Must modal verb examples in Hindi
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इंग्लिश बोलने
में सबसे ज्यादा परेशानी तब होती है जब हमें कोई sentence बोलना हो और हम उस
sentence को English में translate ना कर
पायें | अगर हम इन sentences को English में translate
करना सीख लें तो हमारा English में बात करना
बहुत आसान हो जायेगा |
जिन sentences को
हम English में translate नहीं कर पाते वह simple english
sentences नहीं होते ये sentences कुछ अलग तरह के होते हैं और इन sentences को
translate करने का तरीका भी अलग होता है |
मुझे उसके साथ जाने में शर्म आ रही है |
I am fighting shy of
going with him.
इस तरह के
sentences को english में translate करने का structure नीचे दिया है
Subject +
helping verb + fight shy of + gerund + object
अब इस structure
को follow करके हम इस जैसे कई sentences बना सकते है | इस course में हम इसी तरह के
structure बनाना सीखेंगे
नीचे मैंने कुछ
ऐसे ही sentences के example दिए है जिनमें से अगर आप किसी एक sentences को English में translate करने का तरीका सीखले तो इस तरह
के सभी sentences को आप आसानी से English में बोल लेंगे |
मैं तुमसे कॉलेज जाने
का बहाना बनाकर मिलने आया हूँ |
I came to meet you on the pretext of going to the college.
मैं तुमसे मंदिर जाने
का बहाना बनाकर मिलने आयी हूँ |
I came to meet you on the pretext of going to the temple.
Structure – पूरी ज़िंदगी मैं नहीं
इतना बड़ा मैला मैंने
अपनी पूरी ज़िंदगी मैं नहीं देखा
Such a big fair I have not seen in my entire life.
इतनी निर्मम हत्या
मैंने अपनी पूरी ज़िंदगी मैं नहीं देखी
Such a heinous murder I have not seen in my entire life.
ऐसी दुर्घटना मैंने
अपनी पूरी ज़िंदगी मैं नहीं देखी
Such an accident I have not seen in my entire life.
इतना अच्छा गाना मैंने
अपनी पूरी ज़िन्दगी मैं नहीं सुना
Such a good song I have not listened in my entire life.
इतना अच्छा काम मैंने
अपनी पूरी ज़िन्दगी मैं नहीं किया
Such a good work I have not done in my entire life.
इतना अच्छा इंसान
मैंने अपनी पूरी ज़िन्दगी मैं नहीं देखा
Such a good man I have not seen in my entire life.
इतना कमीना इन्सान
मैंने अपनी पूरी ज़िन्दगी मैं नहीं देखा
Such a mean man I have not seen in my entire life.
उसके जैसा इंसान मैंने
अपनी पूरी ज़िंदगी मैं नहीं देखा |
I have not seen a man
like him in my entire life.
इस spoken English course से आप इस तरह के 100 से 200 sentences structures सीखेंगे | इन structures को सीखने के बाद आपके लिए English में बात करना बहुत आसान हो जायेगा |
//nbsp;;; Auxiliary/Modal Verbs : Is, was, were, am, are, will, would, shall, should, do, does, did, can, could, may, might, must, ought, has, have, had, need, dare, used, be, been, being. Auxiliary/Modal Verbs Helping Verb
कमल, कैसे हो ?
Kamal, how are you?
इन्होने ही कमल भाई को मारा होगा |
They must have killed brother Kamal.
तुम कुछ दिन लखनऊ घूम लो फिर हम दोनों साथ में चलेगें |
Look around Lucknow for a couple of days, then we'll leaνe together.
तुम मेरी ज़िंदगी क्यों बर्बाद कर रहे हो ?
Why are you ruining my life?
All Modal Helping Verbs in English Grammar I Examples and Use in Hindi. Comments / Grammar Topics / By Spoken English Guru. Modals aModals
मैं तो तेरे से भी ज्यादा excited हूँ |
I'm even more excited than you.
किसी ने किडनैप तो नहीं कर लिया ?
Could someone haνe kidnapped him?
तुम्हारी और भी जिम्मेदारियाँ हैं | है ना
you have other responsibilities too, don't you'?
अपनी मौत कोई कब तक भाग सकता है ?
How long can one run from death?
