Hindi tips to learn the use of causative verbs in English
Causative verbs वाले sentences को पहचानना और English में बोलना सीखें |Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
English में तीन causative verbs हैं
Make – जब subject की वजह से object कोई काम करता है | मतलब इस तरह
के वाक्यों में subject object से काम करवाता है |
Let – जब subject object को किसी काम को करने कि अनुमति या
सहमती दे |
Get – जब हम कोई काम third person से करवाते हैं |
आज सबसे पहले हम make causative verb के हिंदी sentences को पहचानना और उन्हें English में translate करना सीखेंगे
पहचान – जब subject की वजह
से object कोई काम करता है | मतलब इस तरह के वाक्यों में subject object से काम
करवाता है |
तुम उसे रुलाते हो |
You make him weep.
तुमने उसे रुलाया था |
You made him weep.
तुम उसे रुलाओगे |
You will make him weep.
make causative verb वाले
वाक्यों में tense के अनुसार make verb में ही change होता हैं main verb में कोई
change नहीं होता | जैसे कि ऊपर दिए sentences में दिया है |
वह उसे रुलाता है |
He makes him weep.
मैंने उसे हंसाया |
I made him laugh.
मैं उससे यह काम करवाऊंगा |
I will make him do this
Use of causative verb make in present indefinite tense
Present indefinite tense में singular subject के साथ make verb में s या es लगाते
हैं |
Plural subject बहुवचन
कर्ता के साथ make में s या es नहीं लगाते |
वह उसे रुलाता है |
He makes him weep.
तुम उसे रुलाते हो |
You make him weep.
वह उसे नहीं रुलाता है
He does not make him
तुम उसे नहीं रुलाते हो |
You do not make him weep.
क्या वह उसे रुलाता है ?
Does he make him weep?
क्या तुम उसे रुलाते हो ?
Do you make him weep?
इसी तरह दुसरे tenses में
भी make का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Use of make in Past
indefinite tense
तुमने उसे रुलाया था |
You made him weep.
मैंने उसे नहीं रुलाया था |
I did not make him weep.
Use of make in Future
indefinite tense
तुम उसे रुलाओगे |
you will make him weep.
Use of make in Present
perfect tense
वह उसे रुला चुका है |
He has made him weep.
Use of make in Past
prefect tense
वह उसे रुला चुका था
He had made him weep.
Use of make in Present prefect continuous tense
वह उसे तीन घंटे से रुला
रहा है |
He has been making
him weep for three hours.
मैंने जो कहा था उसके लिए मेरे teacher ने मुझसे माफ़ी मंगवाई |
Use of make in Past prefect continuous tense
वह उसे तीन घंटे से रुला
रहा था |
He had been making him weep for three hours.
Daily use example sentences of Make causative verb with Hindi translation
उसने अपने पति से कमरा साफ़
करवाया |
She made her husband clean
the kitchen.
मैंने जो कहा था उसके लिए मेरे teacher ने मुझसे माफ़ी मंगवाई |
My teacher made me
apologize for what I had said.
उसने अपने बच्चो से उनका
होमवर्क करवाया |
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
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हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
Causative verbs express the idea of causation. In a causative construction a person or thing does not directly perform an action. The subject a person or thing causes it to happen by applying some element of coercion, persuasion, assistance, etc. on an agent another person or thing to do it.
इन्हें चिंता नहीं है तो हम क्यू करें |
They're not bothered. Why should we?
कल 9 बजे बुला लो उन्हें |
Call them at 9 tomorrow.
मेरी तबियत ठीक नहीं है |
I'm not feeling well.
तुम्हे भी अहसास होना चाहिए कि जो तुम कर रहे हो उसका क्या अंजाम हो सकता है |
even you have to realize what can be the consequences of what you are doing.
'Make' as a Causative Verb indicates to force or order someone to do something. 'Get' is used to convince someone to do something but 'Make' is used to force someone to do something. 'Make' means to force someone to take action without giving him an option, and he has to do it.
मैं सोंचता हूँ हमें लंच करना चाहिए |
I think we should have lunch.
मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |
I was thinking about you.
अगर रीना को इस बारे में पता चल गया तो ?
What if Reena learns about this?
अगर मैं बात नहीं करना चाहता तो मैं कॉल क्यों करता ?
If I didn't want to talk, why did I call you?
The most common causative verbs are make, let, and have, each of which is almost always followed by a non-causative verb in its base form.These are the only causative verbs that are followed by base-form verbs. Because of this, some sources list them as being the only atruea causative verbs, with other verbs merely functioning like causative verbs. However, this
गलत तरीके से कमायें पैसे ना उसे चाहिए ना मुझे |
Neither he nor I need money obtained by wrong means
वह किसी और को गले लगा रही थी |
She was hugging somebody else.
