Past perfect tense examples in Hindi

Past perfect tense examples in Hindi

Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |

Daily use example sentences of Past perfect tense in Hindi

Daily use sentences of Past perfect tense with Hindi translation

Daily use English sentences of Past perfect tense with Hindi translaion

Daily use English sentences of Past perfect tense with Hindi translation

Interrogative sentences of Past perfect tense

Interrogative sentences of Past perfect tense

Daily use Interrogative sentences of Past perfect tense with Hindi translation

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//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Tense In Hindi With Examples Gaurav October ,  English, Past Perfect Tense in Hindi With Examples Past Perfect Tense  

वे रहे | और कमल भी उनके साथ है |
There they are, and even Kamal is along with them.
अब हम क्या करें ?
what should we do now?
मैं तुम्हारी और कमल की जिम्मेदारी लेने के लिए तैयार हूँ |
I am ready to take your and Rohan's responsibility!
यह कहने का क्या फायदा ?
What's the use of saying that?

//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Tense;  

कौन सा business जो हमें नहीं पता ?
What's this business that I don't know of'?
आपके एहसान मुझपे बढ़ते जा रहे हैं |
Your favours are piling up on me.
लेकिन आज जो कुछ हुआ मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा |
But I surely liked what happened today.
तुम क्यों भोंक रहे हो ?
Why are you barking?

Is article mai hum aapko Past Perfect Continuous Tense ki definition, formation, usage aur structure ke baare mai detail mai batayenge examples ke saath. Toh aaiye jante hai Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi. Past Tenses four types ke hote hai.

अब जो करना है पुलिस करेगी |
Now, the police will do whatever needs to be done.
एक बात पूंछू ?
May I ask you something?
तुम लोग मुझे चैन से मरने भी नहीं दे रहे |
You are not letting me to die peacefully too!
पुरे 10 लाख है चाहो तो गिन लो |
It's tofal 1 million. Count it if you like.

Let us see some example sentences with formula for Past Perfect Tense when the Third Person is Singular:  He had studied hard for exams. 

तुम्हार फ़ोन number क्या है ?
What's your phone number?
मैं रातों रात करोड़पति बन गया |
I became millionaires overnight.
मेरी जान बचाने के लिए शुक्रिया |
Thanks for saving my life!
वो रास्ते में होंगे |
They might be on their way.

Past Perfect Tense In Hindi with Examples, Rules, Definition by all sentence Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Interrogative words. Every sentence has given  Examples and Rules -. Past Perfect Tense Definition In Hindi. , 

मैं तेरे साथ नहीं जाऊंगा |
I won't go with you.
अब मैं तुमसे रोज नहीं मिल सकती |
I can't meet you every day now.
हमें इसके 1000 रुपये मिलेंगे |
We will get 1000 rupees for it.
ऐसे समय में पुरानी बाते भूल जानी चाहिए |
One must forget old matters at such times

//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Tense Example In Hindi Affirmative Sentences a  . I Had written the letter before he called me.  He had sold his bike after Negative Sentences a  . We had not eaten the mangos before the mother gave permission.  She had not Interrogative 

मैंने कल एक सवाल पूंछा था तुमने अभी तक जवाब नहीं दिया |
l asked a question yesterday, you haven’t answered yet.
मेरा दम घुट रहा है |
I'm getting suffocated.
मैंने सबकुछ अपनी आँखों से देखा है | कब से चल रहा है यह सब ?
I have seen everything myself! Since when has all this been going on?
तुम्हारी नौकरी जा सकती है | क्या तुम यह जोखिम उठाने के लिए तैयार हो ?
You can Iose the job. Are you wiIIing to take this risk ?

Just like the Present Perfect Tense from Lesson , we first start with a simple Past Tense sentence first, so for example we can say  main nau baje gayaa - I went at nine o'clock said by a male

पति पत्नी में यह सब होता रहता है |
These things happen between husbands and wives.
अगर कोई गड़बड़ की तो मैं तुझे बहुत पीटूँगा |
If you made any mistake,I will bash you!
इंतिजार करो | वह आएगा |
Just wait.he wiII come.
मैं तो तेरे से भी ज्यादा excited हूँ |
I'm even more excited than you.

