Learn how to use can in English speaking | Can वाले वाक्य English में translate करना सीखिए |
Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
Can helping verb English में कई तरह से use होती है |
हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में
सकता है, पाता है आने पर हम can का use करते हैं | और नीचे दी हुई चीजे दिखाने
वाले sentences में हम can का प्रयोग करते हैं |
1. Ability योग्यता दिखाने के लिए |
2. Authority अधिकार दिखाने के लिए
3. Capacity क्षमता दिखाने के लिए |
4. possibility सम्भावना दिखाने के लिए |
5. permission अनुमति लेने के लिए |
मैं कार चला सकता हूँ |
I can drive a car.
वह यह सवाल हल कर सकता है |
He can solve this sum.

मैं नहीं जा सका |
I could not go.
Can के past tense की पहचान – हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में सका या पाया आता है |
could have – सकता था |
I can drive a car.
वह यह सवाल हल कर सकता है |
He can solve this sum.
मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ |
I can do anything.
मेरे पापा निर्णय ले सकते
हैं |
My father can take
क्या तुम इस बक्से को उठा
सकते हो |
Can you lift this box?
मैं उसे हरा सकता हूँ |
I can defeat him.
जब हम अनुमति अपने हमउम्र
या दोस्तों से मांगते हैं तब हम can का प्रयोग करते हैं |
can का प्रयोग informal
request और permission के लिए किया जाता है |
पर अगर हम permission या
request किसी बड़े से कर रहे हो जैसे teacher, boss, father आदि तब हम may helping
verb का प्रयोग करते हैं |
May का प्रयोग formal
request और permission के लिए किया जाता है |

Can का past could होता है |
मैं नहीं जा सका |
I could not go.
Could के साथ verb की first form का प्रयोग करते हैं |
मैं पढ़ नहीं सका |
I could not study.
सॉरी , में तुम्हारी मदद
नहीं कर सका |
Sorry, I could not help
Can के past tense की पहचान – हिंदी वाक्यों के अंत में सका या पाया आता है |
could have – सकता था |
जब कोई past में किसी काम
को करने में capable समर्थ हो पर उसने वो काम ना किया हो तो हम could have use करते
हैं |
तुम वह जा सकते थे |
You could have gone
Could have के साथ verb के third form का प्रयोग करते हैं |
Daily use example sentences of Could have with Hindi translation
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |
हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
What is a modal verb? The modal verbs of English are a small class of auxiliary verbs used to express possibility, obligation, advice, permission, ability, Modal verbs list in the English language: Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Must, Shall, Should, Ought to Modal Verbs: Rules Examples. Learn how and when to use modal verbs in
अगर तुम आज रात हमसे नहीं मिले तो मैं तुम्हारे घर आ जाऊंगा |
If you don't meet us tonight, I will come to your place...
तुम्हारे लिए कॉल है |
there's a call for you.
तुम्हें इससे क्या मिलेगा ?
What will you gain out of this?
सोंच के ही दिमाग खराब हो जाता है मेरा |
Just the thought of it upsets me.
MODAL VERBS CAN is one of the most used modal verbs in English. aCana is an auxiliary verb modal auxiliary verb . It can be used to express; Ability Possibility Permission Request Offer General Structure of aCANa in a Sentence POSITIVE FORM : Subject CAN Verb first form of the verb NEGATIVE FORM - : Subject CAN NOT CANaTVerb first form of the verb
वह उसके कान में कुछ खुसफुसा रही थी | और उसके बात वह उसे लेके चली गई |
She was whispering something in her ears. And, after that she took her along.
हमें एक दुसरे के नाम भी नहीं पता |
we don't even know each others names.
वो औरत मुझे खुश नहीं देख सकती |
That woman can't see me happy.
हंसो जितना हंसना है |
Laugh as much as you want.
मुझे नहीं पता आज क्या होने वाला है |
I don't know what's going to happen today...
तुम मुझसे क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?
