Past continuous tense passive voice example sentences in Hindi
तुम्हारा इंतिजार किया जा रहा था |
You were being waited.
उसे मारा जा रहा था |
He was being beaten.
उसे सताया जा रहा था |
He was being oppressed.
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The Past Continuous, Passive Voice Sbe : was or werebeing past participle This tense is confusing because the verb ;be; appears twice.
मैंने उसे गाली नहीं दी |I didn't abuse himकोई जरुरत नहीं जाने की |No need to go.तुम्हे क्या लगता है कौन जीतेगा ?What do you think? Who is going to win?काम तो एक बहाना है |work is just an excuse.
Convert from active to passive voice and vice-versa in past continuous tense - example eg. Some boys were helping the wounded man. Passive - The wounded man was being helped by some boys. Convert from active to passive voice and vice-versa in past perfect tense - example eg. The man had cut down the tree. Passive - The tree had been cut down by the man. Convert from active to passive
अगर कमल को तुम्हारे इरादे की भनक भी लग गई तो तुम इसका अंजाम सोंच भी नहीं सकते |If Kamal even gets a whiff of your intentions you cannot even imagine the consequences.क्या फर्क पड़ता है |It makes no difference.क्या मुझे चुप रहना चाहिए था ?should I have stayed mute?तुम हमेशा fail कैसे हो जाते हो |how come you gets failed always.
Normal Past Continuous Examples. Past Continuous Passive Voice Voice. - I was writing a letter. A letter was being written by me. - He was cooking Food. Food was being cooked by me. - They were Playing football. Football was being played by them. - She was making cake.
वह वापस नहीं आया | लेकिन उसने कॉल किया था |He hasn't come back. But he had called up.जो कुछ मेरे दिल में आया मैंने कह दिया |I said whatever came in my mind!मैंने तुम्हें कितनी बार कहा है कि कमल के साथ मत खेला करो |How many times have l told you not to play with Kamal.आपने मुझे अचानक क्यों बुलाया ?Why did you summon me so suddenly?
Converter - Change Active Voice Sentence to Passive Voice: Some sentences are listed. You can convert those sentences into Passive Voice of any Tense and see the Rules of the selected Tense. Seeing a sentence in all tenses helps a lot in understanding the Active-Passive Voice. CLICK VIEW PASSIVE VOICE SENTENCE IN ANY SELECTED TENSE
तू रात भर खांस क्यों रहा था ?why were you coughing all night?मैं तुम्हें पुलिस के हवाले कर दूंगा | तुम्हारी सारी ज़िंदगी जेल में कटेगी |l will hand you people over to the cops. All your life will be spent in prison.जैसा वह नाचता है वैसा सिखाओ Teach me the way he dances.मैं खुद चली जाउंगी |I will go on my own!
//nbsp;;;The passive voice of Past continuous tense is used when you want to focus on the person or the thing that was receiving the action in the past; that was being acted upon. When the receiver of the action object of the verb is more important than the doer itself, write the sentence in the passive voice of Past continuous tense.
इसलिए मुझे घंटी नहीं सुनाई दी |That is why I couldn't hear the bell.उसके माँ बाप को उसके सामने मार दिया |His parents were killed in front of him.मैं तुम्हारे घर गया था तो आपके नौकर ने कहा कि तुम यहाँ हो | तो मैं यहाँ आ गया |I had gone to your home, so your servant told me that you are here. So I came here.अगर ऐसा होता तो हर अँधा आदमी मिलियनेयर होता |Had this been the case then every blind man would have been a millionaire.
Passive sentences in the present continuous tense have the following structure: Object of the active sentence is/are/am being past participle form of the verb by subject of the active sentence. Examples are given below. Active: I am reading a story. Passive: A story is being read by me. Active: The engine is driving the train.
इस दीवाली पर क्या आप मुझपर एक अहसान करोगी ?On this Diwali eve, will you do me a favour? मेरी माँ का बुरा मत मानना |Don't mind my mother.वह तुम्हारे लिए सही लड़का नहीं है He's not the right boy for you.तो यह सब क्या legal है ?So all this is legal?
हम दिल्ली आ रही है तुम्हारी शादी करवाने के लिए |we're coming to Delhi right away to get you married.मैं हमेशा तुझे loser समझता था पर तूने मुझे गलत साबित कर दिया |I always thought you were a loser. But you proved me wrong.वह मुझे अपने साथ ले जाते थे |He took me with himमैं एक अच्छा इंसान बनूँगा |I'll become a nice person.
