Present perfect tense examples in hindi

Present perfect tense examples in Hindi

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

Daily use sentences of present perfect tense with Hindi translation

Example sentences of Present perfect tense with Hindi translation

Example sentences of present perfect tense with Hindi translation

Daily use sentences of Present perfect tense with Hindi translation

Daily use Example sentences of present perfect tense with Hindi translation

Daily use Example sentences of present perfect tense in Hindi

Present perfect tense sentences Hindi to english

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Present Perfect Tense Examples Hindi to English. ? Have you ever visited the Kamala market?I havenat visited the Kamala market yet.  I have recently seen the Taj Mahal. 

शायद इसीलिए तुम मुझसे ना नाराज हो |
Perhaps that's why you are angry with me.
तुम्हे इससे क्या ?
What is that to you?
कसम खा कि तु उस लड़के से कभी नहीं मिलेगी |
Swear by me that you won't meet that boy again.
तुम्हें मुझे बताने की जरूरत नहीं है कि मैं क्या करूँ और क्या ना करूँ |
You don't need to tell me what to do and what not to do.

Present Perfect Tense a Examples, Rules Present Perfect Tense Definition English. Present Perfect Tense In which Sentence Activities/Action Completed In Present time.Examplea I have Slept., You have completed my home work., She has gone., He has danced on the stage., Roman has Played the cricket., She is reached Noida., Etc, . Present Perfect Tense Definitions Hindi

तुम फ़िक्र मत करो | सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
You don't worry. Everything will be right.
मैंने कब कहा कि तुम इडियट हो |
When did I say you were an idiot?
Phone मुझे दो |
Give the phone to me.
वह पढ़ा लिखा है मेरी तरह जाहिल नहीं है |
He is well educated. Not an uncouth like me.

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tense a  ,Tensedetail  Present Tense Present Indefinite  

मैंने तुम्हें कई बार सच बोलने की कोशिस की लेकिन कोई न कोई वजह से मैं तुम तक पहुँच नहीं सका |
I tried many times to tell you the truth, ...but for some or the other reason, i couldn't reach you.
मुझे सच में चलना चाहिए |
I should really get going.
उम्मीद करता हूँ कि यह मेरा वहम है |
I hope this is just my imagination.
वह जेल जा चूका है |
He's been to jail!

Present perfect tense examples sentences,  Sentences Of Present Perfect Tense English Study Here. Bob has given the e book to allen. I am going to the college. Aric likes to learn books. Lisa has been living in this space for two decades. The singer is singing effectively. The program is going on. Using The Present Perfect Tense In English. previous perfect  by the time 

तुम भी हो यहाँ |
you too are here.
उसे अपने बड़ो की इज्जत नहीं है |
Ηe has no respect for his elders!
तुम्हे विश्वास करना है तो करो नहीं तो भाड़ में जाओ |
You can believe me if you wish or you can go to hell.
आइये | किससे मिलना है आपको ?
Come! Whom do you want to meet?

Rule  : present perfect tense in hindi. Use of Present Perfect Tense: Present perfect tense is used for those things which has recently ended. For example:-She has written a letter. I have just bought a pen. He has gone to Patna market. Rule  : present perfect tense in hindi

इस बारे में किसी को बताने की हिम्मत मत करना |
Don't you dare tell anyone about this!
मैंने भी सुबह एक सपना देखा |
Even I had a dream in the morning.
उसके बाद की कहानी मैं बताता हूँ तुझे |
I'll tell you the story after that.
मैं सब तुम पे छोड़ता हूँ |
I leave it all up to you.

Rule  : present perfect tense in hindi. Use of Present Perfect Tense: Present perfect tense is used for those things which has recently ended. For example:-She has written a letter. I have just bought a pen. He has gone to Patna market. Rule  : present perfect tense in hindi

लेकिन तुमने मेरे लिए यह क्यों किया ?
But why did you do this for me?
अब अपने कपडे उतारो |
Now take off your clothes...
अब यह क्या बात हुई ?
What is this matter now?
अगर तुमने और बकवास मारी तो में तेरे दांत तोड़ दूंगा |
If you talk any more nonsense then, I'll break your teeth.

Present Perfect Tense Example Que a  a Ans- Ram has gone to school. Que-Ans- Sita has cooked food. Que-Ans- I have eaten food.

