Day 10 - How to become master in Present continuous tense - English Speaking course in Hindi

How to become Mater of Present continuous tense 

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

जब बोलते समय काम चल रहा हो तो वहाँ present continuous tense होता हैं |
इस टेंस के हिंदी वाक्यों मैं रहा है, रही है, रहे हैं आता है |

वह गा रही है |
She is singing.

English बोलते वक़्त grammar को याद रखना बहुत मुश्किल होता है | जैसे अगर Present continuous tense के वाक्यों को English मैं बोलते वख्त ये याद रखना मुश्किल होता कि कोनसे subject के साथ  कोनसी  helping verb use होगी या कब is, am, are helping verb का प्रयोग होगा | 

English बोलते वक़्त अगर आप ये ही सोंचते रहेंगे तो आप fluently English नहीं बोल पाएंगे | इस समस्या दूर करने के लिए आपको इस टेंस के स्ट्रक्चर कि खूब प्रैक्टिस करनी होगी | 
इसके लिए आपको हर subject के कर्ता के साथ इस टेंस के सभी स्ट्रक्चर कि प्रैक्टिस करनी होगी | 

इस टेंस के स्ट्रक्चर कि प्रैक्टिस करने का तरीका मैं नीचे दे रहा हूँ |

Present continuous tense  की practice He subject के साथ |

वह खेल रहा  है
He is playing.

वह नहीं खेल रहा  है
He is not playing.

क्या वह खेल रहा  है
Is he playing?

क्या वह नहीं खेल रहा  है
Is he not playing?

वह क्यों खेल रहा  है
Why is he playing?

वह क्यों नहीं खेल रहा  है
Why is he not playing?

Present continuous tense  की practice She subject के साथ |

वह खेल रही है
She is playing.

वह नहीं खेल रही है
She is not playing.

क्या वह खेल रही है
Is she playing?

क्या वह नहीं खेल रही है
Is she not playing?

वह क्यों खेल रही है
Why is she playing

वह क्यों नहीं खेल रही है
Why is she playing

Present continuous tense  की practice You subject के साथ |

तुम खेल रहे हो
You are playing.

तुम नहीं खेल रहे हो
You are not playing.

क्या तुम खेल रहे हो
Are you Playing?

क्या तुम नहीं खेल रहे हो
Are you not playing?

तुम क्यों खेल रहे हो
Why are you playing?

तुम क्यों नहीं खेल रहे हो 
Why are you not playing?

Present continuous tense  की practice they subject के साथ |

वे खेल रहे हैं |
They are playing.
वे नहीं खेल रहे हैं
They are not playing.
क्या वे खेल रहे हैं
Are they playing?
क्या वे नहीं खेल रहे हैं
Are they not playing?
वे क्यों खेल रहे हैं
Why are they playing?
वे क्यों नहीं खेल रहे हैं
Why are they not playing?

Present continuous tense  की practice I subject के साथ |

मैं खेल रहा हूँ
I am playing.
मैं नहीं खेल रहा हूँ
I am not playing.
क्या मैं खेल रहा हूँ
Am I playing?
क्या मैं नहीं खेल रहा हूँ
Am I not playing?
मैं क्यों खेल रहा हूँ
Why am I playing?
मैं क्यों नहीं खेल रहा हूँ
Why am I not playing?

अब अगर आप Present continuous tense मैं धाराप्रवाह English बोलना चाहते हैं तो आप को ऊपर दिए सभी structure को इतना प्रैक्टिस करनी होगी कि बिना देखे आप सभी स्ट्रक्चर के sentence सभी  
subject के साथ एक साँस मैं (मतलब एक बार ) मैं ही बोल सके | इसके लिए आप नीचे दिए sentences की एक साँस मैं बोलेन कि प्रैक्टिस करे | ऐसा करने से आपको English बोलते वक़्त ये नहीं सोंचना पड़ेगा कि कोनसी  
helping verb use होगी not कहा लगेगा आदि | और आप बिना दिमाग पे जोर डाले आसानी से Present continuous tense के वाक्यों को English मैं बोल पाएंगे |

Present continuous tense  की practice He subject के साथ |
He is playing.
He is not playing.
Is he playing?
Is he not playing?
Why is he playing?
Why is he not playing?

Present continuous tense की practice She subject के साथ |
She is playing.
She is not playing.
Is she playing?
Is she not playing?
Why is she playing?
Why is she not playing?

Present continuous tense  की practice You subject के साथ |
You are playing.
You are not playing.
Are you playing?
Are you not playing?
Why are you playing?
Why are you not playing?

Present continuous tense की practice they subject के साथ |
They are playing.
They are not playing.
Are they playing?
Are they not playing?
Why are they playing?
Why are they not playing?

