Daily use के sentences को english में बोलने की practice करेने के लिए नीचे दिए YouTube चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें |
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Passive voice: When the object is acted upon by the subject,
the sentence is written in Passive voice. Learn more about Verb here in detail.
In both the above sentences, the meaning remains the same and only the
structure is what that changes. Usually, the structure or sequence of the
subject, verb, and object expressed in the active voice sentence gets reversed
in the passive
तुम यहाँ रहोगी तो शादी
कैसे होगी ?
How will the wedding take place if you're around?
वह सीखना चाहता है |
क्या गलत है उसमें ?
He wishes to learn. What’s wrong with that?
मैं अब तुम्हारे बिना
नहीं रह सकती |
I can't live without you now.
रीना की पढाई ख़त्म होने
में अभी एक साल बाकी है |
Reena still has 1 year left to finish her education.
Passive voice: When the object is acted upon by the subject,
the sentence is written in Passive voice. Learn more about Verb here in detail.
In both the above sentences, the meaning remains the same and only the
structure is what that changes. Usually, the structure or sequence of the
subject, verb, and object expressed in the active voice sentence gets reversed
in the passive voice of the same sentence. To
इस time कौन कॉल कर रहा है ?
Who's calling at this hour?
उन्हें बस तेरी फ़िक्र है |
He just care for you.
मैं कमल से मिलना चाहती
हूँ |
I would like to see Kamal.
यह मेरी दूरबीन है |
This is my binocular!
//nbsp;;;To learn Passive voice it is necessary to know the
past participles. If you do not know the past participles go to our post on
Past participle and learn the irregular verbs first. Once you do not have any
problems with past participles, it is time to learn the Passive voice in
English. Passive voice is used if the subject the thing before the
वह कहीं गिर गया होगा |
He must have fallen somewhere.
और क्या पसंद है तुम्हे ?
What else do you like?
मैंने इसे कहीं देखा है |
I've seen her somewhere.
मुझे सब कुछ बर्दास्त
करना पड़ा |
l had to tolerate everything.
Active and passive voice . GapFillTyping_MTYMjE= Level:
intermediate. The passive infinitive is made up of to be with a past
participle: The doors are going to be locked at ten o'clock. You shouldn't have
done that. You ought to be punished. We sometimes use the verb get with a past
participle to form the passive: Be careful with that glass
तुम्हारी आवाज इतनी अजीब
क्यों लग रही है
your voice sounds so different.
मैं आपको विश्वास दिलाता
हूँ वह यहाँ से अपने पैरों पे नहीं जायेगा |
He will not walk out of here on his two feet, we assure you
चुप रहो | तुम्हारी वजह से मैं भूका मर रहा हूँ |
Keep quiet! Because of you l am starving!
अगर कमल ने हमारी बात
सुनकर भी मना कर दिया तो ?
What if Kamal refuses even after hearing us out?
For changing from Active to Passive ainga form of verb is
replaced by the Past Participle form and the reverse is applied when changing
Passive Voice into Active voice. Exercises With Answers: Identify whether the
following sentences are Active or Passive and convert to other forms
उसने कभी शिकायत नहीं की |
He never complained.
तुम सबके पास काम नहीं है
क्या ?
Don't you all have work to do?
मैं किसी से नहीं डरता |
I am not scared of anyone.
मुझे तुम दोनों पर हमेशा
से शक था |
I always had my doubts about you two.
//nbsp;;;To learn Passive voice it is necessary to know the
past participles. If you do not know the past participles go to our post on
Past participle and learn the irregular verbs first. Once you do not have any
problems with past participles, it is time to learn the Passive voice in
English. Passive voice is used if the subject the thing before the
मैं तुमसे पैसे नहीं
लूँगा |
l'll not take money from you.
अगर तुम चले जाओगे तो मुझे
हर वक़्त तुम्हारी फ़िक्र लगी रहेगी |
lf you leaνe, l'll be worried about you all the time.
क्या तुम भी यहीं रहोगे ?
Will you stay here as well?
क्या आप हमें अकेला छोड़
देंगे ?
Will you please leave us alone?
The passive voice is used when we want to emphasize the
action the verb and the object of a sentence rather than subject. This means
that the subject is either less important than the action itself or that we
donat know who or what the subject is. My laptop was stolen. The object a now
the subject = My laptop / action= was stolen
हम चले जायेंगे |
We will go away.
बुलाओगी मुझे अपनी शादी
में |
Will you invite me to your wedding?
ये लो 100 रुपये |
take this 100 rupees.