तुमने अंकल को अन्दर भेज कर सही किया |
You did the right thing by sending uncle inside.
मुझे क्या पता था कि वह मुझे धोका देके भाग जाएगी ?
What did I know that she will ditch us and go?
अब मैं आ गया हूँ सब ठीक हो जायेगा |
Everything will be okay, now that I've come.
कुछ महीने पहले तुम मेरी कार ठोक कर भाग गए थे |
Some months ago you bumped into my car and drove away.

Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Tense Hindi  EnglishRules  Examples ,  

आप ही थे जिसने तब मुझे सहारा दिया और मेरी मदद की 
You were the one who supported and helped me then.
और क्या कहूँ | और कहते हुए भी शर्म आती है |
What else can I say? I am ashamed to say any more.
तुम लोग बारी बारी से कोशिश क्यूँ नहीं करते |
Why don't you people take turns in trying?
इसे बंद करो और अपना काम करो |
Switch it off and attend to your chores!

To form the Present Perfect Tense in Hindi we simply use the Past Tense As we saw in Lesson  for Intransitive Verbs and Lesson  for Transitive ones. Together with the correct form of the verb 'To Bea  Lesson  . So letas see another example, this time weall use the verb  baithnaa - To Sit, so to say 'She sata in Hindi we say.

मुझे तेज बुखार है |
I have high fever.
तो क्या अगर मैंने पहले नही बताया तो अब बता रहा हूँ |
So what if I didn't tell you earlier. I'm telling you now.
अगर तुम अपनी लड़की को जिंदा देखना चाहते हो तो 5 लाख तैयार रखना |
If you want your daughter aIive keep 10 Iakh rupees ready.
और कुछ है हो मुझे पता होना चाहिए ?
Is there anything I should know?

मुझे तुमसे किसी बारे में बात करना चाहता हूँ |
I want to speak to you about something.
मुझसे गलती हो गई |
l made a mistake.
तुम फंस गए |
You are trapped.
मैं उसे भगाने की पूरी कोशिस की |
l tried my best to keep him off.

//nbsp;;;;Present Perfect Tense Rules in Hindi with Examples and Sentences; ;Present Perfect Tense;

अगर कमल को पता चल गया कि मैं यहाँ आया हूँ तो वह मुझे जान से मार देगा |
If the Kamal knows that I have come here. he will kill me.
भाई रीना दिखने में कैसी है ?
Brother how is Rinky to look at?
तेरी ज़िंदगी मेरे लिए अनमोल |
your life is priceless for me.
मैं रास्ता भटक गया हूँ |
I lost my way.

Present Perfect Tense with Examples. Present Perfect Tense It is used to expressed an action which happened or completed in past but usually the action which happened or completed at a short time before now near past not a very long time before now.  Name of All Trees in Hindi A collection of name of all the trees with their meaning in Hindi and English Acacia , 

तुमने मुझे धोखा दिया |
You betrayed me!
मैं ही पागल हूँ | मुझे उसे कुछ नही बताना चाहिए था |
I'm mad. I shouldn't have told him anything.
तो मेरे प्यार पर इतनी पाबंदिया क्यों ?
So, why all the restrictions in my loνe?
उसने मुझे सिर्फ एक दिन के लिए तुम्हारी बीवी बनने के पैसे दिए थे |
He had given me money to be your wife only for a day.

Popularity, formation, usage and examples of present perfect tense in hindi koi bhi verb ka present perfect do parts se banta hai, auxiliary verb ka suitable form jo hai ;to have; present tense, aur main verb ka past participle. Regular verb ka previous participle banta hai base  ed se. Jaise ke: played, arrived, regarded and so forth. To shape the prevailing perfect tense in hindi we simply use the past 

आप जो सजा दे मुझे मंजूर है |
Whatever punishment you give.. l accept it.
तो इसमें नया क्या है ?
What’s new in that?
देखना मैं पहले मरूँगा |
Just watch, I will die first.
उसको होश आ गया |
she has regained conscience.

  Present Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi to EnglishPresent Perfect TensePresent Perfect Tense Example in Hindi  Tense

ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि मैं मैं हूँ तू नहीं |
That's because l'm me. Not you!
कमल उर्फ़ भोला |
Kamal alias Bhola.
मैं और बर्बाद नहीं होना चाहता |
l don't want to ruin myself further.
मैं तुझे अपनी जायदात से बेदाखल कर दूंगा |
I'll abdicate you from my will.

