Day 35 - Use of That as Relative pronoun

That ka prayog  Relative pronoun ki tarah karna seekh kar apni English improve karen

Relative pronoun That का प्रयोग करना सीखकर अपनी इंग्लिश improve करें 

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

Use of that as relative pronoun
मैंने वो घडी खो दी जो तुमने मुझे दी थी |
I have lost he watch that you gave me.
इस वाक्य में दो वाक्य है पहला मैंने घडी खो दी | दुसरे वाक्य में यह बताया है की कोनसी घडी खोई है | और इन दोनों वाक्यों को “जो” शब्द से जोड़ा है | इस जो शब्द को हिंदी में Relative Pro noun कहते हैं | हिंदी में relative pro noun एक ही शब्द होता है “जो” चाहे हम living things जैसे इंसान की बात करें और चाहे बेजान वास्तु बात करें | पर english में ऐसा नहीं है | अगर हिंदी में “जो शब्द इंसानों के लिए use हुआ है तो इसकी english बनाने में हम “who” या “that” कर प्रयोग करते हैं |
और अगर “जो” शब्द nonliving things के लिए use हुआ है तो “जो” की english बनाने में हम “which” या “that” का use करते हैं |
नोट: That का प्रयोग हम living और nonliving दोनों चीजों की english बनाने में होता है |

जो कुत्ते भोंकते है वो काटते नहीं |
The dog that barks does not bite.
यही लड़का है जिसके बारे में मैंने तुम्हे बताया था |
This is the boy that I told you of.
वह जो मेरे साथ नहीं मेरे खिलाफ है |
He that is not with me is against me.
जो मोबाइल तुमने मुझे दिया था वो काम नहीं कर रहा |
The mobile that you gave me has gone out of order.

English speaking course


वैसे तो हम that को which और who कि जगह use कर सकते हैं पर कुछ जगह ऐसी है जहाँ हम “जो” शब्द की english बनाने में सिर्फ that का ही प्रयोग करते हैं |
After adjective in the superlative degree.
अगर हम वाक्य में superlative degree का adjective use करते हो तो “जो” के लिए सिर्फ that का ही प्रयोग करते हैं | हिंदी वाक्य में superlative degree पहचानने के लिए वाक्य में “सबसे ज्यादा सबसे अच्छा सबसे बड़ा जैसे शब्द को देंखे |
नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों को देखके इस तरह के sentence समझने कि कोशिस करें |
यह सबसे अच्छा है जो हम कर सकते हैं |
This is the best that we can do.
इस वाक्य में हम that की जगह which use नहीं कर सकते
यह सबसे अच्छा खाना है जो हमने कभी चखा हो |
This is the best food that we ever tested.
इस गांव में जो सबसे बड़ा घर है वो मेरा है |
The house that is the biggest in the village is mine.

कुछ words हैं जिनके साथ भी हम सिर्फ that का ही प्रयोग करते हैं | ये words नीचे दिए गए हैं |
हर चीज जो चमकती है सोना नहीं होती |
All is not gold that glitters.
जो कुछ मैंने उसे कहा उसका उसपे कोई असर नहीं पड़ा |
All that I told him had no effect on him.
मैंने सबकुछ किया जो मैं तुम्हारे लिए कर सकता था |
I did all that I can do for you.
यह वही आदमी है जिसे कल गिरफ्तार किया गया था |
He is the same man that was arrested yesterday.

यही उसकी कविता है जो पढने लायक है |
This is the only one of his poem that is worth reading.
इस शहर में सिर्फ यही जगह है जो देखने लायक है |
This is the only place that worth seeing.
आदमी ही ऐसा जानवर है जो बात कर सकता है
Man is the only animal that can attract me.
यहाँ ऐसा कुछ नहीं जो मुझे आकर्षित कर सके |
There is noting that can attract me.

अगर वाक्य में who और what words use हो रहे हो तो तब भी हम “जो” के लिए english में that ही use करते हैं |
क्या है जो तुम्हे परेशान कर रहा है |
What is it that troubles you so much?
क्या है वहाँ जो मैं नहीं जानता |
यह आवाज कैसी है |
What is that noise?
यही तो मैं चाहता हूँ |
That is what I want?



