Structure 21 - मुझे पसंद आया जिस तरह से तुमने उसे जवाब दिया

Structure – मुझे पसंद था / मुझे पसंद आया जिस तरह से... I liked the way…

Subject + liked +the way + sentence

मुझे पसंद आया जिस तरह से तुमने उसे जवाब दिया |
I liked the way you replied him.

मुझे पसंद था जिस तरह से तुम बात करती थी |
I liked the way you talked.

मुझे पसंद नहीं आया जिस तरह से तुमने उसका स्वागत किया |
I did not like the way you welcomed him.

मुझे पसंद नहीं था जिस तरह से वो मुझसे बात करती थी |
I didn’t like the way she talked to me.

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//nbsp;;;Train yourself to think in English. One way to make the transition from being very good at English to being fluent is to train your brain to actually think in the English language. Constantly translating from your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time and energy.


मैं वह दिन कभी नहीं भूल सकता |

I can never forget that day.

क्या मुझे चुप रहना चाहिए था ?

should I have stayed mute?

मुझे उससे कोई problem नहीं है |

I've no probIem with that.

वह तुम्हारे लिए बिल्कुल सही नहीं है |

He just isn't right for you.


Learn at your pace with our self-study LearnEnglish Subscription. Improve your English for the workplace with our flexible self-study online courses. For only ;. a month, your subscription will give you unlimited access to all our online English courses, plus much more.


मैं पूरी रात सोया नहीं |

l haven’t slept all night.

यह मेरी भी फेवरेट डिश है |

It's my favourite dish too.

और क्या ? अपने आप को देखिये |

What else? Look at you.

मैं तुमसे पैसे नहीं लूँगा |

l'll not take money from you.


In this English lesson you will learn asking over  basic questions and how to answer them. You would learn asking questions related to, personal information, Introducing yourself and saying hello, Shopping related questions, Questions with the word like and asking for someoneas opinion and suggestion.


दूर हो जाओ मेरी नजरों के सामने से |

Get out of my sight!

और कुछ है हो मुझे पता होना चाहिए ?

Is there anything I should know?

सबकुछ बर्बाद हो गया |

everything got ruined.

एक मिनट रुकना | क्या हम पहले मिल चुके हैं |

Wait a minute! Have we met before?


 Useful Tips to Teach Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is the perfect way . Listen to


तुम समझ क्यों नहीं रहे हो ?

Why don't you understand?

आप राई का पहाड़ बना रहे हैं |

You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.

मैं कायर की तरह भाग नहीं सकता था |

I couIdn't have run away like a coward.

मैं जैसा हूँ खुश हूँ |

I'm happy the way I am.


Tips for Learning English by Yourself  Music. One of the hobbies that you should have while learning a language is to listen to music.  Listening to  Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you donat know where to start. If you are an  Apps. Nowadays


लेकिन मुझे पैसे नहीं चाहिए |

But I don't want the money.

उन तीन लोफरों को यहाँ मत आने देना |

don't let those three loafers enter here.

कहते तो यही हैं |

That's what they say.

बात पैसों की नहीं है |

lt's not about money.


Home ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. ENGLISH LANGUAGE; PARTS OF SPEECH; LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. By. admin - October , . . . SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English language. See the table bellow: VERBS FORMAT. SN: SWAHILI:


तुमने उसे यहाँ बुला कर बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |

You guys have done a grave mistake by calling him here.

मेरा सर दर्द कर रहा है | मैं सोने जा रही हूँ |

I've got a headache. I'm going to take a nap.

मेरी बात सुनो | तुम उसके बारे में सोंच कर अपना holiday क्यों बर्बाद कर रही हो ?

Listen to me. Why are you wasting your holiday thinking about him?

क्या हुआ ? क्यों चिल्ला रहे हो ?

What's wrong? Why are you screaming?


Home ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. ENGLISH LANGUAGE; PARTS OF SPEECH; LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. By. admin - October , . . . SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English language. See the table bellow:


हम उन्हें अकेला नहीं छोड़ सकते |

We can't leave them alone.

Actually हम दोनों तुम्हें miss कर रहे थे |

Actually we both were missing you a lot.

मैंने तुम्हें कॉल करके आने के लिए कहा था |

l told you to call up and come.

तुम ऐसा क्यों कहती हो ?

Why do you say so?


We review the best ways of Learning English Yourself! Check out our articles and reviews of only the most trusted resources in English learning on the web! Read our Articles. LEARN FROM US. Choose from our free English leanring app reviews to find the perfect method for yourself, or get in touch with us for  on  lessons! GET IN TOUCH. CREATE YOUR OWN


मैं तेरे लिए पानी लेके आता हूँ |

I'll get water for yöu.

मैं अंडरवर्ल्ड का तेंदुलकर हूँ |

I am Tendulkar of underworld!

