Future indefinite tense passive voice example sentences in Hindi
Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
उसे दण्ड दिया जायेगा |
He will be punished.
तुम्हे इस जुर्म की सजा दी
जाएगी |
You will be punished for
this offence.
मेरी मूर्ति देश कोने कोने
में लगाई जायेगी |
My statue will be erected
in every nook and corner of the country.
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//nbsp;;;Active Voice: Passive Voice: . This little boy will post my letter. My letter will be posted by this little boy. . She will not sign these papers. These papers will not be signed by her. . I shall not speak a word to you. Not a word will be spoken to you by me. . Will you spend thirty rupees on books? Will thirty rupees be spent on hooks by you?
यह मुझे मेरे पापा ने दिया है |My father gave it to me.यही वह दिन है जिसके लिए हर सैनिक जीता है |This is the day every soldier lives for.तुम्हें कुछ महीनों पहले आना चाहिए |You should’ve come a couple of months back.तुमने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं कि तुम अपने parents को यहाँ ला रहे हो ?Why didn't you tell me you're bringing your parents here?
Active: We shall not have accepted the invitation. Passive: The invitation shall not have been accepted by us. Active: She will have finished her work. Passive: Her work will have been finished by her. Active: They will have elected him their leader. Passive: He will have been elected their leader by them.
लगता है तुम बहुत अच्छे से जानते हो उसे ?You seem to know her very well.नहीं इसने मुझे यह लाने के लिए कहा था |no he told me to bring it..मैं जैसा हूँ खुश हूँ |I'm happy the way I am.प्लीज उसे मत बताना कि हमने तुम्हें यह बताया है |please don't tell him, that we have told you this.
Passive voice example sentences of Future indefinite tense
वह मुसलमान था इसलिए उसे मार दिया |He was a Muslim, so he was killed.अपनी कार की बात नहीं कर रहा हूँ |I am not talking of my car.यह रहा तुम्हारा पर्स |Here's your wallet.दुसरो की बात सुनना bad manners होता है |It's bad manners to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.
//nbsp;;;Future perfect tense active and passive voice. Example: The patient will have taken medicine. Medicine will have been taken by the patient. She will have read this book. We shall have done our home-task. She will not have abused me. He will not have taken the test. You will not have learnt the lesson. He will have sold his house. Will he have paid the bill? Who will
Exam बस एक महीने दूर हैं |The exam is just three months away.ऐसा है क्या ?Is that so?वो फन मॉल के सामने खड़ी है |It's parked outside the fun mall. तुम्हे कैसे पता |How do you know?
Exercise on Passive Voice - Future I. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. Jane will buy a new computer. - Her boyfriend will install it. - Millions of people will visit the museum. - Our boss will sign the contract. - You will not do it. - They will not show the new film. - He won't see Sue. - They will not ask him. - Will the company employ a new worker? - Will the plumber repair the
मुझे ऐसा लगा जैसे कोई गणपति विसर्जन के लिए नाच रहा है |I felt as if somebody is dancing for Ganpati immersion.उसकी कोई जरुरत नहीं है |There is no need of that.मुझे बहुत शोक था शादी करने का |I was very keen on marriageतू चावल कब पकाएगा ?When wiII you cook rice?
rowsnbsp;;;Rules of making Future Indefinite Tense - Active Voice Rules of converting Future
अपने ससुर के घर आया है क्या ?Have you come to your in-law's house?मुझे तुम्हारे और कमल के बारे में सब पता चल गया है |I know everything about you and kamal.तू मेरी बात क्यों नहीं सुनता ?Why don't you listen to me?बेवकूफों, तुम मुझे सुबह से परेशान कर रहे हो |You stupid people, you are troubling me since morning.
Simple Future Tense Definition and Examples; Active and Passive Voice of Simple Future Tense; Future continuous/progressive tense. Affirmatives With awilla Active: S will be V ing object ROTS; I will be reciting the Holy Quran after praying tomorrow morning. Passive: S will be being V prep object ROTS
मैं दौ दिन बाद पैसे लेने आऊंगा |I'll come to take the money after 2 days.क्या मैं तुम्हे एक राज की बात बताऊँ ?Can I tell you a secret?हमारी जरुरत ने हमसे यह करवाया |It was our need that made us do this.मैं क्या करूँ अगर मेरी किस्मत में एक मुजरिम से शादी करना लिखा है ?What can I do if I'm destined to marry a criminal?
Passive Voice Form of Simple Future . Formula for passive form of Simple indefinite sentences: Object as subject will be / shall be past participle of the verb by subject as object EXAMPLES. English will be taught by me. Novels will be written by her; Stories will be read by him; Breakfast will be made by Shawn; The luggage will be bought by Kylie. The tickets will be
मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे बुरा दिन |Worst day of my life.मुझे कुछ नहीं पता, मैं सो रहा था |I don't know anything, I was sleeping!मैंने तुमने अपनी बहन का ख्याल रखने के लिए कहा था ना |Hadn't I asked you to take care of your sister?मैं चाभी ढूंढ रहा था |I was looking for the keys.
Passives in Different Tenses: Simple Present Passive Simple Past Passive Will Future Passive Going to Future Passive Present Continuous Passive Past Continuous Passive Present Perfect Passive Past Perfect Passive Passives With Modals Stative Passive Verbs Subject Exercises: Passive Voice Exercises. Forming Simple Future Passive. Affirmative Form: Object will
जो अच्छा लगे करो |do as you please.प्लीज दाढ़ी बना लो |Please go shave.तुम इतनी आसानी से नहीं मर सकते |You can't die so easily!बेवकूफ समझा है क्या मुझे ?Do You think I'm an idiot?
As you read through the following example sentences, you'll start to become an active voice expert. Active Voice. Passive Voice. Harry ate six shrimp at dinner. At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Harry. Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah. The savannah is roamed by beautiful giraffes. Sue changed the flat tire. The flat tire was changed by Sue. We are going to watch a
तुझे मुझसे क्या चाहिए ?What do you want from me?जाओ अपने आप देख लो |Go see for yourself.मैं भी उसी तरफ जा रहा हूँ |I'm heading in that direction as well.मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ |I can do anything.
In the passive voice, however, the subject is no longer performing the action of the verb. Rather, it's being acted upon by the verb. Put another way, the subject of a sentence in the passive voice is no longer the ;doer; of the action, but the recipient of the action. passive voice sentence. View Download PDF. Active and Passive Voice Comparison. As you read through the following example
तुम मुझसे क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?Why are you asking me?मेरे पास तेरे लिए surprise है |I've a surprise for you.हाँ वो तो दिख रहा है |Yes! I can see it!तुम्हारी पैसो में से यह नहीं काटूँगा क्या ?Won't I take it out of your money?
//nbsp;;;Future perfect tense active and passive voice. Example: The patient will have taken medicine. Medicine will have been taken by the patient. She will have read this book. We shall have done our home-task. She will not have abused me. He will not have taken the test. You will not have learnt the lesson. He will have sold his house. Will he have paid the bill? Who will
क्या तुम जानते हो मैं तुम्हे इस कॉलेज से बाहर निकाल सकता हूँ ?Do you know l can throw you out of this college?कमल, कैसे हो ?Kamal, how are you?लेकिन तुमने मेरे लिए यह क्यों किया ?But why did you do this for me?मैं सिर्फ आपको अपने दिल की सच्चाई बता रहा था |I was just trying to tell you the truth that's in my heart.
