Passive voice Present perfect tense example sentences in Hindi

Present perfect tense passive voice example sentences in Hindi

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उसे जहर दिया जा चुका है |
He has been poisoned.

उसे मारा जा चुका है |
He has been killed.

मेरी कार चोरी हो गई है |
My car has been stolen!

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In the present perfect tense we make passive verb forms by putting has/have  been before the past participle form of the verb. Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive. .

कार खराब हो गई है |
The car has broken down.
प्लीज कुछ करिए हमारे लिए |
Please do something for us.
लेकिन एक बात याद रखना |
But remember one thing.
तुम्हे क्या लगता है क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ मैं ?
What do you think I've been trying to do?

Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / 

मैंने तुम्हारा काम कर दिया है |
I have done your work
इतनी बुरी तरह मार खाने के बावजूद वह मेरे लिए वापस आया है |
He came back for me, despite being beaten so badly
पिता जी की मौत के बाद माँ की दिमागी हालत बिगड़ गई |
After father's death her mentaI condition deteriorated.
मुझे तेरी हमदर्दी नहीं चाहिए |
I don't want your sympathy.

Active And Passive Voice of Present Perfect Continuous. Note: keep in mind that it is not common in written English to change the active sentences from present perfect progressive, past perfect progressive, and future perfect progressive tenses into passive sentences in written English, but they could be rarely changed in spoken English.In order to help our visitors know 

मेरे हाथ जो लगा मैंने ले किया |
I took everything I could get my hands on.
तुम रहने दो इसे | मैं देख लूँगा इसे |
You let it be. I will handle this.
पता नहीं ये कैसे हो गया |
I don't know how this happened...
सुबह से तुम मेरी बेज्जती कर रहे हो |
Since morning you have been humiliating me!
कहना पड़ता है |
I have to say that! 
तुम ऐसा सोंच भी कैसे सकते हो ?
how could you even think like that?
इतना असुरक्षित होने की क्या जरुरत है |
Why do you need to be so insecure?
इतने लोग कैसे गलत हो सकते हैं ?
How can so many people be wrong?

Passive voice Present perfect tense example

हम वह सबक पहले ही सीख चुके हैं |
We've already learnt that lesson.
जहाँ कोई इसे कभी ढूंड ना पाए |
Where no one will ever find it.
तब तक आप चौकन्ने रहिएगा |
Till then you stay alert!
मुझे यह सब नहीं पता था |
I didn't know of all this.

Future perfect tense; But there are no passive voice formation for these tenses: Present Perfect Continuous Tense; Past Perfect Continuous Tense; Future Perfect Continuous Tense ; Future Continuous Tense; Present Simple Tense. Active Voice: Passive Voice Auxiliary Verb a is/am/are Example: Subject  Vs/es object: Object is/am/are V by  subject: Active: 

वरना मैं उसे छोड़ता नहीं |
Otherwise l wouldn't have spared him.
उनके पास छुपने के लिए कोई जगह नहीं है |
they have no place to hide.
नहीं मुझे कुछ नहीं चाहिए मैं डाइटिंग पर हूँ |
No, I don't want anything. I am dieting.
इसका नाम क्या रखें ?
What should we name him?

Both the above sentences are within the present perfect tense and render the similar which means. But they re focusing on different things. The usage of present easy passive voice tense examples. Provide easy passive voice  examples. We use present easy passive voice tense to speak. Lively passive voice of present perfect tense new.

मैंने तुम्हें सबसे कहा था | किसी दिन हम इसकी वजह से फंसेंगे |
l had told you all. Someday we will get stuck because of him.
मुझे जैसे ही मिलेगा मैं आपके पास भेज दूंगा |
I will send it to you as soon as I find it.
कल रात मैंने क्या किया ?
What did I do last night?
मैं इसी पीटना चाहता हूँ |
I want to beat him up!

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वह तुम्हारे लिए बिल्कुल सही नहीं है |
He just isn't right for you.
ऐसे नहीं बोलते |
Don't talk like that.
तुम्हे देखाई नहीं देता कि मैं फ़ोन पे बात कर रहा हूँ |
Don't you see I'm speaking over the phone.
तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं ?
You didn't tell me?