आपने पिछले 3 महीने से एक भी installment नहीं भरी |

you haven't paid a single installment for the past 10 months.

मेरे लड़के की शादी वहीँ होगी जहाँ मैं उससे कहूँगा |

My son will get married wherever I ask him to.


 Useful Tips to Teach Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is the perfect way . Listen to


मैंने कब कहा कि तुम इडियट हो |

When did I say you were an idiot?

ठीक है शांत हो जा |

Ok calm down now. 

इनके जाल में मत फंसो |

Don't fall into their trap.

क्या यही थे वो ?

Was it these guys?



खिड़की बंद करो | ठंड लग जाएगी तुम्हे |

Roll-up the window. You'll catch a cold.

क्या प्यार करना गलत है ?

ls falling in loνe wrong?

मैं क्या करूँ ? सारी जिम्मेदारी मेरे ऊपर हैं |

What do I do? The responsibility is entirely on me!

चुप रहो | दिख नहीं रहा मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ ?

be quiet! Can't you see what I am doing?


Tips for Learning English by Yourself  Music. One of the hobbies that you should have while learning a language is to listen to music.  Listening to  Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you donat know where to start. If you are an  Apps. Nowadays


आपने sunday कहा, है ना ?

you said Sunday, didn't you?

क्या कभी तुम्हारे देर रात आने के लिए सवाल पूंछे ?

Have I ever questioned you for your late nights?

तुम मुझपे हंस रही थी है ना ?

You were laughing at me, weren't you?

मैं उसे किसी भी कीमत पर पाना चाहता था |

I wanted to have her at any cost.


In this English lesson you will learn asking over  basic questions and how to answer them. You would learn asking questions related to, personal information, Introducing yourself and saying hello, Shopping related questions, Questions with the word like and asking for someoneas opinion and suggestion.


मैं चुप हूँ इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि मैं कुछ नहीं बोल सकती |

Just because I am quiet it doesn't mean that I won't say anything.

सामान रखो नीचे |

Keep the stuff down!

बेफालतू में हमें परेशान मत करो |

Don't trouble us unnecessarily.

थोडा मुझे भी दो |

Give me some as well.


//nbsp;;;Train yourself to think in English. One way to make the transition from being very good at English to being fluent is to train your brain to actually think in the English language. Constantly translating from your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time and energy.


तुम बैग का क्या करोगी ?

What will you do with a bag?

बहुत हो गया तुम्हारा ड्रामा |

I've had enough of your drama!

और कुछ चाहिए तुम्हें ?

You need anything else?

यह सब बोलने की क्या जरुरत थी ?

What was the need to tell all these things?


We review the best ways of Learning English Yourself! Check out our articles and reviews of only the most trusted resources in English learning on the web! Read our Articles. LEARN FROM US. Choose from our free English leanring app reviews to find the perfect method for yourself, or get in touch with us for  on  lessons! GET IN TOUCH. CREATE YOUR OWN


यह मेरे लिए भी हैरानी की बात है |

It was shocking for me as well.

हम 5 मिनट में घर पहुँच जायेंगे |

We will reach home within 5 minutes.

पुलिस से पंगा मत ले |

Don't mess with the cops!

तो सुना |

Then listen.


How to teach yourself English step-by-step Step : Find out your English level.. Whether you know a lot of English, a little English or no English at all, itas Step : Come up with a study plan.. A study plan is basically a map of how youall learn the English language. In other Step : Gather


कई दिनों से कॉल नहीं किया ?

You haven't called in a while.

सब गरीब लोग रहते हैं यहाँ |

All poor people reside here.

तुमने अंकल को अन्दर भेज कर सही किया |

You did the right thing by sending uncle inside.

जो तुम्हारी माँ बाप ने कहा वो तुमने सुन लिया अब तुम मेरी सुनो |

You've heard what your parents have said. Now hear me.


 Useful Tips to Teach Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is the perfect way . Listen to


वो कह रहे हैं कि सब खर्च हो गए |

They say it's been all spent.

मैं अभी आया |

I'll be right back.

वह नहीं मानेगा |

He will not agree.

तुमने मुझे file भुलवा दी |

You made me forget the file.


In this English lesson you will learn asking over  basic questions and how to answer them. You would learn asking questions related to, personal information, Introducing yourself and saying hello, Shopping related questions, Questions with the word like and asking for someoneas opinion and suggestion.


क्या तुम photo लाये हो?

have you brought the photos?

यह activate हो गई है | मिसाइल छूटने वाली है |

this has activated. the missile is about to leave.

पीछे मुडकर क्या देख रही हैं ?

What are you looking back for?

जल्दी करो | मैं बैग ले कर आती हूँ |

Hurry up. I'll bring the bag.


Learn at your pace with our self-study LearnEnglish Subscription. Improve your English for the workplace with our flexible self-study online courses. For only ;. a month, your subscription will give you unlimited access to all our online English courses, plus much more.

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