He himself went there.
मैं खुद ही चला जाऊंगा
I will go myself.
Emphatic pronoun का प्रयोग subject
या object के बाद करते हैं |
तुम खुद ही चले जाओ
You go yourself.
वह खुद ही चला जायेगा
He will go himself.
वह खुद ही कर लेगी
She will do it herself.
हम खुद ही चले जायेंगे
We will go ourselves.
तुम खुद ही अच्छा
समझा सकते हो
You yourself can best explain.
मैं खुद ही कर लूँगा
I will do it myself.
मैंने खुद ही उसे
यह करते देखा है |
I myself saw him doing it.
मैंने यह खुद ही बनाया
I made it myself.
तुमने खुद ही हमें
यह करने को कहा था
You yourselves asked us to do it.
उन्होंने खुद ही अपनी
गलती मान ली |
They themselves admitted their guilty.
इंग्लिश बोलने
में सबसे ज्यादा परेशानी तब होती है जब हमें कोई sentence बोलना हो और हम उस
sentence को English में translate ना कर
पायें | अगर हम इन sentences को English में translate
करना सीख लें तो हमारा English में बात करना
बहुत आसान हो जायेगा |
जिन sentences को
हम English में translate नहीं कर पाते वह simple english
sentences नहीं होते ये sentences कुछ अलग तरह के होते हैं और इन sentences को
translate करने का तरीका भी अलग होता है |
मुझे उसके साथ जाने में शर्म आ रही है |
I am fighting shy of
going with him.
इस तरह के
sentences को english में translate करने का structure नीचे दिया है
Subject +
helping verb + fight shy of + gerund + object
अब इस structure
को follow करके हम इस जैसे कई sentences बना सकते है | इस course में हम इसी तरह के
structure बनाना सीखेंगे
नीचे मैंने कुछ
ऐसे ही sentences के example दिए है जिनमें से अगर आप किसी एक sentences को English में translate करने का तरीका सीखले तो इस तरह
के सभी sentences को आप आसानी से English में बोल लेंगे |
मैं तुमसे कॉलेज जाने
का बहाना बनाकर मिलने आया हूँ |
I came to meet you on the pretext of going to the college.
मैं तुमसे मंदिर जाने
का बहाना बनाकर मिलने आयी हूँ |
I came to meet you on the pretext of going to the temple.
इस spoken English course से आप इस तरह के 100 से 200 sentences structures सीखेंगे | इन structures को सीखने के बाद आपके लिए English में बात करना बहुत आसान हो जायेगा |
Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |
हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking. Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine. Tell your family and friends about your study plan.
चुनाव के बाद कोई यहाँ झांकेगा भी नहीं |After the elections, no one will even take a peek here.तुम्हारे बिना मेरा क्या होगा ?what would happen to me without you?अपने भाई को भी कुछ सीखा | मेरे कलेजे को ठंडक पहुंचेगी |Teach your brother something. I will feel content.बर्दास्त की हद होती है |There is a limit to tolerance.
Click Here to know for How to learn spoken English easily at home:- Practice by Using Technology Gifted Weapon:-. We all know the technology gifted weapon; itas nothing but the mobile Practice through Debates and extempore with your friends: a. The best way to learn at home is to engage in
वो चुड़ैल हमें नहीं छोड़ेगी |That witch won't spare us!हमारी लड़की हो उसका राजकुमार मिल गया |Our daughter has found her prince.कमल और विमल ने मुझे तुम्हारे बारे में सबकुछ बता दिया है |Kamal and Vimal have told me everything about you.मुझे शायद पीछे मुडकर देखना चाहिए |I think I should turn around and see.
//nbsp;;;To become a Fluent English Speaker, try mastering on one topic at a time. As an example, consider Tim, a -year-old polyglot from the United States. In the video below Tim appears to speak many languages afluentlya, but heas only speaking about one topic. Heas playing one asonga on many instruments: YouTube.
डरो मत | मैं कुछ नहीं करूँगा |Don't be scared. I won't do anything.हाँ, क्यों क्या हुआ ?Yes, why what happened?बच्चों को स्कूल से ले आना |Bring the children from the school.शर्म नहीं आती लडकियों को छेड़ते हुए ?Aren't you ashamed of eve-teasing?
You can follow the tips below to speak English easily: Speak in English: Improving your English speaking skills is possible only through practice. Involving yourself in speaking English conversation can cut down a lot of hesitation and increase your English fluency. Whether you want to excel at your study or career, learn English speaking because developing excellent English communication skills
लगता है पापा ऑफिस से आगये है |I think Dad's back from the shop.क्या तुमने कभी मुझसे बोला की तुम मुझसे प्यार करते हो |Ηave you eνer told me that you love me?बता मुझे, वो manager तुझसे माफ़ी क्यों मांग रहा था ? Tell me, why was that manager apologising to you?अभी देखना | सच्चाई अभी सामने आ जायेगी |Just wait and see! The reality will be out any moment.
//nbsp;;; Easy and Basic Steps To Learn and Improve The English Language. . Have A Clear Vision. Before getting an answer to your question aHow can I learn spoken Englisha, The First step should be finding a strong reason why you need to improve your language skills.