Get a quick overview of Conversion of Active to Passive Voice in Past Tense. from Active and Passive Voice in just minutes. When the active verb is in the past continuous tense, we make passive verb forms with was/were being past participle form of the verb. For example: Boys were singing songs. We interchange the roles of subject and object with each other to form the passive voice. To convert
तुमने दरवाजा क्यों बंद किया ?Why did you close the door?जो हो गया सो हो गया |let bygones be bygones.मुझे अब और मत तडपाओ |Don't torment me anymore. मुझे बस एक मिनट देना, ठीक ? Just give me a minute, okay?
Passive Voice: The work was being finished by me. We: Active Voice: We were finishing the work. Passive Voice: The work was being finished by us. nd person -You: Active Voice: You were finishing the work. Passive Voice: The work was being finished by you. You: Active Voice: You were finishing the work. Passive Voice: The work was being finished by you. rd person - He
तुम्हारा सपना सच हो गया |Your dream has come true.मैंने तुम्हे पहले ही कहा था |I had told you earlier.तुम्हार फ़ोन number क्या है ?What's your phone number?मुझे यकीन नहीं हो रहा है |I can't believe it.
//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Active Passive Voice . ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE IN PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE . INTRODUCTION ON ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE A transitive verb may be in the ACTIVE or PASSIVE voice. A verb is in the Active Voice when the subject in the sentence DOES the action. A verb is in the Passive Voice when the subject is made to RECEIVED the action.
मुझे सोने दो | सुबह आना |Let me sleeep. Come back in the morning.अपनी बेकसुरी अदालत मैं साबित करना |Prove yourself innocent in the court.मैं इस नाम के किसी आदमी को नहीं जानती |I don't know any person by that name.उसने मेरी कार चुराई है |He has stolen your car.
//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject was/were V verb ing Object: S convert object to subject was/were being Vby O convert subject to object Remaining: The teacher was teaching us. We were being taught by the teacher. She was writing a letter.
बहुत सोंचने के बाद मैंने यह फेसला किया है कि... After much thought I have decided thatक्या बचपना है ये ?what childishness is this?मैं तुम्हारी यह इच्छा भी पूरी कर दूंगा |I'll fulfill that wish too.तुम खुद कुछ क्यों नहीं कर सकते ?Why can't you do anything by yourself?
aHad been being auditeda is the past perfect continuous in the passive voice being used here to describe the action of abeing auditeda. Thatas understandable. aUnderstandablea is an adjective, and itas being used with the main auxiliary verb abea. We use abea with adjectives. I.e. I am hungry, tired, sleepy, funny etc.
उसने कितना हंगामा मचा दिया |He has created so much nuisanceतुमको कोई problem तो नहीं होगी ?Won't you have any problem?उसके बाद की कहानी मैं बताता हूँ तुझे |I'll tell you the story after that.भागो जल्दी |Run, quickly.
//nbsp;;;The passive voice of Past continuous tense is used when you want to focus on the person or the thing that was receiving the action in the past; that was being acted upon. When the receiver of the action object of the verb is more important than the doer itself, write the sentence in the passive voice of Past continuous tense. Structure: Object was/were being V by subject
किस तरह की लड़की चाहिए तुम्हे ?What kind of a girl do you want?मैं गिर गया तो ?What if l fall down?जब हम घर पहुंचे तो हम पूरी तरह भीग गए थे |When we reached home, we were completely drenched.नहीं मुझे कुछ नहीं चाहिए मैं डाइटिंग पर हूँ |No, I don't want anything. I am dieting.
Past continuous tense Passive Voice. Usually, passive voice of past continuous tense is made when the subject is not known. For example, Mangoes were being eaten. affirmative Mangoes were not being eaten. negative Were mangoes being eaten? question Structure of passive voice sentences, Object was/were being Verbv
उसने मना कर दिया तो ?What if she refuses?इतना टुच्चा काम |Such a measly job!तो अभी तक तू बोला क्यों नहीं ?So why didn't you say as yet?जब कमल को पता चलेगा तो बहुत बुरा होगा |When Dharam will know of this lie, it’ll be very bad.
PAST CONTINUOUS PASSIVE VOICE TENSE. We use it to talk about those actions that continued in the past time. And we use the helping verb of past continuous passive voice tense is was, were and for Past progressive active voice tense. Example Helping Verb = Was / Were.
उसने कोशिस करके क्या कर लिया ?What did he do with all that trying?उसने मेरा नाम सिर्फ मुझे फंसाने के लिए लिया है |He has taken my name just to entrap me!यह तो होना ही था |it had to happen.कमल एक second रुक |Kamal. Hold on for a second.
Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense . The above Rules describe the following points: , Ing , , 'Being'
मुझे लगा वह तुम्हारे साथ है |I thought he was with you.इसे सुलझाने के लिए मुझे कुछ वक़्त दो |Give some time to resoIve it.मुझे नहीं पता क्यों पर रीना खुद को उसकी मौत का जिम्मेदार मानती है |I don't know why, but Reena blames herself for his death.कुछ दिनों पहले मुझे मुझे उल्टी हुई थी और उसमें खून था |A couple of days back l vomited and there was some blood.
The Past Continuous, Passive Voice Sbe : was or werebeing past participle This tense is confusing because the verb ;be; appears twice.
तुम अभी तक descipline पर क्यों रो रहे हो ?Why are you still weeping over discipline?तुम मेरी तरफ ऐसे क्यों देख रहे हो ?Why are you looking at me like this?मुझे कस के पकड़ो |Hold me tightly!वह मुझे धोका दे रही थी |She was cheating on me.
PAST CONTINUOUS PASSIVE VOICE TENSE. We use it to talk about those actions that continued in the past time. And we use the helping verb of past continuous passive voice tense is was, were and for Past progressive active voice tense.
मैं ठीक हूँ | आप कैसे हैं ?I'm fine, how about you?पिछले चार साल से वही गाड़ी चला रहे हैं |I've been driving that same car for the last four years.मैं जल्दी में हूँ |I'm in a hurry.मैं नहीं जानता कौन हैं ये | ये मेरे साथ नहीं हैं |l don't know who they are, they are not with me.
Passive voice Past continuous tense example
अब तुम सो जाओ |you should sleep now.लोगो को चोरी करके क्या मिलता है ?What do people get by stealing?मैं पहले कुछ नहीं कर सकता था|l couldn’t do anything earlier.तो आज क्या किया तुमने ?So, what did you do today?
मेरा पति दौ दिन पहले बाजार गया था | वह अभी तक नहीं आया |my husband had gone to the market two days ago. He hasn't come back yet.तुम उसे खाने में क्या देती हो ?What do you give him to eat?तुम इतने दिनों से कहाँ थे ?Where haνe you been all this while?इतनी जल्दी में कहाँ जा रहे हो ?where are you going in such a hurry?
To form past continuous passive we use was / were being verb past participle See details, example sentences and free exercises online
मैंने भी नहीं देखा उसे ?I can't see him either.मैं लंच लगाती हूँ |I will serve lunch.तुम्हें ऐसा क्यों लग रहा है कि मैं झूठ बोल रहा हूँ |why do you feel that I am lying?दुसरो की बात सुनना bad manners होता है |It's bad manners to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.
मेरे नाम पर एक रूम book है |There's a room booked in my name.माँ ने कहा है तुम आके नास्ता कर लो |Mother has asked you to come have breakfast.तुम उसकी सोंच में कब तक भूखे रहोगे ?how long will you keep starving thinking about him?मैं वादा करता हूँ इसके बाद तुम कमल का नाम नहीं सुनोगे |l promise you won’t hear Kamal’s name after this.
Passive sentences in the past continuous tense have the following structure: Object of the active sentence was/were being past participle form of the verb by subject of the active sentence. Examples are given below: Active: She was writing a novel. Passive: A novel was being written by her. Active: They were saying their prayers.
मैं तुम्हारे सामने खड़ा हूँ |I'm right before you.हम पहले सी ही बहुत परेशानी में हैं |we're already facing so many problems.तुम अचानक आ गए | तुम्हें बताना चाहिए था कि तुम आ रहे हो |You came all of a sudden. You should have said that you are coming.कौन से सर ?Which one, sir?
//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Active Passive Voice . ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE IN PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE . INTRODUCTION ON ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE A transitive verb may be in the ACTIVE or PASSIVE voice. A verb is in the Active Voice when the subject in the sentence DOES the action. A verb is in the Passive Voice when the subject is made to RECEIVED the action.
क्या मतलब मेरी मर्जी |What do you mean, ‘my wish’!अपना खाना खाओ |Eat your food!मैंने तुम्हे धोका नहीं दिया |I haven't cheated on you. इनको दिल का डोरा पड़ा था |He had a heart attack.
The Past Continuous, Passive Voice Sbe : was or werebeing past participle This tense is confusing because the verb ;be; appears twice.
