Teach yourself English step-by-step
Daily use के sentences को English में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
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इस COURSE को पूरा पढने के लिए आप हमारी ANDROID APP या हमारी EBOOK DOWNLOAD कर सकते हैं |
हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
If you are planning to learn English on your own, you should
be patient and have willpower, because your only motivator, in this case, is
your desire. Studying will not depend on other students, the schedule and the
teacher, the weather, malaise and other reasons.
मैं तुम्हें ऐसे नहीं देख
सकता |
I can't see you like this.
ऐसा है क्या ?
Is that so?
रोने दो इसे. इसी की करने
है |
Let him cry. It is his doing.
शायद तुमको नहीं पता |
maybe you don't know.
Learn at your pace with our self-study LearnEnglish
Subscription. Improve your English for the workplace with our flexible
self-study online courses. For only ;. a month, your subscription will give you
unlimited access to all our online English courses, plus much more.
उसने पिछले दो साल से
तुम्हे एक बार भी कॉल नहीं किया है ?
He hasn't called you even once in the last two years.
तुम उसे रखने के लिए इतने
बेताब क्यों हो ?
Why you're so keen to keep him?
मुझे नहीं पता कि लड़की
कैसे पटाते हैं |
I don't know how to entice a girl.
आपको मेरी फ़िक्र नहीं है |
You're not worried about me.
Useful Tips to Teach
Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English
without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It
may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is
the perfect way . Listen to
किसने कहा था तुझे हमारे
पीछे वहाँ आने को ?
Who asked you to follow us to that place?
तुम्हें खुद साथ चलना
चाहिए था |
You shouId've come along on your own.
लगता है बुड्ढा पागल हो
गया है |
It seems that the oId man has gone mad.
मम्मी पापा को स्टेशन से
लाना ना भूलना ?
Don't forget to get mammy and papa from the station.
. SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a
teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English
language. See the table bellow: VERBS FORMAT. SN: SWAHILI:
लेकिन यह हुआ कैसे ?
But how did it happen?
थोडा आराम कर लो |
Get some rest.
जरा सोंचो |
Just imagine.
रस्सी पकड़ो और ऊपर आ जाओ |
Catch the rope and come up...
Useful Tips to Teach
Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English
without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It
may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is
the perfect way . Listen to
I am sorry, actually,
मैं कोई और समझ रहा था |
I am very sorry. Actually, I thought it was someone else.
हमें उन्हें बुलाना होगा |
We'll have to call him.
मैं नहीं मानता |
l don't believe this!
अब मेरे रास्ते में कोई
नहीं आ सकता |
No one can get in my way now.
If you are planning to learn English on your own, you should
be patient and have willpower, because your only motivator, in this case, is
your desire. Studying will not depend on other students, the schedule and the teacher,
the weather, malaise and other reasons.
हम इस पचड़े मैं और ज्यादा
फंसते जा रहे हैं |
We're getting deeper into this mess.
हम उसे जितना भुलाने की
कोशिस करते है, वो हमें उतना ही
याद आता है |
The more we try to forget him, the more we miss him.
कमल , बहार निकालो इसे |
Kamal, drive her out.
अपना घुस्सा जा के उसपर
निकाल |
Vent out your anger on him.
How to teach yourself English step-by-step Step : Find out
your English level.. Whether you know a lot of English, a little English or no
English at all, itas Step : Come up with a study plan.. A study plan is
basically a map of how youall learn the English language. In other Step :
आप दोनों कहाँ जा रहे है ?
Where are you both going?
मैंने भी नहीं देखा उसे ?
I can't see him either.
मैं तो भूल ही गया था |
I had forgotten about it.
इसमें time लगेगा |
It will take time.
Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself:
How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day
without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every
single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language.
-Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the
sentence setting rules and tenses.
देखो इसे | पिछले हफ्ते तुम मेरे लिए चूड़िया लाये थे |
Look at this. You brought bangles for me last week.