अब जाओ और मुझे यहीं मिलना जब तुहारा काम हो जाये |
Now Go and meet me here when you're done.
मुझे यह बाथरूम में मिला | किसका है यह ?
I found it in bathroom. Whom does it belong?
कमल यहाँ आने के लिए तैयार नहीं था |
Kamal was not ready to come here.
तुझको उससे क्या problem है ?
What's your problem with her?
तुम ज़िंदगी में क्या बनना चाहते हो ?
What do you want to be in life?
मुझे सच में चलना चाहिए |
I should really get going.
Let / Make / Have / Get The following is a mini-tutorial on the use of the causative verbs ;let,; ;make,; ;have,; and ;get After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises. If you already know how to use these verbs, you can skip the explanation and go directly to the exercises.
बिलकुल फ़िक्र मत करो | इस बारे में किसी को कुछ पता नहीं चलेगा |
Don't worry at all. No one will learn about it.
यह मेरी माँ ने भेजा है |
my mother has sent this.
Actually कमल यहाँ अपने दोस्त की मदद करने आया है |
Actually Kamal has come here to help his friend.
वहीँ रुक |
Stop right there!
एक बार तुम दोनों की शादी हो गई तो उसे अपनी जिम्मेदारी का अहसास हो जायेगा |
once you two are married she’ll realise her responsibilities.
मैंरे पास सिर्फ यह घर बचा है |
The only thing I have left is this house.
वो मैंने कब कहा ?
When did l say that?
खुशकिश्मती से
It was fortunate that.
Sequential Easy First Hard First. Play as. Quiz Flashcard. In unit . we covered the use of Causative Verbs: Make, Have, and Get in the English language. These are types of verbs that show the reason why something occurred. Test your usage and knowledge of causative nouns by taking the quiz provided below.
मेरी ख़ुशी उसकी ख़ुशी में है |
my happiness is in her happiness.
तुम ही क्यों नहीं रखते ?
Why don't you keep it instead?
और क्या पसंद है तुम्हे ?
What else do you like?
मैं पूरी रात सोया नहीं |
l haven’t slept all night.
मुझे जो देखना था मैंने देख लिया |
I saw what I had to.
छोड़ना मत उन्हें |
Don't spare them.
Overacting मत कर | तू game बिगाड़ देगा |
Don't overact! You will ruin the game!
तुम्हें अपनेआप पे शर्म आनी चाहिए |
You should be ashamed of yourself...
Causative Verbs: Have. Subject have any tense object usually person base form of verb . . . . John had Alex clean the bedroom. Get. Subject get any tense object usually person infinitive . . . . John got Alex to clean the bedroom. Make. It constitutes only one structure as it
तुम अपने दोस्तों को बचाने के लिए इल्जाम अपने ऊपर क्यों ले रहे हो ?
why are you taking the blame to save your friends?
यह रीना के कमरे में झाँक रहा था |
He was peeping in Reena's room!
हम इससे कैसे छुटकारा पायें |
How do we get rid of it?
पूरा दिन किसी ने कुछ नहीं खाया |
No one has eaten the entire day.
यह कहने का क्या फायदा ?
What's the use of saying that?
मेरे तुझसे भीख मांगता हूँ |
I beg of you.
तुम होश में नहीं हो ?
you are not in your senses!
एक गलती तो सबको माफ़ होती है |
Everybody is allowed one mistake.
Types of Causative Verbs a. aLeta. The causative verb aleta is used to express that weave given someone permission to do something. b. aMakea. The causative verb amakea is used to express that someone has forced someone else to do something. c. aHavea. The causative verb ahavea is used to explain
क्या तुम्हें अपनी माँ कि उम्र की औरत को छेड़ते हुए शर्म नहीं आती ?
Aren't you ashamed to tease a woman who is like your mother?
मैं भी फन मॉल आई थी |
I too had come to the fun mall.
मैं इसी पीटना चाहता हूँ |
I want to beat him up!
यह नहीं हो सकता !
This can't be!
The English verbs let, make, have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something else to happen. Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in English sentences. How to use causative verbs in English LET = permit something to happen. Grammatical structure: LET PERSON/THING VERB base form Examples:
हमें आपको गिरफ्तार करने के लिए भेजा गया है |
We have been sent to arrest you.
सौ रूपये उधार ले सकता हूँ ? मैं शाम तक लौटा दूंगा |
can I borrow Rs.100? I'll return it in the evening.
