Structure 70 - दुर्घटना रोकी जा सकती थी - Passive voice - Could have


Use of could have in passive voice

जब हिंदी वाक्य के अंत में जा सकता था आता है तो could have  + been + verb  की third form का प्रयोग करते हैं |

Passive voice में हिंदी वाक्यों में क्रिया में आ, ई या ऐ की मात्रा जुडी होती है

तुम्हे पीटा जा सकता था |
You could have been beaten.

दुर्घटना रोकी जा सकती थी |
Accident could have been stopped.

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Similarly, a sentence is said to be in Passive Voice when something is done to the subject. In the above sentence


मैंने बताया ना कि मैं कुछ नहीं ढूंड रहा था |

l told you that l was not searching for anything.

पागल थी मैं इसके पीछे | मैं उसके साथ भाग जाना चाहती थी |

l was crazy about him. l wanted to elope with him.

अगर मेरे पापा ने यह देख लिया तो मुझे जान से मार देंगे |

If my dad sees this he'll kill me!

क्या तुम्हारी ज़िंदगी मैं पैसों से ज्यादा जरुरी कुछ नहीं है ?

Isn’t there anything more important in your life than money?


To learn Passive voice it is necessary to know the past participles. If you do not know the past participles go to our post on Past participle and learn the irregular verbs first. Once you do not have any problems with past participles, it is time to learn the Passive voice in English. Passive voice is used if the subject the thing before the


उन्होंने पीटा तुम्हे ?

They beat you up?

नहीं, हम कमल के साथ खायेंगे |

No. We'll dine with Kamal.

मैं वो नहीं हूँ जो तुम मुझे समझ रहे हो |

I'm not what you think I am.

कमल समझता कौन है अपने आप को ?

Who does Kamal think he is?


Passive voice: When the object is acted upon by the subject, the sentence is written in Passive voice. Learn more about Verb here in detail. In both the above sentences, the meaning remains the same and only the structure is what that changes. Usually, the structure or sequence of the subject, verb, and object expressed in the active voice sentence gets reversed in the passive


वह आएगा लेकिन वह जिंदा नहीं वापस नहीं जायेगा |

He will come, but he won't go back alive.

उसे शर्म आती है

She feels shy!

कुछ चाहिए तुम्हे ?

You want something?

पहले यहाँ दरवाजा नहीं था |

EarIier there was no door.


The passive voice is used when we want to emphasize the action the verb and the object of a sentence rather than subject. This means that the subject is either less important than the action itself or that we donat know who or what the subject is. My laptop was stolen. The object a now the subject = My laptop / action= was stolen


मैं समझ गया | मैं सब कुछ समझ गया |

I have understood. I've understood everything.

यह उनके हाथ नहीं लगनी चाहिए |

They shouldn't get their hands on it.

मुझे यह सुनकर दुःख हुआ |

I am sad to hear this.

मैं बोलता हूँ | तुम्हें भी कुछ ऐसा ही करना चाहिय |

I am telling you. Even you should do something like this.


//nbsp;;;In a passive voice, the object comes before the action. For example, Pizza is eaten by me. Big Questions: How to identify whether the sentence is in the active voice or passive voice? Simple Answer: If a sentence follows the rules of tense, It is an active voice else it is a passive voice.


तुम ऑफिस के फ़ोन से कॉल कर सकते थे |

You could have called from office phone...

कौन से सर ?

Which one, sir?

लोग मुझे प्यार से सब्बू बुलाते है |

People call me Sabbu affectionately.

कमल ने यह पार्सल आपके लिए भेजा है |

kamal has sent this parcel for you.


Form of Passive. Subject  finite form of to be  Past Participle rd column of irregular verbs.


सामान उठाने में उसकी मदद कर दो |

Help her with the luggage.

अब तुम सब जाकर छुप जाओ |

Now all of you go and hide.

आपने हमारे बैंक से 10 लाख का loan लिया था ?

You had taken a loan of 10 lakh from our bank?

तूने मुझसे पंगा लेके बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |

You've made a mistake by messing with me!


//nbsp;;;In a passive voice, the object comes before the action. For example, Pizza is eaten by me. Big Questions: How to identify whether the sentence is in the active voice or passive voice? Simple Answer: If a sentence follows the rules of tense, It is an active voice else it is a passive voice.


इसे हमारे हवाले छोड़ दो, हम इसे सबक सिखायेंगे |

Let us at him, we’ll teach him!

तुम्हे कुछ कहने का कोई फायदा नहीं |

It's no use telling you anything.

यह हत्या है accident नहीं |

It's murder, not an accident.

मुझे जरुरी काम है और मैं कमल को अकेला नहीं छोड़ सकती |

I have some urgent work. And I can't leave Kamal alone.


//nbsp;;;To learn Passive voice it is necessary to know the past participles. If you do not know the past participles go to our post on Past participle and learn the irregular verbs first. Once you do not have any problems with past participles, it is time to learn the Passive voice in English. Passive voice is used if the subject the thing before the


सब कूड़ा है | सब बकवास है |

It's all crap! It's all rubbish!

यह नहीं हो सकता !

This can't be!

anyway, तुमने weekend पर क्या किया ?

Anyway, what did you do during the weekend?

तुम बैठो | मैं नहा के आता हूँ |

you sit. l will take a bath and come.


Form of Passive. Subject  finite form of to be  Past Participle rd column of irregular verbs.


मैंने जो कुछ किया जानबुझकर नहीं किया |

Whatever i did, i did not do it purposely.

अगर मैंने यह अपने पापा को बताया तो उन्हें heart attack आ जायेगा |

If I tell it to my father he will have a heart attack.

लेकिन भाई कुछ तो करना पड़ेगा |

But Brother, something has to be done.

हमारे परिवार में 7 भाई बहन थे |

We were 7 siblings in our family.


Passive voice: When the object is acted upon by the subject, the sentence is written in Passive voice. Learn more about Verb here in detail. In both the above sentences, the meaning remains the same and only the structure is what that changes. Usually, the structure or sequence of the subject, verb, and object expressed in the active voice sentence gets reversed in the passive


आना है आपको मेरी पार्टी में |

You must come to my party

इतनी तेज सीटी बजा रहे हो |

whistling so loudly!

भाभी भी आयी हैं क्या साथ में ?

Has sister-in-law come along as well?

तुमने सोंचा कि मुझे पता नहीं चलेगा ?

You thought I wouldn't come to know?

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