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The relative pronoun that is often left out when it is the object of a relative clause: Did you find the book you were looking for? In formal written English that is not generally left out. . strong UK / ;;t / weak UK / ;t / used after asoa or asucha to show the result of something. It was so cold that the sea froze in some places. In the morning he had such a headache that he could not even 

वह अन्दर अकेला डींगे मार रहा होंगा |
He must be exaggerating alone!
उनके पास छुपने के लिए कोई जगह नहीं है |
they have no place to hide.
हम भी हेरान हैं | उसका business भी अच्छा चल रहा था |
Even we are amazed, His business too was running smoothly.
मुझे लगता है यह पानी का सांप है जहरीला वाला नहीं | अगर यह काटेगा तो कुछ नहीं होगा |
I think it's a water snake, not the poisonous one...Nothing will happen if it bites.

Use of That as Relative pronoun

मैंने अपना पेशाब एक घंटे सो रोक रखा था |
I managed to control my pee for the last one hour.
सुबह से मेरी दाई आँख फड़क रही है |
My right eye is flickering since morning.
तुम्हे नहीं पता ये आदमी कैसे होते हैं |
You don't know how these men are...
मेरे पास चुप चाप खड़े रहना |
Just stay by my side silently.

The relative pronoun 'that' seems easy to use, and yet its use can sometimes be problematic. -gt; that can be used in place of other relative pronouns. -gt; that can sometimes be omitted. The relative pronoun 'that' is required after certain words such as:

जो कर सकते हो करो लेकिन तुम अपनी किस्मत नहीं बदल सकते |
Do what you can, but you can't change your destiny.
क्या हो रहा है कमल ?
What is happening Kamal?
वह यह बेज्जती बर्दास्त नहीं कर सका |
He couldn't tolerate this humiliation.
उसके बाप का राज है क्या ?
Is it his father's ruIe?

Relative Pronoun - A Relation to NounUse of Relative Pronoun in SentenceCompoundsWe have the list of;these pronouns and we can use- . Who / whom a when we speak about people. . Whose- to speak about people butinstead of his, her or their. . Which a when we speak about things. . That a We can also use athata for awhoa / awhicha.See more on englishlamp

मुझे लगता है अब हमें चलना चाहिए | देर हो रही है |
I think we should leave. It's getting late.
मैं दुश्मनी को दोस्ती में बदल दूंगा |
l'll turn the enmity into friendship.
तेरी बहन है | तू पूँछ उससे जाके |
She is your sister! Go and ask her! 
मेरी बहुत जरुरी कॉल आ रही है |
I'm getting this really important phone call.

//nbsp;;;Which relative pronoun are we going to use? Well, aThe towna is a place, but in the sentence, The town is near the ocean, the words aThe towna are the subject. This means we should use a subject relative pronoun, which are who/that/which. Because aThe towna is the subject and a thing, weall use that or which. John lives in a town

क्या मतलब पानी नहीं है ?
What do you mean, there's no water?
कोई तमीज तहजीब है ?
Don’t you’ve manners or etiquettes.
उसने माचिस बुझा दी |
He extinguished the matchstick.
अपना बैग pack करो और चलो मेरे साथ |
Pack your bags and come with me!

In the English language, there are five relative pronouns and three relative adverbs, which principally fulfil the same purpose. All of them serve primarily to introduce relative clauses. Compare the following possible occurrences of such pronouns and adverbs: Usage of relative pronouns for relative clauses: a who a  is used exclusively for persons/people: aThe flight 

हमें लोगों को समझाना होगा |
We'll have to make people understand.
तुमने मुझे गाली क्यों दी ?
Why did you abuse me?
ताकि तू उससे दूर रहे |
So that you stay away from her.
अपने नौकर से कहो मेरा सामान उठाये |
Tell your servant to pick up my luggage.

The proper use of the relative pronouns who, that, and which relate the subject of a sentence to its object, hence the name. The question of which of the three words to use in a given context vexes some writers; hereas an explanation of their relative roles. Who, Whom, and Whose. Who and whom refer only to people, and whose almost always does so: aI have a friend who can 

क्या है ?
What is it?
देख के नहीं चल सकता क्या ?
Can't you see and walk? 
तुम कब से चश्मा पहन रहे हो ?
Since when have you been wearing glasses?
मेरा पीछा करना बंद करो |
Stop following me.