In addition, click Active and Passive Voice Complete Rules, you might find this useful too. Active and Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense. Affirmatives. Active: S  have/has  V  object  ROTS He has written a poem. Passive: S  have/has  been  V  prep  object  ROTS A poem has been written by him. Interrogatives

वह बचपन से ही teacher बनना चाहती थी |
She's wanted to become teacher since childhood.
अब तुम सो जाओ |
you should sleep now.
अब क्या फर्क पड़ता है ?
Now what difference does it make?
बांटने से खुशिया बढती है |
Happiness increases by sharing

तुम्हें ऐसा क्यों लग रहा है कि मैं झूठ बोल रहा हूँ |
why do you feel that I am lying?
कभी late हुआ हूँ क्या ?
Have I ever been late?
थोड़ी शर्म करो |
Have some shame.
अगर तुम आत्महत्या नहीं करने वाले थे तो तुम यहाँ आये क्यों थे ?
If you weren't going to commit suicide then why did you come here?

Each tense has its own passive voice which is created by using a form of the auxiliary verb to be  V past participle The passive voice in each tense: Tense: Auxiliary verb  sample V past participle Examples: Present simple: am, is, are  made: Wine is made from grapes. Many cars are made in Japan. Present progressive: am, is, are  being  sent: The document is being sent right now. I am 

भाड़ में गया तेरा प्यार |
To hell with your love.
तुमसे मतलब |
None of your business.
किसी ने किडनैप तो नहीं कर लिया ?
Could someone haνe kidnapped him?
बताओ मुझे तुमने क्या पीया है ? बताओ मुझे |
Tell me what did you drink? Tell me.

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Passive: meaning. The Present Perfect Passive is an English verb form that has the present tense, perfect aspect, and passive voice. In the Passive, a subject of the sentence is not the doer a it is acted upon. We focus attention on what or who receives an action the object. Compare: Lise has recorded a song.

बिना सवाल पूंछे कुछ नहीं कर सकता क्या ?
Can't you do anything without asking questions?
तुम्हें पता है यहाँ आने में कितना ख़तरा है ?
Do you know how much danger there is in coming here?
तुम जाओ मैं देख लूँगा इसे |
You go. I'll take care of it.
मैं तुम्हे उनसे बचा लूँगा पर तुम्हे मुझसे कौन बचाएगा ?
I will save you from them! But who will save you from me?

The passive voice of perfect present tense. The passive voice of the perfect present tense shows the action is done on object. We should use ahave/hasa and past participle of verb during interchanging the active sentence into a passive voice of perfect present tense.

तुम अकेले क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are you doing alone?
मैं उसी दिन शादी करूँगा |
I'll marry on that very day.
तुम्हें क्या लगता है मुझे पता नहीं कि तुमने cheeting की है ?
Do you think l don’t know that you’ve cheated?
मैं डर गया था |
l was afraid,

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tense Active Passive Sentence Examples. We use perfect tense when talking about situations that have happened before but still continue to affect. In doing so, it is necessary to add words like have and has to the sentence. For the rest of the day he felt very free and his motivation increased as he finished his job immediately.

कम से कम नल तो बंद कर दो |
At least, turn off the tap.
मैं शहर से बाहर जा रहा हूँ |
I am travelling out of the city.
ज्यादा friendly होने की कोशिस मत करो |
Don't try to get too friendly.
फ़ोन काट और दुबारा कॉल कर |
Hang up and call me again.

//nbsp;;;Active And Passive Voice of Present Perfect Continuous. Note: keep in mind that it is not common in written English to change the active sentences from present perfect progressive, past perfect progressive, and future perfect progressive tenses into passive sentences in written English, but they could be rarely changed in spoken English.In order to help our visitors know their use in 

अपने पापा के पास वापस जाओ और उनसे कहना कि तुम्हारा मन बदल गया है |
Go back to your father and, tell him that you've changed your mind.
वह भाग गया होगा |
He must have run away.
कमल ने आपसे बात की थी |
Kamal has had a word with you.
कौन है कमल ? कौन लगता है वो तुम्हारा ?
Who is Kamal? Who is he to you?