//nbsp;;;Present Continuous Tense in Hindi presently, at present, at the moment, now  still  verb present continuous form Still the bulk of Indian women lives below poverty line. no

मैं अपने दोस्त की मदद करना चाहता हूँ |
I would like to help my friend.
क्या हो रहा है यहाँ ?
What the hell is happening here.
जा जेक कुछ खाने के लिय लेके आ | मुझे भूक लगी है |
Go and get something to eat, I'm hungry.
लगता है तेरे पापा आ गए |
Seems like your father has come,

Present perfect tense examples in hindi

आप कुछ कह रहे थे |
You were saying something.
इस घर की भी कुछ मान और मर्यादा है |
This house has some respect and honour.
यूनिवर्सिटी की सारी लड़कियां उस पर मरती थी |
All the girls at the university had a crush on him.
उसने हर कदम पर मेरा साथ दिया |
He supported me at every step.

Example of Perfect Tense in Hindi Perfect tense  Sentense,  ,Present Tense  

उसका अपहरण हो गया है |
She has been kidnapped.
मुझे सब पता है |
I know it all.
बाथरूम कहाँ है ? सीधे जाकर right |
Where's the bathroom? - Straight and right.
मेरे बेटे, जाने से पहले एक बार फिर सोंच लो |
My son, think again before you go.

Present perfect tense Affirmative Example a a Present perfect Tense  Affirmative Sentence  a  He has gone to school. I have eaten mango. Radha has studied. They have donated blood to the patient. Ram has done his work.

कट गया |
It's disconnected.
फर्नीचर इन्ही का है या किराए पर लिया है ?
The furniture belongs to them or have they rented it?
वह अब इस काम के लायक नहीं रहा |
He is no longer fit for this job.
तुम समझ नहीं रही हो |
You don't seem to understand.

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tense in Hindi : Rules  Example. Present Perfect Tense in Hindi : Present Perfect Tense  rules, structure, uses  examplespresent perfect tense  affirmative, negative, interrogative  negative interrogative sentence  chart  

किसी को इस बारे में पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |
No one should know about this.
कौन है यह आदमी जो मेरे पीछे पड़ा है |
Who is this man who's after me?
हम नहीं जानते वह कहाँ गया है और वह कब वापस आएगा |
We don't know where he went and when he'll return.
तुम बस जो मैं कह रहा हूँ उस पर ध्यान दो |
You just concentrate on what I say.

मुझे जो देखना था मैंने देख लिया |
I saw what I had to.
मुझे इन पैसों के बारे में कुछ नहीं पता | मैं सच बोल रहा हूँ |
I don't know anything about this money. I am speaking the truth.
पानी नहीं है |
There's no water.
मुझे फन माल के बाहर से पिक कर लेना |
Pick me up from outside the fun mall.

//nbsp;;;D . Present Perfect Continuous Tense  a Present Perfect Continuous Tense Examples Hindi to English a  .  a I have been eating.  . a You 

मुझे मत डराओ | मुझे दिल का दोरा पड़ सकता है |
Don't scare me. l might get a heart attack.
तेरा फ़ोन क्यों बंद है ?
Why is your cell phone off?
अपनी माँ को कहना तुम्हारे लिए खाना भेज दें |
Tell your mom to send food for you.
अगर जरुरत पडी तो वो भी |
If it's necessary, even that.

Present Perfect Tense in hindi**  *present perfect simple *present perfect exercises *a present perfect sentence *what's a present perfect progressive *present perfect tense*  *  present perfec

मैं वैसा नहीं हूँ |
I am not like that.
क्या तुम उसे अपने पास रख सकते हो ?
Can you keep him with you?
लेकिन मैं उस तरह नहीं रह सकता | यह सच है |
But I cannot live like that. It's true
सर कब तक चलता रहेगा यह ?
Sir, for how long will this go on?

Example sentences of Present perfect tense with Hindi translation Daily use sentences of Present perfect tense with Hindi translation  FREE  |

यहाँ इतना सन्नाटा क्यों है ? क्या कर्फ्यू लगा है ?
Why is it so quiet in here? ls there a curfew?
अपना ख्याल रखना |
take care of yourself.
तुम हमेशा भीकारी ही रहोगे |
you'll always remain a beggar.
पी लो इसे 
Drink it up.

Present past future indefinite perfect continuous tense example sentences with Hindi meaning. learn English grammar through Hindi, Learn spoken English Passive voice, conditional sentences, modal verbs with exercise sentences in Hindi, English bolna kaise sikhe, words meaning in Hindi, Learn English grammar rules in Hindi. Learn adjective, adverb, preposition 

वह पार्टी किसी भी वक़्त पहुँचती होगी |
That party must be reaching at any minute.
उनसे बचना मुश्किल है |
It's hard to escape them.
तुम्हारे साथ कोई काम नहीं करना चाहता |
No one wants to work with you.
तुम्हारे 5 मिनट नहीं हुए अभी तक ?
Aren't your five minutes up yet?

