happening now a for action happening exactly now I am eating my lunch. past
present future The action is happening now.
मैं आपका बहुत अहसानमंद
हूँ |
I am very grateful to all of you.
मैंने यह चेहरा पहली बार
देखा है |
I've seen this face for the first time.
तुम सबको बदहजमी हो जाएगी
You will all get indigestion!
जब वापस आना तो whisky
लेते आना |
get the whisky when you get back
Tenses table with examples pdf free download: . KB: Mar , :
और क्या करूँ मैं ?
What else should I do?
किसी ने हमसे पहले माल
लूट लिया |
Someone stole the goods before us.
हम शर्मिंदा है |
We are ashamed
दूसरा वाला कहाँ है ?
Where's the other one?
If you are looking for a simple and quick way to learn
English verb tenses, check our list here: Here is a chart showing all the verb
tenses. There are three times a present, past and future and four aspects a
simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous. The times and the aspects
combine to make all of the twelve tenses in English.
फ़ोन का जवाब दो | जरुर तुम्हारी मम्मी का होगा |
answer the phone. It must be your mummy's call.
हमने अपनी जान पे खेलकर
आपको बचाया है |
We risked our lives to save you.
parliament में स्मोकिंग
करना कैसा लगेगा |
How would it feel to smoke up in the parliament?
उसे कभी पता नहीं चलना चाहिए
कि तुम मेरी बेटी हो |
He should never know that you’re my daughter.
Tenses table with examples pdf free download: . KB: Mar , :
मैं आपको किसी से मिलवाना
चाहता हूँ |
I want to introduce you to someone.
हेल्लो मेरे बेटे |
HeIIo, my son.
वह माने या ना माने |
He might or might not accept.
शोर मत मचाओ |
don't make a noise!
Learn all of the
tenses in English easily in this lesson. This lesson features simple
explanations, lots of example sentences and illustrations.***** RELA
मैं आपसे कुछ नहीं
छुपाऊंगा | मेरी बीवी थोड़ी सी दिमागी
बीमार है |
I won't hide anything from you... My wife is a bit mentally
मैं तेरे घर गया था |
वहाँ से पता चला कि तू यहाँ है |
I had been to your house. From there I came to know that you
are here.
मैंने सबको बता दिया है
कि हम लखनऊ जा रहे हैं |
I've told everyone that we aren't going to Lucknow.
वह ठरकी है |
She's a pervert!
//nbsp;;;Tenses give us the timeline of the action, basis
the form of the verb used. Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and
future. The past is used to describe things that have already happened e.g.,
earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago. The present tense is
used to describe things that are happening right now or things that are
क्या मैं आपके लिए इतना
छोटा सा काम नहीं कर सकता ?
Can't we do such a small thing for you?
अगर तुम्हारे भाई को यह
पता चल गया तो |
What if your brother learns of this,
मुझे तुमसे यह उम्मीद
नहीं थी |
l didn't expect this from you.
यहाँ ये सब मत करो |
Don't do this here.
This tense is used to refer to or indicate something that hasnat
happened at the time of speaking or writing. aSimple Future Tensea commonly
formed with the use of words awilla and ashalla. Example: We shall be there by
noon. Future Continuous Tense: This tense is used to describe actions that are
ongoing or continuing in the future. It is commonly used in sentences by using
कितने बेवकूप हो तुम |
How dumb you are.
कितना बचा है ?
How much is Ieft?
तुझे पैसे कहाँ से मिले ?
इस सब के लिए ?
Where did you get the money? For all this?
उसके लिए में शर्मिंदा
हूँ |
I am ashamed of that.
This tense is used to refer to or indicate something that
hasnat happened at the time of speaking or writing. aSimple Future Tensea
commonly formed with the use of words awilla and ashalla. Example: We shall be
there by noon. Future Continuous Tense: This tense is used to describe actions
that are ongoing or continuing in the future. It is commonly used in sentences
by using
जैसे ही मुझे कुछ पता
चलता है में आपको बताता हूँ |
as soon as I find out anything I will let you know.
तुम्हारा दिमाग ठीक है ?
Αre you in your senses?
तुम गलत समझ रहे हो |
You're misunderstanding.
अगर एक कदम और लिया तो
मैं तुझे जान से मार दूंगा |
If you take another step, I will kill you.
The Ultimate Beginneras Guide to Learning English Grammar
Tenses Simple Tenses. This sentence uses the simple present tense. To describe
things that are permanent or unchanging. To Continuous Tenses. The word
continuous means something thatas ongoing, happening right now. The continuous
तुम अभी भी यहाँ क्यों हो
Why are you still here?
कितनी देर इंतिजार करने
पड़ेगा मुझे ?
How long do I have to wait?
कमल की एक और बुरी आदत थी
Kamal had one more bad habit.
मेरी ज़िंदगी में कोई और
है |
There's someone else in my life.
लेकिन कमल ने कभी शिकायत
नहीं की |
but, Kamal never complained.
किसने बताया तुझे ?
Who told you?
तुम कितने ज़िद्दी हो |
You're so stubborn.
क्या हो जाता इसे ?
What would happen to him?
In this easy English class, you will learn all about the
PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. Iall teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what
mistakes to avoid. This
क्या बचपन से है या तुमने
यह बाद में बनाई ?
Is it since childhood or did you build it later?
मेरे पास तुम्हारे लिए
कुछ है |
I've something for you.
तुम घर जाओ | यहाँ पर बहुत खतरा है |
You go to home. there
is a lot of danger over here.
आज तुमने क्या सीखा ?
what did you learned today?
This grammar lesson you will learn the Verb Tenses that are in the English language.
Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past,
present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can
use each of the tenses. The verb tense
chart explained
वो तो एक महीने बाद है |
That's just a month away.