We often use relative pronouns imprecisely, however, so these errors may not always be so obvious. First, let's review what each relative pronoun can correctly be used to refer to: Who and whom a people only; When a specific times or time periods only; Where a places only; Which a any noun other than a person ; That a any noun; Whose a possessive, can be used for 

अगर मैं बात नहीं करना चाहता तो मैं कॉल क्यों करता ?
If I didn't want to talk, why did I call you?
मैं जी कर क्या करूँगा |
What will l do by living?
क्या तुम मेरी बीवी को विधवा बनाना चाहते हो ?
Do you want to make my wife a widow?
अगर मैंने तुझे उसका नाम लेते सुना तो तुझे इसकी कीमत चुकानी पड़ेगी |
if I hear you speak his name, I'll make you pay.

जलन हो रही है क्या ?
Are you feeling jealous?
तुमने इतना सारा पैसा कहाँ खर्च किया ?
Where did you spend so much money?
तुम यहाँ रीना की मौत का बदला लेने आये हो, है ना ?
You're here to avenge Reena's death, right?
तुम कब उठे ?
When did you get up?

//nbsp;;;As is used as a relative pronoun after such, and sometimes after the same. He is such a man as I honor. My position is the same as yours. But. After a negative, the word but is used as a relative pronoun in the sense of whonot or whichnot. There is no rose but has some thorn. = There is no rose which does not have some thorn. Agreement of the relative 

वही कहानी इस बार फिर दोहराई जा रही है |
the same story is being repeated this year as well.
यह सबसे मजाकिया बात है जो मैंने कभी सुनी है |
That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.
तुम जाओ लेकिन बाद में रोते हुए मत आना |
You go, but don't come weeping later.
तुमने दरवाजा क्यों बंद किया ?
Why did you close the door?

//nbsp;;;As is used as a relative pronoun after such, and sometimes after the same. He is such a man as I honor. My position is the same as yours. But. After a negative, the word but is used as a relative pronoun in the sense of whonot or whichnot. There is no rose but has some thorn. = There is no rose which does not have some thorn. Agreement of the relative 

तमाशा मत करो वरना मैं तुम्हें पीटूँगा |
Don't create a scene. Or else I'll beat you.
और कुछ कहना है तुम्हे ?
Do you have anything else to say?
कानून सबके लिया एक सामान होना चाहिए |
Law should be the same for everybody!
आज तक उसे किसी ने नहीं देखा |
Till date nobody has seen him.

Using That, Which, and Who as Relative Pronouns . That, which, and who when used as relative pronouns each has a distinct function. In modern speech, which refers only to things.Who or its forms whom and whose refers only to people.That normally refers to things but it may refer to a class or type of person.. Examples: That is a book which I need for the class. 

देखो मुझे माफ़ करना मैं गुस्से में था |
Look. I'm sorry, I was angry.
मुझे क्यों जलन होगी |
Why should I be jealous!
हम उसे बचाने के लिए अपनी जान की बाजी लगा देंगे |
We'll risk our lives to save him!
केक काटने का time हो गया |
lt's time to cut the cake.

 rowsnbsp;;;Relative pronouns - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar 

तुम्हारी पैसो में से यह नहीं काटूँगा क्या ?
Won't I take it out of your money?
तुम वादा तोड़ रही हो |
you’re breaking your promise.
आज मेरी ज़िंदगी की नई शुरुवात है |
Today is the beginning of my new life.
यहाँ इतना सन्नाटा क्यों है ? क्या कर्फ्यू लगा है ?
Why is it so quiet in here? ls there a curfew?

The relative pronouns in English are who, which, that and whose.Whom is also used by some people but is considered by many to be too formal.. A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause:. This is the table which I bought.. This is the table = the main clause I bought = the relative clause which = the relative pronoun joining the two clauses

एक बात है जो मैं कहना चाहता हूँ |
There's one thing I would like to say.
लेकिन मैं अभी तक मरा नहीं था |
But I wasn't dead yet.
माफ़ करियेगा मैं late हो गई |
I am sorry I was late.
मुझसे कौन शादी करेगा |
Who will marry me?

We often use relative pronouns imprecisely, however, so these errors may not always be so obvious. First, let's review what each relative pronoun can correctly be used to refer to: Who and whom a people only; When a specific times or time periods only; Where a places only; Which a any noun other than a person ; That a any noun; Whose a possessive, can be used for 

उसके कान में मत फुसफुसा |
Don't whisper in his ear.
क्या हुआ ? तुम्हारा मूड खराब लग रहा है |
What's up? You seem to be in a bad mood.
मुझे पता था तू खुश होगा |
l knew you’d be happy.
लेकिन तुम्हें कभी किसी न किसी से तो प्यार हुआ होगा |
But you must've fallen in love with someone, sometime.