मैंने उसे गाली नहीं दी |
I didn't abuse him
कोई जरुरत नहीं जाने की |
No need to go.
तुम्हे क्या लगता है कौन जीतेगा ?
What do you think? Who is going to win?
काम तो एक बहाना है |
work is just an excuse.
Convert from active to passive voice and vice-versa in past continuous tense - example eg. Some boys were helping the wounded man. Passive - The wounded man was being helped by some boys. Convert from active to passive voice and vice-versa in past perfect tense - example eg. The man had cut down the tree. Passive - The tree had been cut down by the man. Convert from active to passive
अगर कमल को तुम्हारे इरादे की भनक भी लग गई तो तुम इसका अंजाम सोंच भी नहीं सकते |
If Kamal even gets a whiff of your intentions you cannot even imagine the consequences.
क्या फर्क पड़ता है |
It makes no difference.
क्या मुझे चुप रहना चाहिए था ?
should I have stayed mute?
तुम हमेशा fail कैसे हो जाते हो |
how come you gets failed always.
Normal Past Continuous Examples. Past Continuous Passive Voice Voice. - I was writing a letter. A letter was being written by me. - He was cooking Food. Food was being cooked by me. - They were Playing football. Football was being played by them. - She was making cake.
वह वापस नहीं आया | लेकिन उसने कॉल किया था |
He hasn't come back. But he had called up.
जो कुछ मेरे दिल में आया मैंने कह दिया |
I said whatever came in my mind!
मैंने तुम्हें कितनी बार कहा है कि कमल के साथ मत खेला करो |
How many times have l told you not to play with Kamal.
आपने मुझे अचानक क्यों बुलाया ?
Why did you summon me so suddenly?
Converter - Change Active Voice Sentence to Passive Voice: Some sentences are listed. You can convert those sentences into Passive Voice of any Tense and see the Rules of the selected Tense. Seeing a sentence in all tenses helps a lot in understanding the Active-Passive Voice. CLICK VIEW PASSIVE VOICE SENTENCE IN ANY SELECTED TENSE
तू रात भर खांस क्यों रहा था ?
why were you coughing all night?
मैं तुम्हें पुलिस के हवाले कर दूंगा | तुम्हारी सारी ज़िंदगी जेल में कटेगी |
l will hand you people over to the cops. All your life will be spent in prison.
जैसा वह नाचता है वैसा सिखाओ
Teach me the way he dances.
मैं खुद चली जाउंगी |
I will go on my own!
//nbsp;;;The passive voice of Past continuous tense is used when you want to focus on the person or the thing that was receiving the action in the past; that was being acted upon. When the receiver of the action object of the verb is more important than the doer itself, write the sentence in the passive voice of Past continuous tense.
इसलिए मुझे घंटी नहीं सुनाई दी |
That is why I couldn't hear the bell.
उसके माँ बाप को उसके सामने मार दिया |
His parents were killed in front of him.
मैं तुम्हारे घर गया था तो आपके नौकर ने कहा कि तुम यहाँ हो | तो मैं यहाँ आ गया |
I had gone to your home, so your servant told me that you are here. So I came here.
अगर ऐसा होता तो हर अँधा आदमी मिलियनेयर होता |
Had this been the case then every blind man would have been a millionaire.
Passive sentences in the present continuous tense have the following structure: Object of the active sentence is/are/am being past participle form of the verb by subject of the active sentence. Examples are given below. Active: I am reading a story. Passive: A story is being read by me. Active: The engine is driving the train.
इस दीवाली पर क्या आप मुझपर एक अहसान करोगी ?
On this Diwali eve, will you do me a favour?
मेरी माँ का बुरा मत मानना |
Don't mind my mother.
वह तुम्हारे लिए सही लड़का नहीं है
He's not the right boy for you.
तो यह सब क्या legal है ?
So all this is legal?
हम दिल्ली आ रही है तुम्हारी शादी करवाने के लिए |
we're coming to Delhi right away to get you married.
मैं हमेशा तुझे loser समझता था पर तूने मुझे गलत साबित कर दिया |
I always thought you were a loser. But you proved me wrong.
वह मुझे अपने साथ ले जाते थे |
He took me with him
मैं एक अच्छा इंसान बनूँगा |
I'll become a nice person.
Get a quick overview of Conversion of Active to Passive Voice in Past Tense. from Active and Passive Voice in just minutes. When the active verb is in the past continuous tense, we make passive verb forms with was/were being past participle form of the verb. For example: Boys were singing songs. We interchange the roles of subject and object with each other to form the passive voice. To convert
तुमने दरवाजा क्यों बंद किया ?
