Structure 79- मैं भीख मांगने की अपेक्षा मरना पसंद करूँगा - Rather


जब हम एक काम को करने के बजाये दुसरे काम को करने की बात करते हैं तब हम rather .... than structure का प्रयोग करते हैं | हिंदी वाक्य में बजायेया अपेक्षाजैसे शब्द आते हैं |

मैं भीख मांगने की अपेक्षा मरना पसंद करूँगा |
I would rather die than beg.

दया की भीख मांगने की अपेक्षा उसने त्याग पत्र दे दिया |
He resigned rather than beg for mercy.

वह झूठ बोलने की अपेक्षा मरना पसंद करेंगे |
We would rather die than tell a lie.

हमें अन्याय सहन करने की अपेक्षा उसका विरोध करना चाहिए |
We should oppose injustice rather than bear it.

एक दूसरे से लड़ने की अपेक्षा हमें एक होकर काम करना चाहिए |
We should work together rather than fight with each other.

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STRUCTURE 80 - मैं यहाँ 6 बजे से हूँ 

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तुम भारतीय हो, है ना ?
You're Indian, aren't you?
वह पूँछ रहा था कि 
he was asking that,
ओके मैं जा के देखता हूँ |
Okay l will go and see.
मुझे गलत मत समझना |
Don't get me wrong.

Use of modal verbs in English a can, must, will, should, could, may How are modal verbs used in English? Modal verbs are a subgroup of auxiliary verbs. They express modality and thus designate wishes, skills, compulsions, or possibilities.

हां, उसका फ़ोन switched off है |
Yes, his phone is switched off.
कमल मेरे बचपन का दोस्त है |
Kamal is my chiIdhood friend.
मैं आधे घंटे से बाहर खड़ा भोंक रहा हूँ |
I'm barking for half-an-hour standing outside.
मामला बहुत बिगड़ गया है यहाँ |
The matter has turned very serious here.

When a modal verb precedes the main verb in a sentence or clause, use the root of the verb rather than the infinitive, which contains the word to. The doctor can to see you now. The one case in which we deviate from this rule and use the full infinitive form of a verb is with the modal phrase aought toa The doctor ought to see you now.

आप खुद क्यों आगये | आप किसी को भेज देते |
Why did you come yourself, you could have sent someone.
अगर किसी को पता चल गया तो हम किसी को मुंह दिखाने के लायक नहीं रहेंगे |
If anyone finds out about this. we won't be able to face anyone.
कमल और मैं बचपन के दोस्त थे |
Kamal and l were childhood friends.
मैंने क्या गलत किया ?
What wrong did l do?

use of rather modal verb

लगता है पापा ऑफिस से आगये है |
I think Dad's back from the shop.
मैंने कब कहा कि मुझे यह पसंद नहीं ?
When did I say that I didn't like it?
तुम कौन हो ? मैं तुम्हें नहीं जानता |
Who are you? I don't know you!
उसका ख्याल रखना और हाथ मत छोड़ना |
Look after him and don't let go of the hand.

//nbsp;;;Modal Verbs List of Modal Verbs. What is a modal verb? The modal verbs of English are a small class of auxiliary verbs used to express possibility, obligation, advice, permission, ability, . Modal verbs list in the English language: Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Must, Shall, Should, Ought to

यहाँ आओ और खुद देख लो |
Come here and see for yourself.
ये मत सोंचना कि मैं तुम्हे अकेला छोड़ दूंगा |
don't think that I'll leave you alone.
समझो हो गया |
Consider it done.
मैंने इस मौके का बहुत इंतिजार किया है |
I have waited a long time for this chance.

Use of modal verbs in English a can, must, will, should, could, may How are modal verbs used in English? Modal verbs are a subgroup of auxiliary verbs. They express modality and thus designate wishes, skills, compulsions, or possibilities.

उसे अस्थमा का attack पड़ा है |
He had an asthma attack!
थोड़ी शर्म करो |
Have some shame.
तो तुम मानते हो की जरुरत सबकुछ है और feelings कुछ नहीं हैं ?
So you believe needs are everything and feelings are nothing? 
क्या कहा मैंने कब कहा मैंने ?
What did l say when did l say?

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उसके साथ तमीज से पेस आना |
Behave respectfully with him.
अँधा है क्या ? दिखाई नहीं देता ?
Are you blind? Can't you see?
यह मजाक का वक़्त नहीं है |
This is not the time to joke.
तुझे जलन हुई थी ना |
Weren't you jealous!

The principal English modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, have to and would.  The negation effectively applies to the main verb rather than the auxiliary: you should not do this implies not merely that there is no need to do this, but that there is a need not to do this. The logical negation of I should is I ought not to or I am not supposed to.

