Daily use sentences of Must have for probability with Hindi translation

Daily use sentences of Must have for probability with Hindi translation

Daily use example sentences of Must have with Hindi translation

English speaking course

इंग्लिश बोलने में सबसे ज्यादा परेशानी तब होती है जब हमें कोई sentence बोलना हो और हम उस sentence को English में translate ना कर पायें | अगर हम इन sentences को English में translate करना सीख लें तो हमारा English में बात करना बहुत आसान हो जायेगा |
जिन sentences को हम English में translate नहीं कर पाते वह simple english sentences नहीं होते ये sentences कुछ अलग तरह के होते हैं और इन sentences को translate करने का तरीका भी अलग होता है |
मुझे उसके साथ जाने में शर्म आ रही है |
I am fighting shy of going with him.

इस तरह के sentences को english में translate करने का structure नीचे दिया है
Subject + helping verb + fight shy of + gerund + object
अब इस structure को follow करके हम इस जैसे कई sentences बना सकते है | इस course में हम इसी तरह के structure बनाना सीखेंगे
नीचे मैंने कुछ ऐसे ही sentences के example दिए है जिनमें से अगर आप किसी एक sentences को English में translate करने का तरीका सीखले तो इस तरह के सभी sentences को आप आसानी से English में बोल लेंगे |

मैं तुमसे कॉलेज जाने का बहाना बनाकर मिलने आया हूँ |
I came to meet you on the pretext of going to the college.

मैं तुमसे मंदिर जाने का बहाना बनाकर मिलने आयी हूँ |
I came to meet you on the pretext of going to the temple.

Structure –  कभी नहीं देखा .... has/have never seen

इतना बड़ा घर मैंने कभी नहीं देखा |
Such a big house I have never seen.

इतनी सुन्दर लड़की मैंने कभी नहीं देखी |
I have never seen such a beautiful girl.

इतना बड़ा हीरा मैंने कभी नहीं देखा |
Such a big diamond I have never seen.

इतनी तेज बारिश मैंने कभी नहीं देखी |
Such a heavy rain I have never seen.

इतना लम्बा आदमी मैंने कभी नहीं देखा |
Such a tall man I have never seen.

इतनी मोटी औरत मैंने कभी नहीं देखी |
Such a fat woman I have never seen.

इतना स्वादिस्ट खाना मैंने कभी नहीं खाया |
Such a delicious food I have never eaten.

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Daily use sentences of Must have for probability with Hindi translation

यह हम शादी की बाद कर सकते थे ?
We could have done this after the wedding?
क्या है इसमें ?
What's in it?
क्या हुआ ? क्यों चिल्ला रहे हो ?
What's wrong? Why are you screaming?
पूंछना गुनाह है क्या ?
Is it a crime to ask?

//nbsp;;;Must and Must have auxiliary verb exercise Hindi t Must and Must have auxiliary verb translation Hind Must and Must have auxiliary verb example Hindi to Example sentences of Must and Must have verb with  Example sentences of Must and Must have auxiliary  Example sentences of Might verb with Hindi transla

तुम क्या मुझे बताओगे ? मैंने सब कुछ अपनी आँखों से देखा है |
What will you tell me? I've seen everything with my own eyes.
मैं कराऊंगा इसका इलाज |
I'll get him cured!
तो तुम्हारा क्या होगा ?
What will happen to you then?
इतनी जल्दी में कहाँ जा रहे हो ?
where are you going in such a hurry?

Use of It in Hindi. Use of My Your Our His Her Its and Theirs in Hindi. Use of Have Has Had Shall have and Will have in Hindi. Use of Have to Has to Had to Shall have to and Will have to in Hindi. Use of Am to Is to Are to Was to Were to Shall be to and Will be to in Hindi. Use of Present Tense in Hindi.

Overacting मत कर | तू game बिगाड़ देगा |
Don't overact! You will ruin the game!
तुम घर जाओ | यहाँ पर बहुत खतरा है |
You go to home.  there is a lot of danger over here.
शरमाओ मत |
Don't be shy.
घर से निकले थे तो ये बिलकुल ठीक थे |
he was perfectly fine when he left home.