Why did you close the door?
जो हो गया सो हो गया |
let bygones be bygones.
मुझे अब और मत तडपाओ |
Don't torment me anymore.
मुझे बस एक मिनट देना, ठीक ?
Just give me a minute, okay?
Passive Voice: The work was being finished by me. We: Active Voice: We were finishing the work. Passive Voice: The work was being finished by us. nd person -You: Active Voice: You were finishing the work. Passive Voice: The work was being finished by you. You: Active Voice: You were finishing the work. Passive Voice: The work was being finished by you. rd person - He
तुम्हारा सपना सच हो गया |
Your dream has come true.
मैंने तुम्हे पहले ही कहा था |
I had told you earlier.
तुम्हार फ़ोन number क्या है ?
What's your phone number?
मुझे यकीन नहीं हो रहा है |
I can't believe it.
//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Active Passive Voice . ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE IN PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE . INTRODUCTION ON ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE A transitive verb may be in the ACTIVE or PASSIVE voice. A verb is in the Active Voice when the subject in the sentence DOES the action. A verb is in the Passive Voice when the subject is made to RECEIVED the action.
मुझे सोने दो | सुबह आना |
Let me sleeep. Come back in the morning.
अपनी बेकसुरी अदालत मैं साबित करना |
Prove yourself innocent in the court.
मैं इस नाम के किसी आदमी को नहीं जानती |
I don't know any person by that name.
उसने मेरी कार चुराई है |
He has stolen your car.
//nbsp;;;Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense; Sentences Active Voice Passive Voice; Affirmative / Positive Sentence: Subject was/were V verb ing Object: S convert object to subject was/were being Vby O convert subject to object Remaining: The teacher was teaching us. We were being taught by the teacher. She was writing a letter.
बहुत सोंचने के बाद मैंने यह फेसला किया है कि...
After much thought I have decided that
क्या बचपना है ये ?
what childishness is this?
मैं तुम्हारी यह इच्छा भी पूरी कर दूंगा |
I'll fulfill that wish too.
तुम खुद कुछ क्यों नहीं कर सकते ?
Why can't you do anything by yourself?
aHad been being auditeda is the past perfect continuous in the passive voice being used here to describe the action of abeing auditeda. Thatas understandable. aUnderstandablea is an adjective, and itas being used with the main auxiliary verb abea. We use abea with adjectives. I.e. I am hungry, tired, sleepy, funny etc.
उसने कितना हंगामा मचा दिया |
He has created so much nuisance
तुमको कोई problem तो नहीं होगी ?
Won't you have any problem?
उसके बाद की कहानी मैं बताता हूँ तुझे |
I'll tell you the story after that.
भागो जल्दी |
Run, quickly.
//nbsp;;;The passive voice of Past continuous tense is used when you want to focus on the person or the thing that was receiving the action in the past; that was being acted upon. When the receiver of the action object of the verb is more important than the doer itself, write the sentence in the passive voice of Past continuous tense. Structure: Object was/were being V by subject
किस तरह की लड़की चाहिए तुम्हे ?
What kind of a girl do you want?
मैं गिर गया तो ?
What if l fall down?
जब हम घर पहुंचे तो हम पूरी तरह भीग गए थे |
When we reached home, we were completely drenched.
नहीं मुझे कुछ नहीं चाहिए मैं डाइटिंग पर हूँ |
No, I don't want anything. I am dieting.
Past continuous tense Passive Voice. Usually, passive voice of past continuous tense is made when the subject is not known. For example, Mangoes were being eaten. affirmative Mangoes were not being eaten. negative Were mangoes being eaten? question Structure of passive voice sentences, Object was/were being Verbv
उसने मना कर दिया तो ?
What if she refuses?
इतना टुच्चा काम |
Such a measly job!
तो अभी तक तू बोला क्यों नहीं ?
So why didn't you say as yet?
जब कमल को पता चलेगा तो बहुत बुरा होगा |
When Dharam will know of this lie, it’ll be very bad.
PAST CONTINUOUS PASSIVE VOICE TENSE. We use it to talk about those actions that continued in the past time. And we use the helping verb of past continuous passive voice tense is was, were and for Past progressive active voice tense. Example Helping Verb = Was / Were.
उसने कोशिस करके क्या कर लिया ?
What did he do with all that trying?
उसने मेरा नाम सिर्फ मुझे फंसाने के लिए लिया है |
He has taken my name just to entrap me!