//nbsp;;;Passive Voice For All Tenses. Passive voice for all tenses in English. Note: V: Base Form of Verb; V: Past Simple; V: Past Participle; Present Simple Tense. Learn passive voice for present simple tense in English. Form: Active: S V O. Passive: S is/am/are V. Example: Active: He receives a letter. Passive: A letter is received by him.
तुम शादीशुदा आदमी हो |you're a married man.क्या तुम किसी और का इंतिजार कर रही थी ?Were you expecting someone else?ठीक थी |It was okay.मेरा दुबारा नहाने का मन कर रहा है |I feel like taking a bath again.
The battery shall have been charging by me. Remember, the form for future perfect passive is aobject will/shall have been past participle of the main verb.a. Option is in simple future tense and options and do not use the past participle of 'charge'. .
वहीं मत खड़ी रहो |Don't just stand there!उसके सपने कभी सच नहीं होंगे |His dream will never come true.कमल कल कुछ ज्यादा ही प्यार दिखा रहा था |Kamal was expressing too much love, yesterday.मुझे डर लग रहा है | उसका कोई फ़ोन भी नहीं आया |I'm getting scared. There isn't even a phone call.
अब बताओ मुझे, तुम्हें क्या काम था ?Now tell me, what work did you have?जहाँ तक पैसों का सवाल है, मैं किसी पर भरोसा नहीं करता |As far as money is concerned, I trust no one.मैं उसका ट्रांसफर यहाँ कराने की कोशिस कर रहा हूँ |I'm trying to get her transferred here.तब से मैं यहाँ चोरी छुपे आता हूँ ताकि में इनकी किसी तरह मदद कर सकूँ |Since then, I come here discreetly to help them in some way!
//nbsp;;;If there is Will/Shall Be as a helping verb we use the verb according to the Future Indefinite Tense. We remove preposition By before Subject. Examples-Affirmative-The seed will be eaten by the bird.[Passive Voice] The bird will eat the seed.[Active Voice] Negative-The seed will not be eaten by the bird.[Passive Voice]
किसी बात की चिंता मत करो |Don't worry about anything.यहाँ क्यूँ होगा कमल ?Why would Kamal be here?पता नहीं मुझे यह कहना चाहिए या नहीं |I don’t know if I should say this.तुमने चैनल क्यों बदला ?Why did you change the channel?
TENSE: ACTIVE VOICE: PASSIVE VOICE: FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE: VERB FORM: will/shall first form of the verb: VERB FORM: will/shall be Past Participle form of the Verb: He will announce holiday: Holiday will be announced by him: We shall write a letter: A letter shall be written by us: They will watch a movie: A movie will be watched by them: She will sing a song
मुझे परवाह नहीं कि तुमने यह सब क्यों किया ? मैं तो बस इतना जानती हूँ कि तुमने मेरी सारी इच्छाएं पूरी कर दी |I don't care why you did all this. All I know is that you fulfilled all my wishes.पहले यहाँ फेको इसे |Throw it here first.दुबारा बोल | मेरे मुह पर बोल |Say that again. Say it to my face.तुम पढो मेरे बारे में क्या लिखा है |You read what is written about me.
Examples of Active and Passive Voice in English Table of Contents Active VoicePassive Voice Examples of Active and Passive Voice Active Voice In everyday life, we often prefer to build sentences that have an active voice. When we describe the situations and actions we will tell from the perspective of the person or object that acts, it is often correct to use active
मैंने उसे छोड़ दिया | I left her. वह जल्दी ही यहाँ होगा |He'll be here soon.मैं किसी से नहीं डरता हूँ |I am not scared of anyone.मैं तुम्हारी जबान खींच लूँगा |i'll pull out your toungue
Exercises / Examples: - I Will write a letter. A letter will be written by me. - He Will cook Food. Food will be cooked. - They Will Play football. Football will be played by them. - She Will make cake. Cake will be made by her.
यह नया शोक कब से पाल लिया तुमने ?When did you develop this new hobby?मैं तुझे नहीं छोडूंगा |I won't spare you!तुम कभी नहीं जानते किस्मत कब बदल जाए |You never know when destiny might change.मेरी ज़िंदगी में कोई और है |There's someone else in my life.
Passive voice - Simple Future. They will reach the village by night. People will show the visitors the new buildings. People will forget this play in a few weeksa time. The teacher will correct the studentas homework. They will paint the door sooner or later. Mrs Brown will look after the cat.
वही पैसे जो मैंने तुझे दौ हफ्ते पहले दिए थे बिजली का बिल जमा करने के लिए |The same amount I gave you two weeks ago for paying the electricity bill.रीना क्या सोंचेगी ?What would Reena think?कहना पड़ता है |I have to say that! अगर कमल को पता चल गया कि मैं यहाँ आया हूँ तो वह मुझे जान से मार देगा |If the Kamal knows that I have come here. he will kill me.
//nbsp;;;We make simple future tense forms by putting will / shall before the base form infinitive of the verb. I will finish the job tomorrow. She will come tomorrow. If the sentence in the active voice consists of an object, we can change it into the passive. In the example sentences given above, the first one has an object the job.
अब पता चला घर में कौन चोरी करता था |now i know who used to steal in the home.तो तुम क्लास में यह पढ़ते हो ?so you read this in class?पता नहीं हमें पैसे कैसे मिलेंगे |I don't know how we will get the money.ऐसा है क्या ? इसलिए तुम दोनों यहाँ आ गए ?Is that so? That's why you both came here?
//nbsp;;;Active Voice and Passive Voice are directly not asked in class and in CBSE but they are
इसने इस घर को धर्मशाला बना दिया है |He has made this house a charitable house!मुझे लगता है तुझे अब इसे खत्म करना चाहिए |I think you should end it.सिर्फ तुम मुझे बचा सकते हो |Only you can save me.तुम यहीं बैठो | हम देख कर आते हैं |You sit over here. Both of us will see and come.
ACTIVE VOICE: PASSIVE VOICE: FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE: VERB FORM: will/shall first form of the verb: VERB FORM: will/shall be Past Participle form of the Verb: He will announce holiday: Holiday will be announced by him: We shall write a letter : A letter shall be written by us: They will watch a movie: A movie will be watched by them: She will sing a song: A song will be
मैं कल थोडा गुस्सा थी |I was a little angry yesterday.हमें उसे उसकी ज़िंदगी जीने का मौका देना चाहिए |We must give her the chance to live her life.हमें आपसे बात करनी है पर फ़ोन पर नहीं कर सकते |I want to talk to you. But, can't do it over the phone.एक बात बता |tell me one thing.
Simple Future Tense into Passive Voice : Kanaga will sing a song. active voice A song will be sung by Kanaga. Passive voice She will distribute chocolates. active voice Chocolates will be distributed by her. passive voice They will finish the work tomorrow. active voice The work will be finished tomorrow by them. passive voice Vengatesh will win the first prize. active
उस दिन में तेरा चेहरा देखने आऊंगा |That day I will come to see your face.यह activate हो गई है | मिसाइल छूटने वाली है |this has activated. the missile is about to leave.मुझ पर रहम करो |Have mercy on me!तुमने इन्हें घर लाकर सही किया |You did the right thing, dear by bringing them home.