तुम बीच में आये तो तुम्हे बहुत भारी पड़ेगा |If you interfere, you'll have to pay for it dearly.चप्पल पहन के घूमूं क्या ?Should I roam around with slippers?आप इस कस्बे में अजनबी लगते हैं |You appear to be a stranger in town.तुम्हें कुछ महीनों पहले आना चाहिए |You should’ve come a couple of months back.
Prepare for any kind of interview conducted in English and gain confidence. Steps to Learning English To become a fluent English speaker, you must study and master reading, listening, and speaking. At TalkEnglish, the lessons are structured to give you practice in all three areas at the same time.
सौ रूपये उधार ले सकता हूँ ? मैं शाम तक लौटा दूंगा |can I borrow Rs.100? I'll return it in the evening.लेकिन तुम गिरवी क्या रखोगे ?But what will you mortgage?मुझे नहीं पता क्योंकि तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं |I don't know because you didn't tell me.आपका business कैसा चल रहा है ?how is your business doing?
To be fluent in only - months, you must create massive intensity. In other words, you have to listen and read - hours a day, every day. You must listen constantly to English. You must read constantly. In fact, I recommend alternating the two activities. Listen for an hour, then read a novel for an hour.
तुम उसे खाने में क्या देती हो ?What do you give him to eat?हम सब तुम्हारे साथ पुलिस स्टेशन चलेंगे |We'll all go with you to the police station.जहाँ कोई इसे कभी ढूंड ना पाए |Where no one will ever find it.उसको दर्द हो रहा है |She is in pain
//nbsp;;;How to Speak English Fluently. Learn tips to speak English fluently. Donat worry about making mistakes because you will make mistakes as a learner. Be patient. This isnat a one day process. Learn certain phrases that can be used in multiple situations. Learn how to greet someone properly. Talk slowly and carefully.
फ़िक्र मत करिए | मैं इसे छुड़ा देता हूँ |Don't worry. l'll haνe it freed.मुझे देर हो रही है | मुझे जाना होगा |I'm getting late. I must go.उसके बाप का राज है क्या ?Is it his father's ruIe?तुम मुझसे क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?Why are you asking me?
Shadowing technique is a method that will help a lot when you learn English speaking. Trying this technique, youall have a chance to practice your pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. Learning something deeply or spending time on it will better your memory with the words. You can improve speaking very fast from shadowing for sure.
इस आदमी ने कभी किसी दूसरी औरत पर नजर नहीं डाली |This man has never laid his eyes on another womanऔर क्या ? अपने आप को देखिये |What else? Look at you.रहने दो, पुरानी बाते याद करना छोड़ो और आगे क्या करना है वो सोंचो |Let it be, stop remembering the past and think what we have to do ahead.चल सुन लेते है | एक बार सुनने में हर्ज ही क्या है ?let's hear. What's the harm in hearing it once?
How to be fluent in English in steps . Smile and breathe. No matter what your level of English, confidence is vital. When you speak English, smiling will . Memorize examples with vocabulary. Donat just memorize lists of words. Make sure to include examples, too. If you are . Listen to
आज से हमारी रस्ते अलग अलग है |From today our paths are different.तुम्हें कैसे पता कि मैंने अंडरवियर नहीं पहना है ?How do you know I haven't worn underwear?कितनी बार कहा है तुम्हे चश्मा पहनने के लिए |How many times have I told you to wear your glasses!वह रीना की मौत का बदला लेना चाहता है |he wants to avenge Reena's death.
If you want to speak English well, you need to build implicit knowledge, not explicit knowledge. Implicit knowledge is automatic, so you donat have to think about grammar when speaking. This allows you to concentrate on expressing your thoughts and ideas. The result is that youall be able to speak English effortlessly.
ऐसा है क्या ?Is that so? यह एक औरत को छेड़ रहा था |He was teasing a woman!मैंने तुम्हे माफ़ कर दिया |I've forgiven you.पीछे रहो |Stay back!
Determine Your Audience. The primary step to teach basic spoken English for beginners is to determine the audience. They are either children, very young kids, adults, housewives, employees, etc. In addition to the type of audience, one needs to determine the size of the group. For example, if you plan to give tuition classes to a single person, two
तुम उससे बहस में नहीं जीत सकते |you can't win him in an argument.मैं पूजा कर रहा था |l was performing the veneration.जाने से पहले मैं तुमसे मिलना चाहता हूँ |Before I leave, I want to meet you.तुम पकड़ो इसे |You hold it.
Start with an easy and free online course! We have adopted an objective and efficient approach to learn how to speak a language easily and quickly: we suggest you to start by memorizing words, phrases and practical expressions that you can use in everyday life and that will be useful when traveling. Getting used to pronounce words out loud, numbers
मैं यह खुद कर लेता पर ...I would have done it myself but …जब से तुम गए हो मैं बहुत परेशान हूँ |eνer since you have left, l'νe been worried.हम जो कर सकते थे कर दिया |We've done the best we could.आपका ट्रांसफर हो गया है |You've been transferred.