Each tense has its own passive voice which is created by using a form of the auxiliary verb to be  V past participle The passive voice in each tense: Tense: Auxiliary verb  sample V past participle Examples: Present simple: am, is, are  made: Wine is made from grapes. Many cars are made in Japan. Present progressive: am, is, are  being  sent: The document is being 

मैंने कोई हकीम या डॉक्टर नहीं छोड़ा | कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ |
I haven't left out a doctor or a hakim. It doesn't help
उसके बात कमल ने ना मुझे कॉल किया और ना ही मुझसे मिलने आया |
After that, neither did Kamal call me or come to meet me.
कितना बदनसीब हूँ मैं |
How unfortunate of me.
तुम्हे अब जाना चाहिए |
You should go now.

Forming Present Perfect Passive. Affirmative Form. Object  have / has  been  verb past participle Question Form. Have / has  object  been  verb past participle Something has been done by someone at sometime up to now. Active : They have cleaned the clinic. Passive: The clinic has been cleaned by them.

तुम्हे पता भी है तुम क्या कह रहे हो ?
Do you have any idea what you're saying?
यहाँ आग लगी है |
There is a fire here!
तुम और कितना पेशाब करोगे ? हो गया क्या ?
How much more will you pee? Is it done?
यह तो बेशर्मी की हद है |
This is the height of shamelessness!

Active voice to passive voice in present perfect tense. Provide perfect tense Active passive construction. Have a look at the next examples: Energetic: she has cooked the food. Passive: the meals has been finished by way of her. Both the above sentences are within the present perfect tense and render the similar which means. But they re focusing on different things. 

कमल ने यह पार्सल आपके लिए भेजा है |
kamal has sent this parcel for you.
कमल लखनऊ से बड़ी उम्मीद लेके आया था |
Kamal had come from Lucknow with high hopes.
अच्छा होगा तुम मेरे कपड़ो पे कमेंट ना करो |
You better not comment on my clothes.
मेरी कोशिश जारी है |
my attempts are on.

Active and Passive Voice  Example Sentences with Tenses Tense Active Voice Passive Voice Present Simple She delivers the letters. The letters are delivered. Past Simple She delivered the letters. The letters were delivered. Future Simple She will deliver the letters. The letters will be delivered. Present Continuous She is delivering the letters. The letters are being delivered. Past Continuous 

तो मैं इस बारे में सोचूँगा |
Then I'll think about it.
कहाँ खोये हुए हो ?
Where are you lost?
वह दिल्ली गया है |
He went to Delhi.
लोग क्या कहेंगे ?
What will the people say?

Soal Passive a Present Perfect Tense Rumus Passive Voice a Present Perfect Tense. Seperti active voice, main verb passive present perfect tense juga berupa past participle verb- dan diawali auxiliary verb have/has. Bedanya, passive present perfect tense mendapatkan tambahan auxiliary verb, yaitu: been.Have/has disesuaikan dengan subject pada passive voice = object pada active 

उनका मेरे सिवा कोई नहीं है |
They have no one else but me.
हमारा कल हमारे आज पर निर्भर करता है |
Our tomorrow is based on our today.
इस आदमी ने कभी किसी दूसरी औरत पर नजर नहीं डाली |
This man has never laid his eyes on another woman
यह सब मेरे लिए नहीं है |
All this is not for me.

Convert from active to passive voice and vice-versa in present perfect continuous tense - example eg. Rencently, John has been doing the work. Passive - Recently, the work has been being done by John. Note: Present perfect continuous tense is rarely used in its passive form. Convert from active to passive voice and vice-versa in simple past tense - example eg. The 

कितना चाहिए तुम्हे ?
How much do you want?
कोई लड़की का अपहरण कर रहा है |
Somebody is abducting a girl!
दूसरा वाला कहाँ है ?
Where's the other one?
क्या मैं तुम्हें इनके हवाले कर दूँ ?
Should l hand you over to them?

