Structure 102 - तुम हमेशा शिकायत करते रहते हो - All uses of adverb


Structure 18 काम करता रहता है |

वह हमेशा काम करता रहता है |

He always keeps on working.

वह हमेशा पढता रहता है |

He always keeps on studying.

तुम हमेशा शिकायत करते रहते हो |

You always keep on complaining.

STRUCTURE 103 - उसने आग जलाये रखी 

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Adverbs are used in sentences to answer many questions about the Verbs/Adjectives/Adverbs themselves. The different types of Adverbs are as following: Adverb of Time. What is an adverb of time? Look at examples below: E.g.: The results were announced yesterday. Here the Adverb is yesterday which is answering the question: When were the results


मैं अपनी माँ को दुखी नहीं देख सकता |

I cannot see my mother in distress

मैं तुम्हारे बारे में ही सोंच रही थी और तुम आ गए |

I was just thinking about you. And you came.

यह सब बकवास कर रहा है |

He's taIking aII nonsense.

रुकों मुझे चेक करने दो |

Wait, let me check.


An adverb as like a verb can be a significant part of a sentence. Adverbs play a vital rule in a sentence, they are used to change or qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb, a clause or another adverb in a sentence. In the lesson below we will look at the uses of adverbs in a sentence. Uses of Adverbs in a Sentence


मुझे स्कूल में जाने में बेईज्जती महसूस होती है |

I feel ashamed to enter the school.

शरमाओ मत |

Don't feel shy.

मुझे कहीं से भी रस्सी ला कर दो |

Bring me a rope from somewhere.

बाकी के कमीनें कहाँ है ?

Where are the rest of the scoundrels?


//nbsp;;;Adverbs are parts of speech with multiple functions. Theyare used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, noun phrases, prepositional phrases, and whole clauses or sentences. They provide the readers with further information about the manner, place, time, frequency, certainty, and other details as indicated by the verb.


तुम्हारा दिमाग ठीक है ?

Αre you in your senses?

मैंने जो कुछ किया जानबुझकर नहीं किया |

Whatever i did, i did not do it purposely.

चल कहीं बाहर चलते हैं |

Let's go out somewhere.

क्या इस तरह बात करते हैं किसी से ?

Is this the way you talk to someone?


An adverb describes, modifies, or provides more information about a verb in a sentence. So, if you said ;I am going to quickly run to the store,; the adverb in that sentence quickly would be modifying the verb ;run Adverbs can be confused with adjectives, which also modify things. However, adjectives modify nouns and pronouns.


मैंने कहा ना मैं कल आ रहा हूँ ?

Didn’t l say l’m coming tomorrow?

सब कहाँ चले गए ?

Where has everyone gone?

मैं तुम्हें 2 साल बाद देख रहा हूँ |

I'm seeing you after 2 years!

दवाई समझ कर खा लो |

Eat it as if it were medicine.


//nbsp;;;Adverbs are parts of speech with multiple functions. Theyare used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, noun phrases, prepositional phrases, and whole clauses or sentences. They provide the readers with further information about the manner, place, time, frequency, certainty, and other details as indicated by the verb.


हमें अभी तक पैसे नहीं मिले हैं |

we haven't got the money yet.

चलो अब वापस चले |

Let's go back now.

तुम जो कहोगी मैं करूँगा लेकिन उसे मत जाने दो |

I will do whatever you ask me to but don't let him go.

कभी ऐसे बात मत करना |

never talk like this ever.


Types of Adverb. Different kinds of adverbs, expressing different meaning, are described below with proper definition and examples:  Adverb of Time. Adverb of time is an adverb which tells us about time of happenings or time of something is done in the sentence. Adverbs of time are used in the beginning as a form of emphasis or end of the sentence. Adverbs of time are like already,


क्या तुम्हे अभी और पैसों की जरुरत है ?

Do you still need the money?

कितने पैसे दे रहा है कमल तुम्हे ?

How much money is Kamal giving you?

मुंह तोड़ दे इसका |

Break his face.

