Gerund structure 16 English speaking course in Hindi
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A gerund always acts as a noun. Therefore a gerund can be a
subject, object, complement,* or object of a preposition. * Complement is a
word, clause, or a phrase that is required to complete the meaning of a
sentence. Complements will be explained in detail in a separate post
क्या मैं कमल से बात कर
सकता हूँ ?
Can I taIk to Kamal Prasad?
अगर कमल ने तुम्हें इस घर
से बाहर निकाल दिया तो | तुम कहाँ जाओगे?
What if Shyam throws you out of this house? Where'II you go?
अब मुझे किसी से उधार
लेना पड़ेगा |
Now, I'll have to borrow from someone.
मैं यह करूँगा अगर तुम
चाहती हो कि मैं करूँ |
I'll do it, if you want me to.
//nbsp;;;A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and
functions as a noun. Adjective: gerundial or gerundival. The term gerund is
used in traditional grammar, but many contemporary linguists prefer instead to
use the -ing form instead. A gerund accompanied by its objects, complements,
and/or modifiers is called a gerund phrase or simply a noun phrase.
तुमने मेरी पेंट फाड़ दी |
You tore my pant!
यह शर्ट आपने कहाँ से
खरीदी ?
Where did you buy that shirt from?
क्या करते रहे इतने साल ?
what were you doing all these years?
क्या हुआ, अब बोलती क्यों बंद हो गई ?
What happened, why are you tongue-tied now?
The gerund looks exactly the same as a present participle,
but it is useful to understand the difference between the two. The gerund
always has the same function as a noun although it looks like a verb. Some uses
of the gerund are covered on this page. A separate page deals with verbs that
are followed by the gerund.
किसकी सुनूँ मैं ?
To whom should I listen?
ये लड़कियां छेड़ रहे थे |
They were teasing with girls.
इन गड्ढो की वजह से किसी
कि जान जा सकती हैं |
someone might lose his life because of these potholes.
तुम अब पोंछा क्यों लगा
रही हो ?
Why are you mopping now?
The gerund looks exactly the same as a present participle,
but it is useful to understand the difference between the two. The gerund
always has the same function as a noun although it looks like a verb. Some uses
of the gerund are covered on this page. A separate page deals with verbs that
are followed by the gerund.
मैं घर कैसे जाऊंगा ?
How will I go home?
मुझे क्या पता ? मैं भी तेरे साथ यहीं खड़ा हूँ |
What do I know? I too have been standing here with you!
देखो मैं क्या करता हूँ |
See what l do.
तुम अपने दोस्त के लिए
अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यों कुर्बान करना चाहते हो ?
Why do you want to sacrifice your life for your friend?
//nbsp;;;A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and
functions as a noun. Adjective: gerundial or gerundival. The term gerund is
used in traditional grammar, but many contemporary linguists prefer instead to
use the -ing form instead. A gerund accompanied by its objects, complements,
and/or modifiers is called a gerund phrase or simply a noun phrase.
हम भूख से मर जायेंगे |
We'll die of hunger!
तुम कुछ दिन लखनऊ घूम लो
फिर हम दोनों साथ में चलेगें |
Look around Lucknow for a couple of days, then we'll leaνe
रोक सको तो रोक लो |
Stop me if you can.
लखनऊ क्यों !
Lucknow! Why?
//nbsp;;;A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions
as a noun. Adjective: gerundial or gerundival. The term gerund is used in
traditional grammar, but many contemporary linguists prefer instead to use the
-ing form instead. A gerund accompanied by its objects, complements, and/or
modifiers is called a gerund phrase or simply a noun phrase.
यह मेरा घर है | मैं कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ
This is my house. I can do anything.
इस बार कुछ गलत नहीं होना
चाहिय |
This time nothing should go wrong.
मैं आपका गुनाहगार हूँ |
I am your culprit.
क्या खाना शुरू करें ?
Shall we start the dinner?
//nbsp;;;A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and
functions as a noun. Adjective: gerundial or gerundival. The term gerund is
used in traditional grammar, but many contemporary linguists prefer instead to
use the -ing form instead. A gerund accompanied by its objects, complements,
and/or modifiers is called a gerund phrase or simply a noun phrase.
वापस आ जाओ |
come back. We're pleading with you
मैं और क्या कर सकता था ?
What else could I do?
मैंने तुम्हारे बारे में
बहुत कुछ सुना है |
l have heard a lot about you.
मैं तुम्हारी नफरत को
प्यार में बदल दूंगा |
l'll turn your hatred into loνe.
A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding ;-ing The
gerund form of the verb ;read; is ;reading You can use a gerund as the subject,
the complement, or the object of a sentence.
प्लीज रीना से मुझे मिलने
के लिए कहो |
Please ask Reena to meet me now.
क्या में थोडा सा चख सकता
हूँ ?
May I taste some?
अब मुझे इसकी आदत हो गई
है |
lt’s turned into a habit.
यह बहुत पुरानी है |
यह pic तब की है जब हम मिले भी नहीं थे |
this is very old. This pic was taken when we had not even
//nbsp;;;A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and
functions as a noun. Adjective: gerundial or gerundival. The term gerund is
used in traditional grammar, but many contemporary linguists prefer instead to
use the -ing form instead. A gerund accompanied by its objects, complements,
and/or modifiers is called a gerund phrase or simply a noun phrase.
बोलो, मैं रास्ते में ही हूँ |
Tell me. I'm on my way .
अब मैंने क्या गलत किया ?
What wrong haνe l done now?
क्या लोगे तुम ? या क्या लेना पसंद करोगे ?
What would you like to have?
क्या बकवास कर रहे हो तुम
What nonsense are you taking?
Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as
nouns. Theyare very easy to spot, since every gerund is a verb with ing tacked
to its tail. There are no exceptions to this rule. Like all things grammar,
gerunds do take a tiny bit of detective work to spot.
मैं तुझे बाद में देख
लूँगा |
I'll have to deal with you later.
तुम क्या जॉब करते हो ?
What job do you do?
सर सब कुछ हमारे प्लान के
मुताबिक हो रहा है |
sir, everything is going as per our plan.
उसे शर्म आयी |
She felt ashamed.
A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding ;-ing The
gerund form of the verb ;read; is ;reading You can use a gerund as the subject,
the complement, or the object of a sentence.
तुम मेरे लिए मेरे बेटे
से बढ़के हो |
You mean more than a son to me.
मुझपे थोडा रहम करो |
Have some mercy on me!
तुम यहाँ रीना की मौत का
बदला लेने आये हो, है ना ?
You're here to avenge Reena's death, right?
वह तुम्हारी जायदात के
लिए पहले ही मुझे छोड़ चूका है |
He's already left me once for the sake of your property.
A gerund can be either the subject or object of a sentence
in English, e.g. 'Cycling is fun ' or 'I enjoy cycling '. Gerunds are verbal
nouns, and I remember that they are used in a special way
मैं सिर्फ आपको अपने दिल
की सच्चाई बता रहा था |
I was just trying to tell you the truth that's in my heart.
हमारे पास बहुत है कुछ
साल अच्छी ज़िंदगी जीने के लिए |
We have enough to lead a good life for a few years.
क्या तुम्हे पता है कि
रीना कहाँ है ?
Do you know where Reena is?
वह यहाँ क्यों होगी ?
Why would she be here?
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