Present continuous tense  की practice I subject के साथ |
I am playing.
I am not playing.
Am I Playing?
Am I not playing?
Why am I playing?
Why am I not playing?


अगर आप इंग्लिश बोलना सीखना चाहते हैं तो नीचे दी गई VIDEO को पूरा देखा | इस VIDEO को देखने के बाद आपका इंग्लिश सीखने का तरीका पूरी तरह से  बदल जाएगा |

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The formula for writing in the present continuous is: be verb [am, is, are]  present participle. Examples: He is driving erratically.; She is making a move.; They are sitting at the table.; They are moving to another table.; We are baking a cake.; Making It Negative. To make the present continuous tense in negative form, use this formula: [am, is, are]  not  

कार खराब हो गई है |
The car has broken down.
क्या हुआ ?
What happened?
मैंने सबको बता दिया है कि हम लखनऊ जा रहे हैं |
I've told everyone that we aren't going to Lucknow.
उनसे माफ़ी मांगने से उन्हें अहसास होगा कि हमें अपने किये पर पछतावा है |
Apologising to them will make them realise...that we regret our deeds.

In this post, I want to help you to understand the Present Continuous tense also called the Present Progressive tense and be able to use it correctly. I want to help you to know why we use different verb tenses and explain the form and the uses of the Present Continuous. So, letas begin How to form the Present Continuous. Positive

देखो, मैं पुलिस को कॉल नहीं करूँगा | लेकिन मेरी बेटी को कुछ मत करना |
See, I wiII not caII the poIice.. But don't do anything to my daughter.
तुम मेरे अच्छे बेटे हो ना ?
You are my good son, aren't you?
रीना को तुझसे प्यार हो गया है |
Reena has fallen in love with you.
मैंने कमल के बारे में सब पता लगा लिया है |
I found out everything about Kamal.

In this course I help you to master the present tense by talking about the different ways sentences are structured, spelling rules you have to consider, common mistakes other learners make and how you can avoid them. As well as how other tenses such as the present continuous work and how to form negative sentences with ;do; and ;does;.

इस बारे में किसी को बताने की हिम्मत मत करना |
Don't you dare tell anyone about this!
क्या कहते हो तुम ?
What do you say?
ताकि तू सारा माल लेके भाग सके |
So, that you can run away with all the money.
ऊपर देखो |
look up

This is a reference page for master verb forms in present, past and participle tenses. Find conjugation of master. Check past tense of master here. website for synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugations and translations  Present Perfect Continuous Tense; He/She/It has been mastering. I have been mastering. You/We/They have been mastering. Simple Past Tense; 

लेकिन मुझे थोड़ा सोंचना पड़ेगा |
But I will have to think a bit.
मुझे यह सुनकर दुःख हुआ |
I am sad to hear this.
और यह अच्छी बेटी के अच्छे पिता को शोभा नहीं देता |
And that does not suite a good father of a good daughter.
मैं उससे मिल चुका हूँ |
l’ve met her.

English Grammar Tenses  Structures From Zero to Master Become a master of all tenses and understanding, memorizing how to use them accurately day to day life Rating: . out of  .  ratings

2 दिन से तेरे गिले अंडरवियर बाथरूम में पड़े हैं |
Your wet underwear is lying in the bathroom for two days.
अगर तुमने use बस से नहीं भेजा होता तो आज वह यहाँ होता |
If you had not send him by bus... ...then today he would have been here!
पहली बार कुछ अच्छा हो रहा है |
For the first time something good is happening.
मैंने तुम्हे धोका नहीं दिया |
I haven't cheated on you. 

The present continuous also called present progressive is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future.

तुम दुनिया कि पहली औरत होगी जो अपने पति की शादी attend कर रही है और खुश भी है |
You're the first wife in this world... who is attending her husband's wedding and is happy as well!
सबकुछ ठीक है |
Everything is all right.
मैं किसी जरुरी काम में busy हूँ | मुझे बाद में फ़ोन कर 
I'm busy with some urgent work. Call me later.
बदला जितना पुराना होता है उतना है खतरनाक होता है |
The longer you wait for vengeance the deadlier it gets.

In this post, I want to help you to understand the Present Continuous tense also called the Present Progressive tense and be able to use it correctly. I want to help you to know why we use different verb tenses and explain the form and the uses of the Present Continuous. So, letas begin How to form the Present Continuous. Positive

यही तो मैं सुनना चाहता था |
That's all I wanted to hear.
हम पैसे लिए बिना नहीं जायेंगे |
We won't leave without taking the money.
अब समझा |
Now I get it.
आप वह रूममेट कहाँ से ले आये ?
where did you pick that roommate from?