Why are you asking me?
तुम क्या चाहती हो मैं क्या करूँ ?
So, what do you want me to do?
आज के बाद ना तुम मुझे जानती हो और ना मैं तुम्हें |
After today, neither I know you, nor you know me.
You can never use a modal verb alone. There must be a main verb stated, either implicitly known without being said or explicitly said directly. Extra Modal Phrases. You caught me! These arenat all the possible modal verbs in English. There are also a few more interesting modal phrases you can use in English. ought to. This phrase is used to make suggestions or to declare your intentions. It is very
वह इसकी वजह से बदनाम भी हो गया |
He even got defamed because of it.
number है उसका तेरा पास ?
You have her number?
मुझे तुमसे बात करनी है |
I have to talk to you.
तुम अब कितने बड़े हो गए हो |
you are so grown up now.
Visit https://www.eduenglish.it/ for more videos and teaching resourcescan cant englishforkids englishgrammarHow to use the modal verb can to express abi
मैं तो बस तुझे चिढ़ा रहा था |
l was only testing you.
पहले fresh हो जाते है | उसके बाद हम यह सब करने की कोशिस करते हैं |
Let's freshen up first. After that we can try to do all this.
तुम क्लास में क्यों नहीं हो ?
Why aren’t you in class?
यहाँ शरीफ लोग रहते हैं |
decent folks stay here.
In this lesson, you can learn how to use can and could English modal verbs to talk about ability. You will also learn about the verbs be able to and managed to to talk about ability. These verbs are not modal verbs, but we cannot use the modal verbs can or could in every situation to talk about ability, so sometimes we need to use a different verb. Learn more about modal verbs with a certified English
तू यहाँ से जिंदा नहीं जायेगा |
You won't leave from here alive.
रीना को तुझसे प्यार हो गया है |
Reena has fallen in love with you.
तुम हमारे दोस्त हो लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि तुम कुछ भी कहोगे |
You are our friend but that doesn't mean you will say anything.
मैंने तुझे कई बात कॉल किया लेकिन बाद में कॉल करता हूँ कह के काट दिया |
I called you so many times but you'd hang up saying you'll call back.
MODAL VERBS aa aCANa aCANa is one of the most used modal verbs in English. aCana is an auxiliary verb modal auxiliary verb . It can be used to express; Ability Possibility Permission Request Offer General Structure of aCANa in a Sentence POSITIVE FORM : Subject CAN Verb first form of the verb NEGATIVE FORM - : Subject CAN NOT CANaTVerb first form of the verb
अपनी speed कम करो |
Reduce your speed.
थोडा मुझे भी दो |
Give me some as well.
तो उसमें गलत क्या है ?
So what's wrong with that?
देखो, क्या हो गया ?
Look, what has happened?
//nbsp;;;What is a modal verb? The modal verbs of English are a small class of auxiliary verbs used to express possibility, obligation, advice, permission, ability, Modal verbs list in the English language: Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Must, Shall, Should, Ought to Modal Verbs: Rules Examples. Learn how and when to use modal verbs in
कार में होगी एक, मैं जाकर लाती हूँ |
There might be one in the car, I'll go and get it.
मैंने कभी शराब नहीं पी या सिगरेट नहीं पी |
l never drank or smoked.
जब तुझे पता था कि वो मेरे पीछे खड़ी है तो तूने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं ?
When you knew she was standing behind me why didn't you tell me?
वहाँ पर देखो | दाई तरफ
Look over there. At the right.
मुझे जैसे ही मिलेगा मैं आपके पास भेज दूंगा |
I will send it to you as soon as I find it.
मुझे याद है जब हम आख़िरी बार मिले थे |
I remember the last time we met him.
मेरे लिए हर रात सुहागरात है |
For me, every night is a nuptial night!