//nbsp;;;Modals in English Grammar in Hindi . Definition in English a Those helping verbs which refer to the ability, power, capacity, possibility e.t.c. are called the Modals. Definition in Hindi a helping verbs , , ,, ModalsExamples a can, may, might, could, would, should, shall, will, must
यह यहाँ उस दिन भी था |
He was here even on that day.
अभी देखना | सच्चाई अभी सामने आ जायेगी |
Just wait and see! The reality will be out any moment.
मैं दौ महीने से मकान का किराया नहीं दे सका |
I couIdn't pay the rent of the house for 2 months.
5 मिनट में तैयार हो जाओ, मैं आ रहा हूँ |
Get ready in five minutes, I'm coming.
//nbsp;;;Modals are very important in English. If you are learning translation, you must also know how to make sentences using modals. And for that you must also know the rules of Modals.For the rules click here.. This Modal Translation Practice Set will enable you to use modals in your sentences. So for speaking and writing purposes, this is a good exercise.
मुझे उसके पास जाना होगा |
I will have to go to her!
मुझे क्या हो सकता है ?
What can happen to me?
तुम छुप क्यों रहे हो ?
Why are you hiding?
मैं भी शादी करने के लिए बेताब हूँ |
Even I'm impatient to get married.
//nbsp;;;Modals in English Grammar in Hindi . Definition in English a Those helping verbs which refer to the ability, power, capacity, possibility e.t.c. are called the Modals. Definition in Hindi a helping verbs , , ,, ModalsExamples a can, may, might, could, would, should, shall, will, must
लेकिन तुमने उसे जाने क्यों दिया ?
But why you let him go?
exam के अभी भी 3 दिन बाकी हैं |
There are still three days to go for the exams.
सुना है तेरा जैकपोट लगा है |
I heard you won the jackpot.
उसे शर्म आती है
She feels shy!
We use modal verbs to show if we believe something is certain, possible, or impossible. for example a My keys must be in my pocket. It might be rain tomorrow. That canat be Peteras coat. It is too small. We also use them to talk about ability and to take permission, to make requests, to suggest and offers, etc. for example a I canat swim. May I ask a question? Would you like some help?
किस कमीने ने छुआ मेरे भाई को |
Which scoundrel touched my brother!
मैं तुम्हें कॉल कर रहा था |
I was calling you.
तुम ऐसे नहीं समझोगे | इसे बहार फेक दो |
You will not understand like this, throw him out!
क्या उसे शर्म नहीं आयी ?
Didn't she feel ashamed?
उठो क्या तुम्हे काम पर भी नहीं जाना ?
Wake up! Don't you have to go to work as well?
तुम्हारे लड़के को कुछ नहीं हुआ है |
Nothing has happened to your son.
मैं सुबह से इंतिजार कर रही थी इसका |
I've been waiting since morning for this.
यही देखना बाकी रह गया था |
This was all that was left to see.
बहुत बोल लिया तुमने ?
You have said enough.
तुमने कमल पर क्या जादू कर दिया है ?
What spell have you cast on Sameer?
भगवान के लिए मेरी जान बख्स दे |
For God's sake, spare me life.
वह अब मुंबई पहुँच गया होगा |
He would have reached Mumbai by now.
Learn English Grammar in Hindimight, will, would, shall, should, must, ought. These modals are also the defective verbs because they cannot be used in all moods and tenses. They do not have separate form in the third person singular and they do not have infinitive and -ing forms. modals
तो किसका पीछा करूँ ?
So whom should I chase?
हमारे पास बहुत है कुछ साल अच्छी ज़िंदगी जीने के लिए |
We have enough to lead a good life for a few years.
इतना कुछ हो चूका है | मुझे नहीं लगता कि सब आयेंगे |
So much has happened. I don't think all wiIl come.
कार में होगी एक, मैं जाकर लाती हूँ |
There might be one in the car, I'll go and get it.
Examples: You must see a doctor at once. John must study hard. My watch must be broken; He must have done this mistake. Might/May. May/Might is used in case of possibilities and past Might. Examples: I may/might go to the market. It may/might rain today. May is also used in case of request. Examples:
रस्ते से हटो |
Move from the way.
मैं तुझसे पूँछ रहा हूँ |
I'm asking you.