तुम उन पर नजर रखना वो
किस्से मिलते हैं क्या करते हैं और मुझे बताना |
You watch him, who he meets, what he does, and inform me.
Similarly, a sentence is said to be in Passive Voice when
something is done to the subject. In the above sentence Ram is the a subject a
and Ravana is the a object a. In the active voice sentence Ram i.e., the subject
has killed the object Ravana.
अलविदा मेरे दोस्त |
Farewell my friend.
यही है ना जिसने तुम्हे
सबकुछ बताया है, है ना ?
She's the one who told you everything, didn't she?
तुम लोगो को याद रखना
चाहिए कि यह होटल नहीं है |
You all should remember that this isn't a hotel.
तेरी बहन है | तू पूँछ उससे जाके |
She is your sister! Go and ask her!
Active and passive voice . GapFillTyping_MTYMjE= Level:
intermediate. The passive infinitive is made up of to be with a past
participle: The doors are going to be locked at ten o'clock. You shouldn't have
done that. You ought to be punished. We sometimes use the verb get with a past
participle to form the passive: Be careful with that glass
फ़िक्र मत करो मैं हूँ ना ?
Don't worry, I'm here aren't I?
एक गलती हो गई | मैं आपको बताना भूल गया | पापा ने लखनऊ से कॉल किया था कि वह अगले हफ्ते
आ रहे हैं |
I've made a mistake, I forgot to tell you. Father called from Lucknow to say he's coming next
तुमने मुझे बताया नहीं ?
You didn't tell me?
अब मुझे यह जॉब नहीं करनी
पड़ेगी |
Now I won't have to do this job.
//nbsp;;;For sentences in the active voice, the subject
performs the action; for those in the passive voice, the subject receives the
action. Most grammarians recommend using the active voice whenever possible.
Here are some examples to help you distinguish between the voices: This grammar
section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way.
वह क्या कहेगा ?
What will he say?
तुम और क्या देखना चाहते
हो ?
What more do you want to see?
क्या समझे तुम ? बताओ मुझे |
What did you understand? Tell me.
यह सच नहीं है मैं सच में
तुझे पसंद करता हूँ |
That's not true ! I really like you.
Active and passive voice . GapFillTyping_MTYMjE= Level:
intermediate. The passive infinitive is made up of to be with a past
participle: The doors are going to be locked at ten o'clock. You shouldn't have
done that. You ought to be punished. We sometimes use the verb get with a past
participle to form the passive: Be careful with that glass
सीखो उससे कुछ !
Learn a thing or two from him!
वह यहाँ तुम्हारे लिए आया
था |
He had come here for you.
तुमने बहुत बेज्जती कर ली
मेरी |
You've humiliated me a lot.
क्या बताया आपने अपना नाम
What did you say your name was?
Similarly, a sentence is said to be in Passive Voice when
something is done to the subject. In the above sentence Ram is the a subject a
and Ravana is the a object a. In the active voice sentence Ram i.e., the
subject has killed the object Ravana.
अब क्या कहना है तुम्हे ?
What do you have to say now?
तुम तो ऐसे डर रहे हो
जैसे वो कमल हम लोगो की बात सुन रहा हो |
You are scared as if that Kamal is listening to our talks.
मैं पूँछ रहा हूँ यह शोर
कौन मचा रहा है |
I am asking who is making this noise!
तुझे पैसे कहाँ से मिले ?
इस सब के लिए ?
Where did you get the money? For all this?
Active and passive voice . GapFillTyping_MTYMjE= Level:
intermediate. The passive infinitive is made up of to be with a past participle:
The doors are going to be locked at ten o'clock. You shouldn't have done that.
You ought to be punished. We sometimes use the verb get with a past participle
to form the passive: Be careful with that glass
मैं तुम्हारा पीछा नहीं
कर रहा था |
I am not following you!
मैंने अपना मैथ का
होमवर्क नहीं किया था |
l hadn't done my maths homework
एक बात है जो मैं कहना
चाहता हूँ |
There's one thing I would like to say.
चुपचाप मेरे साथ घर वापस
चल |
Quietly return to the home with me.
Similarly, a sentence is said to be in Passive Voice when
something is done to the subject. In the above sentence Ram is the a subject a
and Ravana is the a object a. In the active voice sentence Ram i.e., the
subject has killed the object Ravana.
कमल सुनेगा तो क्या कहेगा
What will Kamal say if he hears?
मुझे ठंड जल्दी लग जाती
है |
I catch cold easily.
ये टोस्ट खालो कम से कम |
Have this toast at least.
लेकिन तुमने ही तो उसे
पैसे देने के लिए कहा था |
But it was you who asked me to pay him!!
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