तुम चाहे कुछ भी मानो पर मैं अपने पिता जी का दिला नहीं तोड़ सकता था |
Take it in whichever way... but I couldn't break my father's heart
Learn how to use the modal verbs CAN and WOULD correctly in this lesson. Also see - MOST COMMON MISTAKES IN ENGLISH HOW TO AVOID THEM: https://www.youtube.
चले ?
Shall we go?
क्या तुम यहाँ किसी बड़े आदमी को जानते हो ?
Do you know any influential man here?
उसकी ताकत बनो उसकी कमजोरी नहीं |
Be her strength, not her weakness.
नहीं मैं लंच कर चूका हूँ |
No, I've had lunch.
English modal verbs. Learn all about English modal verbs in my post. Use the verbs Can, Could, May and Might like a native speaker. can . We use the modal verb can to say that something is possible, allowed or somebody/something has the ability to do something. could . Could is sometimes used as the past tense of can.
क्या यह तुम्हे किसी लड़की ने दिया ?
Did a girl give you this?
क्या तुम्हरी मम्मी ने तुम्हें कुछ सिखाया नहीं ?
Didn't Mummy teach you anything?
मेरा पोता कितने सालों बाद आया है |
My grandson has come after so many years.
छोड़ उसे | लखनऊ में एक से बढकर एक हैं |
Forget her, Τhere's one better than the other in Lucknow.
English Grammar - Verbs Modal Verbs The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would. Facebook Twitter Google. All the auxiliary verbs except be, do and have are called modals. Unlike other auxiliary verbs modals only exist in their helping form; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence.. Be, do, and have also differ from the other auxiliaries in that
क्या तुम जानते हो उसका बाप कौन है ?
Do you know who her father is?
ठीक है | मुझे सोंचने के लिए कुछ time दो |
Αll right. Give me some time to think.
मैं तुझे ढूंड रहा था |
I was looking for you.
वहीं मत खड़ी रहो |
Don't just stand there!
EnglishClub: Learn English: Grammar: Verbs: Modals: can, could, be able to can, could, be able to. can and could are modal auxiliary verbs.be able to is NOT an auxiliary verb it uses the verb be as a main verb. We include be able to here for convenience.. In this lesson we look at can, could and be able to, followed by a quiz to check your understanding.. can. Can is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary
मुझे हैंडल करने दो |
let me handle this.
किसका खाना लग रहा है ?
Who's all that food for?
मुझे बहुत बात करने की आदत है | तब तो और ज्यादा मजा आएगा | क्योंकि मेरी भी यही आदत है |
I'm in the habit of talking a lot! - It will be a lot of fun then... because I have the same habit!
तुम दोस्ती की लायक नहीं हो |
You're not worth of befriending.
In this lesson, you can learn how to use can and could English modal verbs to talk about ability. You will also learn about the verbs be able to and managed to to talk about ability. These verbs are not modal verbs, but we cannot use the modal verbs can or could in every situation to talk about ability, so sometimes we need to use a different verb. Learn more about modal verbs with a certified English
मैं तुम्हारे लिए एक कप बढ़िया चाय बना के लाती हूँ |
I'll make you a nice cup of tea.
तो अभी तक तू बोला क्यों नहीं ?
So why didn't you say as yet?
ये लोग मेरी तरफ क्यों आ रहे हैं ?
Why are they all coming towards me?
यह तुम्हारा हिस्सा है |
this is your share.
English modal verbs. Learn all about English modal verbs in my post. Use the verbs Can, Could, May and Might like a native speaker. can . We use the modal verb can to say that something is possible, allowed or somebody/something has the ability to do something. could . Could is sometimes used as the past tense of can.
पैसों से ज्यादा जरुरी उसके लिए और क्या होगा ?
What will be more important for her than money?
जो उसने किया उसके लिए उसे मरना ही था |
She had to die for what she did!
मैं ठीक हूँ | आप कैसे हैं ?
I'm fine, how about you?
वह अब मुंबई पहुँच गया होगा |
He would have reached Mumbai by now.