मैं तुम्हें पाने के लिए बहुत सहा हूँ |
l haνe endured so much to possess you.
क्या मैं तुम्हें बेवकूफ दिखता हूँ ?
Do I look like a fool to you?
We use a must nota to describe what is not permitted. Examples: Members of staff must not park in the customer car park. Students must not take mobile phones into the exam room. Invitations and encouragement. We use a must a to make a polite invitation or to encourage someone to do something. Examples: Jane: You must come to visit me in
अपने आप को देखो | तुम गली के गुंडे लग रहे हो |
Look at yourseIf. You Iook like a street ruffian.
सौ बार बोला है उसे कि मुझे साथ में ले जाना |
told him a hundred times that l wanted to come along.
मेरी छोड़ |
Forget about me.
मुझे लगता है उसे तुम्हारी जरुरत है |
I think she needs you.
Must Have to Need to Needn't Mustn't Don't have to Should Ought to. Modal verb Modal verbs are also sometimes called modals. They are used before ordinary verbs and are used to express meanings such as permission, possibility, certainty and necessity. Need and dare can be used like modal verbs Modal verbs with examples Modal verbs with examples. Modal verbs explained and more examples Print
वह डर के भाग गया |
He ran away in fright!
यह धुंवा कैसा ?
What is this smoke?
उसने बहुत बुरे दिन देखे हैं |
she has seen very bad days.
बताओ मुझे कब मिलें ?
Tell me when to meet?
Definition of Modals: Modals are special verbs that are different from normal verbs. They are never used alone and are always followed by a principal verb. They provide additional information about the principal verb. They are used to express certainty, possibility, willingness, obligation, necessity and ability. The List of the Modals with their Positive and Negative forms is given below: Positive.
अच्छा होगा तुम मेरे कपड़ो पे कमेंट ना करो |
You better not comment on my clothes.
जब मैं रात में सोता हूँ तब तुम मेरे सपने में आती हो |
when I sleep in the night then you come in my dreams.
अब मैं तुमसे रोज नहीं मिल सकती |
I can't meet you every day now.
नहीं | मैं नहीं जाउंगी |
No! I won't go!
//nbsp;;;Modals verb first form A modal always takes the root form of the verb . a I can drive a car . b I could help you last year .
अब आयेगा असली मजा |
Now the real fun will start.
मैं कहना तो नहीं चाहता था लेकिन मैं जानता था कि एक न एक दिन तुम्हें पता चल जायेगा |
l didn't want to say it. But l knew you'd get to know some day.
कहाँ खोये हुए हो ?
Where are you lost?
मुझे नहीं, लेकिन रीना को परेशानी हो सकती है |
Not I, but Priya might have a problem.
All Modal Helping Verbs in English Grammar I Examples and Use in Hindi. Comments / Grammar Topics / By Spoken English Guru. Modals aModals
उसे कहीं छुपा दो |
Hide him somewhere.
कैसी हो मम्मी ?
How are you mom?
क्या तुम्हे अभी और पैसों की जरुरत है ?
Do you still need the money?
क्या यह वक़्त है घर आने का ?
ls this the time to come home?
//nbsp;;;English Grammar Modals Rules In Hindi . Modalmain verb.
तुम्हे यह सब करने की permission किसने दी ?
who gave you permission to do all this?
पता नहीं इसके दिमाग में क्या था |
Wonder what was on his mind.
वो पैसे लेके आता ही होगा |
He must be on his way with the money.
तुम्हारे बाप ने बड़ो से बात करना नहीं सीखाया तुमको ?
Didn’t your father taught you how to talk to elders.
//nbsp;;;Modal Auxiliary Verbs: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to. Marginal Auxiliary Verbs : used to, need, dare. a For Example : He is writing a letter.
बहुत सोंचने के बाद मैंने यह फेसला किया है कि...
After much thought I have decided that
तू पूरी रात कहाँ था ?
Where were you all night?
क्यूँ क्या हुआ ?
Why? What's wrong?
मैंने सिर्फ उसके बारे में सुना है पर कभी देखा नहीं |
I have only heard about him, but never seen him.
Modals , not
मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ जब वो कंपनी पैसे लेके भाग गई ?
what can I do when the company has eloped with the money?