मैं यहाँ काम मांगने नहीं आया हूँ |I'm not here to ask for work.देखो, क्या हो गया ?Look, what has happened?यह आपकी दुआओं की वजह से है |lt's because of your good wishes.मैं एक पैसा नहीं दूंगा |I won't give a singIe paisa.
Active and Passive Voice Example Sentences with Tenses Tense Active Voice Passive Voice Present Simple She delivers the letters. The letters are delivered. Past Simple She delivered the letters. The letters were delivered. Future Simple She will deliver the letters. The letters will be delivered. Present Continuous She is delivering the letters. The letters are being delivered. Past Continuous She
आगे कुछ मत कहना |Don't say anything further.मेरा मतलब अब वह दिल्ली में ही रहेगा |I mean, he will be living in Delhi now.मैं नहीं जानता कि वह कब आयेंगे ?I don't know when he's coming back.पूंछो उससे जो तुम मुझसे पूँछ रहे थे |Ask him what you were asking me.
//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense. If the active voice is in the future indefinite tense and awill/shalla is used, you should use awill be/shall bea in the passive voice. For example. You will take medicine daily. Medicine will be taken daily by you. Click for Exercises Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense
रीना ने तुझे अपना number क्यों दिया ?Why did Reena give you her number?तुम कितनी भोली हो |You are so naive,अच्छा हुआ तुमने सुन लिया |Good that you heard about it.अगर गलती से मैंने आपको कुछ गलत बोल दिया हो तो प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर देना |if by mistake, l haνe uttered something wrong. please forgive me.
//nbsp;;;Forms Of Verb: Voice Simple Future A study about forms of the verb means Voice is widely used in English Speaking. Learn Here active Passive voice oof Simple future in English and Hindi With Examples. Rule: In Simple Future shows that work will definitely complete in the future. Sound: Aa Jaayega, E Jaayegi, A Jaayenge
यह भी अच्छी लग रही है, है ना ?This one looks good too, isn't it?मेरी वजह से आपको जो परेशानियां हुई उसके लिए मुझे माफी मांगता हूँ |I apologise for the difficulties I caused all of you.चलो रीना, हम रास्ते में बात कर लेंगे | आओ |Let's go, Reena. We will talk on the way. Come.हमें और पैसे की जरुरत है |we need more money...
Now, letas see how simple future tense works with ACTIVE and PASSIVE voices. Active Form of Simple Future . Formula for active form of simple indefinite sentences: Subject will / shall present tense of the verb object EXAMPLES. I shall teach English; She shall write novels; He will read stories; Shawn will make the breakfast; Kylie will bring her luggage; Zedd will book
तुम्हे कैसे पता कि वह ऑफिस चला गया है |how do you know that he's gone to office?क्या तू जानता है कि तू कहाँ खड़ा है और किस्से बात कर रहा है ?Do you know where you are and who you're talking to?उसे वही मिला जिसके वह लायक था |He got what he deserved.नोजवानो को शर्म आनी चाहिए |Youngsters ought to be ashamed!
Future Simple Passive is used to talk about an action that is going to happen in the future. In the passive voice, emphasis is put on the effect of an action rather than on the doer.. The letter will be sent tomorrow.; The work will be done on time.; Future Simple Passive structure. First, letas refresh the Future Simple structure with the Active Voice: [subject] will verb without atoa
तुम सब पागलों का कोई भरोसा नहीं |You all crazy fellows are not trustworthy!बकवास बंद कर |Stop talking nonsenseदांत मत दिखाओ |Don't show your teeth.मैं तुझे माफ़ करता रहा क्योंकि मैं तुझे बच्चा समझता था | l kept forgiνing you because l considered you a kid.
Something be done by someone in the future. Active : We will take the horses to the stable. Passive: The horses will be taken to the stable. Active : Will the manager sign the contract tomorrow. Passive: Will the contract be signed by the manager tomorrow. Active : Will the boss give me a job? Passive: Will I be given a job by the boss? Quick Exercise
तुम कहाँ थे ?Where have you been?उससे कहो कि मैं तुम्हारे भाई की तरह हूँ |Tell him that I am like your brother.तुम्हे विश्वास करना है तो करो नहीं तो भाड़ में जाओ |You can believe me if you wish or you can go to hell.इसने sign नहीं किया है |He has not signed.
Future Indefinite Tense Passive Voice. . Place the Object of active voice sentence in place of passive voice subject and Place the subject of active voice sentence in place of passive voice Object. . Use will be and Shall be. . Use rd form of verb. Formula: Subject will/shall Be rd form of verb by agent. Examples: . You will sing a song.active voice A song will be
यह कहने के लिए इतनी रात में यहाँ आने की क्या जरुरत थी ?what was the need for you to come here so late in the night to say this?कहाँ जा रही हो तुम ? क्या हुआ तुम्हें ?Where are you going? What happened to you?किस नाम से ?In what name?इसी लिए तो मैं तुम्हे काम पर रखना चाहता हूँ |This is why I want to hire you.
ACTIVE VOICE: PASSIVE VOICE: FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: VERB FORM: will/shall have Past Participle Form of the verb: VERB FORM: will/shall have been Past Participle form of the Verb: I will have hired a cab: Go through the following example sentences in Future Continuous Tense-He will be reading a book tomorrow. They will be playing football tomorrow. She will be planning her marriage
उसने माचिस बुझा दी |He extinguished the matchstick.यह तेरा भाई लाया है तेरे लिए |Your mother has bought this for you.उसे यहाँ आने से पहले सीखना चाहिए था |She should have learnt it before coming here!क्या तुमने बुलाया उन्हें यहाँ ?did you call them here?
Future Indefinite Tense Passive Voice. . Place the Object of active voice sentence in place of passive voice subject and Place the subject of active voice sentence in place of passive voice Object. . Use will be and Shall be. . All Tenses Formulas and Example Sentences with Urdu Words Followed by Appropriate Prepositions in Urdu Sentence Definition | Types of Sentences in Urdu.
मुझे यह कहते हूँ शर्म आती है कि यह मेरा भाई है |I feel ashamed to say that, he's my brother.पहले घर आ जाओ |Come home first.दौ जूते थे लेकिन अब एक भी नहीं मिल रहा |There were 2 shoes, but now not even one is to be found.इससे कहो मुझसे पंगा ना ले |Αsk him not to mess with me.
Future Indefinite Tense. Future indefinite tense is used to express an action that has not taken place yet and will take place in the future. For example, aBilly will play soccer after hour.a There is no planning or intention in the future sentences used in the future indefinite tense.It is used when talking about actions that will occur due to future conditions.
क्या तुमने वह देखा ?Did you see that?और क्या करता मैं मेरी इज्ज़त दांव पे लगी थी |What was I supposed to do, my honour was at stake.टूटे दिल का सिर्फ एक ही इलाज है |There's just one cure for a broken heart.हमें इस बारे में कुछ नहीं पता था |we didn't know anything about it.