This is a reference page for master verb forms in present, past and participle tenses. Find conjugation of master. Check past tense of master here. website for synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugations and translations  Present Perfect Continuous Tense; He/She/It has been mastering. I have been mastering. You/We/They have been mastering. Simple Past Tense; 

आपको कैसे पता ?
How did you know that?
काश में इन सबको यहाँ से ले जा सकता |
I wish I could take all of them from here.
अशोक का नाम सुना है?
Have you heard of Ashok?
हाँ वो तो दिख रहा है |
Yes! I can see it!

//nbsp;;;The formula for writing in the present continuous is: abea verb [am, is, are]  present participle. Examples: He is driving erratically.; She is making a move.; They are sitting at the table.; They are moving to another table.; We are baking a cake.; Making It Negative. To make the present continuous tense in negative form, use this formula: [am, is, are]  not  

क्या तुम ऊपर से मेरी दवाई ला दोगे?
Could you get my medicines from upstairs?
कोई मुड़ के नहीं देखेगा |
no one will turn around.
तुम्हे पता भी है तुम क्या कह रहे हो ?
Do you have any idea what you're saying?
तुम क्या कर रहे हो ? रहम करो |
What are you doing? Have mercy.

Sometimes, we use present continuous tense to say that we are in the process of doing a longer action which is in progress. Let us look at an example for a better understanding. A a. I am studying to become a doctor. Here, the verb aam studyinga helps us in identifying a longer action which is in process. Hence, it is in the present continuous tense.

इसके मुंह पे फेंको पैसे |
throw the money on his face.
मैं तुम्हारा पीछा नहीं कर रहा था |
I am not following you!
अगर तुम जो कह रहे हो वो झूठ निकला तो ...
If what you say turns out to be false, then..
उसे यह पूरी ज़िंदगी याद रहेगा |
He would remember it all his life.

Sometimes, we use present continuous tense to say that we are in the process of doing a longer action which is in progress. Let us look at an example for a better understanding. A a. I am studying to become a doctor. Here, the verb aam studyinga helps us in identifying a longer action which is in process. Hence, it is in the present continuous tense.

मैंने उसे कल काल करने के लिए कहा |
I asked him to call tomorrow.
मैंने तुझे अपने बेटे की तरह पाला है |
I've raised you like my own son.
2 महीनें पहले भी ऐसी ही problem हुई थी |
SimiIar probIem arose 10 months ago.
वे भाग गए हैं |
They have eloped.

This is a reference page for become verb forms in present, past and participle tenses. Find conjugation of become. Check past tense of become here. website for synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugations and translations  Present Perfect Continuous Tense; He/She/It has been becoming. I have been becoming. You/We/They have been becoming. Simple Past Tense; 

मेरी कार चोरी हो गई है |
My car has been stolen.
ऐसा नहीं है |
it is not like that.
इतनी देर हो गयी | अभी तक ट्रक क्यों नहीं आया ?
It's so late. Why hasn't the truck arrived yet?
अगल मैं मान भी लूं की तुम सच बोल रही हो, लेकिन तुमने कमल का खून क्यों किया |
Even if i believe you that you are speaking the truth. But why did you kill Kamal?

This is a reference page for become verb forms in present, past and participle tenses. Find conjugation of become. Check past tense of become here. website for synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugations and translations  Present Perfect Continuous Tense; He/She/It has been becoming. I have been becoming. You/We/They have been becoming. Simple Past Tense; 

चार दिन भी नहीं हुए उन्हें अभी शादी किये हुए और कमल ने लड़ाई भी शुरू कर दी |
It's not even been 4 days since they're married... and Kamal has already started fighting!
वह तुम्हारी ख़ुशी के लिए कुछ भी कर सकता है |
He can do anything for your happiness.
तू आएगा ना ?
You will come, won't you?
तू कभी कभी बेवकूफों जैसी करता है |
You talk like a fool sometimes.

English Grammar Tenses  Structures From Zero to Master Become a master of all tenses and understanding, memorizing how to use them accurately day to day life Rating: . out of  .  ratings

चलो चलकर पूंछते हैं | हमें पता चल जायेगा यह सच है या नहीं |
Let's go and ask! We will find out whether it's true or not!
क्या आपको उनका चेहरा याद है ?
Do you remember their faces?
यह तेरा वहम है तुमने किसी और को देखा होगा |
It is your imagination, you must have seen someone else.
अब कोई क्यों आएगा ?
Why will anyone come now?

become master in present continuous tense

यहाँ पर आओ | क्या बात है ?
come over here. what's the matter?
यहाँ कोई नहीं है |
There is no one here.
मैं तुम्हें किनारे बेठ के हाथ हिलाता रहूँगा |
I will keep waiving at you from the shore.
उनके पास छुपने के लिए कोई जगह नहीं है |
they have no place to hide.