तुम्हारी वजह से हम बहुत बड़ी मुसीबत में फंस गए है |
Because of you, we are in deep trouble.
यह सब मेरे लिए नहीं है |
All this is not for me.
तुम बदल गए हो | तुम बहुत बदल गए हो |
You have changed. You have changed a lot.
तमाशा मत बनाओ |
Don't create a scene.

//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Tense Hindi to English Interrogative Sentences;;  : -  ? -?

मेरे प्यार में क्या कमी रह गई थी ?
What was lacking in my love?
Excuse me, मैं बस अभी आया |
Excuse me. I'll just be back.
इसकी क्या गारंटी है कि तुम कमल हो ?
What is the guarantee that you are Kamal?
अगर उन्हें पता चल गया तो ?
what if they get to know then?

//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense.,Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi  .. The sentence which denotes that the action started in the past and 

यह कितना अजीब है, है ना ?
It is so strange, isn't it?
आज तुम्हे क्या हो गया है ?
What has happened to you today?
वह अब ठीक है |
He's fine now.
क्या आप सब तैयार हैं ?
Are all of you ready?

//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi to English Translation Had Seema talked to you? Had Ram already given you a hundred note? Had the Prime Minister delivered the speech on stage before we arrived? Had you insulted the shopkeeper? Had Sohan paid the bill before he went home? Had mother cooked food 

इसे रूम का किराया समझ कर रख लो |
keep it considering it as the rent for the room.
कमल भाई कहाँ है ?
Where is brother Prem?
बताओ मुझे उसमें ऐसे क्या गुण है जो मुझमें नहीं है ?
Tell me, what special qualities does he have which I don't have?
आप मुझे क्यों बता रही हैं ?
Why are you telling me this?

जी चाहता है तेरा गला दबा दूँ |
I feel like strangling you!
क्या तुम्हरी मम्मी ने तुम्हें कुछ सिखाया नहीं ?
Didn't Mummy teach you anything?
सोंच लो अगर मैं आज गया तो कल नहीं आऊंगा |
Think about it, if I go today I won't come back tomorrow.
प्लीज बैठिये | मैं जाकर उन्हें बुलाता हूँ |
Please sit! I will go and call him.

All About English. Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi Future Perfect Tense in Hindi With Examles Future Continuous Tense in Hindi With Examples Future Indefinite Tense in Hindi With Examples Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Hindi

क्या तुम जानते हो कितना मुश्किल था मेरे लिए आना |
Do you know how difficult it was for me to come away?
मैंने जोश में हां नहीं किया |
I didn't accept out of bravado.
इसे सजा मिलनी चाहिय |
He should be punished!
अगर दम है तो आ लड़ |
If you have the courage! Then come and fight!

//nbsp;;;*past perfect continuous tense examples *past perfect continuous tense exercises with answers *past perfect continuous tense in hindi *past perfect continuous tense definition *past perfect continuous tense sentences *past perfect continuous tense structure *past perfect continuous tense **what is a past perfect 

यहाँ कुछ गड़बड़ लग रही है |
Something seems to be wrong here.
मैंने उसे रोकने की बहुत कोशिस की |
l tried really hard to stop him.
तुम इतना क्यों सोंच रहे हो ?
Why are you thinking so much?
मैं क्यों रोकूँ उसे ?
Why should I stop him?

//nbsp;;;C . Past Perfect Tense a Past Perfect Tense Examples Hindi to English a  a I had gone.a I had not read.? a Had you eaten?

तुम्हें इस सब से क्या मिला ?
what did you get from all this?
मुद्दतें हो गई मुझे 1000 रुपये देखे हुए |
It's been ages since I last saw Rs.1000.
वह तेरी कोई लगती है क्या ?
Does she mean anything to you?
आज कमल नहीं दिख रहा ?
I can't see Kamal today.

Examples: .  We had reached home before it rained. .  Recommended Post - Solve Hindi Exercises based on Past Perfect Tense. Tenses - English to English Translation. Simple Tense. Present Simple Tense. Past Simple Tense. Future Simple Tense. Continuous Tense. Present Continuous Tense. Past Continuous Tense. Future Continuous Tense.