मैं उसका भी इन्तिजाम कर लूँगा |

l will arrange for that too.


Types of Adverb. Different kinds of adverbs, expressing different meaning, are described below with proper definition and examples:  Adverb of Time. Adverb of time is an adverb which tells us about time of happenings or time of something is done in the sentence. Adverbs of time are used in the beginning as a form of emphasis or end of the sentence. Adverbs of time are


अपने भाई को भी कुछ सीखा | मेरे कलेजे को ठंडक पहुंचेगी |

Teach your brother something. I will feel content.

इनको दिल का डोरा पड़ा था |

He had a heart attack.

मुझे लगता है तुम्हें उससे एक बार मिलना चाहिए |

l think you should meet him once.

मैं आपका दूर का रिश्तेदार हूँ |

l'm your distant relatiνe.


//nbsp;;;Adverbs are parts of speech with multiple functions. Theyare used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, noun phrases, prepositional phrases, and whole clauses or sentences. They provide the readers with further information about the manner, place, time, frequency, certainty, and other details as indicated by the verb.


बेवकूफ, सही से number डायल नहीं कर सकता |

Idiot, can't diaI correctIy.

यह तुम्हारे भले के लिए है |

It's for your own good.

हमने बचपन में बहुत परेशानियों का सामना किया है | लेकिन अब मैं हमारी ज़िंदगी खुशियों से भरना चाहता हूँ|

In our childhood, we faced many hardships but now, I want to fill our life with happiness.

वह ऐसे नहीं सुनेगा |

He won't listen like this.


Types of Adverb. Different kinds of adverbs, expressing different meaning, are described below with proper definition and examples:  Adverb of Time. Adverb of time is an adverb which tells us about time of happenings or time of something is done in the sentence. Adverbs of time are used in the beginning as a form of emphasis or end of the sentence. Adverbs of time are like already,


उम्मीद करता हूँ कि यह मेरा वहम है |

I hope this is just my imagination.

मेरी ज़िंदगी दुविधा में है |

My life's in a dilemma.

कह दो कि तुम अपनी दोस्त के यहाँ पढाई करने जा रही हो |

Say you are staying over at your friend's place to study.

एक idea है |

There is an idea.


There are thousands of different adverb examples, but here is just a short list of some common ones. Happily happy  ly Beautifully beautiful  ly Easily easy  ly Clearly clear  ly Closely close  ly  it is very common for adverbs to end in aly.a How Adverbs are Used? In English, adverbs are used to modify language. They modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.


कब तक तू अंकल की मार सहेगा |

How long will you endure uncle's beatings?

सबकुछ बर्बाद हो गया |

everything got ruined.

मैं तुम्हारे बारे में सोंच रहा था |

I was thinking about you.

जहाँ तक पैसों का सवाल है, मैं किसी पर भरोसा नहीं करता |

As far as money is concerned, I trust no one.


Adverb phrases function like adverbs, modifying a verb or adjective. They add more information to a sentence, telling us when, how, where, and to what extent. Adverb phrases don't always contain an adverb and can start with a preposition or the infinitive form of a verb. Here's a list of sentences with the adverb phrase in bold:


वह पेशाब कर रहा है |

He is peeing.

उन्होंने मुझे बेवकूफ बनाने की हिम्मत की मैं उन्हें नहीं छोडूंगा |

They dare to fool me, I will not spare them.

सोंच के बताओ मुझे |

Think it over and tell me

मैं बकबक नहीं कर रहा |

I'm not babbling.             


There are thousands of different adverb examples, but here is just a short list of some common ones. Happily happy  ly Beautifully beautiful  ly Easily easy  ly Clearly clear  ly Closely close  ly  it is very common for adverbs to end in aly.a How Adverbs are Used? In English, adverbs are used to modify language. They modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Here are some adverb


यह मेरा वहम नहीं है मैंने सच मैं उसे देखा |

It's not an imagination. I actually saw him.

तब मैं क्या करूँ |

Then what should i do?

तुम्हे मेरी बात पर शक है !

You doubt my words!

क्या हुआ ?

What happened ?

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