अगर मैंने तुझे उसका नाम लेते सुना तो तुझे इसकी कीमत चुकानी पड़ेगी |
if I hear you speak his name, I'll make you pay.
मैं बकबक नहीं कर रहा |
I'm not babbling.
आप कब पहुंचे यहाँ |
when did you get here?
Use of Modal Verbs : Passive Voice in Hindi VoiceModal Verbs Can Could May Might Should WouldI may be arrested. I can be beaten.
वह तब से मेरा ड्राइवर है |
He has been my driver since then.
मेरी बेटी को जाने दो |
Let go off my daughter!
मेरी शादी हो रही है |
I'm getting married.
मैंने तुम्हे पहले ही कहा था |
I had told you earlier.
English Grammar Modal Verbs or Modal Auxiliaries: Lesson -The Modal Verb MUST with examples! Expressing Modality in English with the Modal Verb MUST. This is the sixth and last lesson in the modal verbs or modal auxiliaries series. Today, we are going to talk about the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of MUST. REMEMBER: There are modal verbs in English: Must,
उसने अपना खून बहाया है | तुम लोग इस बेकार जाने दोगे |
He has shed his blood! And you guys are letting it go waste!
यह सब बोलने की क्या जरुरत थी ?
What was the need to tell all these things?
अब क्या होगा ?
What will happen now?
तुम्हारा फ़ोन भी स्विच ऑफ है |
Your phone's switched off as well.
Must Have to Need to Needn't Mustn't Don't have to Should Ought to. Modal verb Modal verbs are also sometimes called modals. They are used before ordinary verbs and are used to express meanings such as permission, possibility, certainty and necessity. Need and dare can be used like modal verbs Modal verbs with examples Modal verbs with examples. Modal verbs explained and more examples Print
मैं अभी आया |
I'll be right back.
तुम भी अन्दर आना चाहते हो?
You want to come in too?
बस इतना ही जानता हूँ मैं उसके बारे में |
That is all i know about her.
वह मुझे धोका दे रही थी |
She was cheating on me.
Must modal verb examples in Hindi
अगर आप बुरा ना माने तो आपसे एक बात कहूँ ?
If you don't mind can I say something to you?
मैंने कहाँ ना मैं अब ऐसे कपडे नहीं पहनूंगी |
I said that I won't wear such clothes.
अब यह भी कुछ कहेगा |
Now he too will say something!
क्या तुम मुझे भी मरोगे ?
Are you going to hit me as well?
Modal Auxiliary Verbs: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would.. . , Tense . Modal Verbs | Use of Modal Verbs in Hindi. . Primary Auxiliaries
अब बताओ मुझे, क्या तुमने कमल को देखा है ?
Now tell me, have you seen Kamal?
उसके बाद मैं बेहोश हो गया |
After that I lost conscience.
मुंह बंद कर नहीं तो बहुत तेज तमाचा खायेगा |
Shut up! Or I'll slap you hard!
मैं कुछ नहीं सुनना चाहती |
I don't want to hear anything!
Learn English Grammar in Hindimight, will, would, shall, should, must, ought. These modals are also the defective verbs because they cannot be used in all moods and tenses. They do not have separate form in the third person singular and they do not have infinitive and -ing forms. modals
लेकिन मैं उससे पहले ही उधार ले चूका हूँ |
But I’ve already taken loan from him.
कितना ज़िद्दी लड़का है |
What a stubborn boy!
वह कभी नहीं सुधरेगा |
He'll never reform.
वह अपनी कार से एयरपोर्ट जा रहा था | रास्ते में उसका accident हो गया |
He was driving to the airport in his car. He met with an accident on the way.
//nbsp;;;Modals Auxilaries Examples and Exercises! Posted by anggasumilir on November , . Basically, The definition of a modal auxiliary is a verb that is used with another verb to express a mood or tense. an auxiliary verb that is used with another verb to indicate its mood, as can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would: it has no special form in the third person singular and no
वह ख़ुशी में नाच रहा है |
He's dancing in glee.
वह मुहे मरवा ही देता |
he almost got me killed.
वह हर चीज का issue बना देती है |
She makes issue of everything.
मैं मर सकता था |
I could have died!
