Basic English Grammar in Hindi with examples and translation
Hindi medium English Grammar lessons in easy language
specially for Hindi Medium students. Learn all the topics step by step
explanation of basic English Grammar in Hindi with examples and translation.
एक बात है जो मैं कहना
चाहता हूँ |
There's one thing I would like to say.
क्या मैंने आपको कभी
परेशा किया ?
Ηaνe l ever troubled you?
मैं तुझे एक कसके थप्पड़
मारूंगा |
I'll give you one tight slap!
मेरी बाईं आँख आज बहुत
फडफडा रही है |
My left-eye's twitching a lot today.
On this blog Grammar will be taught in an interesting, fun
and laid back way. It wonat be like reading boring old Grammar books! If you
havenat already, be sure to read An Intro to Hindi first. It would also be
useful reading over the Vowels and Consonants sections too, this will help with
your pronunciation! Lessons on this page are grouped into main section; Nouns and
चल कहीं बाहर चलते हैं |
Let's go out somewhere.
नहीं वो मत करो |
No, don't do that.
तुम इतने गिरे आदमी को
अपना दोस्त कैसे समझ सकते हो ?
Ηow could you consider such a lowly man a friend?
तुम्हे कैसे पता ?
How do you know?
Hindi English grammar book app contains the English Grammar
that are explained in Hindi language for the ease of user use. You can find all
the grammar contents and are explained in simple and easy language.
जब से यह मेरे पति बन गए |
Since the time he became my husband!
मुझे लगता है जो हुआ
अच्छा हुआ |
I think whatever happened was good.
मैं आपको विश्वास दिलाता
हूँ वह यहाँ से अपने पैरों पे नहीं जायेगा |
He will not walk out of here on his two feet, we assure you
मैं क्या उससे कुश्ती
करूं ?
Should l have wrestled with him?
EnglishIt covers
Basic English Speaking and Basic English Grammar in Hindi for Beginners as well
as advanced learners.
यह गुंडे मवालियों का शहर
है |
It's a city of goons and loafers!
अगर तेरे पास कोई और
रास्त है तो बता दे
Let me know if you have another option.
सर मैं नहीं यह था |
It wasn't me. It was him!
सोंच समझ कर बात करो |
Think before you talk.
तो तू दिमाग में एक बात
रख ले |
So bear one thing in mind!
ऐसी बात मत कहो | रीना की शादी जरुर होगी |
Don't say such things - Reena's marriage wiII sureIy take
क्या यह भी उसी की गलती
है ?
Is this also his fault?
निकाल इसे |
Get it off me.
//nbsp;;;Basic Hindi Grammar Lessons. aThoua is currently not in use in English,
but Hindi formal talk involves use of this pronoun. This is the most basic grammar lesson, where
you have been
ये opposition की चाल है मुझे बदनाम करने की |
This is a conspiracy of the opposition to defame me.
शादी की तैयारी शुरू हो
रही है |
The wedding preparations are starting.
अपना टैलेंट यही बर्बाद
करने का इरादा है क्या ?
do you intend wasting your talent over here?
क्या तुम अभी ला सकते हो ?
Can you get it right now?
English Grammar in HindiEnglish English Grammar, ,
तुम शराबी हो |
You are drunkard!
वह अब इस काम के लायक
नहीं रहा |
He is no longer fit for this job.
कितना चाहिए तुम्हे ?
How much do you want?
तुम इतना excited क्यों हो रहे हो ?
Why do you get so excited?
Hindi medium English Grammar lessons in easy language
specially for Hindi Medium students. Learn all the topics step by step
explanation of basic English Grammar in Hindi with examples and translation.
नमक कम है, है ना ?
Salt is less, isn't it?
अगर मुझे पता होता कि आप
फ़ोन पर है तो क्या मैं ऐसे बात करता ?
lf l had known you were on the phone, would l talk like
जब तेरे साथ ऐसा होगा तब
तुझे पता चलेगा |
You'll realize when it will happen with you.
यह ठीक घर के सामने खड़ा
था |
He was standing right outside the house.
Hindi medium English Grammar lessons in easy language
specially for Hindi Medium students. Learn all the topics step by step
explanation of basic English Grammar in Hindi with examples and translation.
मैं कायर की तरह भाग नहीं
सकता था |
I couIdn't have run away like a coward.
मेरा आज बहुत काम pending
पड़ा है |
I have so much work pending today.
क्या तुमने मुझे पहचाना ?
did you recognise me.
तुम पढो मेरे बारे में
क्या लिखा है |
You read what is written about me.