एक दुसरे पर इल्जाम लगाने
से कुछ नहीं होगा |
Accusing each other won't help.
तो बोलने दो उसे |
किसे फर्क पड़ता हैं |
So let him say it. Who cares?
हमने डॉक्टर को बुलाया था
लेकिन वह इतना सारा खून देखकर बेहोश हो गया |
We called the doctor, but he fainted on seeing so much
of How do we use the Present
Continuous Tense? We use the present continuous tense to talk about: a action
happening now a action in the future Present continuous tense for action
happening now a for action happening exactly now I am eating my lunch. past
present future The action is happening now.
मैं आपका बहुत अहसानमंद
हूँ |
I am very grateful to all of you.
मैंने यह चेहरा पहली बार
देखा है |
I've seen this face for the first time.
तुम सबको बदहजमी हो जाएगी
You will all get indigestion!
जब वापस आना तो whisky
लेते आना |
get the whisky when you get back
Tenses table with examples pdf free download: . KB: Mar , :
और क्या करूँ मैं ?
What else should I do?
किसी ने हमसे पहले माल
लूट लिया |
Someone stole the goods before us.
हम शर्मिंदा है |
We are ashamed
दूसरा वाला कहाँ है ?
Where's the other one?
If you are looking for a simple and quick way to learn
English verb tenses, check our list here: Here is a chart showing all the verb
tenses. There are three times a present, past and future and four aspects a
simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous. The times and the aspects
combine to make all of the twelve tenses in English.
फ़ोन का जवाब दो | जरुर तुम्हारी मम्मी का होगा |
answer the phone. It must be your mummy's call.
हमने अपनी जान पे खेलकर
आपको बचाया है |
We risked our lives to save you.
parliament में स्मोकिंग
करना कैसा लगेगा |
How would it feel to smoke up in the parliament?
उसे कभी पता नहीं चलना चाहिए
कि तुम मेरी बेटी हो |
He should never know that you’re my daughter.
Tenses table with examples pdf free download: . KB: Mar , :
मैं आपको किसी से मिलवाना
चाहता हूँ |
I want to introduce you to someone.
हेल्लो मेरे बेटे |
HeIIo, my son.
वह माने या ना माने |
He might or might not accept.
शोर मत मचाओ |
don't make a noise!
Learn all of the
tenses in English easily in this lesson. This lesson features simple
explanations, lots of example sentences and illustrations.***** RELA
मैं आपसे कुछ नहीं
छुपाऊंगा | मेरी बीवी थोड़ी सी दिमागी
बीमार है |
I won't hide anything from you... My wife is a bit mentally
मैं तेरे घर गया था |
वहाँ से पता चला कि तू यहाँ है |
I had been to your house. From there I came to know that you
are here.
मैंने सबको बता दिया है
कि हम लखनऊ जा रहे हैं |
I've told everyone that we aren't going to Lucknow.
वह ठरकी है |
She's a pervert!
//nbsp;;;Tenses give us the timeline of the action, basis
the form of the verb used. Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and
future. The past is used to describe things that have already happened e.g.,
earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago. The present tense is
used to describe things that are happening right now or things that are
क्या मैं आपके लिए इतना
छोटा सा काम नहीं कर सकता ?
Can't we do such a small thing for you?
अगर तुम्हारे भाई को यह
पता चल गया तो |
What if your brother learns of this,
मुझे तुमसे यह उम्मीद
नहीं थी |
l didn't expect this from you.
यहाँ ये सब मत करो |
Don't do this here.
This tense is used to refer to or indicate something that hasnat
happened at the time of speaking or writing. aSimple Future Tensea commonly
formed with the use of words awilla and ashalla. Example: We shall be there by
noon. Future Continuous Tense: This tense is used to describe actions that are
ongoing or continuing in the future. It is commonly used in sentences by using
कितने बेवकूप हो तुम |
How dumb you are.
कितना बचा है ?
How much is Ieft?
तुझे पैसे कहाँ से मिले ?
इस सब के लिए ?
Where did you get the money? For all this?
उसके लिए में शर्मिंदा
हूँ |
I am ashamed of that.
This tense is used to refer to or indicate something that
hasnat happened at the time of speaking or writing. aSimple Future Tensea
commonly formed with the use of words awilla and ashalla. Example: We shall be
there by noon. Future Continuous Tense: This tense is used to describe actions
that are ongoing or continuing in the future. It is commonly used in sentences
by using
जैसे ही मुझे कुछ पता
चलता है में आपको बताता हूँ |
as soon as I find out anything I will let you know.
तुम्हारा दिमाग ठीक है ?
Αre you in your senses?
तुम गलत समझ रहे हो |
You're misunderstanding.
अगर एक कदम और लिया तो
मैं तुझे जान से मार दूंगा |
If you take another step, I will kill you.
The Ultimate Beginneras Guide to Learning English Grammar
Tenses Simple Tenses. This sentence uses the simple present tense. To describe
things that are permanent or unchanging. To Continuous Tenses. The word
continuous means something thatas ongoing, happening right now. The continuous
तुम अभी भी यहाँ क्यों हो
Why are you still here?
कितनी देर इंतिजार करने
पड़ेगा मुझे ?
How long do I have to wait?
कमल की एक और बुरी आदत थी
Kamal had one more bad habit.
मेरी ज़िंदगी में कोई और
है |
There's someone else in my life.
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Online English Speaking Course In Hindi For Indian, English Bolna Seekhen अंग्रेजी बोलना सीखें: Structure 41 - सब नदी में डूब गए >>>>> Download LINK
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Online English Speaking Course In Hindi For Indian, English Bolna Seekhen अंग्रेजी बोलना सीखें: Structure 41 - सब नदी में डूब गए >>>>> Download Full
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