यह तो होना ही था |
it had to happen.
कमल एक second रुक |
Kamal. Hold on for a second.
Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense . The above Rules describe the following points: , Ing , , 'Being'
मुझे लगा वह तुम्हारे साथ है |
I thought he was with you.
इसे सुलझाने के लिए मुझे कुछ वक़्त दो |
Give some time to resoIve it.
मुझे नहीं पता क्यों पर रीना खुद को उसकी मौत का जिम्मेदार मानती है |
I don't know why, but Reena blames herself for his death.
कुछ दिनों पहले मुझे मुझे उल्टी हुई थी और उसमें खून था |
A couple of days back l vomited and there was some blood.
The Past Continuous, Passive Voice Sbe : was or werebeing past participle This tense is confusing because the verb ;be; appears twice.
तुम अभी तक descipline पर क्यों रो रहे हो ?
Why are you still weeping over discipline?
तुम मेरी तरफ ऐसे क्यों देख रहे हो ?
Why are you looking at me like this?
मुझे कस के पकड़ो |
Hold me tightly!
वह मुझे धोका दे रही थी |
She was cheating on me.
PAST CONTINUOUS PASSIVE VOICE TENSE. We use it to talk about those actions that continued in the past time. And we use the helping verb of past continuous passive voice tense is was, were and for Past progressive active voice tense.
मैं ठीक हूँ | आप कैसे हैं ?
I'm fine, how about you?
पिछले चार साल से वही गाड़ी चला रहे हैं |
I've been driving that same car for the last four years.
मैं जल्दी में हूँ |
I'm in a hurry.
मैं नहीं जानता कौन हैं ये | ये मेरे साथ नहीं हैं |
l don't know who they are, they are not with me.
Passive voice Past continuous tense example
अब तुम सो जाओ |
you should sleep now.
लोगो को चोरी करके क्या मिलता है ?
What do people get by stealing?
मैं पहले कुछ नहीं कर सकता था|
l couldn’t do anything earlier.
तो आज क्या किया तुमने ?
So, what did you do today?
मेरा पति दौ दिन पहले बाजार गया था | वह अभी तक नहीं आया |
my husband had gone to the market two days ago. He hasn't come back yet.
तुम उसे खाने में क्या देती हो ?
What do you give him to eat?
तुम इतने दिनों से कहाँ थे ?
Where haνe you been all this while?
इतनी जल्दी में कहाँ जा रहे हो ?
where are you going in such a hurry?
To form past continuous passive we use was / were being verb past participle See details, example sentences and free exercises online
मैंने भी नहीं देखा उसे ?
I can't see him either.
मैं लंच लगाती हूँ |
I will serve lunch.
तुम्हें ऐसा क्यों लग रहा है कि मैं झूठ बोल रहा हूँ |
why do you feel that I am lying?
दुसरो की बात सुनना bad manners होता है |
It's bad manners to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.
मेरे नाम पर एक रूम book है |
There's a room booked in my name.
माँ ने कहा है तुम आके नास्ता कर लो |
Mother has asked you to come have breakfast.
तुम उसकी सोंच में कब तक भूखे रहोगे ?
how long will you keep starving thinking about him?
मैं वादा करता हूँ इसके बाद तुम कमल का नाम नहीं सुनोगे |
l promise you won’t hear Kamal’s name after this.
Passive sentences in the past continuous tense have the following structure: Object of the active sentence was/were being past participle form of the verb by subject of the active sentence. Examples are given below: Active: She was writing a novel. Passive: A novel was being written by her. Active: They were saying their prayers.
मैं तुम्हारे सामने खड़ा हूँ |
I'm right before you.
हम पहले सी ही बहुत परेशानी में हैं |
we're already facing so many problems.
तुम अचानक आ गए | तुम्हें बताना चाहिए था कि तुम आ रहे हो |
You came all of a sudden. You should have said that you are coming.
कौन से सर ?
Which one, sir?
//nbsp;;;Past Continuous Tense Active Passive Voice . ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE IN PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE . INTRODUCTION ON ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE A transitive verb may be in the ACTIVE or PASSIVE voice. A verb is in the Active Voice when the subject in the sentence DOES the action. A verb is in the Passive Voice when the subject is made to RECEIVED the action.
क्या मतलब मेरी मर्जी |
What do you mean, ‘my wish’!
अपना खाना खाओ |
Eat your food!
मैंने तुम्हे धोका नहीं दिया |
I haven't cheated on you.
इनको दिल का डोरा पड़ा था |
He had a heart attack.
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