//nbsp;;;. How I learned to Speak in English . This book is not that usual English speaking book with pictures and lessons. The book is a compilation of real-life experience of the author Neetu Sugandh
बेवकूफ | खाली हाथ बैठने से कुछ नहीं होगा |Fool! Sitting idle is futile!तुम हमारे भोलेपन का फायदा उठा रहे हो है ना ?You're taking advantage of our innocence. Aren't you?तू यहाँ क्या करने आया था ? Why had you come here? कमल आया है तुमसे मिलने |Kamal is here to see you.
How To Speak English Fluently a Video. Fluency is one of the most important speaking skills if you want to use English. Learn useful tips and techniques to improve your fluency in this lesson. See the full lesson here
मुहरत का वक़्त निकला जा रहा है |The propitious hour is passing by.वह 8वी क्लास में था जब वह घर छोड़ के भाग गया |He was in class 8 when he ran away from home.वह बैंक गया होगा |He must have gone to the bank.10 बजे तैयार रहना |Be ready at 10 am tomorrow.
//nbsp;;;If you learn only of the most frequently-used lemmas in English, youall be able to understand % of the language as it is spoken in normal life. Lemmas are word families. A good place to start is with word-frequency lists. However, you will need to find sentences including these words in order to practice in the right way.
फ़िक्र मत करो | बस छोटी सी खरोंच है |Don't worry. It's just a small bruise.इशारा क्या कर रहे हो ? जो कहना है कहो ?Why are you gesturing? Say what you want to?मैं उसे डॉक्टर बनाना चाहता था |l wanted him to be a doctor.Excuse me, मैं बस अभी आया |Excuse me. I'll just be back.
//nbsp;;; Ways to Improve Your English Speaking Skills : Work on pronunciation for accuracy. Learn the sounds of English and learn how to make them correctly. You have to : Imitate Native Speakers yes, copying is good!. This is a very effective way to improve, not only your speaking but :
मेरी pant गीली हो गई |My pant got wet!मैंने उसे बहुत बर्दास्त कर लिया |I've tolerated him a lot.वो चुड़ैल तेरे साथ बैठी है क्या ?Is the wretch sitting with you?वो कैसे हुआ ?How did that happen?
How To Speak English Fluently Tips? They are the basic source to learn the common English spoken in day to day life. One must read English newspapers daily Write down the unknown words in newspaper and its meaning. Use that word in your sentence. At the time of reading the newspaper a word for
मैंने तुम्हे बताया था पर तुम भूल गए |I told you, but you forgot.घर से निकले थे तो ये बिलकुल ठीक थे |he was perfectly fine when he left home.तुम्हें कैसे पता कि कमल यहाँ था ?how did you Know Kamal was here'?मैं बताना भूल गया कि ...I forgot to say that…
Start speaking English as much as possible. The one thing you absolutely have to Interact with English every single day. Itas vital to get as much exposure to English Accept that you will feel uncomfortable speaking English. For almost everyone, Get a personal tutor. If you are serious about achieving fluency, invest in a personal Use resources made for your level. If youare determined to reach fluency, it can be Work on your pronunciation. Working on your pronunciation is helpful for a few Learn phrases, not words. Fluency is being able to speak without hesitation. If you Plan your conversations when you can. This might seem like a silly tip for people Try some karaoke. Thereas no ahacka to becoming fluent in English fast, but doing Donat focus too much on grammar. Native speakers disobey the rules of their own See full list on preply
तेरा एक्सीडेंट हो सकता था |you could've had an accident.तुम घर जाओ | यहाँ पर बहुत खतरा है |You go to home. there is a lot of danger over here.हेल्लो मेरे बेटे |HeIIo, my son.तुमने सही नहीं क्या |You didn't do right.
You can follow the tips below to speak English easily: Speak in English: Improving your English speaking skills is possible only through practice. Involving yourself in speaking English conversation can cut down a lot of hesitation and increase your English fluency. Whether you want to excel at your study or career, learn English speaking because developing excellent English communication skills
मुझे तुम्हारे और कमल के बारे में सब पता चल गया है |I know everything about you and kamal.आप खुद क्यों आगये | आप किसी को भेज देते |Why did you come yourself, you could have sent someone.क्या तुमने मेरा नाम नहीं सुना है ?Haven't you heard my name?तेरी मम्मी यहाँ क्या कर रही हैं ?What is your mummy doing here?
ways to Improve English Speaking in a short time Most of these are Free . Learn Real Conversational English, rather than the apropera or book-taught language. Native speakers do not speak textbook English.
हम तेरी बेटी के टुकड़े टुकड़े करके कुत्तो को खिला देंगे |We wiII kiII your daughter and feed her to dogs.चलो किसी और बारे में बात करते हैं |Let's talk about something else.मेरे लड़के की शादी वहीँ होगी जहाँ मैं उससे कहूँगा |My son will get married wherever I ask him to.मैं तुमसे बहस नहीं करना चाहती |I don't want to argue with you.
//nbsp;;;Rule Number One: Get Out There and Speak! There are many things you can do to improve your English fluency. However, if you want to become more fluent, thereas really one thing you have to do. Get out there and speak English. Talk to people and have conversations regularly.