EnglishClub: Learn English: Grammar: Verbs: Modals: can, could, be able to can, could, be able to. can and could are modal auxiliary verbs.be able to is NOT an auxiliary verb it uses the verb be as a main verb. We include be able to here for convenience.. In this lesson we look at can, could and be able to, followed by a quiz to check your understanding.. can. Can is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary
तुम क्या मुझे बताओगे ? मैंने सब कुछ अपनी आँखों से देखा है |
What will you tell me? I've seen everything with my own eyes.
तो वह तुम्हारी तरफ दौड़कर क्यों आ रहा है ?
Then why is he coming running towards you?
लगता है अब हमारी सारी परेशानियाँ दूर हो जायेंगी |
It seems that now aII our probIems wiII be over.
तुम्हारा monday को off रहेगा |
You'll have Mondays off.
EnglishClub: Learn English: Grammar: Verbs: Modals: can, could, be able to can, could, be able to. can and could are modal auxiliary verbs.be able to is NOT an auxiliary verb it uses the verb be as a main verb. We include be able to here for convenience.. In this lesson we look at can, could and be able to, followed by a quiz to check your understanding.. can. Can is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary
तुम उसे खाने में क्या देती हो ?
What do you give him to eat?
हमारी आपसे कोई जाति दुश्मनी नहीं है |
We've no personal enmity with you.
किसने कहा था तुझे हमारे पीछे वहाँ आने को ?
Who asked you to follow us to that place?
मैं तुम्हे ही ढूंड रहा था |
I was looking for you.
Visit https://www.eduenglish.it/ for more videos and teaching resourcescan cant englishforkids englishgrammarHow to use the modal verb can to express abi
तुम कितने ज़िद्दी हो |
You're so stubborn.
वो पागल है तेरे ऊपर चढ़ा देगा |
he's crazy, he'll drive over you.
तुम्हारी लखनऊ की ट्रिप कैसी थी |
How was your trip to Lucknow.
तुमने अपने बारे में क्या सोंचा है ?
what've you thought about yourself?
You can never use a modal verb alone. There must be a main verb stated, either implicitly known without being said or explicitly said directly. Extra Modal Phrases. You caught me! These arenat all the possible modal verbs in English. There are also a few more interesting modal phrases you can use in English. ought to. This phrase is used to make suggestions or to declare your intentions. It is very
झूठ बोलना पाप नहीं है तुम्हारे लिए |
Lying is no sin for you!
मेरी बेटी को क्या हुआ ?
What has happened to my daughter?
यह लाया मुझे यहाँ |
He brought me here!
क्या आप कमल को ढूंड रहे हैं ?
Are you Iooking for Kamal?
Learn use of Can modal verb in english
तुम लोग मुझे अकेला छोड़ के आ गए |
you all left me alone and came.
समझो हो गया |
Consider it done.
आप किससे बात कर रहे थे |
Who were you talking to?
क्योंकि मुझे दर्द हो रहा है |
Because I'm in pain.
In this lesson, you can learn how to use can and could English modal verbs to talk about ability. You will also learn about the verbs be able to and managed to to talk about ability. These verbs are not modal verbs, but we cannot use the modal verbs can or could in every situation to talk about ability, so sometimes we need to use a different verb. Learn more about modal verbs with a certified English
एक दुसरे पर इल्जाम लगाने से कुछ नहीं होगा |
Accusing each other won't help.
क्या मैं उसके पैर पकड कर माफ़ी मांगू ?
should I hold his leg and apologize to him?
वह तुम्हारे सामने खड़ा है |
He's right in front of you.
तुम मुझे मरवाएगा |
You’ll get me killed.
English Grammar - Verbs Modal Verbs The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would. Facebook Twitter Google. All the auxiliary verbs except be, do and have are called modals. Unlike other auxiliary verbs modals only exist in their helping form; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence.. Be, do, and have also differ from the other auxiliaries in that
मैंने सिर्फ उसके बारे में सुना है पर कभी देखा नहीं |
I have only heard about him, but never seen him.