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi to English Translation. Present Perfect Tense Translation Hindi to English Advertisement adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || [].push  {}; Present Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi to English Translation. Present Perfect Tense Translation Hindi to English.

तुम्हें कैसे पता कि मैंने अंडरवियर नहीं पहना है ?
How do you know I haven't worn underwear?
उसे दुबारा होश में लाओ |
Make him conscious again.
मैं डर गया था |
l was afraid,
वह 2 August  2017 को मरे थे |
he died on 2 August, 2017.

Free Present Perfect Tense In Hindi -- , ,  ,  ,  ,  

तुम खतरे में क्यों आये ?
Why did you get in danger?
मुझे शायद पीछे मुडकर देखना चाहिए |
I think I should turn around and see.
तुम मुझे किस लिए घूर रहे हो ?
What are you staring at me for?
मेरे हाथ जो लगा मैंने ले किया |
I took everything I could get my hands on.

Present Perfect Tense in Hindi .  Present Perfect Tense .  .

अब से यहाँ कोई पढाई नहीं होगी |
From now on, there will be no study!
मैं अकेला आया हूँ |
I have come alone.
अगर तुझे सब पता था, तो तूने उस दिन क्यों नहीं बोला ?
If you knew all this, why didn't you say it that day?
सॉरी मेरी वजह से आपको और आपकी family को परेशानी हुई |
Sorry because of me you and your family members have been troubled.

//nbsp;;;present perfect continuous tense in hindi to english with examples, rules , formulas -. Present Perfect Continuous tense.  Continuous tense 

अगर मैंने रस्सी पकड़ी तो रीना सोंचेगी की मैं नाटक कर रहा था |
If I hold on to the rope then Pooja will think I was just acting.
सौ रूपये उधार ले सकता हूँ ? मैं शाम तक लौटा दूंगा |
can I borrow Rs.100? I'll return it in the evening.
लोग क्या कहेंगे ?
What will the people say?
तुम क्या देख रहे हो ? सामने देख |
What are you looking at? Look in front.

Signal Words : present perfect tense in hindi. YET, SO, FAR, JUST, ALREADY, EVER, NEVER, LATELY, RECENTLY, SEVERAL TIMES, BEFORE, TILL, NOW, etc. Rule  : present perfect tense in hindi. Use of Present Perfect Tense: Present perfect tense is used for those things which has recently ended. For example:-She has written a letter. I have just 

तुम समझते कौन हो अपने आप को ?
Who do you think you are?
वह किसी और नाम से रुका होगा |
He must be staying by some other name.
अब मुझे इसकी आदत हो गई है |
lt’s turned into a habit.
मैं शादी कि साल की सालगिरह कैसे भूल सकता हूँ ?
How could I forget our wedding anniversary?

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tense Hindi  EnglishRules. Present Perfect TenseAffirmative, Negative  Interrogative Sentences. Present Perfect Tense  Examples. Present Perfect Tense  Exercises.

यह शर्ट आपने कहाँ से खरीदी ?
Where did you buy that shirt from?
क्या हुआ ? क्या किया मैंने ?
What's wrong? What did I do?
वही तो में सोंचू |
That is what I was wondering.
डरने के क्या बात है |
What's there to fear?

Rule of Present Perfect Continuous Tense - Negative. Type of Sentence. Rule. Negative. Subject  Has/Have  Not  been  Verb Ist form  Ing  Object  For/Since  Time  Remaining  . Look at these sentences:. They have not been playing football for half an hour.

मैं तुम्हारी तरफ हूँ |
I'm on your side.
समझने की कोशिश करो |
try to understand!
मैं कमल के साथ रह लूँगा |
I will stay with Kamal.
क्या लिखा है बताओ मुझे |
What is written tell me.

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tense definition in English a That form a verb which shows that an action has just been completed is called the Present Perfect Tense. Present Perfect Tense definition in Hindi a Verb ,  Present Perfect Tensea 

कुछ नहीं बदला |
nothing has changed.
मैं कायर की तरह भाग नहीं सकता था |
I couIdn't have run away like a coward.
मुझ पर रहम करो |
Have mercy on me!
अगर हमें जरा भी पता होता तो हम इसमें नहीं पड़ते |
If we'd any idea we'd not get involved.

