Structure 20 - मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से वो मुस्कराती है - Train yourself to think in English

Structure – मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से... I like the way…

Subject + like +s/es +the way + sentence

मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से वो मुस्कराती है |
I like the way she smiles.

मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से आशा गाती है |
I like the way Asha sings.

मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से ऋतिक नाचता है |
I like the way Hritik dances.

मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से तुम बात करती हो |
I like the way you talk.

मुझे पसंद है जिस तरह से तुम मुझे देखती हो |
I like the way you look at me.

उसे पसंद नहीं जिस तरह से तुम उसे घूरते हो |
She does not like the way you stare her.

उसे पसंद नहीं जिस तरह से तुम उसे बात करते हो |
She doesn’t like the way you talk to her.

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Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting


तुम्हे मुझ पे शक है, है ना ? तुम मुझपे दुबारा शक कर रही हो |

You doubt me, isn't it? You are doubting me again!

मुझे लगता है इसे जिंदा छोडकर हम गलती कर रहे हैं |

I think it's a mistake to spare him allve.

जल्दी क्या है ?

What is the rush?

तुमने मुझे wish करने के लिए कॉल नहीं किया |

You didn't call to wish me.


 Useful Tips to Teach Yourself English . Take It Slowly. If youave made the decision to learn English without the help of a teacher, you need to take things . Think Like a Child. It may sound a little stupid to you, but using English resources for children is the perfect way . Listen to


मेरा हर वक़्त उसके बारे में सोंचने का मन करता है |

l feel like thinking about her all the time.

नहीं, हम कमल के साथ खायेंगे |

No. We'll dine with Kamal.

अगर आप नहीं समझेंगे तो कौन समझेगा ?

If you don't understand, who will?

उन्होंने काले चश्मे पहने हुए थे |

They were wearing black goggles.


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting


बाकी के तीन कहाँ है |

Where are the remaining three.

बाथरूम कहाँ है ? सीधे जाकर right |

Where's the bathroom? - Straight and right.

तुम्हारा लड़का कल रात से वापस नहीं आया है |

Your son hasn't returned since last night.

इस कंचे खेलने की उम्र में तुम कहाँ in चीजो में फंस गए ?

In this age of playing with marbles you have got entangled in what?


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जाने से पहले मुझसे मिलना |

Meet me before leaving!

वह रोटी हुई गई |

She went away crying.

हमें कुछ करने की जरुरत नहीं |

We don't need to do anything.

तुम लोग मुझे अकेला छोड़ के आ गए |

you all left me alone and came.


//nbsp;;;Train yourself to think in English. One way to make the transition from being very good at English to being fluent is to train your brain to actually think in the English language. Constantly translating from your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time and energy.


तुम्हे अंदाजा नहीं है कि मैं कितना नाराज हूँ |

You have no idea how pissed I am.

मुझे यकीन है कि उसकी बीवी को इस बारे में कुछ नहीं पता |

I'm sure his wife has no clue about it.

हमें लोगों को समझाना होगा |

We'll have to make people understand.

बाहर खतरा है |

It's dangerous out there.


How to teach yourself English step-by-step Step : Find out your English level.. Whether you know a lot of English, a little English or no English at all, itas Step : Come up with a study plan.. A study plan is basically a map of how youall learn the English language. In other Step : Gather


क्या कहोगी तुम ?

What will you say?

तुमने उन्हें वो बाते क्यों बताई ?

Why did you say those things to him?

क्या उन्हेंने कुछ गलत किया ?

have they done something wrong?

उन्हें फ़सान बिलकुल भी मुश्किल नहीं है |

It's not difficult to hook them up.


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting rules and  tenses.


किसी चीज की जरुरत हो तो बताना |

Let me know if you need anything.

तुम्हें शर्म आनी चाहिए इतना बड़ा फरेब करते हुए |

You should have been ashamed for doing such a big fraud!

तुम इतने खुदगर्ज कैसे हो सकते हो ?

How can you be so selfish?

अगर तुमने दुबारा कॉल किया तो मैं पुलिस को बता दूंगा |

If you call again, I'll inform the cops.


Home ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. ENGLISH LANGUAGE; PARTS OF SPEECH; LEARN ENGLISH BY YOURSELF. By. admin - October , . . . SHARE. Facebook. Twitter. If you want to learn English by your self without a teacher, just concentrate to the following table and you will learn English language. See the table bellow: VERBS FORMAT. SN: SWAHILI:


हमें इससे क्या ?

Why care ?

दोनों अपने फायदे के लिए किसी भी हद तक गिर सकते हैं |

Both can stoop to any level for their own interest.

मुझ विश्वास रखो, मैं जो कुछ कर रहा हूँ हमारे भले के लिए कर रहा हूँ |

Believe me, whatever I am doing it is for our betterment.

उसने माचिस बुझा दी |

He extinguished the matchstick.


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting rules and  tenses.


उसे होश आ रहा है |

she is regaining consciousness.

मैं आपको कोई तकलीफ नहीं देना चाहती थी | पर मुझे एक जरुरी काम आ गया है |

I didn't want to bother you. but I have an important work.

उसने अभी अभी अपना जवान बेटा खोया है |

She has just lost her young son.

तुम शादीशुदा आदमी हो |

you're a married man.


In this English lesson you will learn asking over  basic questions and how to answer them. You would learn asking questions related to, personal information, Introducing yourself and saying hello, Shopping related questions, Questions with the word like and asking for someoneas opinion and suggestion.


जब उसे कोई problem नहीं है तो तुम्हें क्यों फर्क पड़ रहा है ?

When he has no problem, why do you care?

वह चिढ़ गया और मुझे बाहर जाने के लिए कहा |

He got pissed-off and asked me to get out!

रीना को तुझसे प्यार हो गया है |

Reena has fallen in love with you.