उसने कहा कि वह हॉस्पिटल से गायब हो गई थी |
He said that she has disappeared from the hospital.
कितनी बार बोलूं मैं तुम्हे ?
How many times do I tell you?
तुम्हें कैसे पता कि मैंने अंडरवियर नहीं पहना है ?
How do you know I haven't worn underwear?
Learn how to use the modal verbs CAN and WOULD correctly in this lesson. Also see - MOST COMMON MISTAKES IN ENGLISH HOW TO AVOID THEM: https://www.youtube.
यह कैसे हो सकता है ?
How is that possible?
तुम दुनिया कि पहली औरत होगी जो अपने पति की शादी attend कर रही है और खुश भी है |
You're the first wife in this world... who is attending her husband's wedding and is happy as well!
हमें आज सुबह रीना को लेने जाने था |
We had to go pick up Reena this morning.
मैंने जोश में हां नहीं किया |
I didn't accept out of bravado.
जाने से पहले क्या हम यह करने की वजह जान सकते हैं ?
Before we leave may we know your reason for doing this ?
Friday को मिलते हैं |
Let's meet on Friday.
मैं क्या गलत कर रहा हूँ ?
What am l doing wrong?
यह आप पे अच्छी लग रही है |
It looks good on you.
Learn English gt; English lessons and exercises gt; English test : Modals Can/Must gt; Other English exercises on the same topic: Modals [ Change theme ] gt; Similar tests: - Modal : may/might - Placement test - Modal can video - Modal verb : must / have to - Modal : can/could - Must / Have to - Modal verbs - Modal verbs
इतना गुस्सा अच्छा नहीं है |
So much of anger is not good.
बताओ मुझे कब मिलें ?
Tell me when to meet?
तुमको मुझे बताना चाहिए था |
You should've told me.
पता नहीं हमें पैसे कैसे मिलेंगे |
I don't know how we will get the money.
English modal verbs. Learn all about English modal verbs in my post. Use the verbs Can, Could, May and Might like a native speaker. can . We use the modal verb can to say that something is possible, allowed or somebody/something has the ability to do something. could . Could is sometimes used as the past tense of can.
इतना असुरक्षित होने की क्या जरुरत है |
Why do you need to be so insecure?
कितनी बार कर चुके हैं हम यह ?
How many times have we done this?
मैं तुमसे और वादा नहीं कर सकता |
I can't promise you anything more.
मैं सोंचता था कि तुम मुझे अपना बड़ा भाई मानते हो |
I thought that you think of me as your elder brother.
Learn how to use the modal verbs CAN and WOULD correctly in this lesson. Also see - MOST COMMON MISTAKES IN ENGLISH HOW TO AVOID THEM: https://www.youtube.
उसे नीचे रखो |
put that down.
सिर्फ तुम मुझे बचा सकते हो |
Only you can save me.
तुम्हे बस बिस्तर से उठना था और बाल्टी रखनी थी |
All you had to do was get out of bed and put the buckets out.
तेरी वजह से आत्महत्या करने का वक़्त आ गया है |
The time has come to commit suicide because of you.
Learn English gt; English lessons and exercises gt; English test : Modals Can/Must gt; Other English exercises on the same topic: Modals [ Change theme ] gt; Similar tests: - Modal : may/might - Placement test - Modal can video - Modal verb : must / have to - Modal : can/could - Must / Have to - Modal verbs - Modal verbs
ये हमें seriously नहीं ले रहे हैं |
They aren't taking us seriously.
ये लो |
Here take this...
वह मुझे पागल कर रहा है |
he's driving me crazy.
लेकिन तुमने उसे जाने क्यों दिया ?
But why you let him go?