//nbsp;;;Tense grammar Rules in Hindi Present tense, Past Tense,  With Examples aTense Chart in Hindi a  Part Of Tense  ExampleTense in Hindi;  Tenses In Hindi Chart;  Present Tense in Hindi;  Present Continuous Tense in Hindi;  Present 

भारत छोड़ो, तुम इस दुनिया मेरे रहने के लायक नहीं हो |
Forget India, you don't deserve to live in this world.
किसे ढूंड रहे हो तुम ?
Who are you looking for?
क्या मतलब मेरी मर्जी |
What do you mean, ‘my wish’!
तुझे मुझ जैसा मर्द यहाँ नहीं मिलेगा |
You won't find a man like me here.

//nbsp;;;  Tense in Hindi; tense rules  tense examples  ;a present perfect tense.

अगर उसे जिंदा देखना चाहते हो तो पुराने मंदिर पे 50 लाख रूपए लेके आ जाओ |
If you want to see him alive, come to the old temple with Rs.50 lakhs.
बेवकूफ की तरह, मैं तुम्हारे जाल में फंस गई |
Like a fool, I got entrapped in your trap.
मेरे तुझसे भीख मांगता हूँ |
I beg of you.
मेरा एक दोस्त भी उसी कॉलेज में था |
One of my friend was also in the same college.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi kya hota hai. Examples, tips and usage of Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi.

प्लीज मेरा कुछ करो |
Please do something to me.
मेरी तो किसी को पड़ी ना है | सबको सिर्फ अपनी परवाह है |
No one cares about me. They only think of themselves.
कुछ चाहिए तुम्हे ?
You want something?
जिससे तुम प्यार करती हो उसी से शादी कर रही हो |
You're marrying the one you love.

Simple Present Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi. Sentence: Singular Sentence: Plural Sentence: First Person: I have read the book.We have read the book. Second Person: You have read the book.You have read the book Third Person: He / She /It 

कैसा रहेगा यह ? अच्छा है क्या ?
How will this be? ls it nice?
उसने अंगूठी पहनी है |
They wear a ring.
भगवान का शुक्र है कि तुम ठीक हो |
thank god you're fine.
तुम बैठो | मैं नहा के आता हूँ |
you sit. l will take a bath and come.

Present Perfect Tense Examples Hindi to English ? Have you ever visited the Kamala market?

कल रात कि घटना की बाद मुझे अपनी गलती का अहसास हो गया है |
But I've realised my mistake after last night's incident.
मैं और क्या करता ?
What else could I do?
यह पहले ही बिक चुका है |
It's already sold
तो सुना |
Then listen.

Present Perfect Tense a Examples, Rules Present Perfect Tense Definition English. Present Perfect Tense In which Sentence Activities/Action Completed In Present time.Examplea I have Slept., You have completed my home work., She has gone., He has danced on the stage., Roman has Played the cricket., She is reached Noida., Etc, . Present Perfect Tense Definitions 

तुम सब क्यों excited हो रहे हो ?
why are all of you getting excited?
मुझे एक मौका दे दो | बस एक मौका |
Give me one more chance. Just one more chance.
यह लखनऊ का best होटल है |
This is the best hotel of Lucknow.
ये यहाँ कैसे ? अब हम क्या करें ?
How come she's here? What should we do now?

present perfect tense present perfect tense in hindi josh. Popularity, formation, usage and examples of present perfect tense in hindi koi bhi verb ka present perfect do parts se banta hai, auxiliary verb ka suitable form jo hai ;to have; present tense, aur main verb ka past participle. Regular verb ka previous participle banta hai base  ed se. Jaise ke: played, arrived, 

अध्यापकों के पास time कहाँ है ?
Where do teachers have the time?
मुझे तुमसे यह उम्मीद नहीं थी |
l didn't expect this from you.
जब मैं तुझे ले के गया था तभी मैं समझ गया था कि कुछ न कुछ गड़बड़ होने वाली है |
When I took you along, I knew something was bound to go wrong.
इसी लिए तो मैं तुम्हें यहाँ अपना घर दिखने के लिये आया हूँ |
That is why I have got you here to show you my home.

Free Present Perfect Tense In Hindi -- , ,  ,  ,  ,  

मुझे विश्वास है जितना तुम अभी कमाते हो उससे ज्यादा कमाओगे |
I'm sure you'll earn much more than you do now.
यह मेरे देवर की शादी है |
It's my brother-in-law's wedding.
मुझे गलत मत समझना |
Don't get me wrong. 
उसने हमें गले लगाया और गुडबाय कहा |
He embraced us and said goodbye.