अच्छा अम्मी अब मैं फ़ोन
रखता हूँ | बाद में कॉल करूँगा |
Okay, Ammi. I have to hang up now. I'll call later.
कुछ खा लो तुमने सुबह से
कुछ नहीं खाया है |
Please have something. you haven't eaten anything since
मैं अपने बेटे की मौत
भूली नहीं हूँ |
I haven't forgotten my son's death.
We review the best ways of Learning English Yourself! Check
out our articles and reviews of only the most trusted resources in English
learning on the web! Read our Articles. LEARN FROM US. Choose from our free
English leanring app reviews to find the perfect method for yourself, or get in
touch with us for on lessons! GET IN TOUCH. CREATE YOUR OWN
मेरे पास तुम्हारी बहुत complaint
आयी है |
I got many complaints against you.
तुम्हारे लड़के को कुछ
नहीं हुआ है |
Nothing has happened to your son.
अगर मेरी दोस्त को कुछ हो
गया तो में तुम्हे कभी माफ़ नहीं करूंगी |
If something happens to her... I'll never forgive you!
मैं तुम्हारी कार किसी भी
तरह ढूंड लूँगा |
I will find your car anyhow.
In this English lesson you will learn asking over basic questions and how to answer them. You
would learn asking questions related to, personal information, Introducing
yourself and saying hello, Shopping related questions, Questions with the word like
and asking for someoneas opinion and suggestion.
मेरी मेरे पति से लड़ाई हो
गई थी इसीलिए मैं यहाँ आयी थी |
I had a fight with my husband. That's why I came here.
एक गलती हो गई | मैं आपको बताना भूल गया | पापा ने लखनऊ से कॉल किया था कि वह अगले हफ्ते
आ रहे हैं |
I've made a mistake, I forgot to tell you. Father called from Lucknow to say he's coming next
तेरा पैसे वापस करने का
इरादा नहीं था इस लिए गाँव छोड़कर यहाँ चला आया |
You didn't intend to return money so you Ieft viIIage and
came over here.
मुझपे थोडा रहम करो |
Have some mercy on me!
Tips for Learning English by Yourself Music. One of the hobbies that you should
have while learning a language is to listen to music. Listening to
Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you
donat know where to start. If you are an
Apps. Nowadays
मैं कमल के बारे में बात
नहीं करना चाहती |
l don't want to talk about Kamal.
तुम अँधेरे में क्यों बैठे
हो ?
Why are you sitting in the dark?
तुम्हें दिखता नहीं वहाँ
गीला है ?
can’t you see its wet there?
सब ठीक है |
Everything's fine.
Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself:
How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day
without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every
single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language.
-Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the
sentence setting rules and tenses.
तुम अब कितने बड़े हो गए
हो |
you are so grown up now.
हम वह सबक पहले ही सीख
चुके हैं |
We've already learnt that lesson.
वह पार्टी किसी भी वक़्त
पहुँचती होगी |
That party must be reaching at any minute.
मैं तुम्हे छोड़ नहीं रहा
हूँ |
I'm not abandoning you.
. SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a
teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English
language. See the table bellow: VERBS FORMAT. SN: SWAHILI:
क्या तुम अपने माँ बाप से
भी ऐसे ही बात करते हो ?
Do you talk like this to your parents as well?
मैं अपनी माँ को दुखी
नहीं देख सकता |
I cannot see my mother in distress
दुबारा बोलो क्या क्या
करना है |
Repeat what all things are to be done!
मैं मरने से नहीं डरता |
I'm not afraid of dying
. SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a
teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English
language. See the table bellow: VERBS FORMAT. SN: SWAHILI:
मुझे नहीं, लेकिन रीना को परेशानी हो सकती है |
Not I, but Priya might have a problem.
कितना आता है ये यहाँ ?
How often does he come here?
चल घर जा कर करना |
Come on, go home and do it.