It talks about those actions that will occur in future time and we use the helping verb of Future Simple passive voice tense is Will and for Future simple active voice tense. Example Helping Verb = Will be. Formula For Future. We use it for Prediction, Threat, Instant Decision, Possibility. Formula: Object Helping Verb Verb rdform Sentences: Party will be arranged.
क्या इस तरह बात करते हैं किसी से ?Is this the way you talk to someone?तुम्हे अपने आप पर शर्म आनी चाहिए |You should be ashamed of yourselves.तो बोलने दो उसे | किसे फर्क पड़ता हैं |So let him say it. Who cares?उसकी sunday को शादी है |he's getting married on Sunday.
Passive: The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. agent =Leonardo Da Vinci Active: Leonaro Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. Most writing instructors and editors recommend against using the passive voice, when possible. The reason for this is that when you use the active voice, your writing is clearer and less complicated.
शायद कमल तुम्हारे लिए कुछ ना हो पर मेरे लिए तो वह सारी दुनिया है |maybe Kamal is nothing for you. But for me he is my world.फेसला तुम्हारा है |The decision is yours.मैं एक मिनट में कैसे जवाब दे दूँ ?How can l give an answer in just a minute?थोड़ी देर मुझे चलाने दो इसे |let me ride it for a while..
//nbsp;;;Future perfect tense active and passive voice. Example: The patient will have taken medicine. Medicine will have been taken by the patient. She will have read this book. We shall have done our home-task. She will not have abused me. He will not have taken the test. You will not have learnt the lesson. He will have sold his house. Will he have paid the bill? Who will
तुम जाओ और कहो उसे कि मैं यहाँ नहीं हूँ |You go and tell him I'm not here.खुशकिश्मती से It was fortunate that.तो इसमें नया क्या है ?What’s new in that?कोने में आ |Come in the corner.
Passive voice for modals in present and future tenses take this form: modal be past participle. For instance, Trees should not be cut down, it is very important issue. This is a sentence following the abea form. Passive voice for modals in past tense takes this form: modal have been past participle. For instance,
यह आखिरी मौका है तुम्हारे लिए |This is the last chance for you.मैं खुद भी यही चाहती हूँ |I myself wish the same thing.क्या आप सब तैयार हैं ?Are all of you ready?समझने की कोशिश करो तुम अन्दर नहीं जा सकते |Try to understand you can't go in!
//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Simple Future Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject shall/will V [infinitive without to] Object: S convert object to subject shall/will be Vby O convert subject to object RemainingI shall water the plants.
तुम और तुम्हारी माँ दोनों से बात करना ही बेकार है |You and your mother... It's useless talking to both...पहले नास्ता करो |Have your breakfast first!भागने की सोंचना भी मत |Don't even think about running away.जब तक तेरा भाई जिंदा है तुझे पैसों की चिंता करने की कोई जरुरत नहीं |Till the time your brother is alive you don't have to worry about any money.
//nbsp;;;In Active and Passive voice helping verb, 'Will/Shall Be' is used with the rd form of the verb for making Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense. All the Negative sentences ;Not; will be added after will/shall and before 'be'. In the case of an Interrogative sentence helping verb comes at the starting of the sentence.
हाँ उसने एक बार मुझसे कहा था |yes she had told me once.कमल से शादी के 4 साल बाद After six years of being married to Kamal,उसे दुबारा होश में लाओ |Make him conscious again.मेरे पास कैंसर का इलाज कराने के पैसे नहीं है |l don't have money to get my cancer treated.
This means a sentence changes from x does something to y to y has something done to it by x. So dont hesitate to learn the difference betwe
मैं तुम्हे वो नहीं करने दूंगा जो तुम यहाँ करने आये हो |I won't let you do what you have come here for.वो बम कहाँ से आया |Where did that bomb come from?जैसे रोज जाते हो |Just as you go everyday!तुम ज़िंदगी में क्या बनना चाहते हो ?What do you want to be in life?
Affirmative Sentence a Future Indefinite Tense Note: The sentence aYou shall obey our ordersa also suggests a warning, an order, or a prediction. After going through passive voice exercises with answers and independently solving them, you might have grabbed the universal rules governing the change from active to passive voice.
वह किसी और को गले लगा रही थी |She was hugging somebody else.सुधर जाओ कमल नहीं तो एक दिन बहुत बुरा फंसोगे |You'd better change your ways Kamal! Or you'll come to a bad end.तेरे पापा एक पैसा नहीं कमाते |Your father doesn't earn a penny.चुप रहो | मुझे शांति से movie देखने दो |Keep quiet! Let me watch the movie peacefully!
Future indefinite tense is used to express an action that has not taken place yet and will take place in the future. For example, aBilly will play soccer after hour.a There is no planning or intention in the future sentences used in the future indefinite tense. It is used when talking about actions that will occur due to future conditions.
मुझे तुम्हारे साथ यह सब करके मजा नहीं आता |I don't have fun doing all this with you.मेरी माँ कहती हैं कुछ पाने के लिए कुछ खोना पड़ता है |My mother says, to gain something you have to loose something.तुम क्यों नहीं करते यह ?Why don't you do it?अगर एक शब्द ओए कहा तो मैं भूल जाऊंगा कि तेरी उम्र क्या है |If you say another word, I'll forget how old you are.
Examples of Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense. In all types of sentences - Positive, Negative Interrogative, rd form of the verb is used in Passive Voice.
मैं अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड से बात कर रहा हूँ तुझसे नहीं |I'm talking to my girlfriend, not you.क्या तुम्हे पता है कि रीना कहाँ है ?Do you know where Reena is? पता नहीं इसके दिमाग में क्या था |Wonder what was on his mind.मुझे यह घर भी खाली करना है |I will have to vacate this house too.
//nbsp;;;There are two basic rules for converting sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only rd form of the verb or Past Participle e.g. written will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.
लगता है तुम अभी भी नाराज हो |it seems that you're still angryक्या तुम photo लाये हो?have you brought the photos?इसमें मेरी गलती कैसे है |How's that my fault?मुझे लगता है उसे तुम्हारी जरुरत है |I think she needs you.
Simple Future Future Indefinite Tense. The simple future tense is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future. Structure: Subject shall/will verb . . . . . . . . Example: We shall move to another city. He will come to New York tomorrow. They will make a phone which has artificial intelligence.
जब मैं वापस आऊँ तो मुझे ऐसी है मिलना जैसी अब हो |when I come back, I want to see you just the way you are now.कोई पानी ले के आओ |Someone get some water.जल्दी निकलो वहाँ से |Get out of there quickly.देखो दुल्हे का परिवार यहाँ कभी भी आता होगा |Look, the groom's family will be here any moment.
क्या ज़िन्दगी देती मैं तुझे ?What life would l be able to offer you?पापा घर पर हैं ?Is father at home?तुमने मुझे wish करने के लिए कॉल नहीं किया |You didn't call to wish me.बताओ मैं नहा के आऊँ या ऐसे ही आ जाऊं ?Tell me, shall I take a bath or come just as I am?
//nbsp;;;Active Voice: Passive Voice: . This little boy will post my letter. My letter will be posted by this little boy. . She will not sign these papers. These papers will not be signed by her. . I shall not speak a word to you. Not a word will be spoken to you by me. . Will you spend thirty rupees on books? Will thirty rupees be spent on hooks by you?