क्या करूँ मैं इसका ?What should I do with him?सबकुछ बर्बाद हो गया |everything got ruined.क्या कहा उन्होंने ?What did they say?मैं अब तुम्हें अच्छी नहीं लगती |You don't find me attractive anymore.
Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking. Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least times when you speak. Visit ECas free learn English website at least once a day and complete a lesson. Donat use texts/listening exercises which are too difficult or too easy.
तुम्हे मुझे कुछ इज्जत देनी चाहिए थी |You could've shown some respect for me.मैंने एक मोबाइल की shop खोली है |I have opened a mobile shop!तुमने ऐसे आदमी के साथ ऐसा क्यों किया ?Why did You do this with such a man?अब तुम सब जाकर छुप जाओ |Now all of you go and hide.
//nbsp;;;The Spoken English Practice method helps you speak English fluently and naturally in weeks. If you want to know more about how to learn English speaking online free, read on. English is a global language, which is spoken by many millions of people around the world both as a first language and as a second language.
मैं तुम्हें सुबह से यही तो दिखा रही हूँ |I have been showing you this since then.प्लीज जल्दी वापस आना | हम यहाँ अकेले हैं |Please come back soon. We are alone here.कुछ भी करले तू हमेशा चुड़ैल ही दिखेगी |Do whatever, you will always look a witchमैं ना कहता था कि कमल एक दिन अपनी माँ का सपना जरुर पूरा करेगा ?Didn't I say that Kamal will someday fulfill his mother's dream?
//nbsp;;;How to learn spoken English the easy way. Speaking is actually the easy way of improving your spoken English. Easy, but at the same time the hard way. If you donat have the possibility of traveling to an English-speaking country or the good fortune of having an English-speaking friend, this method is not an option for you. But there is a solution. It may sound a bit
अगर तुम इतनी जिद कर रहे हो तो मैं उसे कॉल कर लूँगा |If you are insisting so much then I will call her.मैंने तुम्हे कल दवाई डी थी | क्या तुम्हें आराम नहीं मिला ?I had given you medicines yesterday... don't you feel better?मैं पहले कुछ नहीं कर सकता था|l couldn’t do anything earlier.तुम खतरे में क्यों आये ?Why did you get in danger?
How To Speak English Fluently a Video. Fluency is one of the most important speaking skills if you want to use English. Learn useful tips and techniques to improve your fluency in this lesson. See the full lesson here
मिला तुम्हे ?Did you find it'?तुम इतने गंदे निकलोगे मैंने कभी नहीं सोंचा था I never thought you would be such a pervert. मेरा तुमसे मिलने का दिल कर रहा था |I just felt like meeting you.मैं तेरे पीछे सब संभाल लूँगा |I'll take care of everything in your absence.
How To Speak English Fluently a Video. Fluency is one of the most important speaking skills if you want to use English. Learn useful tips and techniques to improve your fluency in this lesson. See the full lesson here
उसने अभी अभी अपना जवान बेटा खोया है |She has just lost her young son.मुझे सच में चलना चाहिए |I should really get going.मैं भी फन मॉल आई थी |I too had come to the fun mall.मैं तुम्हारे साथ नहीं आ रहा हूँ |I'm not coming with you.
In this section, youall learn exercises that target ahigh-levela conversation skills such as: Your ability to express ideas clearly Your speed at afinding the right wordsa during a conversation Your social skills like making small talk
लेकिन यह चमत्कार हुआ कैसे ?But how did this miracle happen?वह तेरी तरह मुफ्तखोर नहीं है |He isn't a free loader like you.और सब छोड़ो ये करो अभी |Drop everything else - do it now.ये लोग फंस गए थे, मैं इनकी मदद कर रहा था |The guys are trapped, I'm helping them out.
Set goals. Determine how fluent you want to become and set small goals that will help you Schedule daily practice. Practice your verbal listening/speaking and written reading/writing skills Study with others. Take an actual English class or find a small group of other English students to Be confident. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you practice your English. If you stop Reward yourself. Learning English can be its own reward, but if you have difficulty motivating Improve grammar gradually. At the beginning of your studies, learn enough basic grammar to Keep practicing. Be patient. Learning English easily does not mean that you will learn the language See full list on wikihow
कमल ने कॉल किया था |Kamal had called.अब मिल गया तुम्हे चैन ?Are you satisfied now?अगर कोई गड़बड़ की तो मैं तुझे बहुत पीटूँगा |If you made any mistake,I will bash you!सोंच के बताओ मुझे |Think it over and tell me
//nbsp;;;Free Online English Speaking Courses . -day English language fluency course Want a quick course in English speaking, enroll for the weeks English speaking course that will not only polish your
तुम उसके काम में क्या खुश्फुसा रहे हो ?what are you whispering in her ears?कभ कभी तो मेरा उसे जान से मारने कर मन करता है |Sometimes I feel like killing her.तुम्हारे लिए अच्छी खबर है |there's good news for you!Yes sir, यही थे वो लोग |Yes, sir. It was them.