कुछ नहीं |
मैंने इस दिन के लिए बहुत इंतिजार किया हैं |
I've waited too long for this day.
Let / Make / Have / Get The following is a mini-tutorial on the use of the causative verbs ;let,; ;make,; ;have,; and ;get After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises. If you already know how to use these verbs, you can skip the explanation and go directly to the exercises.
मैं बोलता हूँ | तुम्हें भी कुछ ऐसा ही करना चाहिय |
I am telling you. Even you should do something like this.
उसने मुझे भी मारने की कोशिस की थी लेकिन मैं किसी तरह बच गई और मैं वहाँ से भाग गई |
He tried to kill me too. But somehow i saved my life and i ran away from there.
तुमने ऐसा काम क्यों किया ?
Why did you do such a thing?
लेकिन मैं अभी तक मरा नहीं था |
But I wasn't dead yet.
Let / Make / Have / Get The following is a mini-tutorial on the use of the causative verbs ;let,; ;make,; ;have,; and ;get After you have studied the tutorial, complete the associated exercises. If you already know how to use these verbs, you can skip the explanation and go directly to the exercises.
वह खरीदने कुछ जाती है और खरीद के कुछ लाती है |
She goes to buy something and buys something else.
मैंने कभी नहीं सोंचा था कि मैं उसे इस हाल में देखूंगा |
I never thought I wouId ever see him in this state.
अगर मेरा बस चले तो मैं उसका गला दबा दूँ |
If I could help it, I would strangle him!
एक गलती हो गई तो क्या तुम उसके लिए मेरी ज़िंदगी बर्बाद कर दोगे ?
I made a mistake So are you going to ruin my life for that?
Types of Causative Verbs a. aLeta. The causative verb aleta is used to express that weave given someone permission to do something. b. aMakea. The causative verb amakea is used to express that someone has forced someone else to do something. c. aHavea. The causative verb ahavea is used to explain
अब मैं सिर्फ अपने बारे में सोचूंगा |
Now, I will think only about myself.
तुमने मेरी बेटी की जान बचाई है, यह इनाम समझकर ले लो |
You saved my daughters Iife, take this as your prize.
मुझे बहुत शोक था शादी करने का |
I was very keen on marriage
कहना पड़ता है |
I have to say that!
The most common causative verbs are make, let, and have, each of which is almost always followed by a non-causative verb in its base form.These are the only causative verbs that are followed by base-form verbs. Because of this, some sources list them as being the only atruea causative verbs, with other verbs merely functioning like causative verbs. However, this
मैं तुम्हारे लिए बहुत परेशान था |
I was so worried about you.
तुम यहाँ उसे बचाने आये थे या मारने ?
Did you come here... to save him or kill him?
मुझे पता है तुम मम्मी से बहुत नाराज हो |
l know you're very angry with mummy.
10 साल हो गए और तुम सब अभी भी यहीं हो |
lt has been 10 years and you all are still here!
//nbsp;;;Sequential Easy First Hard First. Play as. Quiz Flashcard. In unit . we covered the use of Causative Verbs: Make, Have, and Get in the English language. These are types of verbs that show the reason why something occurred. Test your usage and knowledge of causative nouns by taking the quiz provided below.
केक काटने का time हो गया |
lt's time to cut the cake.
तो किस तरह की लड़की हो तुम ?
Then what kind of a girl are you?
तुम्हारे साथ कोई काम नहीं करना चाहता |
No one wants to work with you.
किस तरह की लड़की चाहिए तुम्हे ?
What kind of a girl do you want?
The English verbs let, make, have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something else to happen. Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in English sentences. How to use causative verbs in English LET = permit something to happen. Grammatical structure: LET PERSON/THING VERB base form Examples:
आपसे कोई मिलने आया है |
there's someone here to see you.
तुम्हें खाना खाते वक़्त पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए |
you shouldn't have water while eating.
मैं जबसे आया हूँ उन्ही के बारे में सुन रहा हूँ |
I've been hearing about them since I've arrived.
क्या समझे ?
What did you understand ?
//nbsp;;;Causative Verbs in English Grammar Causative Verbs Explained. Causative verbs express the idea of someone causing something to take place. Causative verbs Causative Verb Examples. Jack had his house painted brown and gray. The mother made her son do extra chores because of Make as a Causative
इस time कोई गलती नहीं होनी चाहिय |
This time there should not be any mistake.
अगर में घर पर होता तो मैं उसकी हड्डियाँ तोड़ देता |
Had I been at home, I would've broken his bones.
जब तक हमें पैसे नहीं मिल जाते |
Until we get the money.