यह मुझे मेरे पापा ने दिया है |
My father gave it to me.
यही वह दिन है जिसके लिए हर सैनिक जीता है |
This is the day every soldier lives for.
तुम्हें कुछ महीनों पहले आना चाहिए |
You should’ve come a couple of months back.
तुमने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं कि तुम अपने parents को यहाँ ला रहे हो ?
Why didn't you tell me you're bringing your parents here?
Active: We shall not have accepted the invitation. Passive: The invitation shall not have been accepted by us. Active: She will have finished her work. Passive: Her work will have been finished by her. Active: They will have elected him their leader. Passive: He will have been elected their leader by them.
लगता है तुम बहुत अच्छे से जानते हो उसे ?
You seem to know her very well.
नहीं इसने मुझे यह लाने के लिए कहा था |
no he told me to bring it..
मैं जैसा हूँ खुश हूँ |
I'm happy the way I am.
प्लीज उसे मत बताना कि हमने तुम्हें यह बताया है |
please don't tell him, that we have told you this.
Passive voice example sentences of Future indefinite tense
वह मुसलमान था इसलिए उसे मार दिया |
He was a Muslim, so he was killed.
अपनी कार की बात नहीं कर रहा हूँ |
I am not talking of my car.
यह रहा तुम्हारा पर्स |
Here's your wallet.
दुसरो की बात सुनना bad manners होता है |
It's bad manners to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.
//nbsp;;;Future perfect tense active and passive voice. Example: The patient will have taken medicine. Medicine will have been taken by the patient. She will have read this book. We shall have done our home-task. She will not have abused me. He will not have taken the test. You will not have learnt the lesson. He will have sold his house. Will he have paid the bill? Who will
Exam बस एक महीने दूर हैं |
The exam is just three months away.
ऐसा है क्या ?
Is that so?
वो फन मॉल के सामने खड़ी है |
It's parked outside the fun mall.
तुम्हे कैसे पता |
How do you know?
Exercise on Passive Voice - Future I. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. Jane will buy a new computer. - Her boyfriend will install it. - Millions of people will visit the museum. - Our boss will sign the contract. - You will not do it. - They will not show the new film. - He won't see Sue. - They will not ask him. - Will the company employ a new worker? - Will the plumber repair the
मुझे ऐसा लगा जैसे कोई गणपति विसर्जन के लिए नाच रहा है |
I felt as if somebody is dancing for Ganpati immersion.
उसकी कोई जरुरत नहीं है |
There is no need of that.
मुझे बहुत शोक था शादी करने का |
I was very keen on marriage
तू चावल कब पकाएगा ?
When wiII you cook rice?
rowsnbsp;;;Rules of making Future Indefinite Tense - Active Voice Rules of converting Future
अपने ससुर के घर आया है क्या ?
Have you come to your in-law's house?
मुझे तुम्हारे और कमल के बारे में सब पता चल गया है |
I know everything about you and kamal.
तू मेरी बात क्यों नहीं सुनता ?
Why don't you listen to me?
बेवकूफों, तुम मुझे सुबह से परेशान कर रहे हो |
You stupid people, you are troubling me since morning.
Simple Future Tense Definition and Examples; Active and Passive Voice of Simple Future Tense; Future continuous/progressive tense. Affirmatives With awilla Active: S will be V ing object ROTS; I will be reciting the Holy Quran after praying tomorrow morning. Passive: S will be being V prep object ROTS
मैं दौ दिन बाद पैसे लेने आऊंगा |
I'll come to take the money after 2 days.
क्या मैं तुम्हे एक राज की बात बताऊँ ?
Can I tell you a secret?
हमारी जरुरत ने हमसे यह करवाया |
It was our need that made us do this.
मैं क्या करूँ अगर मेरी किस्मत में एक मुजरिम से शादी करना लिखा है ?
What can I do if I'm destined to marry a criminal?
Passive Voice Form of Simple Future . Formula for passive form of Simple indefinite sentences: Object as subject will be / shall be past participle of the verb by subject as object EXAMPLES. English will be taught by me. Novels will be written by her; Stories will be read by him; Breakfast will be made by Shawn; The luggage will be bought by Kylie. The tickets will be
मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे बुरा दिन |
Worst day of my life.
मुझे कुछ नहीं पता, मैं सो रहा था |
I don't know anything, I was sleeping!
मैंने तुमने अपनी बहन का ख्याल रखने के लिए कहा था ना |
Hadn't I asked you to take care of your sister?
मैं चाभी ढूंढ रहा था |
I was looking for the keys.
Passives in Different Tenses: Simple Present Passive Simple Past Passive Will Future Passive Going to Future Passive Present Continuous Passive Past Continuous Passive Present Perfect Passive Past Perfect Passive Passives With Modals Stative Passive Verbs Subject Exercises: Passive Voice Exercises. Forming Simple Future Passive. Affirmative Form: Object will
जो अच्छा लगे करो |
do as you please.
प्लीज दाढ़ी बना लो |
Please go shave.
तुम इतनी आसानी से नहीं मर सकते |
You can't die so easily!
बेवकूफ समझा है क्या मुझे ?
Do You think I'm an idiot?
As you read through the following example sentences, you'll start to become an active voice expert. Active Voice. Passive Voice. Harry ate six shrimp at dinner. At dinner, six shrimp were eaten by Harry. Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah. The savannah is roamed by beautiful giraffes. Sue changed the flat tire. The flat tire was changed by Sue. We are going to watch a
तुझे मुझसे क्या चाहिए ?
What do you want from me?
जाओ अपने आप देख लो |
Go see for yourself.
मैं भी उसी तरफ जा रहा हूँ |
I'm heading in that direction as well.
मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ |
I can do anything.
In the passive voice, however, the subject is no longer performing the action of the verb. Rather, it's being acted upon by the verb. Put another way, the subject of a sentence in the passive voice is no longer the ;doer; of the action, but the recipient of the action. passive voice sentence. View Download PDF. Active and Passive Voice Comparison. As you read through the following example
तुम मुझसे क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?
Why are you asking me?
मेरे पास तेरे लिए surprise है |
I've a surprise for you.
हाँ वो तो दिख रहा है |
Yes! I can see it!
तुम्हारी पैसो में से यह नहीं काटूँगा क्या ?
Won't I take it out of your money?
//nbsp;;;Future perfect tense active and passive voice. Example: The patient will have taken medicine. Medicine will have been taken by the patient. She will have read this book. We shall have done our home-task. She will not have abused me. He will not have taken the test. You will not have learnt the lesson. He will have sold his house. Will he have paid the bill? Who will
क्या तुम जानते हो मैं तुम्हे इस कॉलेज से बाहर निकाल सकता हूँ ?
Do you know l can throw you out of this college?
कमल, कैसे हो ?
Kamal, how are you?
लेकिन तुमने मेरे लिए यह क्यों किया ?
But why did you do this for me?
मैं सिर्फ आपको अपने दिल की सच्चाई बता रहा था |
I was just trying to tell you the truth that's in my heart.
//nbsp;;;Passive Voice For All Tenses. Passive voice for all tenses in English. Note: V: Base Form of Verb; V: Past Simple; V: Past Participle; Present Simple Tense. Learn passive voice for present simple tense in English. Form: Active: S V O. Passive: S is/am/are V. Example: Active: He receives a letter. Passive: A letter is received by him.
