Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
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हमारे COMPLETE ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE को अपने COMPUTER, LAPTOP या MOBILE में पढने के लिए हमारी EBOOK नीचे दिए LINK से DOWNLOAD करें |
हाथ छोड़ो उसका |
Leave her hand.
ध्यान से सुनो नहीं तो
तुम सब बर्बाद कर दोगे |
Listen carefully or you could ruin everything.
दुखभरी कहानी मत बना |
Don't make pathetic stories!
तेरा मुझे गाली देने का
मन कर रहा है |
You feel like abusing me.
English grammar lessons in hindi
तुम किसकी बात कर रहे हो ?
who were you talking of?
तू मेरी बात क्यों नहीं
सुनता ?
Why don't you listen to me?
वह यही रहेगा जब तक अपना
काम ख़त्म नहीं कर लेता |
He'll stay here until he doesn't complete his work.
क्या अब तुम उसे बीच
मझधार में छोड़ दोगे ?
Will you leave her in the lurch now?
Hindi medium English Grammar lessons in easy language
specially for Hindi Medium students. Learn all the topics step by step
explanation of basic English Grammar in Hindi with examples and translation.
बहुत बोल लिया तुमने ?
You have said enough.
अगर कमल को तुम्हारे
इरादे की भनक भी लग गई तो तुम इसका अंजाम सोंच भी नहीं सकते |
If Kamal even gets a whiff of your intentions you cannot
even imagine the consequences.
उसने मुझे सिर्फ एक दिन
के लिए तुम्हारी बीवी बनने के पैसे दिए थे |
He had given me money to be your wife only for a day.
यह मेरी भी फेवरेट डिश है
It's my favourite dish too.
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बहुत दर्द हो रहा है क्या
Does it hurt a lot?
पता है जैल में क्या होता
है ?
do you know what happens in jail?
एक औसत बच्चा बचपन मैं
सोंचता है कि वह बड़ा होके इंजीनियर डॉक्टर या वैज्ञानिक बनेगा |
An average child in his childhood thinks that he will become
an engineer, doctor or scientist when he grows up.
आज तुम्हे क्या हो गया है
What has happened to you today?
This video provides step by step explanation of English
grammar tenses, verbs, and other parts of speech, with examples in Hindi. These
videos teach you to construct various types of sentences, including negative
and interrogative sentences. If you are looking for simple yet powerful lessons
to learn English, these videos are for you as a beginner.
बैठिये प्लीज |
please be seated.
अगर मैं उन्हें पैसे नहीं
देता तो वो नहीं जाते |
If I hadn't given them money, then they wouldn't have gone.
यह पार्किंग क्या तेरे
बाप की है ?
Does your father own the parking?
बेवकूफ, सही से number डायल नहीं कर सकता |
Idiot, can't diaI correctIy.
English Grammar in Hindi English English Grammar, ,
हम एक ही शहर में रहते है
फिर भी तुम महीनो से यहाँ नहीं आये |
We live in the same city, yet you haνen't been here for
अभी भी 1000 रुपये कम हैं |
Still short of 1000.
वह आपकी तौहीन कर रहा है |
He's insulting you.
क्या हम रूककर रास्ते में
एक ले सकते हैं | क्या तुम्हारे
पास time है ?
Can we stop and get one on the way? Do we have time?
This video provides step by step explanation of English
grammar tenses, verbs, and other parts of speech, with examples in Hindi. These
videos teach you to construct various types of sentences, including negative
and interrogative sentences. If you are looking for simple yet powerful lessons
to learn English, these videos are for you as a beginner.
देखो, मैं उससे बात नहीं कर सकता | तुम्हें दिख नहीं रहा मैं कितना busy हूँ |
Look, I can't talk to her. can't you see how busy I am.
पैसों को छूने के हिम्मत
मत करना |
Don't you dare touch the money.
क्या तूने रीना को कभी
भाभी के बारे में बताया है ?
Have I ever spoken about Reena to your sister-in-law?
लेकिन अभी तक बारिश नहीं
हुई |
But it hasn't rained yet.
If you have just started learning English in Hindi, then you
first have to know some basic rules of language in Hindi, for learning English
Grammar in Hindi. But here we will learn step by step English grammar within
your language Hindi from basic level. Developing a solid foundation in English
grammar will not only help you to make your sentences correctly, but it will
make it
मुझे नहीं पता क्योंकि
तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं |
I don't know because you didn't tell me.