उसने मेरी कार चुराई है |He has stolen your car.अब जो होना था हो गया |Now whatever had to happen has happened.Actually, मैं तुम्हें प्यार के वो तीन शब्द कहते हुए सुनना चाहता हूँ |Actually, I want to hear you say those lovely three words.मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि तुम इसे seriously क्यों नहीं लेते ?I do not get it - why do you not take it seriously.
How to Speak English With Confidence in Easy Steps . Read Texts Out Loud. Reading fluency is simply the ability to read a book or text clearly. You correct your . Trust Your Teacher. If you are following a course, remember that your teacher is there to create a safe environment . Work in
शरमाओ मत |Don't feel shy.उसने चालाकी से मुझे अन्दर बंद कर दिया |He cleverly locked me in.मैं तुझे जेल भिजवा दूंगा |l'll haνe you sent to jail!मुझे कभी समझ में नहीं आया कि कैसे एक आदमी अपने सारी ज़िंदगी एक औरत के साथ बिता सकता है ?I've never understood how can a man live...with one woman for his entire life?
Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking. Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine. Tell your family and friends about your study plan.
चुनाव के बाद कोई यहाँ झांकेगा भी नहीं |
After the elections, no one will even take a peek here.
तुम्हारे बिना मेरा क्या होगा ?
what would happen to me without you?
अपने भाई को भी कुछ सीखा | मेरे कलेजे को ठंडक पहुंचेगी |
Teach your brother something. I will feel content.
बर्दास्त की हद होती है |
There is a limit to tolerance.
Click Here to know for How to learn spoken English easily at home:- Practice by Using Technology Gifted Weapon:-. We all know the technology gifted weapon; itas nothing but the mobile Practice through Debates and extempore with your friends: a. The best way to learn at home is to engage in
वो चुड़ैल हमें नहीं छोड़ेगी |
That witch won't spare us!
हमारी लड़की हो उसका राजकुमार मिल गया |
Our daughter has found her prince.
कमल और विमल ने मुझे तुम्हारे बारे में सबकुछ बता दिया है |
Kamal and Vimal have told me everything about you.
मुझे शायद पीछे मुडकर देखना चाहिए |
I think I should turn around and see.
//nbsp;;;To become a Fluent English Speaker, try mastering on one topic at a time. As an example, consider Tim, a -year-old polyglot from the United States. In the video below Tim appears to speak many languages afluentlya, but heas only speaking about one topic. Heas playing one asonga on many instruments: YouTube.
डरो मत | मैं कुछ नहीं करूँगा |
Don't be scared. I won't do anything.
हाँ, क्यों क्या हुआ ?
Yes, why what happened?
बच्चों को स्कूल से ले आना |
Bring the children from the school.
शर्म नहीं आती लडकियों को छेड़ते हुए ?
Aren't you ashamed of eve-teasing?
You can follow the tips below to speak English easily: Speak in English: Improving your English speaking skills is possible only through practice. Involving yourself in speaking English conversation can cut down a lot of hesitation and increase your English fluency. Whether you want to excel at your study or career, learn English speaking because developing excellent English communication skills
लगता है पापा ऑफिस से आगये है |
I think Dad's back from the shop.
क्या तुमने कभी मुझसे बोला की तुम मुझसे प्यार करते हो |
Ηave you eνer told me that you love me?
बता मुझे, वो manager तुझसे माफ़ी क्यों मांग रहा था ?
Tell me, why was that manager apologising to you?
अभी देखना | सच्चाई अभी सामने आ जायेगी |
Just wait and see! The reality will be out any moment.
//nbsp;;; Easy and Basic Steps To Learn and Improve The English Language. . Have A Clear Vision. Before getting an answer to your question aHow can I learn spoken Englisha, The First step should be finding a strong reason why you need to improve your language skills.
तुम बीच में आये तो तुम्हे बहुत भारी पड़ेगा |
If you interfere, you'll have to pay for it dearly.
चप्पल पहन के घूमूं क्या ?
Should I roam around with slippers?
आप इस कस्बे में अजनबी लगते हैं |
You appear to be a stranger in town.
तुम्हें कुछ महीनों पहले आना चाहिए |
You should’ve come a couple of months back.
Prepare for any kind of interview conducted in English and gain confidence. Steps to Learning English To become a fluent English speaker, you must study and master reading, listening, and speaking. At TalkEnglish, the lessons are structured to give you practice in all three areas at the same time.
सौ रूपये उधार ले सकता हूँ ? मैं शाम तक लौटा दूंगा |
can I borrow Rs.100? I'll return it in the evening.
लेकिन तुम गिरवी क्या रखोगे ?
But what will you mortgage?
मुझे नहीं पता क्योंकि तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं |
I don't know because you didn't tell me.
आपका business कैसा चल रहा है ?
how is your business doing?
To be fluent in only - months, you must create massive intensity. In other words, you have to listen and read - hours a day, every day. You must listen constantly to English. You must read constantly. In fact, I recommend alternating the two activities. Listen for an hour, then read a novel for an hour.
तुम उसे खाने में क्या देती हो ?
What do you give him to eat?
हम सब तुम्हारे साथ पुलिस स्टेशन चलेंगे |
We'll all go with you to the police station.