मुहरत का वक़्त निकला जा रहा है |
The propitious hour is passing by.
कौन है ?
Who is it?
अगर तुम्हें डर लग रहा है तो तुम जा सकती हो |
If you are scared, you can leave!
कौन से सर ?
Which one, sir?

मैं खाना लगा रहा हूँ |
Wash up, l'm serving dinner.
मैं तेरी हड्डियां तोड़ दूंगा अगर तू मेरे पास आया तो |
I'll break your bones if you come near me!
मैं तुम्हें उस हालत में वहाँ कैसे छोड़ सकता था ?
How could I have left you there in that state?
मैं इस बारे में उतना ही हैरान हूँ जितना की तुम |
I'm shocked about it as much as you're.

//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Continuous Tense Examples In Hindi Affirmative Sentences a  . I had been writing a letter for  hours.  She had been trying Negative Sentences a  . They had not been speaking to each other for two days.  I had not been Interrogative sentences a 

मैंने तुम्हारा काम कर दिया है |
I have done your work
तबसे मैं उसे ढूंड रहा था |
Since then i was searching for him.
खाने के लिए पैसे कहाँ से मिले ?
from where have you brought this money for food?
इसीलिए मैं पिटना नहीं चाहता |
That is why l don't want to get beaten up.

Past perfect tense examples in Hindi

यहाँ तुम्हारी कोई इज्जत नहीं करता, मैं अपनी नहीं खोना चाहती |
no one here respects you, I don't want to lose mine.
मैंने यह जान बूझकर नहीं किया |
I didn't do it purposely.
यह धुंवा कैसा ?
What is this smoke?
जाओ और कमल से माफ़ी मांगो |
Go and apologise to Kamal.

Past Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi.  : The Thief had flewd away before the police came. Past Perfect Tense Formula a Positive Sentences Subject  had  Past participle V Negative Sentences Subject  had  not  Past participle V Subjectshad  verb  third form  

तुम मेरे लिए मेरे बेटे से बढ़के हो |
You mean more than a son to me.
मैं लखनऊ पढाई करने आया हूँ |
I came to Lucknow to study.
एयरपोर्ट आने की कोई जरुरत नहीं है | मैं खुद ही आ जाऊंगा |
No need to come to the airport. l will come on my own.
और आपने मुझपर शक किया ?
And you doubt me?

//nbsp;;;Past Perfect Tense example in hindi  english  a Train had 

मैं आखरी बार पूंछता हूँ | बताओ मुझे |
I am asking for the last time. Tell me.
कंजूश क्यूँ बन रही है ?
why are you being a miser?
मुझे नहीं पता |
I don't know.
मुझ पर रहम करो |
Have mercy on me!

//nbsp;;;D . Past Perfect Continuous Tense  a Past Perfect Continuous Tense Examples Hindi to English a  a I had been going.a I had not been reading.

यह सबसे मजाकिया बात है जो मैंने कभी सुनी है |
That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.
मैं उसे जलाकर राख कर दूंगा |
I'll burn him down to ashes.
अगर जरुरत पडी तो वो भी |
If it's necessary, even that.
अन्दर जाइए | वहां सब कुछ है |
Go inside. Everything is there.

Past Perfect Tense ko Pluperfect Tense bhi kaha jata hai. Ise Hindi mai kehte hai Poorn Bhootkaal. Ye four types ke Past Tenses mai se ek hai. Is article mai hum aapko batayenge ki Past Perfect Tense ka definition, usage, formation, examples aur aapko is Tense mai perfect karne ke liye hum aap ko exercises bhi denge.

लेकिन कमल भाई मेरी बात तो सुनो |
But brother Kamal, listen to me!
तू बहुत बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बोल रहा था | अब चूका कीमत |
You were exaggerating so much! Now pay the price!
मुझे पता है तुम मुझे सुन रही हो |
l know you’re listening to me.
ये लो 100 रुपये |
take this 100 rupees.


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