//nbsp;;;In the active voice of present perfect tense, we talk what someone has finished. The focus is on the doer of the action that has completed an action. But in the passive voice of present perfect tense, we talk about what has been completed or finished; who has finished it is not important in the passive voice of present perfect tense.

कमल समुंद्र में डूब रहा है |
Kamal is drowning in the sea.
तुमने मुझे धोखा दिया |
You betrayed me!
हलके चला मुझे चोट लग जाएगी |
Drive slowly. I'll get hurt.
आखिरी दम तक 
Until our last breath.

Convert from active to passive voice and vice-versa in present perfect continuous tense - example eg. Rencently, John has been doing the work. Passive - Recently, the work has been being done by John. Note: Present perfect continuous tense is rarely used in its passive form. Convert from active to passive voice and vice-versa in simple past tense - example eg. The audience loudly cheered the 

मैं तुम्हारी जबान खींच लूँगा |
i'll pull out your toungue
आज तुमने क्या सीखा ?
what did you learned today?
कई दिनों से कॉल नहीं किया ?
You haven't called in a while.
अगर पैसों से जान बचती तो अमीर कभी नहीं मरते |
if money could save lives then the rich would never die.

Active voice to passive voice in present perfect tense. Provide perfect tense Active passive construction. Have a look at the next examples: Energetic: she has cooked the food. Passive: the meals has been finished by way of her. Both the above sentences are within the present perfect tense and render the similar which means. But they re focusing on different things. The usage of present easy 

वह हमसे छुटकारा पाना चाहता था |
He wanted to get rid of us.
मुझे यहाँ से बच के निकलने दे फिर तुझे सबक सिखाता हूँ |
Let me escape from this, then I'll teach you a lesson.
क्या तुम जानते हो उसका बाप कौन है ?
Do you know who her father is?
अगर तु मर गया तो रीना का क्या होगा ?
if you died then what will happen to Reena?

Before you go to towards Present Perfect Passive Voice First you must have the basic understanding of Present Perfect Tense ; If you know what Present perfect tense is then you can continue learning this And ; If not then i suggest you to go Present Perfect Tense First ; Now I assume you know it; As you know In Present Perfect Tense The 

तुम किसी बात की फ़िक्र मत करना |
Don't you worry about anything.
तुम भाई से नाराज हो, है ना ?
You are angry with, brother, aren't you?
मैं तुम्हे रोज कॉल करूँगा |
I will call you everyday
अगर पापा बीच में ना आते तो मैं उसे जान से मार देता |
I would have killed him, if Dad hadn't stopped me.

//nbsp;;;Passive voice exercise present perfect tense September ,  - In the present perfect tense we make passive verb forms by putting has/have  been before the past participle form of the verb. Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive. . I have finished the job. / The job .. by me. has finished . has been finished . had 

मैं यहाँ का किरायदार हूँ |
l'm a tenant here.
अब मैं क्या कहूँ ?
What do I say now?
मुझे किस लिए घूर रहा है ?
What are you staring at me for?
मैं तेरे साथ नहीं जाऊंगा |
I won't go with you.

//nbsp;;;Forms Of Verb: Voice  Past Perfect A study about forms of the verb means Voice is widely used in English Speaking.Learn Here active Passive voice in English and Hindi With Examples. Rule: In Past Perfect sentences shows that work was already completed in Past time. Sound: Aa Gaya Tha, E Gayi Thi, A Gaye The, Chuka Tha, Chuki Thi, Chuke The Structure: Subject  had been V 

मैं कभी नहीं सोंचा था कि ऐसा होगा |
I had never thought such thing would happen.
लोगो को चोरी करके क्या मिलता है ?
What do people get by stealing?
मैं तुम्हे छोड़ नहीं रहा हूँ |
I'm not abandoning you.
इसने sign नहीं किया है |
He has not signed.

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Passive: meaning. The Present Perfect Passive is an English verb form that has the present tense, perfect aspect, and passive voice. In the Passive, a subject of the sentence is not the doer a it is acted upon. We focus attention on what or who receives an action the object. Compare: Lise has recorded a song.