On this put up, we re narrating present perfect tense definition, components, its usage with examples and exercises at the finish. definition. the present perfect tense is used to describe the actions which can be finished within the present. The perfect tense examples softschools com. It s easier to grasp The perfect tenses by looking at some examples:  i have put the 

और कोई दूसरा रास्त नहीं है ....
There's no other way
अब आप जा सकते हैं |
You can go now.
मैं तुम्हे 9 बजे पिक करूँगा |
I'll pick you up at 9pm.
मैं तुम्हारा इंतिजार करुँगी |
I will wait for you!

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tense in Hindi Free PDF Download: Hello my dear friends, This post is all about tense formula chart pdf download, This PDF of present perfect tense interrogative examples in hindi will help you to boost your score in SSC Exams. However, This present perfect tense formula is very important to Crack SSC CGL, CHSL  and CPO 

मैं चाहूँ तो तेरा असली चेहरा दिखा सकता हूँ |
I can reveaI your reaI seIf.
भगवान की कृपा से, कम से कम हमारे पास पीने का पानी है |
By God's grace, we have drinking water at least.
असली मुजरिम मैं हूँ |
I am the real culprit.
तुम इन दिनों सच में अजीब behave कर रही हो |
You're behaving really weird these days!

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect continuous Tense English Example a Sachin has been play ing cricket since . She has been drink ing tea for  minutes. Gardener has been mow ing grass since yesterday. Ram has been wait ing for Sachin for  hours. Shyam has been protect ing the country for  years. Ramas Father has been read ing newspaper since morning.

अगर तुम्हे खेलते हुए चोट लग गई तो ?
What if you get hurt playing?
कहीं और जाओ | तुम मेरे पीछे क्यों पड़े हो ?
go somewhere else. Why are you behind me?
इसलिए यह इलाका नरक बन गया है |
this is why the area has turned into hell.
अगर तुम्हारे भाई को यह पता चल गया तो |
What if your brother learns of this,

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tense in Hindi | Present Perfect tense Definition, rules, and Examples - Indian English.sentence  ,  ,  , ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , Present Perfect Tense  .sentence  ,

तुम गलत समझ रहे हो |
You're misunderstanding.
तुमने कॉल क्यों क्या ?
Why did you call?
ये लड़कियां छेड़ रहे थे |
They were teasing with girls.
हम दिल्ली आ रही है तुम्हारी शादी करवाने के लिए |
we're coming to Delhi right away to get you married.

//nbsp;;;Present Perfect Tens  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , tense---

पक्का तूने वह यहीं पार्क की थी ?
Are you sure you parked it here?
क्या मैंने कुछ गलत किया ?
Did I do something wrong?
तुझे मेरो पेरो में गिर कर माफ़ी मंगनी होगी |
You will have to fall at my feet and apologize.
क्योंकि उसने कमल का खून किया है |
Because he has murdered Kamal.

दुनिया क्या कहेगी ?
What's the world going to say?
क्या यह लड़की सच बोल रही है ?
ls this girl saying the truth?
मैं अब शराब नहीं पीयूँगा | वादा |
l won't booze anymore, promise.
हमें अब यह किसी और से उधार नहीं लेना पड़ेगा |
We won't have to borrow it from anyone now.

Tense in Hindi Tense Grammar Rules in Hindi, Present Tense, Past Tense  Future Tense Chart in English Grammar Rules  .. Tense 

क्या फुस फुस कर रही हो ?
What are you whispering?
मैं तुम पर बहुत ज्यादा विश्वास करती थी लेकिंग आज तुमने वो विश्वास खो दिया है |
I used to trust you so much. But today, you've lost that trust.
अगर आप बुरा ना माने तो क्या मैं यहाँ बैठ सकता हूँ ?
If you don't mind, can I sit here?
मैं तुझे नहीं छोडूंगा |
I won't spare you!

Present perfect tense in hindiSubject i,you,we, they, he, she, it,  subject, subject,  ,tense  Interrogative  helping verb present perfect tense  helping verb have, or 

मुझे सबकुछ शुरू से ही पता था |
I knew everything right from the start.
मैं यह बाद में सुनूंगा |
l'll listen to it later.
तुम अन्दर नहीं जा सकते |
you can't go in.
दो कप चाय किस लिए ?
What are two cups for?


how to learn english through hindi