दवाई समझ कर खा लो |
Eat it as if it were medicine.
Types of Causative Verbs a. aLeta. The causative verb aleta is used to express that weave given someone permission to do something. b. aMakea. The causative verb amakea is used to express that someone has forced someone else to do something. c. aHavea. The causative verb ahavea is used to explain
क्या लाये हो तुम उसके लिए ?
What did you get for him?
मैं खुद को भूल सकता लेकिन तुम्हे नहीं |
I can forget myself, but not you.
वह हमारी लड़की है हमारी मर्जी के बिना कोई जवाब नहीं देगी |
She's our daughter. she wouldn't give any answer without our consent.
तो क्या चल रहा है आज कल ?
So, what're you up to these days?
The English verbs let, make, have, get, and help are called causative verbs because they cause something else to happen. Here are some specific examples of how causative verbs work in English sentences. How to use causative verbs in English LET = permit something to happen. Grammatical structure: LET PERSON/THING VERB base form Examples:
कल रात मेरे दोस्त के जन्मदिन पार्टी है |
there's my friend's birthday party tomorrow night.
मेरा आज बहुत काम pending पड़ा है |
I have so much work pending today.
अपना दरवाजा खोलो और मुझे अन्दर ले लो |
Open Your door and take me inside.
तुम्हें ऐसा नहीं कहना चाहिए |
You shouldn't say that!
The verbs amakea, ageta, ahavea, 'help' and aleta are the most common causative verbs in English. They are called causative verbs because they cause something else to happen. Other causative verbs include : enable, allow, keep, hold, force, require, persuade. MAKE: force or compel someone to do something. Grammatical structure: MAKE PERSON VERB base form
मैं अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड से बात कर रहा हूँ तुझसे नहीं |
I'm talking to my girlfriend, not you.
क्या आपका हार दुबारा खो गया ?
Did you lose your necklace again?
मैं तुम्हें सुबह से यही तो दिखा रही हूँ |
I have been showing you this since then.
अगर कमल को तुम्हारे इरादे की भनक भी लग गई तो तुम इसका अंजाम सोंच भी नहीं सकते |
If Kamal even gets a whiff of your intentions you cannot even imagine the consequences.
//nbsp;;;Causative Verbs in English Grammar Causative Verbs Explained. Causative verbs express the idea of someone causing something to take place. Causative verbs Causative Verb Examples. Jack had his house painted brown and gray. The mother made her son do extra chores because of Make as a Causative
अगर पैसों से जान बचती तो अमीर कभी नहीं मरते |
if money could save lives then the rich would never die.
तुम जाओ मैं देख लूँगा इसे |
You go. I'll take care of it.
क्या अब मुझे मेरी सीट मिल सकती है |
Can I have my seat now?
मैं तुम दोनों को रात से ढूढ़ रहा हूँ |
I've been looking for you two all night.
The verbs amakea, ageta, ahavea, 'help' and aleta are the most common causative verbs in English. They are called causative verbs because they cause something else to happen. Other causative verbs include : enable, allow, keep, hold, force, require, persuade. MAKE: force or compel someone to do something. Grammatical structure: MAKE PERSON VERB base form
जब गुनाह मेरा है तो सजा तुम दोनों क्यों भुगतो ?
When the sin is mine why should both of you suffer?
दिमाग खराब हो गया है तुम्हारा घर में बैठे बैठे |
You've lost your mind staying at home all the time.
जब तक कुछ achieve ना कर लो वापस मत आना |
don't return until you achieve something.
मैं अब घर जा रही हूँ | late मत होना |
I'm going home now. Don't be late.
जिस लड़की से वह शादी करेगा वह बहुत खुश रहेगी |
The girl he marries would be very happy in life.
रहने दो, पुरानी बाते याद करना छोड़ो और आगे क्या करना है वो सोंचो |
Let it be, stop remembering the past and think what we have to do ahead.
हमारी लड़की हो उसका राजकुमार मिल गया |
Our daughter has found her prince.
मैंने उसे रोकने की बहुत कोशिस की |
l tried really hard to stop him.
Causative verbs express the idea of causation. In a causative construction a person or thing does not directly perform an action. The subject a person or thing causes it to happen by applying some element of coercion, persuasion, assistance, etc. on an agent another person or thing to do it.
मैंने जो तुम्हारी साथ किया | मैंने उसके लिए कभी अपने आप को माफ़ नहीं किया |
What I did to you. I've never forgiven myself for it.
ऊपर देखो |
look up
मुझे जाने दो | रीना मेरा इंतिजार कर रही है |
Let me go. Reena is waiting for me.