The relative pronoun tells the relation with a noun that used previously. We can use relative pronouns to join two sentences. This pronoun replaces the noun of the previous sentence. This describes a person, thing, or place. The word which replaces the noun in the next sentence giving relation to a noun in previous is a relative pronoun. Common 

ठीक है चलो | तुम्हे क्या लगता है मैं डरता हूँ |
Fine, let's go. You think I'm afraid?
मेरी बेबी का ख्याल रखना |
take care of my baby!
कब तक तू अंकल की मार सहेगा |
How long will you endure uncle's beatings?
मैं कब से कॉल कर रहा हूँ लेकिन आपने अपना फ़ोन switched off कर रखा है |
l've been calling since long but you have switched off your mobile phone.

The relative pronoun is omitted, and the preposition is kept at the end of the relative clause. It is also acceptable to place a preposition at the end of a relative clause when using the pronoun which: aThe home in which I grew up holds many dear memories for me.a Very formal. In this case, you cannot replace which with that, as that cannot be used as an object of a 

मैं तो तेरे से भी ज्यादा excited हूँ |
I'm even more excited than you.
और हाँ, एक बात और |
And yes, one more thing.
वह रोटी हुई गई |
She went away crying.
पहले अपने हाथ धो लो |
Wash your hands first.

The relative pronouns in English are who, which, that and whose.Whom is also used by some people but is considered by many to be too formal.. A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause:. This is the table which I bought.. This is the table = the main clause I bought = the relative clause which = the relative pronoun joining the two clauses

छोड़ ना, कुछ और बात करते हैं |
Let it be. Let’s talk about something else.
मैं market से कुछ लाती हूँ | आज कुछ अच्छा बनायेंगे |
I'll get something from the market. We'll make something good today.
तुम्हे कैसे पता कि मैं actor बनने आया हूँ |
how come you know that i've come to become actor.
आपके एहसान मुझपे बढ़ते जा रहे हैं |
Your favours are piling up on me.

A relative pronoun is a word that introduces a dependent or relative clause and connects it to an independent clause. A clause beginning with a relative pronoun is poised to answer questions such as Which one?How many? or What kind? Who, whom, what, which, and that are all relative pronouns.. Relative clauses are also sometimes referred to as adjective clauses, 

इंतिजार करो | वह आएगा |
Just wait.he wiII come.
मुझे जरुरी काम से लखनऊ से बाहर जाना है |
I have to go out of Lucknow for some urgent work.
मैंने कहा था ना ?
Didn't I say?
सुना नहीं क्या तुमने ? बहरा हो गया है क्या तु ?
Didn't you hear'? Have you gone deaf?

Using That, Which, and Who as Relative Pronouns . That, which, and who when used as relative pronouns each has a distinct function. In modern speech, which refers only to things.Who or its forms whom and whose refers only to people.That normally refers to things but it may refer to a class or type of person.. Examples: That is a book which I need for the class. 

एयरपोर्ट जाओ और मेरा इंतिजार करो |
Go to the airport and wait for me.
क्योंकि उसने कमल का खून किया है |
Because he has murdered Kamal.
अपना सामान अपने बैग में रखो |
Put your stuff in your bag.
ये हमें seriously नहीं ले रहे हैं |
They aren't taking us seriously.

मैंने इसके जैसी चीज पहले कभी नहीं देखी |
I've never seen anything like this before...
क्या बकवास कर रहा है तू ?
What nonsense are you talking?
पिछले चार साल से वही गाड़ी चला रहे हैं |
I've been driving that same car for the last four years.
एक बात पूंछू ?
May I ask you something?