तुम लोगों ने गिरवी क्या रखा है ?
What have you guys mortgaged?
अब मैं सिर्फ अपने बारे में सोचूंगा |
Now, I will think only about myself.
क्या तुम मुझसे बहुत नाराज हो ?
are you very angry with me?
पूरा दिन कहाँ थे तुम ?
Where were you all day?

a I would rather 'I prefer', 'I would prefer' is used as a modal auxiliary verb. It is followed by the infinitive without 'to' when its subject is the same as the subject of the next verb. This happens when we talk about what we would prefer to do. I would rather or I'd rather stay with you. I would prefer to stay with you.  Note: The verb to prefer is a synonym of would rather, but has a slightly more formal, 

यह गलती दुबारा नहीं होनी चाहिए |
this mistake should not be happen again
मैंने जो तुम्हारी साथ किया | मैंने उसके लिए कभी अपने आप को माफ़ नहीं किया |
What I did to you. I've never forgiven myself for it.
मेरी निगाहे तुझसे नहीं हटती |
I can't take my eyes off you.
अच्छा idea है, पहले कोशिश में करूँगा |
That's a good idea! I'll make the first attempt.

a I would rather 'I prefer', 'I would prefer' is used as a modal auxiliary verb. It is followed by the infinitive without 'to' when its subject is the same as the subject of the next verb. This happens when we talk about what we would prefer to do. I would rather or I'd rather stay with you. I would prefer to stay with you.  Note: The verb to prefer is a synonym of would rather, but has a slightly more formal, 

अगर तुम late हुए तो मैं चली जाउंगी |
If you're late, I'll leave.
सोंच समझ कर बात करो |
Think before you talk.
मेरे पापा हमारी शादी से बहुत खुश थे |
My father was very happy with our wedding.
यह silent पर था इसलिए |
It was on silent, that's why.

Because would rather is a modal, we always use it followed by the base form of a main verb. You can use would rather plus a main verb to state what you prefer, like when Pink said, I would rather play in the snow. When you use would rather to compare two options, use than. We saw this when Pink said, I'd rather go to Hawaii than Colorado. Hm, did you notice something strange about this last sentence?

मैं तुम लोगो को एक बात याद दिला दूँ |
Let me remind all of you of one thing.
हाँ उसने एक बार मुझसे कहा था |
yes she had told me once.
वो भूरा बैग | वह यही रखा था |
That brown bag. lt was lying here.
तुम सब यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो ?
What are all of you doing here?

The meaning of the negated form depends on the usage of the modal. When possibility is indicated, the negation effectively applies to the main verb rather than the modal: That may/might not be means aThat may/might not-bea, For example: aThat may fail to be truea.

तो क्या चाहिए तुम्हें ?
So what do you want?
शुक्र है मैंने इसे सही time पर रोक दिया नहीं तो यह मर गया होता |
Thankfully I stopped him at the right time. Or he was sure to die.
तुम क्या जानना चाहती हो ?
What do you want to know?
क्या तुम्हारी माँ को पता है कि तुम ये काम कर रहे हो ?
Does your mother know you're doing these things?

Because would rather is a modal, we always use it followed by the base form of a main verb. You can use would rather plus a main verb to state what you prefer, like when Pink said, I would rather play in the snow. When you use would rather to compare two options, use than. We saw this when Pink said, I'd rather go to Hawaii than Colorado. Hm, did you notice something strange about this last sentence?

वह बेहोश पड़ा है |
He is lying unconscious.
वह कबसे swimming में intrest लेने लगा ?
Since when has he developed an interest in swimming?
तो अभी तक तू बोला क्यों नहीं ?
So why didn't you say as yet?
मैंने उसे गाली नहीं दी |
I didn't abuse him

Rather than usually occurs between two things which are being compared. However, we can also use it at the beginning of a sentence. When we use rather than with a verb, we use the base form or less 

तुमु उनसे मदद क्यों मांग रहे हो ?
Why are you asking them for help?
मुझे तुझे दुबारा ना कहना पड़े |
I don't have to tell you again.
तुम्हें अपनेआप पे शर्म आनी चाहिए |
You should be ashamed of yourself...
सब गरीब लोग रहते हैं यहाँ |
All poor people reside here.

The meaning of the negated form depends on the usage of the modal. When possibility is indicated, the negation effectively applies to the main verb rather than the modal: That may/might not be means aThat may/might not-bea, For example: aThat may fail to be truea.

तुम सिर्फ अपने बारे में सोंच रहे हो |
You are only thinking about yourself.
तुम कहाँ थे ?
Where were you?
मैं कल थोडा गुस्सा थी |
I was a little angry yesterday.
तुम लखनऊ आने का सपना मत देखो |
Don't even dream to come to Lucknow.

aModals verbsa are a class of verbs used to express ideas like intention, likelihood, ability, or to give advice. You can call them helper verbs. They always appear with a main verb. English has nine of them: can; could; will; would; shall; should; may; might; must; How to use modal verbs. You may also find modal verbs referred to as aauxiliary verbsa.