एक साल हो गया, ना उसने कॉल किया और ना ही मिलने की कोशिश की
It's been one year since.. Neither has he called or tried to
meet me.
तुम उसे खाने में क्या
देती हो ?
What do you give him to eat?
तुमने पी है, है ना ?
You're drunk, aren't you?
If you have just started learning English in Hindi, then you
first have to know some basic rules of language in Hindi, for learning English
Grammar in Hindi. But here we will learn step by step English grammar within
your language Hindi from basic level. Developing a solid foundation in English
grammar will not only help you to make your sentences correctly, but it will
make it
मैं उसे जो चाहूँ बुला
सकता हूँ |
I can call her whatever I want.
अगर तुम्मे दम है तो एक
एक करके आओ |
if you've guts so come one by one..
मुझे इसका कोई पछतावा
नहीं है |
I've no regrets about it.
मैं और तुम्हारे पापा
तुम्हें बहुत प्यार करते हैं लेकिन जो तुमने किया है वो बर्दास्त नहीं किया जायेगा
Your papa and I love you a lot. But what you've done will
not be tolerated.
English Grammar Lessons in Hindi - Check out English
Learning videos with Step by Step guidance Active and Passive voice a
Definition, Examples, Exercises a in Hindi This article on active and passive
voice gives the definition of active and passive voice. There are examples of
each and rules to convert active voice into passive voice.
अगर मैं कुछ गिरवी रख दू
तो ?
What if I give you something as collateral?
चलो दुबारा शुरू करें |
Let's start again.
क्या तुम जानते हो मैं
तुम्हे इस कॉलेज से बाहर निकाल सकता हूँ ?
Do you know l can throw you out of this college?
वह खूबसूरत अक्लमंद और good
nature की होनी चाहिए |
She should be beautiful! Intelligent! With a good nature!
English Grammar Lessons in Hindi - Check out English
Learning videos with Step by Step guidance Active and Passive voice a
Definition, Examples, Exercises a in Hindi This article on active and passive
voice gives the definition of active and passive voice. There are examples of
each and rules to convert active voice into passive voice.
तुम कह रहे थे कि तुम
मुझसे कुछ कहना चाहते हो |
You were saying that you wanted to say something to me.
यह खरीदने के लिए तुम्हें
पैसे कहाँ से मिले ?
Where did you get the money to buy this?
तुम दोनों एक दुसरे को जानते
हो ?
The two of you know each other?
ठीक थी |
It was okay.
On this blog Grammar will be taught in an interesting, fun
and laid back way. It wonat be like reading boring old Grammar books! If you
havenat already, be sure to read An Intro to Hindi first. It would also be
useful reading over the Vowels and Consonants sections too, this will help with
your pronunciation! Lessons on this page are grouped into main section; Nouns and
बहुत हो गया |
That's enough.
वह बाहर किसी की शादी में
गये हैं |
He's out attending someone's marriage.
हो सकता है यह ट्रिप किसी
लड़की से मिलने का बहाना हो |
Maybe this trip's just an excuse to meet new girls.
तुम उनसे खुद ही पूँछ लो
ना ?
I suggest you ask them yourself.
Hindi English grammar book app contains the English Grammar
that are explained in Hindi language for the ease of user use. You can find all
the grammar contents and are explained in simple and easy language.
मैं उस लड़के से शादी नहीं
करना चाहती |
I don't want to marry that boy.
एडमिशन का charge उसी के पास है |
He’s in charge of admissions.
इस ऑफिस में आज मेरा
आखिरी दिन हैं |
Today is my last day in this office.
किसके लिए काम करते हो ?
who do you work for?
Basic Hindi Grammar Lessons. Thou is currently not in use in English,
but Hindi formal talk involves use of this pronoun. This is the most basic grammar lesson, where
you have been
मैं उसे सीधे रास्ते पर
लाने के लिए कुछ भी कर सकता हूँ |
I can do anything to bring him on the right path.
उसके कान में मत फुसफुसा |
Don't whisper in his ear.
क्या वह सो गया ?
Did he sleep?
मैं भी उस तरह का आदमी
नहीं हूँ |
I too am not that kind of a man
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