तू अभी भी वापस नहीं गया ?
You've still not gone back?!
तुम्हे विश्वास करना है तो करो नहीं तो भाड़ में जाओ |
You can believe me if you wish or you can go to hell.
यह बहुत खतरनाक ढलान है |
this a very dangerous slope...
मैं आप पर कैसे विश्वास कर लूँ ?
How can I believe you?

//nbsp;;;The passive is a grammatical voice that allows a speaker to move an object of a sentence in the active voice into the subject position of the passive sentence. The present perfect passive is an English verb form that refers to verbs in the present tense, perfect aspect, indicative mood, and passive voice.. Formation of the Present Perfect Passive. The present 

आप बस रुकिय और देखिये मैं आपके बैंक का क्या करता हूँ |
You just wait and see what I do to your bank.
बाहर बेठो और दुसरो को खेलने दो |
Sit out and let the others play.
बेवकूफों, तुम मुझे सुबह से परेशान कर रहे हो |
You stupid people, you are troubling me since morning.
तुम्हे इससे क्या ?
What is that to you?

Rules of making Present Perfect Tense - Active Voice Rules of converting Present Perfect Tense - Active Voice to Passive Voice Positive Subject  Has/Have  Verb rd form  Object  . Convert Object to Subject  Has/Have  Been  Verb rd form  By  Convert Subject to Object  Remaining  . Negative

मैं तुम्हारा क्या करूँ |
What do l do to you?
भाई तुम कहाँ थे ?
Where were you, Brother?
जिस लड़की से वह शादी करेगा वह बहुत खुश रहेगी |
The girl he marries would be very happy in life.
तुम लोग मुझे चैन से मरने भी नहीं दे रहे |
You are not letting me to die peacefully too!

मैंने तो उस बारे में सोंचा ही नहीं था |
I didn't think about that.
वह अब बहतर है |
She's better now.
मैं कुछ गलत नहीं करूँगा |
i won't do anything wrong.
मुद्दे की बात पे आते है |
Let's come to the point.

Use the verb ato bea in the same tense as the main verb of the active sentence. Use the past participle of the main verb of the active sentence. Here are some active and passive voice examples to help! Active: People drink champagne on New Yearas Eve. Passive: Champagne is drunk on New Yearas Eve. Active: Chefs use these machines to mix the ingredients. Passive: These machines are used to mix the 

हम पेट भर के खायेंगे |
We'll eat our bellyful.
मुझे शर्त मंजूर है |
I accept the bet.
तुम दुनिया कि पहली औरत होगी जो अपने पति की शादी attend कर रही है और खुश भी है |
You're the first wife in this world... who is attending her husband's wedding and is happy as well!
वह मुसलमान था इसलिए उसे मार दिया |
He was a Muslim, so he was killed.

//nbsp;;;Present perfect tense active passive structure. Look at the following examples: Active: She has cooked the food.; Passive: The food has been finished by her.; Both the above sentences are in the Present perfect tense and render the same meaning. But they are focusing on different things.

मेरी माँ कहती हैं कुछ पाने के लिए कुछ खोना पड़ता है |
My mother says, to gain something you have to loose something.
तुम बीच में आये तो तुम्हे बहुत भारी पड़ेगा |
If you interfere, you'll have to pay for it dearly.
अगर कोई गड़बड़ की तो मैं तुझे बहुत पीटूँगा |
If you made any mistake,I will bash you!
तुमने आने में देर कर दी | वह चला गया |
You came late, Jenny. He left.

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense If the active voice is in the present perfect tense and the helping verbs ahas/havea is used, you should use ahas been/ have beena in the passive voice. For example, I have taught him grammar. Grammar has been taught to him by me.

मुझे भी surprises पसंद हैं |
Even I like surprises!
आज खाने में नमक नहीं है |
There's no saIt in the food today.
10 बजे तैयार रहना |
Be ready at 10 am tomorrow.
तुम लोगों ने इस घर को क्या समझ रखा है ?
What do you guys think of this house?

Devanagari ; Personal Pronouns ; Vocabulary ; English Blog ; Basic Verb Forms ; Future Perfect

आना है आपको मेरी पार्टी में |
You must come to my party
तुम्हें कुछ महीनों पहले आना चाहिए |
You should’ve come a couple of months back.
Order करने से पहले price देख लो | समझे ?
Look at the price before placing the order. Got it?
मेरी ज़िंदगी जहन्नुम बन गई थी |
my life had become hell.