अब जो करना है पुलिस करेगी |
Now, the police will do whatever needs to be done.
अपना idea अपने पास रखो |
Keep your ideas to yourself.
तुम फर्श पर क्यों बैठे हो ?
Why are you sitting on the floor ?
तू रात भर खांस क्यों रहा था ?
why were you coughing all night?

The principal English modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, have to and would.  The negation effectively applies to the main verb rather than the auxiliary: you should not do this implies not merely that there is no need to do this, but that there is a need not to do this. The logical negation of I should is I ought not to or I am not supposed to.

क्योंकि मुझे दर्द हो रहा है |
Because I'm in pain.
तो वह तुम्हारी तरफ दौड़कर क्यों आ रहा है ?
Then why is he coming running towards you?
ऐसे मत बैठो | कुछ तो बोलो 
Don't sit like this! Say something.
कमल पागल मत बन, मुझे चोट लग जाएगी |
Don't be mad Kamal, I'll get hurt.

Rather than usually occurs between two things which are being compared. However, we can also use it at the beginning of a sentence. When we use rather than with a verb, we use the base form or less 

थोडा मुझे भी दो |
Give me some as well.
सुना तुमने दूर रहो इससे |
You heard me, stay out of it.
हम लोगों के अलावा और कोई नहीं आया यहाँ |
No one else besides us came here.
मेरा हाथ छोड़ दो 
Let go of my hand.

When a modal verb precedes the main verb in a sentence or clause, use the root of the verb rather than the infinitive, which contains the word to. The doctor can to see you now. The one case in which we deviate from this rule and use the full infinitive form of a verb is with the modal phrase aought toa The doctor ought to see you now.

उन्हें लगा लड़के मेरी बात में दम है |
He really felt that what I had said made sense.
आज रात मैं उसे अपने साथ डिनर पे ले जा रहा हूँ | इसलिए उसे देर हो जाएगी |
Tonight, I am taking him for dinner with me. So he'll be late.
वे अभी तक नहीं लोटे है |
They haven't returned yet.
चलो यहाँ से भाग चले |
Lets flee from here.

एक लात मारूं क्या तुझे ?
Should I kick you off?
मैं तुम्हें पहले ही कहा था कि यह कमल हमें एक दिन फंसा देगा |
I have always told you, That this Kamal will trap us one day.
वो भी तुम्हारी तरह हक्लाती है ?
She too stammers like you?
देखो इसे | पिछले हफ्ते तुम मेरे लिए चूड़िया लाये थे |
Look at this. You brought bangles for me last week.

//nbsp;;;Modal Verbs List of Modal Verbs. What is a modal verb? The modal verbs of English are a small class of auxiliary verbs used to express possibility, obligation, advice, permission, ability, . Modal verbs list in the English language: Can, Could, May, Might, Will, Would, Must, Shall, Should, Ought to

क्या तूने रीना को कभी भाभी के बारे में बताया है ?
Have I ever spoken about Reena to your sister-in-law?
क्या किया तुमने ? मुझे लगता है तुमने उसे जान से मार दिया |
What have you done? l think you have killed him.
जैसे तुम लोग सोंच रहे हो वैसा कुछ नहीं हुआ |
Nothing happened theway you all think. 
मुझसे दुबारा बात मत करना |
Don't talk to me again.

कोई नहीं है |
There's no one else.
तुम इतनी जल्दी कैसे भूल सकते हो ?
How can you forget so quickly?
क्या लिखा है बताओ मुझे |
What is written tell me.
अपना बैग pack करो और चलो मेरे साथ |
Pack your bags and come with me!

aModals verbsa are a class of verbs used to express ideas like intention, likelihood, ability, or to give advice. You can call them helper verbs. They always appear with a main verb. English has nine of them: can; could; will; would; shall; should; may; might; must; How to use modal verbs. You may also find modal verbs referred to as aauxiliary verbsa.

बिना शादी के बच्चा |
A child out of wedlock?
वह आएगा लेकिन वह जिंदा नहीं वापस नहीं जायेगा |
He will come, but he won't go back alive.
अगर तुमने गाड़ी रोकी तो तुम कल से गाडी नहीं चला पाओगे |
If you stop the vehicle you'll not be able to drive it from tomorrow.
तुम दोनों इतने चुप क्यों हो ?
Why are both of you so quiet?

वह मदद के लिए मेरे पास आयी थी |
she came to me for help.
सॉरी मेरी वजह से आपको और आपकी family को परेशानी हुई |
Sorry because of me you and your family members have been troubled.
यह कैसे हो सकता है ?
How is that possible?
आप कब तक बर्दास्त करते ?
How long could you have tolerated it?

1 comment:

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