तुम शादीशुदा आदमी हो |
you're a married man.
क्या तुम किसी और का इंतिजार कर रही थी ?
Were you expecting someone else?
ठीक थी |
It was okay.
मेरा दुबारा नहाने का मन कर रहा है |
I feel like taking a bath again.
The battery shall have been charging by me. Remember, the form for future perfect passive is aobject will/shall have been past participle of the main verb.a. Option is in simple future tense and options and do not use the past participle of 'charge'. .
वहीं मत खड़ी रहो |
Don't just stand there!
उसके सपने कभी सच नहीं होंगे |
His dream will never come true.
कमल कल कुछ ज्यादा ही प्यार दिखा रहा था |
Kamal was expressing too much love, yesterday.
मुझे डर लग रहा है | उसका कोई फ़ोन भी नहीं आया |
I'm getting scared. There isn't even a phone call.
अब बताओ मुझे, तुम्हें क्या काम था ?
Now tell me, what work did you have?
जहाँ तक पैसों का सवाल है, मैं किसी पर भरोसा नहीं करता |
As far as money is concerned, I trust no one.
मैं उसका ट्रांसफर यहाँ कराने की कोशिस कर रहा हूँ |
I'm trying to get her transferred here.
तब से मैं यहाँ चोरी छुपे आता हूँ ताकि में इनकी किसी तरह मदद कर सकूँ |
Since then, I come here discreetly to help them in some way!
//nbsp;;;If there is Will/Shall Be as a helping verb we use the verb according to the Future Indefinite Tense. We remove preposition By before Subject. Examples-Affirmative-The seed will be eaten by the bird.[Passive Voice] The bird will eat the seed.[Active Voice] Negative-The seed will not be eaten by the bird.[Passive Voice]
किसी बात की चिंता मत करो |
Don't worry about anything.
यहाँ क्यूँ होगा कमल ?
Why would Kamal be here?
पता नहीं मुझे यह कहना चाहिए या नहीं |
I don’t know if I should say this.
तुमने चैनल क्यों बदला ?
Why did you change the channel?
TENSE: ACTIVE VOICE: PASSIVE VOICE: FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE: VERB FORM: will/shall first form of the verb: VERB FORM: will/shall be Past Participle form of the Verb: He will announce holiday: Holiday will be announced by him: We shall write a letter: A letter shall be written by us: They will watch a movie: A movie will be watched by them: She will sing a song
मुझे परवाह नहीं कि तुमने यह सब क्यों किया ? मैं तो बस इतना जानती हूँ कि तुमने मेरी सारी इच्छाएं पूरी कर दी |
I don't care why you did all this. All I know is that you fulfilled all my wishes.
पहले यहाँ फेको इसे |
Throw it here first.
दुबारा बोल | मेरे मुह पर बोल |
Say that again. Say it to my face.
तुम पढो मेरे बारे में क्या लिखा है |
You read what is written about me.
Examples of Active and Passive Voice in English Table of Contents Active VoicePassive Voice Examples of Active and Passive Voice Active Voice In everyday life, we often prefer to build sentences that have an active voice. When we describe the situations and actions we will tell from the perspective of the person or object that acts, it is often correct to use active
मैंने उसे छोड़ दिया |
I left her.
वह जल्दी ही यहाँ होगा |
He'll be here soon.
मैं किसी से नहीं डरता हूँ |
I am not scared of anyone.
मैं तुम्हारी जबान खींच लूँगा |
i'll pull out your toungue
Exercises / Examples: - I Will write a letter. A letter will be written by me. - He Will cook Food. Food will be cooked. - They Will Play football. Football will be played by them. - She Will make cake. Cake will be made by her.
यह नया शोक कब से पाल लिया तुमने ?
When did you develop this new hobby?
मैं तुझे नहीं छोडूंगा |
I won't spare you!
तुम कभी नहीं जानते किस्मत कब बदल जाए |
You never know when destiny might change.
मेरी ज़िंदगी में कोई और है |
There's someone else in my life.
Passive voice - Simple Future. They will reach the village by night. People will show the visitors the new buildings. People will forget this play in a few weeksa time. The teacher will correct the studentas homework. They will paint the door sooner or later. Mrs Brown will look after the cat.
वही पैसे जो मैंने तुझे दौ हफ्ते पहले दिए थे बिजली का बिल जमा करने के लिए |
The same amount I gave you two weeks ago for paying the electricity bill.
रीना क्या सोंचेगी ?
What would Reena think?
कहना पड़ता है |
I have to say that!
अगर कमल को पता चल गया कि मैं यहाँ आया हूँ तो वह मुझे जान से मार देगा |
If the Kamal knows that I have come here. he will kill me.
//nbsp;;;We make simple future tense forms by putting will / shall before the base form infinitive of the verb. I will finish the job tomorrow. She will come tomorrow. If the sentence in the active voice consists of an object, we can change it into the passive. In the example sentences given above, the first one has an object the job.
अब पता चला घर में कौन चोरी करता था |
now i know who used to steal in the home.
तो तुम क्लास में यह पढ़ते हो ?
so you read this in class?
पता नहीं हमें पैसे कैसे मिलेंगे |
I don't know how we will get the money.
ऐसा है क्या ? इसलिए तुम दोनों यहाँ आ गए ?
Is that so? That's why you both came here?
//nbsp;;;Active Voice and Passive Voice are directly not asked in class and in CBSE but they are
इसने इस घर को धर्मशाला बना दिया है |
He has made this house a charitable house!
मुझे लगता है तुझे अब इसे खत्म करना चाहिए |
I think you should end it.
सिर्फ तुम मुझे बचा सकते हो |
Only you can save me.
तुम यहीं बैठो | हम देख कर आते हैं |
You sit over here. Both of us will see and come.
ACTIVE VOICE: PASSIVE VOICE: FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE: VERB FORM: will/shall first form of the verb: VERB FORM: will/shall be Past Participle form of the Verb: He will announce holiday: Holiday will be announced by him: We shall write a letter : A letter shall be written by us: They will watch a movie: A movie will be watched by them: She will sing a song: A song will be
मैं कल थोडा गुस्सा थी |
I was a little angry yesterday.
हमें उसे उसकी ज़िंदगी जीने का मौका देना चाहिए |
We must give her the chance to live her life.
हमें आपसे बात करनी है पर फ़ोन पर नहीं कर सकते |
I want to talk to you. But, can't do it over the phone.
एक बात बता |
tell me one thing.
Simple Future Tense into Passive Voice : Kanaga will sing a song. active voice A song will be sung by Kanaga. Passive voice She will distribute chocolates. active voice Chocolates will be distributed by her. passive voice They will finish the work tomorrow. active voice The work will be finished tomorrow by them. passive voice Vengatesh will win the first prize. active
उस दिन में तेरा चेहरा देखने आऊंगा |
That day I will come to see your face.
यह activate हो गई है | मिसाइल छूटने वाली है |
this has activated. the missile is about to leave.
मुझ पर रहम करो |
Have mercy on me!
तुमने इन्हें घर लाकर सही किया |
You did the right thing, dear by bringing them home.
मैं यहाँ काम मांगने नहीं आया हूँ |
I'm not here to ask for work.