Passive voice Present perfect tense example sentences in Hindi

उस पर क्या बीत रही होगी ?
What must he be going through?
तुम यहाँ की नहीं हो, है ना ?
You're not from around here, are you?
लेकिन मुझे वह लड़का पसंद नहीं है | जरा सा भी नहीं |
But I don't like that boy. Not one bit.
इस पर नजर रखो |
Keep an eye on him.

//nbsp;;;We will have been dropped at the airport by this time. Passive  . We will have seen our th result by this time tomorrow. Active Our th result will have been seen by us by this time tomorrow. Passive.

वह तुमसे छोटा है |
He's younger to you.
मुझे अच्छा लगा जिस तरह तुमने मुझसे बात की |
I liked the way you spoke to me!
वह हमसे छुटकारा पाना चाहता था |
He wanted to get rid of us.
जिसकी शादी हो रही है वह खुश नहीं है |
the one who is getting married is not happy.

PASSIVE VOICE a EXAMPLE SENTENCES. An e-mail was sent to Radha by me.  Exercises - in Hindi; Present perfect continuous tense - Structure, Examples, Exercises; Pronouns - Definition, Examples, Types, Exercises; Singular and Plural nouns - Definition, List, Examples, Exercises; More - Learn English Grammar in Hindi . Learn English . Get Latest Entrance 

उसके निकटतम परिजन ने भी जॉब के लिया apply किया है |
His next-of-kin has aIso appIied for this job.
क्योंकि मुझे दर्द हो रहा है |
Because I'm in pain.
हम कहीं दूर चले जायेंगे जहाँ हमें कोई नहीं जानता हो |
We'll go far away. Where no one knows us.
तू रात भर खांस क्यों रहा था ?
why were you coughing all night?

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Indefinite Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject  V  / VObject: S convert object to subject  is/are/am  Vby O convert subject to object  Remaining: Radha sings lovely songs. Lovely songs are sung by Radha. I teahces you. You are taught by me. People speak Hindi in 

मुझे देखते ही उसे सब याद आ जायेगा |
He'll remember everything clearly when he catches sight of me!
तुमने कभी बताया नहीं कि तुम्हारा भाई इतना good looking है |
you never told me your brother was so good-looking.
कल सुबह तक मैं सारे पैसे दे दूंगा जो हमारे बीच में तय हुआ था |
by Monday morning I'll give you all the money that we had discussed.
मुझे पता है | लेकिन अगर रीना को सच का पता चल गया तो ?
I know. But what will happen if Reena finds out the truth?

//nbsp;;;Changing an assertive sentence into the passive. Active: I have written a story. Passive: A story has been written by me. Active: They have built a house. Passive: A house has been built by them. Active: He has broken my window. Passive: My window has been broken by him.

अगर catch नहीं कर पाए तो ?
What if you don't catch it?
जल्दी करो बुझाओ इसे |
Hurry up! Extinguish it!
अगर मैं भी वैसा ही करूँ ?
If I do the same?
वह तेरी भाभी है |
She is your sister-in-law.

Active to Passive Voice; Synonyms; Antonyms; One-word Substitution; Syntax; Essay Writing; Home Present Tenses - Hindi to English Translation Present Perfect Tense - Hindi to English Translation. Present Perfect Tense - Hindi to English Translation.  Kiya Tum  se agra me re rahe sentence interrogative Tense present prefect continues . Delete. Replies. 

आपने कभी अपना इलाज नहीं करवाया ?
you never got yourself treated?
तुम जाओ मैं नहीं आ रहा |
You go, I'm not coming.
अन्दर किसने आने दिया तुम्हे ?
Who allowed you to come in?
बेवकूफ वह तमीज से ही बात कर रहा है |
Stupid he is talking to you with respect. 

 rowsnbsp;;;Passive Voice Tense. . Present Perfect Continuous 

क्या problem है ?
What is the problem?
हां, उसका फ़ोन switched off है |
Yes, his phone is switched off.
तुम कमल को कैसे जानती हो ?
how do you know Kamal?
जवाब दो | तुम्हें यहाँ किसने बुलाया ?
Answer, who called you here?