Examples: Passengers must arrive at the airport at least hours before departure. active voice Bags must be placed under the seat. passive voice Hard hats must be worn at all times. passive voice
तुमने जॉब क्यों छोड़ दी ?
Why did you leave the job?
हिंग को english में क्या कहते हैं ?
What do they call Hing in English?
किसी को पता नहीं चलना चाहिए |
no one should come to know.
तेरा पैसे वापस करने का इरादा नहीं था इस लिए गाँव छोड़कर यहाँ चला आया |
You didn't intend to return money so you Ieft viIIage and came over here.
English speaking course in Hindi, Daily use English sentences with Hindi translation. Present past future indefinite perfect continuous tense example sentences with Hindi meaning. learn English grammar through Hindi, Learn spoken English Passive voice, conditional sentences, modal verbs with exercise sentences in Hindi, English bolna kaise sikhe, words meaning in Hindi, Learn English grammar rules
आप के अहसान चुकाने के लिए मैं अपनी जान भी दे सकता हूँ |
I can even lay down my life to repay the favours you have done to me.
चल निकल यहाँ से |
Get out of here!
यह हमारे दिमाग में छप गया है | मैं उन्हें नींद में भी पहचान सकता हूँ |
It's imprinted in my mind! Even in my sleep I can recognise them!
मुझे उसे हॉस्पिटल ले के जाना था |
I had to take her hospital.
Modal Verbs Definition. Model verbs are a kind of helping verbs. They show the mood of a verb such as ability, possibility, obligation, permission, advice, or some other mood. Some Model verbs are: Can; Could; May; Might; Shall; Should; Will; Would; Must; Formula of Modal Verbs Subject Modal Verb Main verb. Examples: I can win the race.
अब मैंने क्या गलत किया ?
What wrong haνe l done now?
जैसा वह नाचता है वैसा सिखाओ
Teach me the way he dances.
कल से जल्दी उठना, आज हम late हो गये हैं |
From tomorrow wake up early. Today we are late.
इतना बड़ा फेसला लेने से पहले तुमने मुझसे पूंछा क्यों नहीं ?
Why didn't you ask me before taking such a big decision?
//nbsp;;;Main Modals are a may, might, can, could, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to, dare, need used to. Types of Modals In English Grammar. Can gt;gt; Used for ability , authority , power , permission and request Could gt;gt; It is past form of can
उसकी आत्मा को शांति मिले |
May his soul rest in peace!
उनका मेरे सिवा कोई नहीं है |
They have no one else but me.
मैंने नहीं किया इसने किया |
I didn't do it, it was him.
तुम जहाँ मैं वहाँ |
I am where you are!
//nbsp;;;Examples:-Modals in Hindi I say you shall do it. Command They shall not touch my things again. Command Ask for a reward and you shall have it.Assurance You shall get a bicycle if you get an aAa grade. Promise He shall be punished for his misbehavior. Threat Use of Ought to
मैं तुम्हे नहीं जानती तुम मुझे नहीं जानते |
I don't know you and you don't know me.
तो बोलने दो उसे | किसे फर्क पड़ता हैं |
So let him say it. Who cares?
मैं तुम लोगो जैसा नहीं हूँ |
l am not like you all.
तुमने उसे यहाँ बुला कर बहुत बड़ी गलती की है |
You guys have done a grave mistake by calling him here.
. You must not do this. Verb in Hindi . . . You must go to sleep till now. . . Raju must go to school daily. . Modal Must have in Hindi Must have
और बदले में उसने मुझे क्या दिया ?
And what did she give me in return?
जो शरीफ ईमानदार और इज्जतदार family से है |
Who is decent, honest and belongs to a respectable family.
मेरी वजह से आपको जो परेशानी हुई है उसके लिए मुझे माफ़ कर देना |
Forgive me for aII the troubIe I have caused you.
क्या हुआ ? क्या किया मैंने ?
What's wrong? What did I do?
तो क्या अगर मैंने पहले नही बताया तो अब बता रहा हूँ |
So what if I didn't tell you earlier. I'm telling you now.
कितना बचा है ?
How much is Ieft?
जरुर कोई और रास्ता भी होगा |
There must be some other way too.
सीखो उससे कुछ !
Learn a thing or two from him!
Such a structure I have not seen in my 20 years life