आखिरी बार मेरी मदद कर दो
help me one last time.
Tips for Learning English by Yourself Music. One of the hobbies that you should
have while learning a language is to listen to music. Listening to
Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you
donat know where to start. If you are an
Apps. Nowadays
मैंने सुना था |
I heard it!
लेकिन तुमने उसे जाने
क्यों दिया ?
But why you let him go?
तुमने उसकी कॉल मुझसे
छुपाई |
You hid her calls from me.
मैं तो बस पूँछ रही थी |
I was just asking.
We review the best ways of Learning English Yourself! Check
out our articles and reviews of only the most trusted resources in English
learning on the web! Read our Articles. LEARN FROM US. Choose from our free
English leanring app reviews to find the perfect method for yourself, or get in
touch with us for on lessons! GET IN TOUCH. CREATE YOUR OWN
चलो यहाँ से |
Let's go from here.
जा जाकर मेरा सूट ले आ
नहीं तो मैं तेरा सर फोड़ दूंगा |
Go and bring my suit. Or else I'll break your skull.
तमाशा मत बनाओ |
Don't create a scene.
बस मेरे लिए इतना कर दो |
Just do this much for Me.
Learn at your pace with our self-study LearnEnglish
Subscription. Improve your English for the workplace with our flexible
self-study online courses. For only ;. a month, your subscription will give you
unlimited access to all our online English courses, plus much more.
तूने तो मेरा heart
fail ही कर दिया था |
you almost gave me a heart attack.
तुम्हारा monday को off रहेगा |
You'll have Mondays off.
क्या आपने किसी का चेहरा
देखा ?
Did you see anybody's face?
मुझे फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि
तुम क्या कहती हो |
I don't care what you say.
In this English lesson you will learn asking over basic questions and how to answer them. You
would learn asking questions related to, personal information, Introducing
yourself and saying hello, Shopping related questions, Questions with the word
like and asking for someoneas opinion and suggestion.
मतलब वह जिंदा है |
Meaning he is alive!
क्या छुपाया मैंने ?
What have I hidden?
अब तुम कामयाब हो
तुम्हारे पास सबकुछ है |
You're successful now.You've everything.
क्या तुमने अभी कुछ नहीं
कहा ?
didn’t you just say something?
How to teach yourself English step-by-step Step : Find out
your English level.. Whether you know a lot of English, a little English or no
English at all, itas Step : Come up with a study plan.. A study plan is
basically a map of how youall learn the English language. In other Step :
प्लीज हमें माफ़ कर दो | तुम क्या कर रहे
हो ?
Please forgive us. - What are you doing?
मेरा फ़ोन गिर गया है |
My phone has fallen down.
उसके बाद की कहानी मैं
बताता हूँ तुझे |
I'll tell you the story after that.
ये तीनो दोस्त एक जैसे
हैं |
these three friends are alike.
//nbsp;;;Train yourself to think in English. One way to make
the transition from being very good at English to being fluent is to train your
brain to actually think in the English language. Constantly translating from
your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time
and energy.
क्या घडी है ! बहुत महंगी
होगी |
What a watch! lt must be quite expensive.
अब बताओ मुझे, क्या तुमने कमल को देखा है ?
Now tell me, have you seen Kamal?
तुम बैठो | मैं आचार ले के आती हूँ
You sit. l will get the pickle.
तुम रहने दो इसे |
मैं देख लूँगा इसे |
You let it be. I will handle this.
Tips for Learning English by Yourself Music. One of the hobbies that you should
have while learning a language is to listen to music. Listening to
Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you
donat know where to start. If you are an
Apps. Nowadays
डॉक्टर ने क्या कहा ?
What has the doctor said?
बाद में आना |
Come back later.
जा नहीं तो तेरी वजह से
हम सब पीटेंगे |
Go. Or else all of us would get beaten up because of you.
किस तरह का आदमी है तु ?
What kind of a man are you?
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