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सब आपकी कृपा है |
It's all your grace.
मेरी तबियत ठीक नहीं है |
I'm not feeling well.
मेरे पास तो एक भी नहीं है |
I don't have even one
बहुत बुरा हुआ है ना ?
It was very unfortunate, wasn't it?

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क्या आपने मुझे बताया था कि आप इस शहर में और इस होटल में आ रहे हैं |
Did you inform me that you were coming to this city and this hotel?
अच्छा हुआ तुमने सुन लिया |
Good that you heard about it.
लगता है पापा ऑफिस से आगये है |
I think Dad's back from the shop.
किसी ने आपका बेवकूफ बनाया है |
Someone's made a fool of you.

 Daily Use Sentences, Daily Use Example Phrases Some sentences used in English appear quite often and are very simple to use. Usually all of them are in a form of pattern and knowing them well helps us to be better at speaking a language in daily life. Learning these common sentence and question patterns helps us with other people, in messaging or using e-mail. Here are  Daily Use English 

देखो अगर तुम नहीं खाओगे तो मैं भी नहीं खाऊँगी |
Look, if you don't eat then I won't either.
प्लीज शाम बर्बाद मत करो |
please don't ruin the evening.
तुम लोग बारी बारी से कोशिश क्यूँ नहीं करते |
Why don't you people take turns in trying?
पीलाओ उसे यह |
Make him drink it.

Translation What is translation ? Translation is the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language. Before we begin to translate we must have: the knowledge of word classes, the knowledge of the sentence kinds and patterns,  Translation Read More ;

तुमने मुझे बहुत दिनों बाद याद किया |
You remembered me after a long time?
क्या यह तुम्हे किसी लड़की ने दिया ?
Did a girl give you this?
मीडिया को इसकी भनक भी ना लगे |
The press shouldn't even get a whiff of this.
मैंने बहुत कोशिश की पर किसी ने मौका नहीं दिया |
I tried really hard. But, no one gave me a chance.

!  - Daily use English sentences; Daily use English sentences in Hindi.

हम अंदर कैसे जायेंगे ?
How will we get in?
तुम कह रहे थे कि तुम मुझसे कुछ कहना चाहते हो |
You were saying that you wanted to say something to me.
Please आप बैठिये | वह आता ही होगा |
Please take a seat. He must be on his way here.
मेरी बेटी को जाने दो |
Let go off my daughter!

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क्या मतलब ?
What do you mean?
वह अभी सो रहे हैं |
He is sleeping now.
तुमने अपने बारे में क्या सोंचा है ?
what've you thought about yourself?
कौन है ?
Who's that?

Examples: . You must be so tired after running that marathon! note: this means aI assume that you are so tired.a . My bicycle has disappeared a someone must have stolen it. note: this means aI assume that someone has stole n it.a . You must have been so cold when you were locked out of your house in the snow!

वह कितना handsome है !
He is so handsome!
कमल ने यह पार्सल आपके लिए भेजा है |
kamal has sent this parcel for you.
यह आज मार खायेगा |
He'll be beaten today.
उसने अपनी जान दे दी ताकि तुम जी सको 
he gave his life. So that you can live.

क्या हम पहुँच गए ?
Have we reached?
क्या तुम मेरे साथ चलोगे ?
Will you come along with me?
हमने सोंचा चोर घुस गया है | इसलिए हम सिर्फ देख रहे थे |
We thought a thief has entered! So we were just watching!
मैंने दरवाजा खोला था |
I opened the door.

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इस समय कौन आया होगा ?
Who would have come at this hour?
रहने दो मैं मैनेज कर लूंगी |
let it be, I'll manage.
लगता है तुम्हें मुझसे भी ज्यादा जल्दी है |
Looks like you are in greater hurry than me.
एक साल हो गया, ना उसने कॉल किया और ना ही मिलने की कोशिश की 
It's been one year since.. Neither has he called or tried to meet me.

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मैंने उसे छोड़ दिया |
 I left her. 
वह खूबसूरत अक्लमंद और good nature की होनी चाहिए |
She should be beautiful! Intelligent! With a good nature!
सॉरी | मैं तुम्हें इनसे मिलवाना भूल गया |
Sorry! I forgot to introduce you to them!
अब पता चला घर में कौन चोरी करता था |
now i know who used to steal in the home.