देखो, क्या हो गया ?
Look, what has happened?
यह आपकी दुआओं की वजह से है |
lt's because of your good wishes.
मैं एक पैसा नहीं दूंगा |
I won't give a singIe paisa.
Active and Passive Voice Example Sentences with Tenses Tense Active Voice Passive Voice Present Simple She delivers the letters. The letters are delivered. Past Simple She delivered the letters. The letters were delivered. Future Simple She will deliver the letters. The letters will be delivered. Present Continuous She is delivering the letters. The letters are being delivered. Past Continuous She
आगे कुछ मत कहना |
Don't say anything further.
मेरा मतलब अब वह दिल्ली में ही रहेगा |
I mean, he will be living in Delhi now.
मैं नहीं जानता कि वह कब आयेंगे ?
I don't know when he's coming back.
पूंछो उससे जो तुम मुझसे पूँछ रहे थे |
Ask him what you were asking me.
//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense. If the active voice is in the future indefinite tense and awill/shalla is used, you should use awill be/shall bea in the passive voice. For example. You will take medicine daily. Medicine will be taken daily by you. Click for Exercises Passive Voice of Future Perfect Tense
रीना ने तुझे अपना number क्यों दिया ?
Why did Reena give you her number?
तुम कितनी भोली हो |
You are so naive,
अच्छा हुआ तुमने सुन लिया |
Good that you heard about it.
अगर गलती से मैंने आपको कुछ गलत बोल दिया हो तो प्लीज मुझे माफ़ कर देना |
if by mistake, l haνe uttered something wrong. please forgive me.
//nbsp;;;Forms Of Verb: Voice Simple Future A study about forms of the verb means Voice is widely used in English Speaking. Learn Here active Passive voice oof Simple future in English and Hindi With Examples. Rule: In Simple Future shows that work will definitely complete in the future. Sound: Aa Jaayega, E Jaayegi, A Jaayenge
यह भी अच्छी लग रही है, है ना ?
This one looks good too, isn't it?
मेरी वजह से आपको जो परेशानियां हुई उसके लिए मुझे माफी मांगता हूँ |
I apologise for the difficulties I caused all of you.
चलो रीना, हम रास्ते में बात कर लेंगे | आओ |
Let's go, Reena. We will talk on the way. Come.
हमें और पैसे की जरुरत है |
we need more money...
Now, letas see how simple future tense works with ACTIVE and PASSIVE voices. Active Form of Simple Future . Formula for active form of simple indefinite sentences: Subject will / shall present tense of the verb object EXAMPLES. I shall teach English; She shall write novels; He will read stories; Shawn will make the breakfast; Kylie will bring her luggage; Zedd will book
तुम्हे कैसे पता कि वह ऑफिस चला गया है |
how do you know that he's gone to office?
क्या तू जानता है कि तू कहाँ खड़ा है और किस्से बात कर रहा है ?
Do you know where you are and who you're talking to?
उसे वही मिला जिसके वह लायक था |
He got what he deserved.
नोजवानो को शर्म आनी चाहिए |
Youngsters ought to be ashamed!
Future Simple Passive is used to talk about an action that is going to happen in the future. In the passive voice, emphasis is put on the effect of an action rather than on the doer.. The letter will be sent tomorrow.; The work will be done on time.; Future Simple Passive structure. First, letas refresh the Future Simple structure with the Active Voice: [subject] will verb without atoa
तुम सब पागलों का कोई भरोसा नहीं |
You all crazy fellows are not trustworthy!
बकवास बंद कर |
Stop talking nonsense
दांत मत दिखाओ |
Don't show your teeth.
मैं तुझे माफ़ करता रहा क्योंकि मैं तुझे बच्चा समझता था |
l kept forgiνing you because l considered you a kid.
Something be done by someone in the future. Active : We will take the horses to the stable. Passive: The horses will be taken to the stable. Active : Will the manager sign the contract tomorrow. Passive: Will the contract be signed by the manager tomorrow. Active : Will the boss give me a job? Passive: Will I be given a job by the boss? Quick Exercise
तुम कहाँ थे ?
Where have you been?
उससे कहो कि मैं तुम्हारे भाई की तरह हूँ |
Tell him that I am like your brother.
तुम्हे विश्वास करना है तो करो नहीं तो भाड़ में जाओ |
You can believe me if you wish or you can go to hell.
इसने sign नहीं किया है |
He has not signed.
Future Indefinite Tense Passive Voice. . Place the Object of active voice sentence in place of passive voice subject and Place the subject of active voice sentence in place of passive voice Object. . Use will be and Shall be. . Use rd form of verb. Formula: Subject will/shall Be rd form of verb by agent. Examples: . You will sing a song.active voice A song will be
यह कहने के लिए इतनी रात में यहाँ आने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
what was the need for you to come here so late in the night to say this?
कहाँ जा रही हो तुम ? क्या हुआ तुम्हें ?
Where are you going? What happened to you?
किस नाम से ?
In what name?
इसी लिए तो मैं तुम्हे काम पर रखना चाहता हूँ |
This is why I want to hire you.
ACTIVE VOICE: PASSIVE VOICE: FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: VERB FORM: will/shall have Past Participle Form of the verb: VERB FORM: will/shall have been Past Participle form of the Verb: I will have hired a cab: Go through the following example sentences in Future Continuous Tense-He will be reading a book tomorrow. They will be playing football tomorrow. She will be planning her marriage
उसने माचिस बुझा दी |
He extinguished the matchstick.
यह तेरा भाई लाया है तेरे लिए |
Your mother has bought this for you.
उसे यहाँ आने से पहले सीखना चाहिए था |
She should have learnt it before coming here!
क्या तुमने बुलाया उन्हें यहाँ ?
did you call them here?
Future Indefinite Tense Passive Voice. . Place the Object of active voice sentence in place of passive voice subject and Place the subject of active voice sentence in place of passive voice Object. . Use will be and Shall be. . All Tenses Formulas and Example Sentences with Urdu Words Followed by Appropriate Prepositions in Urdu Sentence Definition | Types of Sentences in Urdu.
मुझे यह कहते हूँ शर्म आती है कि यह मेरा भाई है |
I feel ashamed to say that, he's my brother.
पहले घर आ जाओ |
Come home first.
दौ जूते थे लेकिन अब एक भी नहीं मिल रहा |
There were 2 shoes, but now not even one is to be found.
इससे कहो मुझसे पंगा ना ले |
Αsk him not to mess with me.
Future Indefinite Tense. Future indefinite tense is used to express an action that has not taken place yet and will take place in the future. For example, aBilly will play soccer after hour.a There is no planning or intention in the future sentences used in the future indefinite tense.It is used when talking about actions that will occur due to future conditions.
क्या तुमने वह देखा ?
Did you see that?
और क्या करता मैं मेरी इज्ज़त दांव पे लगी थी |
What was I supposed to do, my honour was at stake.
टूटे दिल का सिर्फ एक ही इलाज है |
There's just one cure for a broken heart.
हमें इस बारे में कुछ नहीं पता था |
we didn't know anything about it.