क्या हमारे सपने कभी सच होंगे ?
Will our dream ever come true?
Causative verbs make
मैंने कोई हकीम या डॉक्टर नहीं छोड़ा | कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ |
I haven't left out a doctor or a hakim. It doesn't help
रीना ने अभी तक कॉल नहीं किया |
Reena hasn't called yet.
अगर वह यही तमाशा बाहर करता तो मैं उसे मरता |
Had he created the same scene outside I would've hit him.
मुझे नहीं करनी बात |
I don't want to talk.
//nbsp;;;Sequential Easy First Hard First. Play as. Quiz Flashcard. In unit . we covered the use of Causative Verbs: Make, Have, and Get in the English language. These are types of verbs that show the reason why something occurred. Test your usage and knowledge of causative nouns by taking the quiz provided below.
अजीब नोकर है इस घर के |
Strange servants this house has!
हम अंदर कैसे जायेंगे ?
How will we get in?
उसका बचना नामुमकिन है |
It's impossible for her to survive.
क्योंकि मुझे दर्द हो रहा है |
Because I'm in pain.
The most common causative verbs are make, let, and have, each of which is almost always followed by a non-causative verb in its base form.These are the only causative verbs that are followed by base-form verbs. Because of this, some sources list them as being the only atruea causative verbs, with other verbs merely functioning like causative verbs. However, this
क्या उसने कुछ कहा ?
Did he say something?
तुम उसे खाने में क्या देती हो ?
What do you give him to eat?
उस पर क्या बीत रही होगी ?
What must he be going through?
एक औसत बच्चा बचपन मैं सोंचता है कि वह बड़ा होके इंजीनियर डॉक्टर या वैज्ञानिक बनेगा |
An average child in his childhood thinks that he will become an engineer, doctor or scientist when he grows up.
The verbs amakea, ageta, ahavea, 'help' and aleta are the most common causative verbs in English. They are called causative verbs because they cause something else to happen. Other causative verbs include : enable, allow, keep, hold, force, require, persuade. MAKE: force or compel someone to do something. Grammatical structure: MAKE PERSON VERB base form
तो तुम हो कमल ?
So you're Kamal?
खिड़की पर कोई है |
there is someone at the window.
मेरे पास आपकी सारी परेशानियों का बहुत अच्छा solution है |
I have a very good solution for all your worries.
मैं कमल को बताने जा रहा हूँ कि तुम यहाँ शराब पी रहे हो |
l'm going to tell Kamal that you are boozing here.
दवाई ले लो आराम मिलेगा
Take a pill. You'll feel better.
क्या मैं तुम्हें बेवकूफ दिखता हूँ ?
Do I look like a fool to you?
यह सब क्या हो रहा है ?
what is all this happening?
वह पूँछ रहा था कि
he was asking that,
'Make' as a Causative Verb indicates to force or order someone to do something. 'Get' is used to convince someone to do something but 'Make' is used to force someone to do something. 'Make' means to force someone to take action without giving him an option, and he has to do it.
क्या दुनिया में ऐसे लोग भी है ?
Are there such people too in the world?
तुम अब जाओ नहीं तो तुम्हारी flight छूट जाएगी |
You must leave. Or you'll miss the flight!
तुम कभी नहीं बदलोगे |
You will never change.
ये लोफ़र अंदर नहीं आने चाहिए |
These loafers shouldn't come inside.
//nbsp;;;Causative Verbs in English Grammar Causative Verbs Explained. Causative verbs express the idea of someone causing something to take place. Causative verbs Causative Verb Examples. Jack had his house painted brown and gray. The mother made her son do extra chores because of Make as a Causative
वो लड़की सच में तुझसे प्यार करती है |
That girl really loves you.
कमल कहाँ रहता है ?
Where does Kamal Iive?
सीखो उससे |
Learn from him!
मैंने अपना पेशाब एक घंटे सो रोक रखा था |
I managed to control my pee for the last one hour.
'Make' as a Causative Verb indicates to force or order someone to do something. 'Get' is used to convince someone to do something but 'Make' is used to force someone to do something. 'Make' means to force someone to take action without giving him an option, and he has to do it.
प्लीज मुझे जाने दो | मैं किसी से नहीं बताउंगी |
Please let me go! I won't tell anyone!
कुछ दिनों पहले मुझे मुझे उल्टी हुई थी और उसमें खून था |
A couple of days back l vomited and there was some blood.
मेरी आवाज बैठ गई है |
l have a sore throat.
तुमने दुल्हे की तरह कपडे क्यों पहने है ?
why are you dressed as a groom?
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