//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Present Perfect Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject  has/have  VObject: S convert object to subject  has/have  been  Vby  O convert subject to object  Remaining: I have broken a cup. A cup has been broken by me. She has broken two cups. Two cups have been broken by her.

बताओ कहाँ ढूंडू इसके लिए दुल्हन ?
Tell me where do I find a bride for him?
तुम अपने गांव के खेत में हल चलाने के लिए ही अच्छे हो |
You are only good enough to plough fields in your village.
मुझे थोड़ी ठंड भी लग रही है |
I'm feeling a bit cold too!
वहाँ क्या कर रहे थे तुम ?
What were you doing there?

Active And Passive Voice Rules With Examples In Hindi Pdf Future Perfect Tense Auxiliary verbs used in Passive Voice: Will have been Active Voices Passive Voices He will have received the letter. The letter will have been received by him. He will not have received the letter.

अपने पापा के पास जाओ |
Go to your daddy.
यहाँ का रास्त तुझे किसने बताया ?
Who told you the way here ?
आपको यह सब एक दुसरे की बीवी को कहना है |
You have to say this to each other's wife.
मैं तुम्हे miss करुँगी |
I will miss you

और कुछ कहना है तुम्हे ?
Do you have anything else to say?
तुमने मुझे बेवकूफ बना दिया |
You conned me!
आप एक ही बात की रट लगा रहे हैं |
you are always harping on the same thing.
वह मुझे धोका दे रही थी |
She was cheating on me.

//nbsp;;;Learn Here active Passive voice in English and Hindi With Examples. Rule: In Past Perfect sentences shows that work was already completed in Past time. Sound: Aa Gaya Tha, E Gayi Thi, A Gaye The, Chuka Tha, Chuki Thi, Chuke The. Structure: Subject  had been V Past participle  Some Examples:

अगर कमल को पता चल गया तो वह क्या कहेगा ?
lf Kamal finds out, what will he say?
इस समय कौन आया होगा ?
Who would have come at this hour?
जो कुछ हुआ है इन चार दीवारों के बीच में हुआ है |
Whatever has happened... has happened within these 4 walls!
आइन्दा सारा काम घर पर भेज देना |
Henceforth send all the work at home!

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tense  Active Voice Rule : Subject  have / has  verb rd form  Object Present Perfect Tense  Passive Voice Rule : Object  have / has  been  verb rd form  by  Subject Examples Active : Ram has eaten an apple. Passive : An apple has been eaten by Ram. Active : They have written a book.

तुम्हारी पुलिस की भारती कैसी चल रही है |
what's up with your police recruitment
पैसे पेड़ पर नहीं उगते |
Money doesn't grow on trees!
तुम चिल्ला क्यों रहे हो | बहरा नहीं हूँ मैं |
Why are you screaming? I'm not deaf.
देखो जो पूंछा जाए सिर्फ उसका जवाब दो |
See only answer what you have been asked for!

इस time कौन कॉल कर रहा है ?
Who's calling at this hour?
आपकी इज्जत का बहुत ख्याल है उसे |
She cares a great deal about your honour.
उसने अपनी जान दे दी ताकि तुम जी सको 
he gave his life. So that you can live.
कितना बदनसीब हूँ मैं |
How unfortunate of me.

//nbsp;;;  ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE OF FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE - In Future Continuous Tense sentences, Passive voice is not made in grammar. so we can not make the passive voice of this tense. Future Continuous Tense,Passive voice  

लेकिन तुम्हें झूठ बोलने की क्या जरुत थी |
But what was the need for you to lie?
इस शहर में हजारों लड़कियाँ हैं और तुझे यही लड़की पसंद आनी थी |
There are thousends girls in this city.  And you had to like her.
मैंने बहुत कोशिस की पर वह नहीं माना |
I tried so much, but he didn't agree.
मैंने यह करना बंद कर दिया है |
I have stopped doing this.