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इस बार क्या हुआ ?
What happened this time?
इस बार तुम बहुत दूर निकल गए हो |
You've gone too far this time,
कुछ चाहिए तुम्हे ?
You want something?
उसे नीचे रखो |
put that down.

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ठीक है | यहाँ कर लो |
Fine! Do it here!
वह अपने बाप से डरता है |
he's scared of his father.
कुछ भी करले तू हमेशा चुड़ैल ही दिखेगी |
Do whatever, you will always look a witch
मैं तो बस तेरी मदद कर रहा था |
I only meant to help you.

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उसके साथ तमीज से पेस आना |
Behave respectfully with him.
तुमने बिलकुल अभी क्या कहा ?
what did you say just now?
जिस तरह तुम कभी हारे नहीं उसी तरह कमल भी किसी से हारा नहीं |
Just like you never lost to anyone, no one has ever defeated Kamal.
तुम क्या बात discuss करना चाहते थे ?
what is the matter you wanted to discuss?

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कहाँ छोड़ दूँ मैं आपको ?
Where can I drop you?
मेरा सामान हॉस्टल से वापस ले आओ |
get my stuff back from the  hostel.
तुम उन पर नजर रखना वो किस्से मिलते हैं क्या करते हैं और मुझे बताना |
You watch him, who he meets, what he does, and inform me.
मुझे उससे क्या ?
What do I have to do with that?

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मैं तुम्हे नहीं जानती तुम मुझे नहीं जानते |
I don't know you and you don't know me.
सिंक पाइप दुबारा लीक हो गया है |
the sink pipe has started leaking again.
तुम सलवार कमीज क्यों नहीं पहनती ?
Why don't you wear a salwar-kameez?
बुलाओगी मुझे अपनी शादी में |
Will you invite me to your wedding?

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वह इसकी वजह से बदनाम भी हो गया |
He even got defamed because of it.
इतनी जल्दी क्यों ?
Why so early?
मैं उसे 6 महीने से जानता हूँ |
I've known her for six months.
क्या करूँ ?
What to do?

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मुझे लगता है हमारे रिश्ते पर किसी की बुरी नजर पड़ गई है |
I feel that someone has cast an evil eye on our relationship.
बड़ी तमन्ना थी तुमसे मिलने की, अब मैंने तुम्हें गले से लगाया तो मैं खुश हूँ |
I had a great desire to meet you, now that I have embraced you, I am happy.
तुम्हारी वजह से हम बहुत बड़ी मुसीबत में फंस गए है |
Because of you, we are in deep trouble.
खिड़की पर कोई है |
there is someone at the window.

तुम समझ क्यों नहीं रहे हो ?
Why don't you understand?
क्या तुम्हारा कोई अच्छा दोस्त नहीं है ?
Don't you have any nice friends?
गली गलोच मत करने लगना नहीं तो हमें आना पड़ेगा पुलिस स्टेशन छुडाने के लिए |
Don't start abusing, Otherwise, I will have to come down to the police station again...to bail you out.
मेरी बीवी ने मायके से आने से मना कर दिया है |
My wife has refused to come back from her maternal house!

Dec ,  - Learningmaja is the best way to speak in English to Hindi. Daily use English Sentences in Hindi. English bolna sikhe Hindi me. English Kaise bole

मंत्री से दुश्मनी हमें महंगी पड़ सकती है |
Enmity with ministers can cost us dearly!
वह मुझे क्यों मारना चाहता है ?
Why does he want to kill me?
मुझे कुछ नहीं पता, मैं सो रहा था |
I don't know anything, I was sleeping!
मुझे पछतावे का एक मौका देदो |
Give me a chance to repent.

मेरे पापा भी मुझसे ऐसे बात नहीं करते |
Even my father doesn't talk to me like this.
इस बार कुछ गलत नहीं होना चाहिय |
This time nothing should go wrong.
मैं उस लड़के से शादी नहीं करना चाहती |
I don't want to marry that boy.
मुझे लगता है जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ |
I think whatever happened was good.

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मैं तेरा मुंह तोड़ दूंगा |
I'll break your face.
माफ़ करियेगा यह wrong number हैं |
I am sorry, this is a wrong number.
सबकुछ बर्बाद हो गया |
everything got ruined.
फिर किसे बुलाऊ ?
Who else can I call?


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