जहाँ कोई इसे कभी ढूंड ना पाए |
Where no one will ever find it.
उसको दर्द हो रहा है |
She is in pain
//nbsp;;;How to Speak English Fluently. Learn tips to speak English fluently. Donat worry about making mistakes because you will make mistakes as a learner. Be patient. This isnat a one day process. Learn certain phrases that can be used in multiple situations. Learn how to greet someone properly. Talk slowly and carefully.
फ़िक्र मत करिए | मैं इसे छुड़ा देता हूँ |
Don't worry. l'll haνe it freed.
मुझे देर हो रही है | मुझे जाना होगा |
I'm getting late. I must go.
उसके बाप का राज है क्या ?
Is it his father's ruIe?
तुम मुझसे क्यों पूँछ रहे हो ?
Why are you asking me?
Shadowing technique is a method that will help a lot when you learn English speaking. Trying this technique, youall have a chance to practice your pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. Learning something deeply or spending time on it will better your memory with the words. You can improve speaking very fast from shadowing for sure.
इस आदमी ने कभी किसी दूसरी औरत पर नजर नहीं डाली |
This man has never laid his eyes on another woman
और क्या ? अपने आप को देखिये |
What else? Look at you.
रहने दो, पुरानी बाते याद करना छोड़ो और आगे क्या करना है वो सोंचो |
Let it be, stop remembering the past and think what we have to do ahead.
चल सुन लेते है | एक बार सुनने में हर्ज ही क्या है ?
let's hear. What's the harm in hearing it once?
How to be fluent in English in steps . Smile and breathe. No matter what your level of English, confidence is vital. When you speak English, smiling will . Memorize examples with vocabulary. Donat just memorize lists of words. Make sure to include examples, too. If you are . Listen to
आज से हमारी रस्ते अलग अलग है |
From today our paths are different.
तुम्हें कैसे पता कि मैंने अंडरवियर नहीं पहना है ?
How do you know I haven't worn underwear?
कितनी बार कहा है तुम्हे चश्मा पहनने के लिए |
How many times have I told you to wear your glasses!
वह रीना की मौत का बदला लेना चाहता है |
he wants to avenge Reena's death.
If you want to speak English well, you need to build implicit knowledge, not explicit knowledge. Implicit knowledge is automatic, so you donat have to think about grammar when speaking. This allows you to concentrate on expressing your thoughts and ideas. The result is that youall be able to speak English effortlessly.
ऐसा है क्या ?
Is that so?
यह एक औरत को छेड़ रहा था |
He was teasing a woman!
मैंने तुम्हे माफ़ कर दिया |
I've forgiven you.
पीछे रहो |
Stay back!
Determine Your Audience. The primary step to teach basic spoken English for beginners is to determine the audience. They are either children, very young kids, adults, housewives, employees, etc. In addition to the type of audience, one needs to determine the size of the group. For example, if you plan to give tuition classes to a single person, two
तुम उससे बहस में नहीं जीत सकते |
you can't win him in an argument.
मैं पूजा कर रहा था |
l was performing the veneration.
जाने से पहले मैं तुमसे मिलना चाहता हूँ |
Before I leave, I want to meet you.
तुम पकड़ो इसे |
You hold it.
Start with an easy and free online course! We have adopted an objective and efficient approach to learn how to speak a language easily and quickly: we suggest you to start by memorizing words, phrases and practical expressions that you can use in everyday life and that will be useful when traveling. Getting used to pronounce words out loud, numbers
मैं यह खुद कर लेता पर ...
I would have done it myself but …
जब से तुम गए हो मैं बहुत परेशान हूँ |
eνer since you have left, l'νe been worried.
हम जो कर सकते थे कर दिया |
We've done the best we could.
आपका ट्रांसफर हो गया है |
You've been transferred.
//nbsp;;;. How I learned to Speak in English . This book is not that usual English speaking book with pictures and lessons. The book is a compilation of real-life experience of the author Neetu Sugandh
बेवकूफ | खाली हाथ बैठने से कुछ नहीं होगा |
Fool! Sitting idle is futile!
तुम हमारे भोलेपन का फायदा उठा रहे हो है ना ?
You're taking advantage of our innocence. Aren't you?
तू यहाँ क्या करने आया था ?
Why had you come here?
कमल आया है तुमसे मिलने |
Kamal is here to see you.
How To Speak English Fluently a Video. Fluency is one of the most important speaking skills if you want to use English. Learn useful tips and techniques to improve your fluency in this lesson. See the full lesson here
मुहरत का वक़्त निकला जा रहा है |
The propitious hour is passing by.
वह 8वी क्लास में था जब वह घर छोड़ के भाग गया |
He was in class 8 when he ran away from home.
वह बैंक गया होगा |
He must have gone to the bank.
10 बजे तैयार रहना |
Be ready at 10 am tomorrow.
//nbsp;;;If you learn only of the most frequently-used lemmas in English, youall be able to understand % of the language as it is spoken in normal life. Lemmas are word families. A good place to start is with word-frequency lists. However, you will need to find sentences including these words in order to practice in the right way.