Active Voice - DefinitionPassive Voice - DefinitionPassive Voice - IdentificationPassive Voice a Example SentencesConversion from Active to Passive Voice - ExamplesSentences Which Do Not Have Passive Voice - ExamplesActive and Passive Voice a ExerciseWhere the subject performs the action stated by the verb is active voicesubjectSee more on

मैं किसी से बात नहीं करुँगी |
I won't speak to anyone!
सॉरी सर हमसे गलती हो गई |
Sorry, sir. We made a mistake.
तेरा फ़ोन क्यों बंद है ?
Why is your cell phone off?
आगे मत बढ़ना |
don't come forward

मैं सो गया थे |
I fell asleep.
बस सोंचो की तुम्हारा बुरा वक़्त चल रहा है |
Just think that you're going through a bad phase.
मैं सबसे पहले उठ जाता हूँ |
I get up before everybody else does.
मैं आपके साथ जो भी गलत किया मैं उस सब के लिए माफ़ी मांगता हूँ |
l apologize for all the bad things we have done to you.

 Sentences of Present Perfect Tense | Examples of Present Perfect Tense .My sister has already made a big cake. .You have grown since the last time I saw you. .It hasnat drunk the water. .I have seen that movie. .We havenat received any mail since we were retired. .They havenat gone to the shopping center. .Have they played the piano? No, they havenat. .I have known Michael since high 

तो यह क्या है ?
Then what's this?
तुमने क्या कहा ?
What did you say?
तुम अपने बेल्ट क्यों उतार रहे हो ?
Why are you taking off your belt?
उससे बात करने का कोई फायदा नहीं |
lt is useless to talk to him.

//nbsp;;;Rules to change active voice into passive voice with Examples: . Use Object as a subject of the sentence. A.V- He eats panipuri. P.V- Panipuri is eaten by him. . Subject works as agent and before that we use By to change active voice into passive voice. Note: In most of the cases it is not always use by to change into passive voice. Ex:

मुझसे इससे ज्यादा की उम्मीद मत करना |
Don't expect anything more from me.
तुम अभी भी यहाँ क्यों हो ?
Why are you still here?
मेरा कमल के घर जाकर उसे थप्पड़ मारने का मन कर रहा है |
I feel like going to Kamal's house and slapping him.
मैं बाथरूम में था |
I was in the bathroom

Present perfect tense sentences in hindi, Change Sentence Hindi Into English But Simple Present Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Brainly In.Lively and passive voice in present perfect tense in hindi. Hello english rookies,i am amrita kaur and in this video i m gonna educate you Energetic and passive voice in hindi with examples of present perfect tense 

देखो, मुझे नींद नहीं आ रही थी | 
Look. I couldn't sleep.
कौन सा business जो हमें नहीं पता ?
What's this business that I don't know of'?
तुमने स्वेटर नहीं पहना है |
you're not wearing a sweater.
तुम्हारा जबकभी मन करे तुम जा सकती हो |
You can leave whenever you feel like

//nbsp;;;present indefinite tense  sentence  passive voice  change  Active Voice  Passive Voice  Change  Basic Rulesrules.

वह तुम्हारे लायक नहीं है |
Ηe's not worthy of you!
अगर वह मरना चाहता है तो तुम उसे कैसे बचा सकती हो ?
lf he wants to die, how can you save him?
अगर मेरा बस चले तो मैं उसका गला दबा दूँ |
If I could help it, I would strangle him!
अगर उन्हें पता चल गया तो ?
what if they get to know then?

Rules for changing passive voice . . Subject becomes Object. . Object becomes Subject. . Verb will follow the new Subject . . Main Verb will be in Past Participle or  rd form of the main verb will be used. . Uses of auxiliary verb in the sentence is depends on the tenses. . In Passive voice before object used aby a .

अब मैं आ गया हूँ सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
Everything will be okay, now that I've come.
नहीं मैं नहीं पकडूँगा |
No I won't catch it... 
उसने अभी अभी अपना जवान बेटा खोया है |
She has just lost her young son.
देखो, क्या हो गया ?
Look, what has happened?

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