English Grammar - Verbs Modal Verbs The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would. Facebook Twitter Google. All the auxiliary verbs except be, do and have are called modals. Unlike other auxiliary verbs modals only exist in their helping form; they cannot act alone as the main verb in a sentence.. Be, do, and have also differ from the other auxiliaries in that
भगवान जाने उसके दिमाग में क्या है |
God knows what's on his mind.
मुझे क्या मालूम ?
I don't know.
क्या तुम हमें गुस्से से देख रही हो या तुम्हारा चेहरा ही ऐसा है ?
Are you looking at us angrily? Or your face is like this?
तुमने तब जो कुछ कहा था गुस्से में कहा था |
whatever you said then was said in anger.
MODAL VERBS aa aCANa aCANa is one of the most used modal verbs in English. aCana is an auxiliary verb modal auxiliary verb . It can be used to express; Ability Possibility Permission Request Offer General Structure of aCANa in a Sentence POSITIVE FORM : Subject CAN Verb first form of the verb NEGATIVE FORM - : Subject CAN NOT CANaTVerb first form of the verb
मेरे पास वापस आ जाओ |
Come back to me
लेकिन सुनो, यह बात हम दोनों के बीच में रहनी चाहिए | किसी और को इस बारे में पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |
But listen, this should be between you and me. No one else should know about it.
ठीक है तुम ही कर लो उससे बात |
Okay then, you speak to him...
मैं कल थोडा गुस्सा थी |
I was a little angry yesterday.
Visit https://www.eduenglish.it/ for more videos and teaching resourcescan cant englishforkids englishgrammarHow to use the modal verb can to express abi
उस दिन में तेरा चेहरा देखने आऊंगा |
That day I will come to see your face.
कौन से कॉलेज से हो तुम ?
Which college are you from?
उसके बात कमल ने ना मुझे कॉल किया और ना ही मुझसे मिलने आया |
After that, neither did Kamal call me or come to meet me.
क्या मैंने तुम्हे नहीं कहा था कि आवाज मत करना ?
Hadn't I told you not to make a sound?
//nbsp;;;What is a modal verb? The modal verbs of English are a small class of auxiliary verbs used to express possibility, obligation, advice, permission, ability, Modal verbs list in the English language: Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Must, Shall, Should, Ought to Modal Verbs: Rules Examples. Learn how and when to use modal verbs in
मैं पूरे दिन पढ़ कर थक गया हूँ |
i'm tired of reading all the day
कहाँ भाग रहा है तु ?
Where are you running off to?
तुम्हे कैसे पता कि वह ऑफिस चला गया है |
how do you know that he's gone to office?
जिस लड़की से वह शादी करेगा वह बहुत खुश रहेगी |
The girl he marries would be very happy in life.
You can never use a modal verb alone. There must be a main verb stated, either implicitly known without being said or explicitly said directly. Extra Modal Phrases. You caught me! These arenat all the possible modal verbs in English. There are also a few more interesting modal phrases you can use in English. ought to. This phrase is used to make suggestions or to declare your intentions. It is very
जल्दी करो नहीं तो तुम्हें देर हो जाएगी |
hurry up or you'll be late.
एक साल हो गया, ना उसने कॉल किया और ना ही मिलने की कोशिश की
It's been one year since.. Neither has he called or tried to meet me.
तेरे पास कोई और रास्ता है ?
Do you have any other way?
नास्ता ठंडा हो जायेगा |
The breakfast will get cold.
Learn English gt; English lessons and exercises gt; English test : Modals Can/Must gt; Other English exercises on the same topic: Modals [ Change theme ] gt; Similar tests: - Modal : may/might - Placement test - Modal can video - Modal verb : must / have to - Modal : can/could - Must / Have to - Modal verbs - Modal verbs
आप ही थे जिसने तब मुझे सहारा दिया और मेरी मदद की
You were the one who supported and helped me then.
ताकि किसी को पता ना चले |
So that no body comes to know.
हम चले जायेंगे |
We will go away.
मैं उसकी वाट लगा दूंगा |
l will screw him.
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