The proper use of the relative pronouns who, that, and which relate the subject of a sentence to its object, hence the name. The question of which of the three words to use in a given context vexes some writers; hereas an explanation of their relative roles. Who, Whom, and Whose. Who and whom refer only to people, and whose almost always does so: aI have a friend who can 

आप मुझे ताने क्यों मारती रहती हो ?
Why do you keep taunting me?
मैं तुम्हारी तरफ हूँ |
I'm on your side.
मैं कुछ और नहीं कहना चाहती |
I don't want to say anymore.
और इसीलिए मुझे उसे अपनी पत्नी बनाना पड़ा |
And so I had to make her my wife

I would use ;that; as the only acceptable relative pronoun in the following sentences: ;Everything that I said was criticized ;All the figs that fall are eaten by the pigs ;This is the best hotel that I know;. Using ;which; in these examples would be grammatical but would also sound awkward to my ears. ;which; just doesn't sound correct 

रीना की पढाई ख़त्म होने में अभी एक साल बाकी है |
Reena still has 1 year left to finish her education.
नीचे मत देखो |
Don't look down.
रोने दो इसे. इसी की करने है |
Let him cry. It is his doing.
बहुत कुछ है जो मैं तुमसे कहना चाहता हूँ |
There's much more that I want to say.

क्या हुआ ? क्या किया मैंने ?
What's wrong? What did I do?
बहाने क्यों बना रहे हो ?
Why are you making excuses?
मेरे पीछे आईये | इस तरफ प्लीज |
Follow me. This way please.
सौ बार बोला है उसे कि मुझे साथ में ले जाना |
told him a hundred times that l wanted to come along.

//nbsp;;;The relative pronoun that. The relative pronoun who is only used to refer to people. Which is only used to refer to animals or objects. That can be used to refer to both people and objects. In some cases, that is preferred to which.

स्कूल की छुट्टियाँ जल्दी शुरू जाएँगी |
The school vacations will begin soon.
हम internet पर चैट किया करते थे |
We used to chat on the internet.
मैंने कमल के बारे में सब पता लगा लिया है |
I found out everything about Kamal.
तुम उनसे जितना डरोगे वो तुम्हें उतना डरायेंगे |
The more you fear them the more they'll scare you.

//nbsp;;;Today, weare looking at how that and which should be used when they are working as relative pronouns. Relative Pronouns. From Wikipedia: aA relative pronoun is a pronoun that marks a relative clause within a larger sentence. It is called a relative pronoun because it relates to the word that it modifies.a Like adjectives and adverbs, relative pronouns modify 

दौ महीने का बाकी था |
It was two months due.
क्या तुम देख नहीं सकते कि तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो ?
Can't you watch where you are going?
कमल उर्फ़ भोला |
Kamal alias Bhola.
मैंने अंदाजा लगाया |
I just made a guess.

Is it grammatical to use the relative pronoun athata after a comma? . What vs. which as relative pronouns in relative clauses. . Usage of Prepositions  Relative Pronouns. . restrictive relative pronoun clause and antecedent. . Why does these sentences could omit relative pronoun as a subject pronoun? . When does a pronoun function as demonstrative or 

वह यहाँ तक उसी की वजह से पहुंची है |
She made it this far because of him.
मुझे यकीन है तुम्हे जॉब मिल जायेगी |
I'm sure you'll get the job.
अगर वह मरना चाहता है तो तुम उसे कैसे बचा सकती हो ?
lf he wants to die, how can you save him?
इसकी क्या गारंटी है कि तुम कमल हो ?
What is the guarantee that you are Kamal?

a whose a  is a possessive relative pronoun and refers to persons as well as things and animals : aMy friend Sandra, whose brothers live in Australia, is going to visit me.a a whom a  is the object form of the relative pronoun a who a and is utilised almost only in written and formal English for persons.

यहाँ कुछ गड़बड़ लग रही है |
Something seems to be wrong here.
जाओ मरो कहीं जाके |
Go and die somewhere.
मम्मी देखो अंकल मुझे कोल्ड ड्रिंक नहीं दे रहे है |
Mummy! Look, uncle is not giving me a cold drink!
क्या तुम सच में जाना चाहती हो ?
Do you really want to go?

//nbsp;;;The relative pronouns in English are who, which, that and whose. Whom is also used by some people but is considered by many to be too formal. A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause: This is the table which I bought.

अब मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि यह सब मैं इस उम्र में कैसे संभालूँगा |
Now I don't understand how I will look after all this at this age
चुपचाप मेरे साथ घर वापस चल |
Quietly return to the home with me.
तुम्हें कुछ नहीं होगा, मैं तुम्हारे साथ हूँ |
Nothing will happen to you, l’m here with you.
मैं उन्हें सबक सीखाती हूँ |
I'm going to teach them a lesson.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am agree this direction so l hope this is best guide line


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