हम वहाँ शादी के बारे में बात करेंगे |
We will talk about marriage there.
सारा सामान बेचने में ज्यादा से ज्यादा एक महीना लगेगा |
it will take maximum 1 month to sell the goods.
तो सब तय हो गया ना ?
So, everything's been decided, isn't it?
तुम्हारे माँ बाप को तुम्हारी कामयाबी पर गर्व है |
Your parents are very proud of your achievements.

तुम्हारा फ़ोन बज रहा है | कॉल उठाओ | 
Your phone's ringing. Take the call.
उसके निकटतम परिजन ने भी जॉब के लिया apply किया है |
His next-of-kin has aIso appIied for this job.
कौन है ?
Who is it?
यह तेरा भाई लाया है तेरे लिए |
Your mother has bought this for you.

Past participle - become . Present Tense. Singular I become You become He/she/it becomes Plural We become You become They become . Present Progressive Tense. Singular I am becoming You are becoming He/she/it is becoming Plural We are becoming You are becoming They are becoming . Past Tense. Singular I became You became He/she/it became Plural 

अमीर लोग गरीबो के मुंह नहीं लगते |
Rich people don't lock horns with poor people.
अपनी कार की बात नहीं कर रहा हूँ |
I am not talking of my car.
फ़िक्र मत करो | मैं उन्हें ले आऊंगा |
Don't worry. I'll bring them up.
हमें उसे fees नहीं देनी चाहिए थी |
We shouldn't have given him the fees.

कुछ सोंच |
Think of something.
अब मुझे इसकी आदत हो गई है |
lt’s turned into a habit.
तुम्हें जलन हो रही है |
You are jealous!
जब तुम 50 के होगे तब वह 75 की होगी |
When you will be 50 years old she will be 75 years old.

Conjugate become English verb: past tense, participle, present perfect, present continuous, past perfect, gerund. Translate become in context and see become definition. ; Reverso-Softissimo.

उन्हें चिंता है कि मैं ज़िंदगी में क्या करूँगा |
He worries what I'll do in life.
सबकी राय क्या है ?
what is everybody's opinion?
anyway, तुमने weekend पर क्या किया ?
Anyway, what did you do during the weekend?
उसे मुझसे कुछ जरुरी बात करनी थी |
She had something important to tell me.

The present continuous also called present progressive is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future.

तुम जैसे शैतान के लिए नहीं |
not for a devil like you.
मैं यहाँ काम मांगने नहीं आया हूँ |
I'm not here to ask for work.
तुम खुद कुछ क्यों नहीं कर सकते ?
Why can't you do anything by yourself?
सुना है वे जल्द ही शादी करने वाले हैं |
it's heard that they are going to marry soon.

Past participle - become . Present Tense. Singular I become You become He/she/it becomes Plural We become You become They become . Present Progressive Tense. Singular I am becoming You are becoming He/she/it is becoming Plural We are becoming You are becoming They are becoming . Past Tense. Singular I became You became He/she/it became Plural 

I am sorry,  actually, मैं कोई और समझ रहा था |
I am very sorry. Actually, I thought it was someone else.
अगर वो आता तो अच्छा होता |
Had he come it would've been better.
तो तुमने मुझे बताया क्यों नहीं कि तुम उससे मिली थी |
Then why didn't you tell me you met him?
मेरे तेरे लिए कुछ नहीं करूँगा |
I will not do anything for you.

In this course I help you to master the present tense by talking about the different ways sentences are structured, spelling rules you have to consider, common mistakes other learners make and how you can avoid them. As well as how other tenses such as the present continuous work and how to form negative sentences with ;do; and ;does;.

मैंने तो उस बारे में सोंचा ही नहीं था |
I didn't think about that.
मैं यह अपने परिवार के लिए करता हूँ | उनकी ख़ुशी के लिए |
I do this for my family. For their happiness.
तू अपनी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहा है ?
Why are you ruining your life?
तुमने किसी को बताया भी नहीं |
You didn't even inform anyone.

Conjugate become English verb: past tense, participle, present perfect, present continuous, past perfect, gerund. Translate become in context and see become definition. ; Reverso-Softissimo.

इससे ज्यादा ख़ुशी की बात नहीं हो सकती |
Nothing could be happier than this.
तुम इतने गिरे आदमी को अपना दोस्त कैसे समझ सकते हो ?
Ηow could you consider such a lowly man a friend?
तुमने उसकी बेज्जती की |
You humiliated her.
आपसे से business करके अच्छा लगा |
It was nice doing business with you.


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