It talks about those actions that will occur in future time and we use the helping verb of Future Simple passive voice tense is Will and for Future simple active voice tense. Example Helping Verb = Will be. Formula For Future. We use it for Prediction, Threat, Instant Decision, Possibility. Formula: Object Helping Verb Verb rdform Sentences: Party will be arranged.
क्या इस तरह बात करते हैं किसी से ?
Is this the way you talk to someone?
तुम्हे अपने आप पर शर्म आनी चाहिए |
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
तो बोलने दो उसे | किसे फर्क पड़ता हैं |
So let him say it. Who cares?
उसकी sunday को शादी है |
he's getting married on Sunday.
Passive: The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. agent =Leonardo Da Vinci Active: Leonaro Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. Most writing instructors and editors recommend against using the passive voice, when possible. The reason for this is that when you use the active voice, your writing is clearer and less complicated.
शायद कमल तुम्हारे लिए कुछ ना हो पर मेरे लिए तो वह सारी दुनिया है |
maybe Kamal is nothing for you. But for me he is my world.
फेसला तुम्हारा है |
The decision is yours.
मैं एक मिनट में कैसे जवाब दे दूँ ?
How can l give an answer in just a minute?
थोड़ी देर मुझे चलाने दो इसे |
let me ride it for a while..
//nbsp;;;Future perfect tense active and passive voice. Example: The patient will have taken medicine. Medicine will have been taken by the patient. She will have read this book. We shall have done our home-task. She will not have abused me. He will not have taken the test. You will not have learnt the lesson. He will have sold his house. Will he have paid the bill? Who will
तुम जाओ और कहो उसे कि मैं यहाँ नहीं हूँ |
You go and tell him I'm not here.
खुशकिश्मती से
It was fortunate that.
तो इसमें नया क्या है ?
What’s new in that?
कोने में आ |
Come in the corner.
Passive voice for modals in present and future tenses take this form: modal be past participle. For instance, Trees should not be cut down, it is very important issue. This is a sentence following the abea form. Passive voice for modals in past tense takes this form: modal have been past participle. For instance,
यह आखिरी मौका है तुम्हारे लिए |
This is the last chance for you.
मैं खुद भी यही चाहती हूँ |
I myself wish the same thing.
क्या आप सब तैयार हैं ?
Are all of you ready?
समझने की कोशिश करो तुम अन्दर नहीं जा सकते |
Try to understand you can't go in!
//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Simple Future Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject shall/will V [infinitive without to] Object: S convert object to subject shall/will be Vby O convert subject to object RemainingI shall water the plants.
तुम और तुम्हारी माँ दोनों से बात करना ही बेकार है |
You and your mother... It's useless talking to both...
पहले नास्ता करो |
Have your breakfast first!
भागने की सोंचना भी मत |
Don't even think about running away.
जब तक तेरा भाई जिंदा है तुझे पैसों की चिंता करने की कोई जरुरत नहीं |
Till the time your brother is alive you don't have to worry about any money.
//nbsp;;;In Active and Passive voice helping verb, 'Will/Shall Be' is used with the rd form of the verb for making Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense. All the Negative sentences ;Not; will be added after will/shall and before 'be'. In the case of an Interrogative sentence helping verb comes at the starting of the sentence.
हाँ उसने एक बार मुझसे कहा था |
yes she had told me once.
कमल से शादी के 4 साल बाद
After six years of being married to Kamal,
उसे दुबारा होश में लाओ |
Make him conscious again.
मेरे पास कैंसर का इलाज कराने के पैसे नहीं है |
l don't have money to get my cancer treated.
This means a sentence changes from x does something to y to y has something done to it by x. So dont hesitate to learn the difference betwe
मैं तुम्हे वो नहीं करने दूंगा जो तुम यहाँ करने आये हो |
I won't let you do what you have come here for.
वो बम कहाँ से आया |
Where did that bomb come from?
जैसे रोज जाते हो |
Just as you go everyday!
तुम ज़िंदगी में क्या बनना चाहते हो ?
What do you want to be in life?
Affirmative Sentence a Future Indefinite Tense Note: The sentence aYou shall obey our ordersa also suggests a warning, an order, or a prediction. After going through passive voice exercises with answers and independently solving them, you might have grabbed the universal rules governing the change from active to passive voice.
वह किसी और को गले लगा रही थी |
She was hugging somebody else.
सुधर जाओ कमल नहीं तो एक दिन बहुत बुरा फंसोगे |
You'd better change your ways Kamal! Or you'll come to a bad end.
तेरे पापा एक पैसा नहीं कमाते |
Your father doesn't earn a penny.
चुप रहो | मुझे शांति से movie देखने दो |
Keep quiet! Let me watch the movie peacefully!
Future indefinite tense is used to express an action that has not taken place yet and will take place in the future. For example, aBilly will play soccer after hour.a There is no planning or intention in the future sentences used in the future indefinite tense. It is used when talking about actions that will occur due to future conditions.
मुझे तुम्हारे साथ यह सब करके मजा नहीं आता |
I don't have fun doing all this with you.
मेरी माँ कहती हैं कुछ पाने के लिए कुछ खोना पड़ता है |
My mother says, to gain something you have to loose something.
तुम क्यों नहीं करते यह ?
Why don't you do it?
अगर एक शब्द ओए कहा तो मैं भूल जाऊंगा कि तेरी उम्र क्या है |
If you say another word, I'll forget how old you are.
Examples of Passive Voice of Future Indefinite Tense. In all types of sentences - Positive, Negative Interrogative, rd form of the verb is used in Passive Voice.
मैं अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड से बात कर रहा हूँ तुझसे नहीं |
I'm talking to my girlfriend, not you.
क्या तुम्हे पता है कि रीना कहाँ है ?
Do you know where Reena is?
पता नहीं इसके दिमाग में क्या था |
Wonder what was on his mind.
मुझे यह घर भी खाली करना है |
I will have to vacate this house too.
//nbsp;;;There are two basic rules for converting sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice, which are common for all tenses. The places of subject and object will be interchanged in the sentence. Only rd form of the verb or Past Participle e.g. written will be used as a main verb in Passive Voice.
लगता है तुम अभी भी नाराज हो |
it seems that you're still angry
क्या तुम photo लाये हो?
have you brought the photos?
इसमें मेरी गलती कैसे है |
How's that my fault?
मुझे लगता है उसे तुम्हारी जरुरत है |
I think she needs you.
Simple Future Future Indefinite Tense. The simple future tense is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future. Structure: Subject shall/will verb . . . . . . . . Example: We shall move to another city. He will come to New York tomorrow. They will make a phone which has artificial intelligence.
जब मैं वापस आऊँ तो मुझे ऐसी है मिलना जैसी अब हो |
when I come back, I want to see you just the way you are now.
कोई पानी ले के आओ |
Someone get some water.
जल्दी निकलो वहाँ से |
Get out of there quickly.
देखो दुल्हे का परिवार यहाँ कभी भी आता होगा |
Look, the groom's family will be here any moment.
क्या ज़िन्दगी देती मैं तुझे ?
What life would l be able to offer you?
पापा घर पर हैं ?
Is father at home?
तुमने मुझे wish करने के लिए कॉल नहीं किया |
You didn't call to wish me.
बताओ मैं नहा के आऊँ या ऐसे ही आ जाऊं ?
Tell me, shall I take a bath or come just as I am?
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