आप जब चाहेंगे मैं आपको अपनी family से मिलवा दूंगा |

l'll introduce my family to you whenever you want.


Tips for Learning English by Yourself  Music. One of the hobbies that you should have while learning a language is to listen to music.  Listening to  Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you donat know where to start. If you are an  Apps. Nowadays


एक आदमी है जो इसे कर सकता है |

There is one man who can do it.

मैं तुम्हें उस हालत में वहाँ कैसे छोड़ सकता था ?

How could I have left you there in that state?

अब आप जा सकते हैं |

You can go now.

मैं बैठू या लेटूं तुझे उससे क्या फर्क पड़ता है |

Whether l lie down or sit down what difference does it make to you.


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting rules and  tenses.


और सब छोड़ो ये करो अभी |

Drop everything else - do it now.

कितनी बार कर चुके हैं हम यह ?

How many times have we done this?

जब लड़की खुद आगे बढ़ रही है तो मैं क्यों पीछे रहूँ |

When the girl herself is going ahead then why should I stay back?

मेरी लड़की की ज़िंदगी तुम्हारे हाथो में है |

My daughter's life lies in your hands.


//nbsp;;;Train yourself to think in English. One way to make the transition from being very good at English to being fluent is to train your brain to actually think in the English language. Constantly translating from your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time and energy.


अगर मैं भी वैसा ही करूँ ?

If I do the same?

अब तक उसका अपहरण हो चूका होगा |

He must be kidnapped by now!

सर यहाँ कुछ नहीं है |

There's nothing here, sir.

प्लीज पहले मेरी बात सुन लिए उसके बाद अगर आपको लगे कि मुझे इसके साथ नहीं रहना चाहिए तो मैं चला जाऊंगा |

Please hear me out. After that if you feel that he shouldn't be with me. then I will leave.


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting


क्या मैंने आपको कभी परेशा किया ?

Ηaνe l ever troubled you?

मैं इतनी जल्दी हार नहीं मानूंगा ?

I will not concede defeat so soon.

कुछ तो हुआ है |

Something must have happened!

आप इस कस्बे में अजनबी लगते हैं |

You appear to be a stranger in town.


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मैं आपके साथ जो भी गलत किया मैं उस सब के लिए माफ़ी मांगता हूँ |

l apologize for all the bad things we have done to you.

परिवार में से कोई भी तुम्हारा इस पागलपन में साथ नहीं देगा |

Nobody in the family will be with you in your madness!

हमने सारे इन्तिजाम कर लिए है, सर

We've made all the arrangements, Sir.

तुम इसे ठीक करवा लो |

You get it repaired!


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting


किसी का मजाक उडाना बुरी बात है |

lt’s bad to make a mockery of someone.

इतनी जल्दी क्यों ?

Why so early?

डिनर के साथ साथ business की भी बात हो जाएगी है |

Along with dinner we can talk about business too.

वह तुम्हारे सामने खड़ा है |

He's right in front of you.


We review the best ways of Learning English Yourself! Check out our articles and reviews of only the most trusted resources in English learning on the web! Read our Articles. LEARN FROM US. Choose from our free English leanring app reviews to find the perfect method for yourself, or get in touch with us for  on  lessons! GET IN TOUCH. CREATE YOUR OWN


जब तक तुम मुझे check नहीं करने दोगे मैं यहाँ से नहीं जाऊंगा |

Until you let me check the locker I won't move from here.

क्या तुम्हे उस रात के बारे में कुछ याद है ?

Do you remember anything about that night?

मैं बस चावल पकाऊंगा |

I'II cook onIy rice.

अगर तुम्हें डर लग रहा है तो तुम जा सकती हो |

If you are scared, you can leave!


//nbsp;;;Train yourself to think in English. One way to make the transition from being very good at English to being fluent is to train your brain to actually think in the English language. Constantly translating from your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time and energy.


उस दिन जब मैंने तुमसे रीना के बारे में पूंछा था | अगर तुमने जवाब दे दिया होता तो अब तक शादीशुदा होते |

Τhe other day when l asked you about Reena. had you answered me, you'd haνe been married by now.

मुझे बहुत बात करने की आदत है | तब तो और ज्यादा मजा आएगा | क्योंकि मेरी भी यही आदत है |

I'm in the habit of talking a lot! - It will be a lot of fun then... because I have the same habit!

कम से कम नल तो बंद कर दो |

At least, turn off the tap.

अपने चाय का आर्डर दिया था |

You had ordered for tea.


Here the most important steps to learn English by yourself: How can I learn English by myself at home? -First rule is: never pass a day without doing exercises. Because language dies so fast. Do somethings every single day. This is the most important rule. Practice is vital for language. -Buy a grammar book and start to learn English with grammar book. Learn the sentence setting


इसीलिए उन्होंने मेरा ट्रांसफर करवा दिया |

That's why they got me transferred.

पिछली रात उसने मुझे धमकी दी थी |

Last night he threatened me.

उसका अपहरण तो नहीं हो गया ?

He hasn't been kidnapped, has he?

मैं तो बस तेरी मदद कर रहा था |

I only meant to help you.


Tips for Learning English by Yourself  Music. One of the hobbies that you should have while learning a language is to listen to music.  Listening to  Grammar. Letas just say that you want to improve your accuracy but you donat know where to start. If you are an  Apps. Nowadays


वैसे भी मैंने फेसला कर लिया है कि मैं इस घर में नहीं रहूँगा |

Anyway, I've decided that I won't stay in this house.

कुछ confusion है |

There is some confusion.

मैं भी उस तरह का आदमी नहीं हूँ |

I too am not that kind of a man

यह पीतल है सोने का नकली पानी चढ़ा हहुआ |

It's brass coated with fake gold!


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