फ़िक्र मत करो | बस छोटी सी खरोंच है |
Don't worry. It's just a small bruise.
इशारा क्या कर रहे हो ? जो कहना है कहो ?
Why are you gesturing? Say what you want to?
मैं उसे डॉक्टर बनाना चाहता था |
l wanted him to be a doctor.
Excuse me, मैं बस अभी आया |
Excuse me. I'll just be back.
//nbsp;;; Ways to Improve Your English Speaking Skills : Work on pronunciation for accuracy. Learn the sounds of English and learn how to make them correctly. You have to : Imitate Native Speakers yes, copying is good!. This is a very effective way to improve, not only your speaking but :
मेरी pant गीली हो गई |
My pant got wet!
मैंने उसे बहुत बर्दास्त कर लिया |
I've tolerated him a lot.
वो चुड़ैल तेरे साथ बैठी है क्या ?
Is the wretch sitting with you?
वो कैसे हुआ ?
How did that happen?
How To Speak English Fluently Tips? They are the basic source to learn the common English spoken in day to day life. One must read English newspapers daily Write down the unknown words in newspaper and its meaning. Use that word in your sentence. At the time of reading the newspaper a word for
मैंने तुम्हे बताया था पर तुम भूल गए |
I told you, but you forgot.
घर से निकले थे तो ये बिलकुल ठीक थे |
he was perfectly fine when he left home.
तुम्हें कैसे पता कि कमल यहाँ था ?
how did you Know Kamal was here'?
मैं बताना भूल गया कि ...
I forgot to say that…
Start speaking English as much as possible. The one thing you absolutely have to Interact with English every single day. Itas vital to get as much exposure to English Accept that you will feel uncomfortable speaking English. For almost everyone, Get a personal tutor. If you are serious about achieving fluency, invest in a personal Use resources made for your level. If youare determined to reach fluency, it can be Work on your pronunciation. Working on your pronunciation is helpful for a few Learn phrases, not words. Fluency is being able to speak without hesitation. If you Plan your conversations when you can. This might seem like a silly tip for people Try some karaoke. Thereas no ahacka to becoming fluent in English fast, but doing Donat focus too much on grammar. Native speakers disobey the rules of their own See full list on preply
तेरा एक्सीडेंट हो सकता था |
you could've had an accident.
तुम घर जाओ | यहाँ पर बहुत खतरा है |
You go to home. there is a lot of danger over here.
हेल्लो मेरे बेटे |
HeIIo, my son.
तुमने सही नहीं क्या |
You didn't do right.
You can follow the tips below to speak English easily: Speak in English: Improving your English speaking skills is possible only through practice. Involving yourself in speaking English conversation can cut down a lot of hesitation and increase your English fluency. Whether you want to excel at your study or career, learn English speaking because developing excellent English communication skills
मुझे तुम्हारे और कमल के बारे में सब पता चल गया है |
I know everything about you and kamal.
आप खुद क्यों आगये | आप किसी को भेज देते |
Why did you come yourself, you could have sent someone.
क्या तुमने मेरा नाम नहीं सुना है ?
Haven't you heard my name?
तेरी मम्मी यहाँ क्या कर रही हैं ?
What is your mummy doing here?
ways to Improve English Speaking in a short time Most of these are Free . Learn Real Conversational English, rather than the apropera or book-taught language. Native speakers do not speak textbook English.
हम तेरी बेटी के टुकड़े टुकड़े करके कुत्तो को खिला देंगे |
We wiII kiII your daughter and feed her to dogs.
चलो किसी और बारे में बात करते हैं |
Let's talk about something else.
मेरे लड़के की शादी वहीँ होगी जहाँ मैं उससे कहूँगा |
My son will get married wherever I ask him to.
मैं तुमसे बहस नहीं करना चाहती |
I don't want to argue with you.
//nbsp;;;Rule Number One: Get Out There and Speak! There are many things you can do to improve your English fluency. However, if you want to become more fluent, thereas really one thing you have to do. Get out there and speak English. Talk to people and have conversations regularly.
क्या करूँ मैं इसका ?
What should I do with him?
सबकुछ बर्बाद हो गया |
everything got ruined.
क्या कहा उन्होंने ?
What did they say?
मैं अब तुम्हें अच्छी नहीं लगती |
You don't find me attractive anymore.
Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking. Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least times when you speak. Visit ECas free learn English website at least once a day and complete a lesson. Donat use texts/listening exercises which are too difficult or too easy.
तुम्हे मुझे कुछ इज्जत देनी चाहिए थी |
You could've shown some respect for me.
मैंने एक मोबाइल की shop खोली है |
I have opened a mobile shop!
तुमने ऐसे आदमी के साथ ऐसा क्यों किया ?
Why did You do this with such a man?
अब तुम सब जाकर छुप जाओ |
Now all of you go and hide.
//nbsp;;;The Spoken English Practice method helps you speak English fluently and naturally in weeks. If you want to know more about how to learn English speaking online free, read on. English is a global language, which is spoken by many millions of people around the world both as a first language and as a second language.
मैं तुम्हें सुबह से यही तो दिखा रही हूँ |
I have been showing you this since then.
