Structure 56 - मैंने जो कह दिया सो कह दिया - Learn all of the tenses in English easily

Learn all of the  tenses in English easily


मैंने जो कह दिया सो कह दिया |
What I have said I have said.

जो मैं कह रहा हूँ उसपे विशेष ध्यान दो |
Pay careful attention to what I am going to say.

जो तुम कह रहे हो उसका कोई मतलब नहीं |
There is no meaning in what you say.

जीवन वही है जो हम इसे बनाते हैं |
Life is what we make it.

जिसका इलाज नहीं हो सकता उसे सहना ही पड़ता है |
what cannot be cured must be endured.

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This grammar lesson you will learn the  Verb Tenses that are in the English language. Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past, present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can use each of the tenses. The  verb tense chart explained


मैं सो गया थे |

I fell asleep.

क्या कर रहे हो तुम ? तुम इतनी कस के क्यों मार रहे हो |

What are you doing? Why are you hitting so hard.

उन तीन लोफरों को यहाँ मत आने देना |

don't let those three loafers enter here.

आप मेरे घर में कैसे घुस गए |

How did you just barge in to my house?


The tenses simply show the time of an action or state of being as shown by a verb. The verb ending is changed conjugated to show what time it is referring to. Time can be split into three periods The Present what you are doing, The Past what you did and The Future what you are going to do, or hope / plan to do .


कैसा रहेगा यह ? अच्छा है क्या ?

How will this be? ls it nice?

बाथरूम कहाँ है ? सीधे जाकर right |

Where's the bathroom? - Straight and right.

मेरे प्यार में क्या कमी रह गई थी ?

What was lacking in my love?

अगर तुम जो कह रहे हो वो झूठ निकला तो ...

If what you say turns out to be false, then..


Learn all of the  tenses in English easily in this lesson. This lesson features simple explanations, lots of example sentences and illustrations.***** RELA


पुलिस से पंगा मत ले |

Don't mess with the cops!

बिलकुल ! वह बिलकुल तुम्हारे जैसा दिखता है |

Absolutely! He looks just like you.

तुम्हें शर्म आनी चाहिए इतना बड़ा फरेब करते हुए |

You should have been ashamed for doing such a big fraud!

कम से कम कपडे तो पहनने दे |

At least let me get dressed.


In this easy English class, you will learn all about the PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. Iall teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what mistakes to avoid. This


इससे ज्यादा ख़ुशी की बात नहीं हो सकती |

Nothing could be happier than this.

तमाशा मत करो वरना मैं तुम्हें पीटूँगा |

Don't create a scene. Or else I'll beat you.

किस तरह की लड़की चाहिए तुम्हे ?

What kind of a girl do you want?

अगर इतनी ही जरुरी बात थी तो क्या वह वहीँ नहीं कह सकती थी ?

If it was so important, couldn't she say it right there?


The tenses simply show the time of an action or state of being as shown by a verb. The verb ending is changed conjugated to show what time it is referring to. Time can be split into three periods The Present what you are doing, The Past what you did and The Future what you are going to do, or hope / plan to do .


मैं कुछ ज्यादा ही भावुक हो गया |

I got a little too sentimental.

क्या हुआ तुम्हें ?

What happened to you?

हम आप सबके शुक्रगुजार हैं |

We are thankful to all of you.

कमल एक second रुक |

Kamal. Hold on for a second.


This grammar lesson you will learn the  Verb Tenses that are in the English language. Tenses are all used to indicate action that has taken place in the past, present, and future. The following two photos will show how and when you can use each of the tenses. The  verb tense chart explained


यह देखो | हो गया |

See this. It is done.

कुछ मत पूंछो |

Don't ask anything.

मुझे पता है अगर वो कुछ खा लेंगे तो ठीक हो जायेंगे |

l know if he eats something he’ll be fine.

प्लीज कुछ करो वरना मेरी ज़िंदगी भी बर्बाद हो जायगी |

Please do something or else my life will also be ruined...


Learn all of the  tenses in English easily in this lesson. This lesson features simple explanations, lots of example sentences and illustrations.***** RELA


हमने सब जगह ढूंडा लेकिन कमल हमें कहीं नहीं मिला |

we searched every place. But we didn't find Kamal anywhere!

नहीं, हम कमल के साथ खायेंगे |

No. We'll dine with Kamal.

मैं pregnant नहीं होना चाहती |

I don't want to get pregnant.

मैं तुम्हे ऐसे कैसे छोड़ सकता हूँ ?

How can I leave you like this?


ENGLISH GRAMMAR, TENSES Page  of  How do we use the Present Continuous Tense? We use the present continuous tense to talk about: a action happening now a action in the future Present continuous tense for action happening now a for action happening exactly now I am eating my lunch. past present future The action is happening now.


मैं कहता हूँ चल बोरिया बिस्तर बांधकर निकल चलते हैं यहाँ से | नहीं तो पुलिस वाले पकड़ लेंगे हमें |

I am saying lets wrap everything and leave from here. Or else the police will catch us.

मेरी वजह से तुम लोगों को परेशानी हो रही है |

because of me you people are being troubled.

मैं तेरा मुंह तोड़े दूंगा |

I will smash your mouth!

हमें इस तरह का घर भी तो मिलना चाहिए |

We should find such a house too.


In this easy English class, you will learn all about the PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE. Iall teach you how to use it, when to use it, and what mistakes to avoid. This


लेकिन उस दिन कुछ अलग हुआ |

But that day something different had happened.

क्या कभी तुमसे कोई सफाई मांगीं ?

Have I ever asked you for any explanation?

अब यह भी कुछ कहेगा |

Now he too will say something!

तुम्हें पता नहीं तुम सब कितनी बड़ी गलती कर रहे हो |

You don't know what a big mistake you all are making.


Learn all of the  tenses in English easily in this lesson. This lesson features simple explanations, lots of example sentences and illustrations.***** RELA


तुम झूठ बोल रही हो |

You are lying.

मेरी चाय को कुछ मत बोलना |

don't say anything to my tea.

पूरा दिन कहाँ थे तुम ?

Where were you all day?

मतलब वह जिंदा है |

Meaning he is alive!


If you are looking for a simple and quick way to learn English verb tenses, check our list here: Here is a chart showing all the verb tenses. There are three times a present, past and future and four aspects a simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous. The times and the aspects combine to make all of the twelve tenses in English.


नहीं वो घर पर नहीं है |

No, he is not at home.

तुम बहुत naughty हो |

You're really naughty.

वह बहुत अच्छी है जिस किसी के घर जाएगी वह बहुत खुश रहेगा |

She is very nice, whosever house she goes. He will be very happy.

सर यहाँ और कोई नहीं है |

Sir, there's no one else around here.

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