Use of Linking verb in English
Subject + verb to be + forbidden + gerund/noun
कुछ verb और preposition ऐसी हैं जिनके साथ हमेशा gerund का प्रयोग होता है
आपको को मसालेदार खाना मना है |
You are forbidden spicy food.
तुम्हे शराब पीने से मना किया गया है |
You are forbidden drinking.
कमल को सिगरेट पीना मन है |
Kamal is forbidden sweets.
पिता जी को मिठाई खाने से मना किया गया है |
Father is forbidden sweets.
आपको मीट खाना मना है |
You are forbidden meat.
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A verb shows the power of action, and it also can connect
ideas. And these verbs are called ; Linking Verbs ;, and if we want to call it
vastly then we consider them as ; a state of being verbs ;. To know more about
linking verbs, we need to talk about action verbs.
उसे मत बताना चाहे
तुम्हें अपनी जान ही क्यों ना देनी पड़े |
Don't tell him! Even if you have to lay down your life.
मैं तुम्हारे साथ इतनी
जल्दी नहीं जा सकता |
l can't go with you so early.
उसे यहाँ आने से पहले
सीखना चाहिए था |
She should have learnt it before coming here!
मैंने कभी किसी औरत कि
तरफ देखा भी नहीं सिवाए उसके |
I've never even looked at another woman but her.'
A handfulaa very frequently used handfulaof verbs are always
linking verbs: all forms of to be am, is, are, was, were, has been, are being,
might be, etc. to become to seem
तुम मेरा एक घंटे से
इंतिजार कर रही थी, है ना ?
You've been waiting for me for an hour, weren't you?
कोई जरुरत नहीं है
There's no need
तुम्हें क्या लगता है कमल
और मेरे बीच कुछ चल रहा है ?
You think there's something going on between Kamal and me?
एक आदमी है जो इसे कर
सकता है |
There is one man who can do it.
A verb shows the power of action, and it also can connect
ideas. And these verbs are called ; Linking Verbs ;, and if we want to call it
vastly then we consider them as ; a state of being verbs ;. To know more about
linking verbs, we need to talk about action verbs.
मुझे नहो लगता तुम्हे
फर्क पड़ता है ...
I don't think it matters to you
तुम कहीं नहीं जाओगे |
वह खुद तेरे पास आएगी |
You won't go anywhere! She herself will come to you!
क्या उन्हेंने कुछ गलत
किया ?
have they done something wrong?
चलो मुर्गी को खाना
खिलाये |
let's go feed the hen.
Here are some examples of linking verbs used in sentences
with the linking verbs in bold: William is excited about his promotion. She
appears upset about the announcement. The eggs smell rotten. He went red after
tripping on the rug. Your plans for the wedding sound nice. You look exhausted
किसी को पता नहीं चलेगा
कि वह कहाँ गायब हो गया |
No one will know where he disappeared!
मेरे पास चुप चाप खड़े
रहना |
Just stay by my side silently.
तुम लोगों ने इस घर को
क्या समझ रखा है ?
What do you guys think of this house?
मुझे कपडे तो बदलने देते |
You could've let me change.
A linking verb is used to re-identify or to describe its
subject. The most common linking verb is the verb 'to be.' Verbs that relate to
the five senses e.g., 'to look,' 'to feel' can be linking verbs too. It is
called a linking verb because it links the subject to a subject complement.
इस लफड़े से बाहर निकल |
Come out of this mess.
मज़ाक कर रहा था | तू क्यों बुरा मान रहा है ?
l was just jesting! Why are you feeling bad?
उसका ख्याल रखना और हाथ
मत छोड़ना |
Look after him and don't let go of the hand.
हमारे पास तुम्हे देने के
लिए कुछ नहीं है |
We have nothing to give you.
A linking verb is used to re-identify or to describe its
subject. The most common linking verb is the verb 'to be.' Verbs that relate to
the five senses e.g., 'to look,' 'to feel' can be linking verbs too. It is
called a linking verb because it links the subject to a subject complement.
सच यह है कि मैं रीना से
पया करता हूँ |
the truth is I love Reena!
रीना कहाँ है ?
where's Reena?
तुम वापस क्यों आये हो ?
why have you come back?
क्या मैं तुम्हें बेवकूफ
दिखता हूँ ?
Do I look like a fool to you?
//nbsp;;;The linking verb is a verb used to represent a
subject by connecting it to a predicate adjective, and also it shows several
links between the subject and the object in a sentence. It does not show any
actions and is called the state of being type verbs. The verbs from the be form
are called the linking verbs, which contain the five senses too.
रीना ड्राइवर के साथ भाग
गई |
Jenny fled with the driver.
तू यहाँ क्या करने आया था
Why had you come here?
क्या तेरा दिमाग ख़राब हो
गया है ?
Have you lost your mind?
दिखाओ मुझे |
show me
A handfulaa very frequently used handfulaof verbs are always
linking verbs: all forms of to be am, is, are, was, were, has been, are being,
might be, etc. to become to seem
मैं बस practice कर रहा था |
I was just practicing!
अब हर खिलाडी आगे आयेगा
और अपना परिचय देगा |
Now each player will step forward and introduce herself.
तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो |
What are you doing here?
उसने अपनी बीवी को जिंदा
जला दिया |
he burnt his wife alive.
//nbsp;;;What Are Linking Verbs? Examples and Observations
of Linking Verbs. The Grinch is grumpy. In the movie How the Grinch Stole
Christmas, the mayor Two Tests for Linking Verbs. If the sentence still makes
sense, the verb is a linking verb. The food looked spoiled. The Two Types of
Linking Verbs.
मैं नहीं जानता कि वह कब
आयेंगे ?
I don't know when he's coming back.
लगता है तेरे पापा आ गए |
Seems like your father has come,
थोड़ी तो शर्म करो |
Have some shame!
मैं अब रीना से और झूठ
नहीं बोलने वाला |
I am not going to lie to Reena anymore.
A verb shows the power of action, and it also can connect
ideas. And these verbs are called ; Linking Verbs ;, and if we want to call it
vastly then we consider them as ; a state of being verbs ;. To know more about
linking verbs, we need to talk about action verbs.
तुमने उसकी कॉल मुझसे
छुपाई |
You hid her calls from me.
लेकिन मैं यह तुम्हे नहीं
दूंगा |
But I won't give it to you.
वो तुमसे मिलने गई है |
She's gone to meet you.
क्या सारा अचार खत्म हो
गया ?
is all the pickles finished?
Examples of True Linking Verbs in Sentences I am glad it is
Friday. - Here the linking verb ;am; connects the subject I to the state of
being glad. Laura is excited about her new bike. - Here ;is; links the subject
Laura to the emotional state of excitement. My birds are hungry. - The word
क्या समझे तुम ? बताओ मुझे |
What did you understand? Tell me.
तुमने बहुत बड़ा पाप किया
है |
You have committed a grave sin!
मैं घर कैसे जाऊंगा ?
How will I go home?
वहां कर्फ्यू लगा है |
There is curfew imposed.
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