प्लीज जल्दी वापस आना | हम यहाँ अकेले हैं |
Please come back soon. We are alone here.
कुछ भी करले तू हमेशा चुड़ैल ही दिखेगी |
Do whatever, you will always look a witch
मैं ना कहता था कि कमल एक दिन अपनी माँ का सपना जरुर पूरा करेगा ?
Didn't I say that Kamal will someday fulfill his mother's dream?
//nbsp;;;How to learn spoken English the easy way. Speaking is actually the easy way of improving your spoken English. Easy, but at the same time the hard way. If you donat have the possibility of traveling to an English-speaking country or the good fortune of having an English-speaking friend, this method is not an option for you. But there is a solution. It may sound a bit
अगर तुम इतनी जिद कर रहे हो तो मैं उसे कॉल कर लूँगा |
If you are insisting so much then I will call her.
मैंने तुम्हे कल दवाई डी थी | क्या तुम्हें आराम नहीं मिला ?
I had given you medicines yesterday... don't you feel better?
मैं पहले कुछ नहीं कर सकता था|
l couldn’t do anything earlier.
तुम खतरे में क्यों आये ?
Why did you get in danger?
How To Speak English Fluently a Video. Fluency is one of the most important speaking skills if you want to use English. Learn useful tips and techniques to improve your fluency in this lesson. See the full lesson here
मिला तुम्हे ?
Did you find it'?
तुम इतने गंदे निकलोगे मैंने कभी नहीं सोंचा था
I never thought you would be such a pervert.
मेरा तुमसे मिलने का दिल कर रहा था |
I just felt like meeting you.
मैं तेरे पीछे सब संभाल लूँगा |
I'll take care of everything in your absence.
How To Speak English Fluently a Video. Fluency is one of the most important speaking skills if you want to use English. Learn useful tips and techniques to improve your fluency in this lesson. See the full lesson here
उसने अभी अभी अपना जवान बेटा खोया है |
She has just lost her young son.
मुझे सच में चलना चाहिए |
I should really get going.
मैं भी फन मॉल आई थी |
I too had come to the fun mall.
मैं तुम्हारे साथ नहीं आ रहा हूँ |
I'm not coming with you.
In this section, youall learn exercises that target ahigh-levela conversation skills such as: Your ability to express ideas clearly Your speed at afinding the right wordsa during a conversation Your social skills like making small talk
लेकिन यह चमत्कार हुआ कैसे ?
But how did this miracle happen?
वह तेरी तरह मुफ्तखोर नहीं है |
He isn't a free loader like you.
और सब छोड़ो ये करो अभी |
Drop everything else - do it now.
ये लोग फंस गए थे, मैं इनकी मदद कर रहा था |
The guys are trapped, I'm helping them out.
Set goals. Determine how fluent you want to become and set small goals that will help you Schedule daily practice. Practice your verbal listening/speaking and written reading/writing skills Study with others. Take an actual English class or find a small group of other English students to Be confident. Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you practice your English. If you stop Reward yourself. Learning English can be its own reward, but if you have difficulty motivating Improve grammar gradually. At the beginning of your studies, learn enough basic grammar to Keep practicing. Be patient. Learning English easily does not mean that you will learn the language See full list on wikihow
कमल ने कॉल किया था |
Kamal had called.
अब मिल गया तुम्हे चैन ?
Are you satisfied now?
अगर कोई गड़बड़ की तो मैं तुझे बहुत पीटूँगा |
If you made any mistake,I will bash you!
सोंच के बताओ मुझे |
Think it over and tell me
//nbsp;;;Free Online English Speaking Courses . -day English language fluency course Want a quick course in English speaking, enroll for the weeks English speaking course that will not only polish your
तुम उसके काम में क्या खुश्फुसा रहे हो ?
what are you whispering in her ears?
कभ कभी तो मेरा उसे जान से मारने कर मन करता है |
Sometimes I feel like killing her.
तुम्हारे लिए अच्छी खबर है |
there's good news for you!
Yes sir, यही थे वो लोग |
Yes, sir. It was them.
उसने मेरी कार चुराई है |
He has stolen your car.
अब जो होना था हो गया |
Now whatever had to happen has happened.
Actually, मैं तुम्हें प्यार के वो तीन शब्द कहते हुए सुनना चाहता हूँ |
Actually, I want to hear you say those lovely three words.
मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि तुम इसे seriously क्यों नहीं लेते ?
I do not get it - why do you not take it seriously.
How to Speak English With Confidence in Easy Steps . Read Texts Out Loud. Reading fluency is simply the ability to read a book or text clearly. You correct your . Trust Your Teacher. If you are following a course, remember that your teacher is there to create a safe environment . Work in
शरमाओ मत |
Don't feel shy.
उसने चालाकी से मुझे अन्दर बंद कर दिया |
He cleverly locked me in.
मैं तुझे जेल भिजवा दूंगा |
l'll haνe you sent to jail!
मुझे कभी समझ में नहीं आया कि कैसे एक आदमी अपने सारी ज़िंदगी एक औरत के साथ बिता सकता है ?
I've never understood how can a man live...with one woman for his entire life?
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