//nbsp;;;Basic Hindi Grammar Lessons. aThoua is currently not in use in English,
but Hindi formal talk involves use of this pronoun. This is the most basic grammar lesson, where
you have been
ये दोनों फिर कहाँ से आ
गए ?
Where did these two come from again?
वह समझती क्या है अपने
आपको ?
Who does she think she is?
अगर तुम मेरी जगह होते तो
तुम भी यही करते |
If you were me, even you would've done the same.
तुम्हें उसे रोकने की भी
ज़हमत नहीं हुई ?
You didn't even bother to stop him?
EnglishIt covers
Basic English Speaking and Basic English Grammar in Hindi for Beginners as well
as advanced learners.
यह सगाई नहीं हो सकती |
This engagement cannot take place.
उसे ग़लतफ़हमी है |
he's a misunderstanding.
मैं इस बारे में उतना ही
हैरान हूँ जितना की तुम |
I'm shocked about it as much as you're.
मैं ऐसी ज़िंदगी नहीं जीना
चाहता |
I don't want to live such a life.
//nbsp;;;Basic Hindi Grammar Lessons. aThoua is currently not in use in English,
but Hindi formal talk involves use of this pronoun. This is the most basic grammar lesson, where
you have been
बुरी यादों से जूझना मेरे
बस का नहीं है |
I am not capable enough to cope with bad memories!
कुछ करने की जरुरत नहीं
है |
There's no need to do anything.
आप समझदार हैं तो उसे
समझाते क्यों नहीं ?
You're sensible, so, why don't you explain to him?
भगवान ने मुझे पैर दिए
हैं |
God has given me feet!
English Grammar in HindiEnglish English Grammar, ,
करना क्या है ?
What's there to be done?
पापा ने तुम्हे बुलाया है
Father, has called you.
चुनाव के बाद कोई यहाँ
झांकेगा भी नहीं |
After the elections, no one will even take a peek here.
तीसरी गली में दूसरा घर |
Second house in third street.
This video provides step by step explanation of English
grammar tenses, verbs, and other parts of speech, with examples in Hindi. These
videos teach you to construct various types of sentences, including negative
and interrogative sentences. If you are looking for simple yet powerful lessons
to learn English, these videos are for you as a beginner.
मैं तुम लोगो की वजह से
बर्बाद हो गया | मैं अपनी माँ को
क्या कहूँगा ?
l am ruined because of you all. What will l tell my mother?
मुझसे गलती हो गई |
l made a mistake.
क्या इस तरह बात करते हैं
किसी से ?
Is this the way you talk to someone?
उन्होंने अपना घर दुल्हन
जैसा सजाया है |
They have done up his home as if it were a bride.
On this blog Grammar will be taught in an interesting, fun
and laid back way. It wonat be like reading boring old Grammar books! If you
havenat already, be sure to read An Intro to Hindi first. It would also be
useful reading over the Vowels and Consonants sections too, this will help with
your pronunciation! Lessons on this page are grouped into main section; Nouns and Pronouns, Adjectives,
एक बार समझाने पर समझ में
नहीं आता क्या ?
Don't you understand when you're explained once?
ठीक है चलो | तुम्हे क्या लगता है मैं डरता हूँ |
Fine, let's go. You think I'm afraid?
पता नहीं उसमें क्या घुस
गया है |
l don't know what's gotten into him.
तुमने किसी को बताया भी
नहीं |
You didn't even inform anyone.
//nbsp;;;Learn English in
Days in Hindi In this eBook you get a good chance to learn English
in Days in Hindi. Because this eBook
provides all the things you need for English Speaking, so you can learn to
speak English easily by reading this book. So if you want to learn to speak
English, then you must read or download this book.
वह तब से मेरा ड्राइवर है
He has been my driver since then.
कसके पकड़ो |
Hold tight.
अगर एक शब्द ओए कहा तो
मैं भूल जाऊंगा कि तेरी उम्र क्या है |
If you say another word, I'll forget how old you are.
अगर तुम्हें मंजूर है तो
ठीक है वरना तुम जा सकते हो |
lt's okay if you agree. Or you may leave..
Hindi medium English Grammar lessons in easy language
specially for Hindi Medium students. Learn all the topics step by step
explanation of basic English Grammar in Hindi with examples and translation.
तुम उसकी चिंता मत करो |
You don't worry about that.
जैसे ही उनकी गलतफ़हमी दूर
होगी वो तुझे छोड़ेंगे नहीं |
As soon as the misconception is cleared they will not spare
एक मिनट
Just a minute!
हमारा कल हमारे आज पर
निर्भर करता है |
Our tomorrow is based on our today.
अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से बदल जाएगा |
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